I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 335: League of legends

The elementary level, or the energy cube of the garbage spot, then it is completely fine.

After being released, it will not impact the market at all.

Those energy cubes are made, although the cost itself is not high, but the value of the energy cubes made is not very high, but it is more nutritious and energy than ordinary elves food.

At that time, the researched and copied machines can be popularized.

At that time, Zhou Jiang was also able to take out the energy cube automatic production machine openly.

The world has become popular, who would care about this machine in Zhou Jiang's hands?

As long as you don't put special things in, the energy cube is tasteless, and looking at the color and so on, people who are not proficient in energy cube making can't see that the one in Zhou Jiang's hand is special.

In that case, who is Zhou Jiang afraid of?

At that time, Zhou Jiang could send the machine to his friends without any worries.

There shouldn't be too much difference in strength between friends...If the gap is too large, the friendship is likely to slowly change.

He really likes these friends. Since he doesn't want to lower his strength, he can only improve his friends' strength. Zhou Jiang believes that with this machine, their strength will rise very quickly!

And the machine is cheap for him, even if you give ten, if you spend a day in the forest, you will earn points and you will have the rest...

After feeding the elves and letting them play for a while, everyone went back to the hotel.

I have to get up early to participate in the competition tomorrow.

After returning to the hotel in the evening, everyone gathered in Zhou Jiang's suite.

The five-member Zhou Jiang team wants to familiarize themselves with the tactics. Wang Qingyan and Li Linghui are watching a movie, and the three teachers are discussing issues such as elves breakthrough.

Tian Zhengjie and Lu Ran both have quasi-tianwang level elves. When they reach the quasi-tianwang level, the economic breakthrough of the elves depends on the use and understanding of the source.

Although teacher Chen Qizhen's elves are far behind them, only one is the quasi-king, and the level is only the initial stage, but that is not bad, after all, the elite high-level is not a Chinese cabbage!

At nine o'clock in the evening, everyone left the room one after another and returned to themselves.

There were only three people left in the room, Zhou Jiang was still a little uncomfortable looking at the room that was instantly empty.

After being called by Zhou Nan twice, he came back to his senses.

"what happened?"

"What's wrong, come and see, the rules of the game!"

Ok? competition rules……!

Zhou Jiang was startled, and then remembered that the rules of the competition they were participating in didn't know yet...

Really cheating, the rules of the game will not be known until the last day...

Zhou Jiang took Zhou Nan's phone and looked at it.

The so-called rule is that five people form a group, and then...

Having said so much, it is simply LOL...

After reading the rules, Zhou Jiang said he was calm, but his heart was surging.



Hearing Zhou Jiang's corner, Zhou Nan and Xu Feng turned to look at him.

"It's nothing……"

Zhou Jiang shook his head and changed the phone to him.

Zhou Jiang was lying on the bed with a "shocking wave" in his heart.

Really served.

Obviously the game is of the kind of RPG type. As a result, you came directly to a MOBA game in the offline game?

This span is a bit big!

Thinking back to the introduction of those incomprehensible, but the effects and attributes are similar to those of the previous game, Zhou Jiang really has some doubts, is it possible that the player who made this game was crossing?

But the traverser doesn’t come to be an elf trainer to do game development...what kind of trouble...

Forget it, don’t want to go to sleep...

Where are so many cross-travers, really suspicious...

Even if the traverser is so awkward... I will kill him first if I am anxious!



"It's so lively, I didn't expect so many people to participate in this competition." Looking at the bustling crowd, Zhou Nan sighed.

Zhou Jiang nodded: "It doesn't matter if there are too many people. I only know that the things we got before are all in vain..."

Seriously, Zhou Jiang kind of wanted Shark.

Nima, for this broken game, he catches elves, hatches eggs, plays V, gets personality, etc...

The six main elves who were about to make people vomit...




After entering, Zhou Jiang and the others were assigned to wait in the third lounge.

Lu Ran and the others were in the audience to cheer for them.

The game hasn't started yet, it's only 7 o'clock in the morning, and the game time is 8:30.

In about an hour, Zhou Jiang and the others are still familiar with the game.

Now that they participate in the competition, they don't want to lose, they must win the championship!

Zhou Nan and the others are looking at the rules of play. After all, there has not been a similar game in this world. Zhou Jiang is different, he is looking at the effects of equipment and the skills of the characters.

There are not many characters. According to official sources, it is the first time that the characters have been held. There are currently fifteen quests that can be selected, all of which are the final form of the Yusanjia type.

Zhou Jiang is not very familiar with these skills of the characters. Compared with the skills of previous games, he found that they are completely different, but the equipment in the store is different.

The attributes of some equipment are similar, but there are still many differences, and there are many differences in those active skills.

The five people in the private lounge were studying desperately, and the people in other lounges were similar.

Since it is here~www.ltnovel.com~, you can't give up easily.

Now everyone’s starting line is “the same”, so everyone’s nature for winning the championship is very high.

They said in their hearts that the starting line is the same, and if they win the championship, does that mean they are better than others?

This is an irrefutable fact!

Although it is only a game, it is also better than others!

It’s just that they don’t know that Zhou Jiang is actually quite familiar with this game mode...

After all, in the few games played in the previous life, there are League of Legends and 300 heroes. In the two games, Zhou Jiang played more than 300. After all, the young lady is pretty!

Time passed quickly and the game began. There was a commentator and a guest in the game.

One of the guests is Miss Joey, who everyone knows and likes, and the other is a strange old man...

How peculiar?

The old man looks 70 or 80 years old, with white hair, but the finger-long beard on his chin is black!

Nima, it seems weird no matter how you look at it!

In the introduction, Zhou Jiang learned that he was the grandfather of Meng Takibin, Meng Hata...

Hmm... how to put it...

No fa to say...

The game started quickly. The two teams in the first group went up and started the game after awkwardly selecting the characters.

Before, a staff member came in and gave Zhou Jiang the serial number. They were the sixteenth game.

Zhou Nan asked the opponent how many games there were in total, but the other party said there were more than 30 games...

Zhou Jiang actually doesn't care about this, he only worried about how long it was after their match today...

If the game is counted as one game per hour, plus the morning break, they may not be in their turn today...

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