Of course, it was definitely not the contradiction between the two brothers that turned into such a big fight. After all, in different schools, there was not much time to meet, and even if the contradiction was just a smile, it would not turn out like this.

What really became like this started last week.

After Xiong Wenxin and Jiang Yun were dismantled because they often secretly held private meetings, the family members were furious when they were discovered. After a big quarrel, the two families transferred their children from that school.

But when the child learns that he is going to transfer school, it will be terrible, and he does not agree to it, but can the child pass his parents?

They paid for the living expenses.

After the objection was invalidated, the two took the most extreme measures-eloped and ran away from home!

Sophomore students are not allowed to get the use of elves and elves.

As a result, they said they eloped and eloped, took only a small amount of money they usually saved, and ran away, not even their mobile phones...

The current situation is that the police have also reported and the missing persons notices have been made. All should have been made. As a result, after more than a week, I still couldn't find two people. I just learned from some citizens that they have seen similar looks. The child took a bus that could go outside the city...

It's okay if it's still in the city. After all, the city is a human territory, and there are very few elves, except in those dark alleys that are off the beaten track.

But thinking about those places, they won't go.

They just ran away from home, and they weren't evading chase and evading police arrest.

As long as you are in the city, there is a chance.


The wild is full of dangers.

Although the elves in a large area outside the forest are basically harmless and docile, it is hard to guarantee that there is a cruel one...

Two children without elves and any supplies, if they accidentally broke into the forest and got lost, what should they do?

Without elves, it means that every time they encounter an elves, there will be a certain degree of danger, and once there is a danger, it is very likely to be fatal!

Now that the two children are missing, the family is really in desperation.

What is the reason for the disappearance? The family prevents the two from falling in love early. And why stop? My daughter (son) and the other side's puppies love performance has dropped but still can't get up.

So here comes the problem.

Whose responsibility is this?

Did the parents split up the children, or did the other's daughter (son) affect their own daughter (son)?

People are selfish. In this case, the responsibility must be the other party!

If it weren't for the relationship between the partner and his daughter (son), would his grades drop? If their grades don't drop, will they break them up? Will she (he) run away from home without breaking them up?

So it was all his (her) fault!

As a result, the two families fell in love.

Parents quarreled, and the two famous college students looked at each other for an instant, and they just got into a fight...

"It's really... a story of dog blood..."

After listening to the story, Zhou Jiang felt helplessly.

Who was wrong in this matter?

According to Zhou Jiang's understanding, there is no doubt that the two high school sophomores were wrong.

Puppy love is not the reason, the decline in performance is the result.

The result has started to be bad, do you continue to make mistakes?

Of course, Zhou Jiang didn't think his parents were right.

The two children's grades fell, and they worried that in the end, because of their love for their children, they were given a chance, but the grades were still poor.

But there is a difference if the difference is worse!

The results will drop suddenly, but they will not rise up.

Even if they have the foundation, it is not that simple to make up for a lot of things they have missed.

In two months, the results can be up, it means that the two have listened to the advice of their family members and are reviewing their studies seriously.

Then the family only saw the result, but didn't see the passing, and compared with before, so they were even more dissatisfied with the relationship between the two, so they broke up directly.

After learning that the two had not dispersed, they transferred directly...

Maybe this will not happen if we communicate?

Well, of course, Zhou Jiang thought so from the perspective of God, and he also felt that he didn't hurt when he stood and talked.

First, the children's grades are the most important to their parents. This applies equally to the land where he lives, whether it is in the past or this life.

The parents gave their two children two months, but to be honest, it was almost the same.

Not to mention the hanging beam stabbing stock, as long as you work hard, then the previous fall will definitely make up for it, and the result will not be so bad after two months.

In the eyes of the parents, if it has been given to them for two months, and their results are still not good, then they cannot bet on the future of their children.

Without standing in the perspective of God, how could they know that their children will run away from home to extremes?

"It's so pitiful..." Jiang Shui sighed as he looked at the man who was fighting fiercely on the field.

Several students have different thoughts~www.ltnovel.com~The three teachers also have different ideas.

Among the few people, only Tian Zhengjie and Lu Ran were the heaviest.

This tall and thin student has first-rate storytelling ability, and he also said that the sadness of the parents and family members after the two students ran away from home is that everyone can't help but feel sorry for it.

Looking at the two brothers with angry faces in front, both of them felt uncomfortable.

The reasons why the two ran away from home were similar to those of the two students. As a result, the two of them left without saying goodbye due to various reasons and the passion of the teenager who wanted to go out.

Will the family members feel sad and sad at the beginning?

This kind of thought flashed through their minds.

The two of them have been out for a long time, and after they came out, they never went back to the house again, although they also knew that their family found them, but...

What are your parents now...



Everyone was happy when they came, but when they went, they were gloomy and hidden.

In fact, everyone else is fine, Li Linghui and Jiang Shui...

Moreover, although Tian Zhengjie and Lu Ran didn't show it very much, everyone could see the difference in the usual way.

After coming out of the school, everyone stopped staying, took a taxi and returned to the hotel.



Zhou Jiang, who was lying on the bed, turned over and didn’t look away from the phone screen: “What’s wrong, fat man, I said you can’t rest easy, look at the monitor, how quiet are you, but you? Slot', "Awesome! "Well... if someone who doesn't know hears you connect and thinks what you are going to do..."

"No, no! My day! Come and see you two, our game is gone!" Zhou Nan was very excited, and a lot of swear words were spoken.

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