I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 345: Duckbill Fire Dragon


Ghost Stone laughed adulterously, and then revealed his figure, and Ghost Stone appeared not elsewhere, it was in front of Coal Turtle's face!

"Coal turtle, don't look at its eyes!"



"Good job, Ghost Stone!"

Watching the coal turtle who was shaking his head and roaring with his eyelids fighting, Zhou Jiang was overjoyed.

Unexpectedly it became!

Sure enough, I haven't used Ghost Stone for a long time, and I don't know that its hypnotism is so powerful!

Seeing the coal turtles still struggling, Zhou Jiang suddenly couldn't bear it.

He seemed to see himself in his previous life.

In class, I wanted to sleep but didn't dare to sleep. I kept shaking my head with eyelids fighting.

"Ghost Stone, give it another hypnotism!"

Sure enough, I'm really kind...

But Ah Huo on the opposite side turned green when he listened to Zhou Jiang's orders.


"Coal Turtle, wake up, remember our fetters!"


Zhou Jiang was surprised.

Nima, the fetters are all out. After the protagonist and important supporting characters shout these words, the elves will explode!

Although Ah Huo could not be the protagonist, after all, he couldn't believe that anyone in the world with his bug would be more like the protagonist than him.

But the opponent is not the protagonist or it may be an important supporting role!

"Ghost Stone, speed up!"

"Guisi!" Gui Stone made an "OK" with his two free hands, signaling Zhou Jiang to rest assured.

After the struggling Coal Turtle heard what A Huo said, he recalled the scene of being with A Huo. The little bit of memory all turned into strength and poured into its body.


"Great, coal..." Ahuo was overjoyed as he watched the coal tortoise's body shake and threw up high.

As long as the coal turtle can get rid of hypnosis, then this battle can continue.



Ghost Stone, who had hypnotized the coal tortoise before, appeared in front of the coal tortoise again.

Ghost Stone's eyes glowed red, and his hands were constantly drawing circles...

"...Coal Turtle!" Ah Huo really...want the Shark.

Is it so cheap? !

Ghost Stone was using hypnotism constantly and intensively, and Ah Huo kept calling for the coal turtle, but after a stalemate for a long time, the coal turtle fell...

"Good job, Ghost Stone, now use Shimeng!"

Looking at the panting Ghost Stone, Zhou Jiang smiled.

Although it consumes a lot of physical energy, as long as the other party is hypnotized, it is worth it!

The ghost adulterer smiled and looked at the "food" in front of him, his eyes flashed red, and a red light floated from the coal turtle body into the ghost stone, and it was fluttering with joy with a face of enjoyment. On the contrary, the sleeping coal turtle suddenly showed a painful expression, then cold sweat broke out, and the drooping head kept twitching.

"Coal Turtle! Wake up!" Ah Huo was really desperate, and finally woke up after "exploding" and was hypnotized again... This time I really have to finish playing if I don't wake up again!

Ghost Stone is very happy.

Although it took a lot of effort before, but now the opponent is falling in front of him and letting him take it, this feeling is... cool!

After constantly eating dreams, Ghost Stone's energy has already been fully absorbed. In order not to waste it, its backhand is a shadow ball.


After the black smoke dissipated, lying there was a coal turtle with circled eyes...

"The coal turtle loses the ability to fight, ask the gym trainer to replace the elves..."

"Inhale... exhale..."

Chang Ahuo forced himself to calm down after a few times. He glanced at Zhou Jiang, and after taking back the coal turtle, he released his last elf!

"Come out, duckbill fire dragon!"

"Come on, Kirulian!"

"Cirulian... But I won't lose. This duck-billed fire dragon is my trump card! You have to be careful!" Ahuo stared at the blond-haired Cirulian first, and then he stopped. After reacting, he said to Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang glanced at him, then looked at the duck-billed fire dragon, and the identification was activated immediately.

【Duckbill Fire Dragon】

Gender: male

Attribute: Fire

Character: Steady

Level: 52

Characteristics: Enthusiasm

Quality: Blue


……and then?

that's it?

Zhou Jiang looked at the data for a long time, but still couldn't figure out what's so great about it.

The only dazzling thing is its skills.

[Destroy the death light], [Big character burst].

Both of these moves are big moves, plus its characteristics are special attacks, perhaps the damage will be considerable.

But... then?

Although he was a bit "contemptuous", Zhou Jiang did not show it. He nodded his head "seriously" and looked at the duck-billed fire dragon with "like an enemy"!

Seeing Zhou Jiang's serious expression, Ah Huo finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately raised his spirits.

This time, we must save face!

"Duckbill fire dragon, jet flames!"


A flame with the thickness of an arm shot out from the flat mouth of the duck-billed fire dragon. Although the flame is not thick, the temperature is extremely high!

This is a manifestation of the compression of the flame.

Zhou Jiang did not speak, and the soul link had already connected one person and one spirit.

There was a faint lavender glow in Kirulian's pupils, and a purple light floated on the flame that shot towards her~www.ltnovel.com~ and then the flame froze in the air.

The flame froze in the air for a second, and then turned a corner towards the duck-billed fire dragon!

"Duckbill Fire Dragon, Flame Fist!"

The duck-billed fire dragon has not continued to breathe fire, after all, it is still used as a weapon for others to attack it.

Looking at the familiar flame that was shooting at him, the duck-billed fire dragon's eyes narrowed slightly.


The right arm of the duck-billed fire dragon ignited a flame, and then slammed hard, the field suddenly sank, and it directly rushed out!

The two skills collided and broke out after a stalemate for a while.


The duck-billed fire dragon was bounced, but did not suffer much damage.

The temperature of the elves like the duck-billed fire dragon is extremely high, and the body surface temperature can even reach more than 1,200 degrees! You can still be active in magma after you level up, you know, that is magma!

Ordinary other types of fire elves, even if they are of the heavenly king level, do not cover things like the origin, then they will be burned when they touch the magma, let alone low-level ones.

It can be said that the duck-billed fire dragon is the natural enemy of the fire system!

If other fire elves have twice the resistance to flames, then the duck-billed fire dragon can even reach four times or more!

After being pushed out a certain distance by the aftermath of the explosion, the duck-billed fire dragon immediately regained its center of gravity and balance, raised its heel slightly, and then exerted its toes fiercely!

Kirulian's eyes flashed with purple light again, and in front of her, a compressed air was launched at a very fast speed!


The duck-billed fire dragon was in the air and flew out at a faster speed than before, and then stopped after rolling two laps on the field.

"Duckbill Fire Dragon, are you okay!"

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