The distance between the two is getting closer and closer, and looking at the big needle bee coming straight and not defensive, the fire-breathing dragon shows a bloodthirsty smile.


The flaming claws fell fiercely below, and the sound of breaking through the ears made the fire-breathing dragon very enjoyable.

Got it!

Seeing that Big Needle Bee didn't mean to dodge at all, the fire-breathing dragon smiled.



The fire-breathing dragon only felt a pain in his stomach, and then the whole elf flew out!

"What happened?" Zhou Nan rubbed his eyes and looked at the court again.

"Why the fire-breathing dragon...wasn't the big needle bee dangerous just now?" Chen Yongan was also confused.

How the form suddenly reversed.

The previous attack speed was not fast, so they could see clearly. Although they could see clearly, it did not mean that they could understand what happened.

It stands to reason that the unprepared Big Needle Bee was hit by the fire-breathing dragon's flame fist. How come the Big Needle Bee was unscathed, but the Fire-breathing dragon was hit directly?

Lu Ran and the others were also a little confused, and they didn't understand, only Tian Zhengjie frowned slightly. He just had a feeling, but he was not sure.

On the field, Lu Fei frowned and looked at Big Needle Bee, not knowing what he was thinking.


The fire-breathing dragon, who was flying again, turned around and looked at the big needle bee roaring.

Now, it was completely angry.

Was injured by a small bug, and its dragon face was thrown in. This is absolutely unbearable!

The fire-breathing dragon quickly flapped its wings and flew towards the big needle bee, and emerald green energy claws appeared on the two dragon claws, and the eyes were red and staring at the big needle bee.

Lu Fei watched the fire-breathing dragon go up to melee. He wanted to stop, but he didn't know what he thought of. Finally, he didn't say anything. He quietly watched the fire-breathing dragon go up to find the big needle bee.

Zhou Jiang didn't give any orders. The melee combat relied on the elf's own reaction.

With a vigorous wave of the fire-breathing dragon's right paw, the big needle bee's wings lightly flicked and then wiped this way and hid, but at this time, the fire-breathing dragon's left paw had already arrived.

The big needle bee gently vibrated its wings again, and the whole body rotated at a strange angle. With the arrival of the fire-breathing dragon's claws, it directly rotated one hundred and eighty degrees, successfully evading the fire-breathing dragon's attack!

Seeing the Big Needle Bee evading the fire-breathing dragon's attack strangely once again, Lu Fei frowned deeper.

What kind of trick is this?

See cut?

This was the only move Lu Fei could think of.

Otherwise, is this big needle bee gifted to feel the direction of attack inexplicably?

Although the fire-breathing dragon seems to have come up recklessly, it has its first lesson. It is actually very cautious.

The two attacks were all empty. Fortunately, it didn’t use its full strength, so it wouldn’t be unable to hold it back. After two hits, it planned to withdraw and retreat. It also used its claws to block the chase of the Big Stinger Bee, although The big needle bee hurts every time it pokes its paw, but it doesn't hurt anyway.

The fire-breathing dragon tried to pull the distance away, but the needle bee stuck to it and hit it, a bit annoyed, and it shot out a hot flame with its big mouth.

However, in the face of the flames, this time the Big Needle Bee no longer dodges like before. It slammed the flame with one shot and continued to poke the spear again and again towards the fire-breathing dragon.


Although the fire-breathing dragon tried to resist it, but the speed of the big needle bee's gun was too fast!

Now the fire-breathing dragon's body is full of wounds. After the blood flows out, it evaporates and dries out due to the heat. The fire-breathing dragon's neck and the lower part are covered with dried blood, and it looks like it is wearing a "collar".

This is because the fire-breathing dragon is covered with a layer of origin. If it hadn't, there would have been holes in its body long ago.

"Fire-breathing dragon, Dragon God dive!" Lu Fei saw that the fire-breathing dragon had been unable to get rid of the entanglement of the big needle bee, and then finally realized the horror of the big needle bee.


The fire-breathing dragon that was crushed and beaten was full of anger, and it all broke out.

I saw the fire-breathing dragon give up resistance, its wings suddenly opened and then flew up.

The Big Needle Bee took advantage of this time to directly hit the fire-breathing dragon three times, hitting it almost calling out.

But the more painful these three blows, the more murderous it is!

The fire-breathing dragon had already flown up, and then the whole body was wrapped in blue energy, forming a phantom of a giant dragon, engulfing the fire-breathing dragon's anger and murderous spirit, it flew towards the big needle bee!

"Big Needle Bee, hold on!"

"What? Keep it!" Lu Fei was a little dazed. Among his elves, there was only one wind speed dog that would keep it. Even a student of him also had an elven group?

Lu Fei's voice was not loud, at least Zhou Jiang hadn't heard it, but even if he heard it, there would be no reaction. Could it be that my elves would do this?

The attack range of Dragon God's swooping trick is a bit large, and it is estimated that he can't escape. Fortunately, Zhou Jiang has learned to hold on to the elves, otherwise it will be troublesome.

The big needle bee crossed the two spears on the and then a layer of emerald green protective film rose up, directly covering the big needle bee.


The phantom of the Dragon God smashed directly on the small green ball, like a dragon playing bead, and smashed towards the field with a large needle bee.

Although the two collided with great force, but the big needle bee did not suffer any harm.

The protection is still very powerful.

The fire-breathing dragon and the big needle bee hit the field directly, and the "island" of the field was almost broken, but a piece of stone still fell on the edge, and the stone was swallowed by the magma the moment it fell into the magma.

After the fire-breathing dragon pressed the big needle bee on the field, it continued to squeeze it, trying to break through the thin green protective cover, but no matter how hard the fire-breathing dragon used it, the protective film was just rippling. , It’s too early to be broken.


The big needle bee took advantage of the moment when the fire-breathing dragon was released and continued to output energy, the emerald green protective film also shattered, and the big needle bee flew out from the side in an instant.

Without the Big Needle Bee as a backing, the fire-breathing dragon hit the field with one head, and a small hole was smashed into the field.



After the big needle bee soared, the continuous stabs after turning around, the wings of the fire-breathing dragon were instantly beaten several times, and even the origin over there was almost broken!


When the fire-breathing dragon turned around, a fiery flame flew towards the Big Needle Bee, and the Big Needle Bee stopped attacking, and flew to the side with its wings shaking, giving it no chance to attack.

The stamina of the big needle bee is too abundant, and it has not yet breathed.

Without the source, it can rely on its strong physical strength to fight against the king-level elves. With the source and with its unimaginable physical strength, the Big Needle Bee is simply invincible!

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