I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 380: Is it possible...

For remote output or something, it can use thought power to control the gravel to attack the big needle bee, but the speed of the big needle bee is very fast, it can't hit it at all with the attack controlled by the mind.

Moreover, the domineering large needle bee can be said to be about the same as the observation of the giant golden monster's thought power. No, maybe it is stronger than the thought power, after all, Zhou Jiang does not know that the needle bee now has this skill. To what extent, so the giant golden monster did not occupy any advantage, and was even beaten down for a while.


The two elves collided again, and a powerful shock wave spilt around.

The giant golden monster's limbs slammed into force, and instantly pressed the big needle bee.

At this time, the giant golden monster's entire body pressed over, trying to catch the big needle bee.

The Big Needle Bee was too lazy to be tough with the giant golden monster, and directly withdrew its strength and then prepared to drive away.

Suddenly, Big Needle Bee's body halted, and it was restrained by the giant golden monster's thought power.

Although it broke away instantly, the arm of the giant golden monster also arrived.

Big Needle Bee felt like a backstab behind him, and originally wanted to use paper to avoid it, but I don't know why, Big Needle Bee always had a bad feeling. Without hesitation, it opened and defended!

The emerald green barrier opened instantly, and the giant golden monster's claws hit it directly, pushing the Big Needle Bee out.

The Big Needle Bee, who had kept a certain distance from the giant golden monster, looked at the giant golden monster suspiciously.

I don't know why. Before, it felt that something bad would happen if it were painted on paper.

To be honest, since it learned the trick of painting on paper, it has rarely or never been hit, but it did give it an extremely dangerous feeling before...

Is there a way to get rid of the paper painting?

The big needle bee who knows the general principle naturally knows the way to break the paper painting.

However, knowing how to break does not mean it can be broken.

such as……

Want to go to the two-dimensional world.

Can normal people go? No, so I can only cross.

And what is the fastest way to cross?

Jump down from the tenth floor!

If you jump from there, you will definitely travel through. Even if you don't reach the world of the second dimension, you will go where you should go, but what's the use?

I can’t guarantee where I am going. Who dares to do that?

Although this chestnut was lifted a little bit off, the final result was similar.

Although Big Needle Bee knows how to get rid of it, it can't do that.

Although this species of elves is inherently illusory, it really can't do fast punches without wind!

Unless any martial arts hero also crosses over and teaches the exercises or something?

Zhou Jiang looked at the protection of Big Needle Bee, a little confused.

How can this be directly protected?

Is it possible that if you are injured, you can't use paper painting and other moves?

"Big Needle Bee, are you okay?"


Big Needle Bee turned his head and looked at Zhou Jiang for two seconds, then nodded.

Zhou Jiang was a little confused.

So what does the big needle bee mean...

Looking at each other for those two seconds is definitely not a matter of what you have been watching, it must be a message you want to convey to yourself, but...

See your eyes acting?

He can't do this operation!

Moreover, at such a distance, he is not clairvoyant, how could he see it!

Although it is much better now than in the previous life, there is no need to wear eyes, but the eyesight is not good enough to see the eyes of the elves tens of meters away!

He can only see some of the characteristics of the big needle bee at most, and can't see the small details. Do you expect to see its eyes?

And even if you see it, you can't understand it!

The eye contact of this **** TM, the ghost knows what it means!

"Big Needle Bee!"

Zhou Jiang had a serious face and nodded at it.

Big Needle Bee also nodded, expressing understanding, then turned to look at the giant golden monster.

Seeing Big Needle Bee nodded, Zhou Jiang was slightly relieved.

I don't know how the Big Needle Bee can see it, and I can understand my eyes every time. Although there are sometimes misunderstandings, there is basically nothing wrong with it.

And sometimes there is nothing wrong with misunderstanding, just like now?

Zhou Jiang didn’t know what the big needle bee nod meant, anyway, it wasn’t what he meant...

He doesn't even know what he means, how does Big Needle Bee understand...

But Big Needle Bee really "gets it"...

Seeing it flapped its wings suddenly, it turned back towards the giant golden monster.

The giant golden monster didn't persuade, just staying on the spot, waiting for the arrival of the big needle bee with his hands up.


The two sides passed by in an instant.

After flying past the giant golden monster, the big needle bee quickly turned and rushed towards it again.

Zhou Jiang looked a little confused.

What tactic is this?

Not only Zhou Jiang was stunned, but Jiang Tianyi was also a little stunned.

Before Big Needle Bee and Zhou Jiang looked at him, they saw it. Is this a tactic?

"Giant golden monster, be careful!"

No way, he still couldn't help but remind the giant golden monster.

He was afraid that the other giant golden monster would be careless and be beaten to death.

Hearing Jiang Tianyi’s reminder, the giant golden monster nodded, full of thoughts, perceiving the big needle bee firmly and charged against the big needle bee again and again to guard against it~www.ltnovel.com~ every time the big needle bee attacked. Will not fight back.

It is afraid that the attacks of the big needle bee are a trap, just to wait for it to fight back, that would be bad.

Although embarrassing, it does not understand the opponent's tactics, but with its super high IQ, it will never be careless and expose its flaws or even take the initiative to step into the opponent's trap!

Although the big needle bee's back and forth thrusts are somewhat unintelligible, as long as it concentrates and keeps on guarding, it is fine. Even if the opponent has some conspiracy, add it to the situation where it is prepared, plus its not weak defense. , Will never suffer a big loss.

Zhou Jiang was stunned...

Does the other party also "understand"?

So what do you "understand"? !

In the audience...

"Is this a tactic?" Xu Feng frowned and looked serious.

"I don't know... I haven't seen him use it." Jiang Shui replied, then looked at Wang Qingyan.

"I don't know, I haven't seen him use it when I traveled before, maybe he developed it some time ago?" Yang shook his head with his eyes.

"It's very likely to be a big trick. The bean sprouts guy has so many ideas, there must be some conspiracy!"


Five minutes later, the field is still the same, the needle bee is constantly attacking, and even now the needle bee is too lazy to fly around, riding directly on the face of the giant golden monster...

The two sharp spears were poking at the giant golden monster again and again.

The two forearms of the giant golden monster also blocked back and forth again and again, and took down the spear of the big needle bee.

Although the Big Needle Bee’s spear is fast, the frequency of the giant golden monster’s claws cannot keep up with its speed, but its claws are huge!

Being pressed and beaten all the time, the giant golden monster is also a little annoyed. What kind of skills and conspiracy are there?

Is it possible...

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