I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 393: Did you squeeze you? (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone!)

Ghost Stone went out to look for it. Naturally, Kirulian couldn't just be so idle, she also wanted to use her mental power to spread out and search.

"Hello, do you want to exchange this Kirulian by your side?"

Just as Zhou Jiang kept looking at the stall next to him, a man came over and patted him on the shoulder.

Zhou Jiang turned his head to look at him. He was wearing black-and-white glasses with a pair of black-rimmed glasses. He had very long hair and a height of 1.8 meters, but his body was relatively thin, which made him look like he was sucked blood. In general, and beside him is a cute baby bear.

"Sorry, she won't change." Zhou Jiang refused without thinking.

Just kidding, Kirulian is essential in his team.

It can let Zhou Jiang communicate with the elves, can take him to move instantaneously to save his life, and can come out in the elven ball anytime and anywhere to keep him with mind force.

How can such a good cute girl give up?

"Really, that's a shame. I'm sorry to disturb you." The man sighed after getting the result, and then apologized to Zhou Jiang and then left with the baby bear.

At this time, Zhou Jiang discovered that many trainers around him were watching him.

No, it should be said that he was looking at Kirulian next to him!

Yes, this is Kirulian, a purebred super power elf. After evolution, whether it is a super queen or super fighter, it is an extremely powerful existence, and the super queen is so beautiful...

It is simply the most ideal elf in the minds of every male trainer.

Not only that, Xanadu's status in the minds of many female trainers is not low, anyway, it is the existence of men and women.

And... Zhou Jiang's Kirulian still has beautiful blond hair. Although everyone knows it was dyed, it is really beautiful!

If it hadn't been for the man who had come up to ask before, they had all heard Zhou Jiang's answer, and they were afraid they would come up to ask too.

After all, there is no loss after asking, what if the other party wants to change?

Isn't that blood earned?

Zhou Jiang knew some of their thoughts, but he didn't bother to pay attention to them.

After all, they can only take a look, is it possible to come over to grab it?

‘Master, boy, he found it. ’

'Ok? Kid? ...You mean ghost stone? ’

'Correct! ’


Ghost Stone-Xiaotong-Kid


Zhou Jiang discovered that Kirulian was really a talent in this respect.

But this was just a title, Zhou Jiang directly ignored it, and it was not him anyway.

Zhou Jiang followed Kirulian towards the place where Ghost Stone was.

It turned around until a large group of people appeared in front of him.

"Why are there so many people, Ghost Stone is inside?" Zhou Jiang asked Cirulian.

'Ok. ’

Zhou Jiang frowned, feeling that things were not easy.

"Let's go, go in and see."

Although it feels like there will be trouble, Ghost Stone is also his elf even if he is troublesome, he will help him.

Judging by Zhou Jiang's guesses after reading his novels for many years, it must be the dude or the ordinary trainer who fought with Ghost Stone.

As for why... the ghost knows.

And don’t you know if you go in and take a look?

"I said I was wrong, I apologized for what you want me to do..."

After approaching, Zhou Jiang heard a female voice from inside, but the crowd watching the lively outside was quiet, and there was no sound.

Zhou Jiang winked at Kirulian, and Kirulian nodded clearly. She had the power of thought, and easily made the crowd out of a path that Zhou Jiang could get in.

Although the effect is significant, the response is also significant.

"Who is so ethical, pregnant women are still crowded here!"

"Fuck, what squeeze, who is the kid who squeezed out!"

"Squeeze your womb..."


Fortunately, Zhou Jiang drilled fast enough, otherwise he would be scolded.

In Zhou Jiang's concept, as long as the other party does not know who is scolding, even if it is him, he will not care.

Finally, Zhou Jiang and Kirulian got to the bottom.

Surrounded by the crowd, a girl was constantly talking to the frustrated Ghost Stone, and Ghost Stone turned a deaf ear to her hands, and looked very depressed.

The girl had a baby face, her long light brown hair was tied into two **** on both sides and then hung down. She was wearing a white T-shirt and denim shorts that reached her thighs. She looked like a junior high school student, but Zhou Jiang noticed that the ghost stone There was a damaged red and white ball under him, so Zhou Jiang ventured to guess that she was at least the same age as Zhou Jiang.

It looks like, it seems that the girl saw a ghost in Ghost Stone and threw the poke ball out of it, thinking it was wild, and the poke ball probably just smashed the spiritual force that Kirulian gave to Ghost Stone...

It's just that Zhou Jiang is a little confused, is this girl a little bit in her head...

In broad daylight, on this square where people come and go, a ghost stone is flying here without stealth...Even if there is nothing around that seems to be its trainer~www.ltnovel.com~ it can’t be. Wild right?

But maybe it's not what Zhou Jiang thought. After all, it was all his guess.

"What's the matter?" After waiting for a while, Zhou Jiang walked out and asked Gui Stone.

"Guisi, Guisi, Guisi..." Seeing Zhou Jiang coming, Gui Stone floated over and complained to him with an aggrieved expression.

After Kirulian’s translation, Zhou Jiang laughed dumbfounded. It was exactly the same as he had guessed. Ghost Stone was flying here looking for rare elves. As a result, the girl just threw a elven ball over and just hit it. Above the spiritual force.

Pokeball can’t take in Ghost Stone, it means it’s in charge, so the girl has been apologizing before, and Ghost Stone is worried about Zhou Jiang’s punishment. Although it’s not his fault, Zhou Jiang was letting it go. As I said before, you must call him if you are rare, and don't call him if you are not sure.

"Okay, okay, it's not your fault, it's all right..."

Looking at it with an aggrieved look, Zhou Jiang smiled and put his hand into his trouser pocket, then exchanged a pill from the system and threw it to it.

The guy Gui Stone, saw Zhou Jiang thrown over the pill, his face was sunny, Zhou Jiang was wondering if this guy deliberately acted to deceive himself of the pill...

"It's amazing, what are you feeding it..."

Zhou Jiang turned his head to look, and the girl was looking at herself with Zaba eyes.



"Don't you want to say something?" Zhou Jiang asked, looking at the girl.

"You are so short..."


In an instant, Zhou Jiang's face went dark: "Do you want to die!"

"Ah! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" In an instant, the girl bowed hurriedly and apologized.

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