I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 396: Are you someone out there?




"..." Zhou Jiang turned his head and looked at the girl sitting there, with a look of impatient expression: "What do you sigh, I said, you have sighed at least twenty times since then!"

At this time, more than half an hour had passed since the girl turned black.

After Zhou Jiang coaxed her, he also sat in the big pavilion. After all, the sun outside was so hot.

At first, Zhou Jiang and the girl talked twice, but both of them were people who couldn't speak and provoked topics, so in less than ten minutes, the two of them went silent and did their own things.

Zhou Jiang took out his mobile phone to send messages to Zhou Nan and the others, asking them what they were doing, but none of them responded, and only Chen Yongan was online in the group, so Zhou Jiang talked with Chen Yongan.

Zhou Jiang is chatting on his cell phone, and the girl...


Another sigh came, Zhou Jiang reluctantly put down his phone and looked at it.

I saw the girl with her cheek in her right hand, leaning on the pillar, sighing constantly.

"You are really endless..." Zhou Jiang got up and walked towards her.

Hearing Zhou Jiang's voice and footsteps, the girl did not look back at him, she still looked at the distance outside the pavilion.

Zhou Jiang walked to her and sat down.

"Get to know? This is Zhou Jiang."

Speaking of it, Zhou Jiang regrets it...

To be honest, he doesn't like talking to strangers, especially women. It's not that he looks down on them, but he has a slight femininity...

But this young girl, for the time being, is considered familiar, and she is also the loli that Zhou Jiang likes...

The girl continued to look into the distance without looking back, motionless.

"Li Qiushui"

The girl said.

"...Do you have another senior sister named Wu Xingyun?"


Now, Li Qiushui broke his power, put his arm down, and looked back at Zhou Jiang.

"Sister, Wu Xingyun, I don't know him?"

Zhou Jiang's mouth twitched: "Then what, nothing. In fact, it's normal if you don't know it. If you really know it, it's not normal. Just treat it as I didn't say it."

"No!" Li Qiushui suddenly became interested: "Tell me, who is Wu Xingyun? And she also has a younger sister with the same name as me? Tell me, tell me!"

Zhou Jiang shook his head with a serious expression on his face: "You got it wrong, there is no Wu Xingyun. What I just asked is, are you looking at the stars?"


Li Qiushui looked at Zhou Jiang like a fool.

"Do you think I'm a fool, hard-earned?"

Zhou Jiang still had a serious face: "What I said is true!"

After speaking, Zhou Jiang placed it on the edge of his thigh, where Li Qiushui could not see, and slightly loosened the fingers that pinched the flesh.

"Huh, come on, Kirulian, my sister asks you, is he talking about Wu Xingyun before?" Li Qiushui put a smile on his face and looked at Kirulian who was sitting on the edge of Zhou River, pointing his finger at Zhou Jiang and asked. .

‘Oh, I asked my elf, my Kirulian is naturally helping...’

‘Yes, what the master just said was Wu Xingyun! 'Chirullian said.

Zhou Jiang: ‘Fuck! I was sold! ’

Li Qiushui: "That's amazing! It's actually a telepathy! Bah! Look, even Kirulian said you're talking about Wu Xingyun, right? Come on, who is Wu Xingyun, and who is the younger sister with the same name as me? What does it look like? What kind of spirits are there? How is the rank..."


Seeing Li Qiushui who was babbling and Kirulian staring at him with a serious face, Zhou Jiang felt helpless.

Why do I have so much mouth...Think about it and know how it is possible that there is really a pair of sisters named Li Qiushui and Wu Xingyun.

This is all right, not only Li Qiushui's curiosity was hooked, but even Kirulian was taken away.

Zhou Jiang raised his hand to surrender.

"I said I made up your letter..."

"Ha ha!"

'Ha ha! ’


‘Quickly, who is Li Qiushui, and that is Wu Xingyun, do you know Miss Sister on the Internet again? ! ’

Li Qiushui and Kirulian kept pushing towards Zhou Jiang. Zhou Jiang's back was firmly attached to the back of the stone bench. One person and one spirit still refused to let it go. Kirulian even flew directly. When he got to Zhou Jiang's lap, he sat down and stared at Zhou Jiang face to face.

"... I said, are you too close, and I really don't know what Li Qiushui Wu Xingyun is, what I said before was just trying to make a joke..."

Seeing that Zhou Jiang is doing this, he still denies that Li Qiushui is a little shaken, doesn't it really exist? Pity……

‘No, master, you are lying! ’

Suddenly, Qilulian's eyes were full of purple light, and Zhou Jiang couldn't open his eyes anymore, so he could only hurriedly block in front of him with his hands. But what Zhou Jiang thinks now is not this, but...

"Huh? Are you lying?! Tell me quickly, who is the Li Qiushui who has the same name as me? I want to know him!!!"

Li Qiushui also rushed forward, pulling Zhou Jiang's left arm and shaking it continuously.

"Wait, wait...Don't shake it, don't shake it, I said it's not OK..."

At this moment, the purple light in Kirulian's eyes had long since disappeared, Zhou Jiang put down his arm and withdrew the hand held by Li Qiushui.

Seeing Zhou Jiang "cooperate obediently", Li Qiushui and Kirulian both moved away from Zhou Jiang and gave him "private space."

Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief. He looked up and saw Kirulian staring at him, making him shiver slightly...

Who is the master in the end...really... and Kirulian is also really... unexpectedly teaming up with outsiders to cheat the master...

Although there were some small complaints in his heart, Zhou Jiang didn't dare to show it too obvious, even what he thought was not too obvious, so as to avoid Kirulian's "hearing".

"I tell you, don't get excited, don't be angry~"

"Oh, let's just say it! Don't mother-in-law." Li Qiushui, who was full of expectation, was immediately dissatisfied when he saw Zhou Jiang talking about nonsense~www.ltnovel.com~.

Zhou Jiang shrugged silently.

Taking a deep breath, Zhou Jiang said: "Li Qiushui and Wu Xingyun are characters in a novel!"




'Gone? ! ’

A person and an elf are all stunned, that's all?

Seeing Zhou Jiang nodded, Li Qiushui looked at Kirulian, and Kirulian looked at Zhou Jiang ill-intentionally, and the purple light in his eyes once again!

Zhou Jiang raised his hand and calmly blocked the purple light.

Before long, the purple light dissipated. After dissipating, Li Qiushui couldn't wait to ask: "How is it?"

"Actually... I didn't lie..."

Kirulian looked at Zhou Jiang in disbelief.

Li Qiushui was also dumbfounded.

Did not lie? The person in the novel?

It turns out that they were all made up... Fortunately, she is still looking forward to it...

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