Zhou Jiang gave them enough energy cubes to eat. After the guard bee flew out holding the jar, Zhou Jiang rewarded it with two energy cubes, and then bid farewell to the queen bees who were holding the energy cube and gnawing.

"Ha, this energy cube is really easy to use. By the way, Zhou Jiang, wouldn't your three bee colonies hook up with energy cubes?" Jiang Shui asked curiously as he walked toward the villa.

Other people were also a little curious about the problem of the river, tilted their heads and stretched their ears to look at Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang looked speechless: "...what is hooking? This is too ugly, and I didn't use energy cubes to get them. I had a direct fight with the queen bee, otherwise the queen bee How could you follow me obediently? Even with energy cubes."

Back at the villa, they released the elves.

After telling them to come back after dinner, let them play by themselves.

After the elves have arranged it, they will be themselves next.

"Quickly, quickly, I can't wait!" Zhou Nan took the lead and rushed directly into the kitchen and took out the cup, etc...

Zhou Jiang looked at the busy Zhou Nan speechlessly. Yesterday he was reluctant to wash the dishes manually in the kitchen and wanted to die. Today is so enthusiastic...

Although one is washing dishes, the other is not, but you have changed too much!

Sure enough, no one can resist the charm of royal jelly.

Do you want to bribe Miss Junsha...


Zhou Jiang is really obsessed with Wind Speed ​​Dog. He wants to bribe Miss Junsha if he has nothing to do. If he puts this energy on chasing his girlfriend, it is estimated that the child will be able to get off the ground, right?

Zhou Jiang and the others sat on the sofa. It didn't take long for Zhou Nan to wash, wipe and bring the cups.

After placing the cups, everyone looked at Zhou Jiang expectantly. Zhou Jiang didn't let them down. He picked up the hot water bottle and put it on the table, and then scooped honey into everyone's cups.

Seeing the crystal clear color and sweet aroma, everyone couldn't help swallowing.

Even Zhou Jiang who ate too much couldn't help it.

five minutes later……

Although everyone put down their hands, they were empty, but they were still braving their cups, leaning on the sofa with a comfortable expression.

"Drink it well……"

"It's really delicious, but it feels like soaking in water is too wasteful..." Jiang Shui was a little tangled.

Listening to Jiang Shui, Zhou Jiang glanced at Zhou Nan.

Yesterday Zhou Nan said the same. It should be a boyfriend and girlfriend, not a family, and not enter a family.

After that, everyone drank the honey water and chatted at the same time, until it was time for the meal, the elves were all back, and everyone stopped.

Everyone took out the fruit from the backpack, and then Zhou Jiang took out the machine and started to do it.

After feeding the elves, Xu Feng went to cook.

Zhou Jiang wanted to put the remaining honey. After opening the refrigerator, he discovered that the refrigerator was actually full of ingredients.

It's probably the old man who put it...

Zhou Jiang smiled slightly.

After eating, everyone played for a while and then went to rest.

Due to the lack of rooms, Zhou Jiang's three men went to sleep in the small villa of Zhou Nan's house, and the three women slept here.

Lying on the bed, Zhou Jiang and his father called and talked for a while before falling asleep.

The next day, Zhou Jiang and the others went to the forest behind the manor.

It's not the small forest inside the manor, but the forest outside the manor. Because it is close to the human city, the elves are not very high, and they are not doing it inside. They are just curious and go camping.

Although they have always spent the night in the wild, their true mood is not the same as a formal camping.

Bringing a barbecue grill and some well-dressed barbecues, they settled down by a stream.

After playing with it until noon, everyone swallowed as they watched the barbecue grilled on the grill after being smeared with honey.


After that, everyone played here for a day.

Putting aside any worries and goals, just playing in the forest is actually really good.

It's just that there won't be too many days like this.

I slept there at night, and returned to the manor the next day.

Tomorrow is October 1st, and it is time for them to continue their journey. Today, they all go back to their homes to continue to accompany their parents. After all, they will be separated again after today, and will only meet again after the New Year.

When Zhou Jiang returned home, there was no one at home, only two Ibrahimovic came out to greet him, Dad and they all went to work.

Looking at the cheerful Ibrahimovic, Zhou Jiang was also a little happy.

Although this little guy was a little better before, he was still not very lively. Compared with the ordinary Ibrahimovic, it was really a lot worse. Now I stayed with the little Ibrahimovic for two days, and I didn't expect it to change so much.

After teasing them for a while, Zhou Jiang let them play by themselves.

They are leaving tomorrow, let them stay a little longer.

Zhou Jiang had nothing to do, so he hid in the room and played on the computer...

"Elves League" can be played long ago, take advantage of it now.

After boarding the number, Zhou Nan and the others haven't boarded yet. They probably haven't come home yet. After all, Zhou Jiang's house is the closest.

But it's okay. They would be better without Zhou Nan. They played with Zhou Nan, but they couldn't even qualify for gold in the rankings.

But now it's okay, playing alone just to get up the ranks, let them see what a great **** is!

But for now, let's play a match and practice hands first, after all, the hands are a little bit raw, and it's not good if you can't carry.

He is the man who wants to carry the audience!

It didn't take long before they were matched.

Although the game hasn't been out for a long time~www.ltnovel.com~, the gameplay has unexpectedly been studied thoroughly.

Zhou Jiang chose the strong AP mid laner, the fire-breathing dragon, while the opposite was a Hudi.

Up to now, in addition to the Yusanjia, there are naturally new elves coming out. There are at least twenty in total, which is much better than when everyone used the same character to fight each other.

On the line, the two sides were tacitly supplementing the small soldier-Xiao Lada, during which Zhou Jiang's many skills were evaded by the other side with flexible positioning.

"Huh, there are two brushes, but that's it!"

Zhou Jiang glanced at the lizard king who was squatting in the grass, while sneering at the opposite Hudi.



Watching the two lizard king’s head frames popping up from above, Zhou Jiang moved the screen over and found that his lizard king had fallen into the grass...

what's the situation? !

[Great Love Lizard King]: Slot, mid laner, you're blind or something wrong, why don't you come to help me? !

[You are Caixu Kun]:? ?

Be a wizard trainer in a parallel world https://

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