Everyone nodded, and then directly searched on the bed.

In order to avoid accidents, Zhou Jiang and other three boys and the elves were rummaged in the crowd, while the three girls circled back to back to observe the surroundings and sounded an alarm whenever there was any abnormality.

Of course, this idea naturally came from Zhou Jiang...

Zhou Jiang, who has watched some horror movies, said that if one person is suddenly missing... it is really scary.

He doesn't know if other people will be scared to death, but he will definitely be scared to death!

And if it's a powerful ghost, wait for someone to get away before pretending to be that person and mixing among the people...

Tsk tsk, thinking about it makes Zhou Jiang feel terrified.

Although Big Needle Bee and Kirulian were there, Zhou Jiang still felt uneasy.

This is not to doubt their strength, but because he is too scared, he desperately finds a sense of security. Although this does not really make them safe, at least Zhou Jiang is relieved a lot.

Zhou Jiang's trio rummaged on the bed, while Kirulian and Big Needle Bee rummaged on the dressing table, wardrobe, floor tiles, etc.

According to Zhou Jiang, I have to touch every inch of it!

After all, what if there is a mechanism? If there is a secret path, wouldn't they miss it?

In the first room before, Zhou Jiang tried to turn the vase on the table... Finally, after a long time, there was no movement. After asking Chirulian to scan it again, he stopped.

As for why not let Kirulian scan it now?

Then naturally she has to do it...

Ju Qilulian said that the longer she stays here, the stronger her thought power will be suppressed.

Although the other effects are not significant, the external observation of mind power is not enough, and it takes a lot of mental energy to do it.

However, although the "eyes" were blind, it did not prevent her from attacking, controlling, etc. with thought power.

Ten minutes later, everyone looked through every place, but found nothing.

Everyone said nothing, but walked towards the fifth room after going out.

This room is also a bedroom, but it is estimated that a man sleeps. The room is very simple and has very few things.

The time for everyone to find is also saved a lot, and they will go to the next room after going through nothing.

Seeing that these two houses were not available, Zhou Nan proposed to start looking for the first room opposite.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

After the first room was able to enter, what appeared to everyone was... a book?

Books, lots of books!

Dense books are placed here.

On the table, on the chair and even on the ground, piles upon piles are placed.


Everyone looked at each other, and they all saw dignity and vigilance in their eyes.

After finding so many rooms, this room is the most abnormal, so the source is probably here?

"Wait, it's not right, why is this room so big, and the style is so different from the previous one!" Suddenly, Xu Feng shouted in surprise.

Everyone was surprised.

Zhou Jiang looked around. The space in this place was indeed abnormally large. The books were piled up old and tall, at least three meters high, and how big was the whole room?

There are piles of books everywhere, and I can't tell how big this room is.



With a loud noise, everyone looked back in horror and found that the door that should have been opened was actually closed at this time!

It's as if someone closes the door and prevents them from going out!

Moreover, the windows and other things that were supposed to be connected to the door behind him have long since disappeared. Only one door is left alone, showing its sense of existence.

Zhou Nan was anxious and rushed to the other side to open the door, but the door turned out to be a phantom, Zhou Nan walked through it as soon as he touched it!

But everyone had their bodies tied up. Zhou Nan thought he could lie on the door and open the door. As a result, he jumped directly, and the rope was connected to several people, and several people were instantly taken down...

"Fuck! Get up, you crushed me to death..." Zhou Nan lying on the ground hummed, but he was not lightly crushed this time.

Zhou Jiang and Xu Feng at the top got up quickly, then pulled up the three women, and finally together they pulled up Zhou Nan, who fell on the ground and clutched his stomach.

"You're so embarrassed, why are you so impulsive!" Zhou Jiang looked helplessly at Zhou Nan's sour expression.

"How did I know it would be like this... Fuck, where's the door?!"

Hearing Zhou Nan's words, everyone looked towards the place where the previous door was, and found that the ghost of the only remaining door had also disappeared...


"Let's look for it here, the elves are also there, don't be too scared, we have enough food." Zhou Jiang comforted.

Everyone nodded silently, and after a while, they walked carefully inside together.

The surroundings were blocked by books, and everyone didn't bother to take care of these books and walked directly toward the only passage.

Along the way, there were piles of books on both sides. Although there were oil lamps along the way, it still made everyone flustered. Zhou Jiang asked Kirulian before and asked her where it was, but she didn't know.

This is all right, everyone really can only honestly look for the exit and wait.

After walking for about five minutes, everyone came to the "end".

There is a hole and stairs below, it should be a basement...

Looking at the dark passage~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Jiang only felt his scalp numb.

Looking at the dark area, it was like being stared at by a beast.

"Go in... Go in?" Zhou Jiang felt his voice trembling.

But everyone cared, and they all stared at the dark passage.

"Go in, I want to go in after all, isn't it..." Xu Feng said lightly. Even so, Zhou Jiang still noticed something wrong with his tone.

Zhou Jiang wanted to laugh a little, but Xu Feng, who had always been calm, did the same.

But he also wants to cry...because he is worse than the other person...

Everyone took a few deep breaths, and then slowly walked down the stairs.

The Big Needle Bee is still in the lead, Zhou Jiang, six people, Zhou Jiang and Xu Feng, and Wang Qingyan, who is in front, are lighting up with flashlights.

The stairs were rotating downwards. Although the stairs felt a little slippery, everyone walked slowly and carefully, so there was nothing wrong with it.

At the bottom, there is a wooden gate with a height of about 2.5 meters and a handle on it.

Everyone nodded and moved to the side, then Kirulian used mental force to push the door open.

Seeing that there were no hidden weapons waiting for any mechanism, everyone came out and walked inside.

There are also books everywhere in the room, but the books here are all placed on tables or chairs, which is much better than the books outside.

The oil lamp was also lit inside, and the light illuminates the entire space brightly.

The space inside was not large, and both sides were occupied by books, so everyone walked directly inside.

Because the table is not neatly arranged, everyone has to go around in circles.

Along the way, everyone was anxious, anticipating, and uneasy.

A few minutes later, everyone came to the innermost...

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