"You...you know her?"

Xu Feng approached Zhou Jiang and asked Zhou Jiang, Zhou Nan also looked at Zhou Jiang and wanted him to give an "explain."

Zhou Jiang glanced at Xu Feng and the others and nodded slightly.

To be honest, he is still dumbfounded.

Dan Trian.

The character in an anime called "Dantrian's Bookshelf" watched by Zhou Jiang in his previous life.

Just by looking at the name, Dantrian is the heroine.

It's just... for Mao, they will meet her!

The background of "Dantrian's Bookshelf" is Britain during the war. There were planes. It is estimated that it was during World War II, but now...

They first got lost and trapped in the mountains, and then they encountered an ancient Chinese mansion. After entering the room, the door disappeared. They came to the interior of a foreign castle, and now they encountered the characters in the animation!

Zhou Jiang felt like he was going crazy. How could this be so illusory, like a dream.

Had it not been for Kirulian that they were not hypnotized, he would have...

Wait, what about Kirulian? !

"By the way, where did Cirulian go?!" Zhou Jiang asked towards Dantrian: "Do you know where this is? The elves who came with us do you know where they are?"


"Yes, how come our elves are gone! My Ibrahimovic is gone too!"


"Mini ice..."


The third daughter and Zhou Nan panicked a little.

In such a weird place, their protection and elves have disappeared. If there is a danger, who will protect them?

Xu Feng followed Zhou Jiang's words and looked at Dantrian.

Dantrian stays in this place, it means she is here, then she should know something.

And it happened that Zhou Jiang actually knew each other, and he didn't seem to be a vicious person, that would be even better!

"Huh? Elf? Are you still kids? There is a limit to fantasizing? Or what fantasy book you read?" Dan Trian grabbed a small piece of sugar-dipped toast on the plate. They said while eating while watching several people.

"The kind of flying, strange-shaped elves that were around us before, really didn't you see?" Zhou Jiang said as he gestured toward her.

"Huh? Do you think I'm dim-eyed? I don't know if you are just such a few people? And, please go out! After all, who are you? This is a private property, don't you know? You guys? It’s a crime to break in like this, it’s a crime! If you leave before I am not angry, I can let you go, huh~"


Dantrian speaks very fast, but because of the voice, even so, the voice is very good, plus the arrogant but expressionless appearance, there is an inexplicable and lovely feeling...

In a word, Ah Wei is dead!

Xu Feng looked at Zhou Jiang and asked him what to do.

The elf disappeared somehow, and asked the mysterious girl, the girl didn't know.

Although she didn't know if she really didn't know or didn't want to say it, they were very passive anyway.

Now I can only watch Zhou Jiang.

After all, although Zhou Jiang didn't know where he knew this cute girl, he knew it anyway, much better than those people who discredited them.

Moreover, Zhou Jiang is also a planned and prudent person, so he can rest assured that Zhou Jiang will handle things. If Zhou Nan is the case, he really has to think about it...

Facing Xu Feng's question, Zhou Nan and the others watched, Zhou Jiang shook his head slightly.

He didn't dare to tell them that the girl in front of him was an anime character...

To be honest, Zhou Jiang now feels more and more that they are being hypnotized.

As for Kirulian saying they were not hypnotized?

Is it possible that Kirulian is also fake? Is it the product of his fantasy after being hypnotized? It seems that this possibility is very high...After all, seeing Kirulian and the others before has a strange feeling...

And if he was not hypnotized, he really couldn't think of why he could see the characters in the anime...

Cross again?

The probability is very small. They are trapped in the fog when they walk, and then cycle in one place, then go up the mountain, enter the house, and finally get here.

If they really crossed, then the problematic room was the room they opened?

But how to explain the disappearance of the elves...

Although the system can still be used, it is not guaranteed that this is a fantasy... I think it can be used, so I can use it. For example, if he thought that he could be invincible with a punch before, would he really be able to use it? Invincible punch here?

No way, no way, I can't think about it anymore, what exactly is it thinking, why is it so confused, my head is really confused, I think a bunch of messy things, no, I have to deal with it...

Zhou Jiang gave them a look, and then sat down directly.

Anyway, there is no danger now, and even if there is danger, they can't do anything, so he sat down with confidence.

First, there are two directions of doubt.

Traversing and being hypnotized.

If it is a crossing, then the elves' words are also true, but where does the crossing start to be worn is a question.

Did it start from that fog? After all, I didn't see the peculiar fruit trees of the elves and the elven world on that mountain.

Start by pushing open the door? After all, they only appeared here after pushing the door open.

Then there is hypnosis.

Since when was the hypnosis?

Was that part of the fog at the beginning?

That is to say, those elves of Kirulian are all imaginary by themselves?

Or was it hypnosis after they pushed open the door? It's also possible...


Xu Feng and the others saw Zhou Jiang sitting down and thinking~www.ltnovel.com~ They looked at each other, then looked around, there seemed to be no danger, except for the lovely Gothic Lolita holding the book, there was nothing else Creatures.

Finally, they also sat on the ground leaning on Zhou Jiang.

Dan Trian looked at the people who just sat down and sighed helplessly.

In the end, she didn't bother to care about them, as long as she didn't bother her to study, and she really couldn't drive each other out...

Without the protection of the key guardian, she was just an ordinary little loli.

Thinking about this, she lowered her head and continued reading. She was noisy when she saw something interesting before, and now she has to look back...

In this way, Zhou Jiang and the others sat down and thought, and Dantrian sat in the chair, reading a book while eating sugar toast.

The two sides are somewhat harmonious.

At this time, the basement was very quiet, except for the sound of everyone's breathing and the inaudible sound of flipping books from Dantri Ann, there was no other movement.

In the quiet environment at this time, everyone was back to back, and the three girls almost forgot their fear, and began to think about their current situation.

Although they were a bit unbearable before, it was normal, after all, they were all girls.

Even Zhou Jiang and Zhou Nan are scared. If Zhou Jiang had some hole cards and felt some comfort in his heart, he was afraid that he would be even more unbearable than them...

As for Xu Feng?

The ghost knew whether there was a heart that was surging waves under his calm face.

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