I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 415: ……Chat group?

"I dream of you being tall!"

Hearing what Zhou Jiang said, Jiang Shui was out of breath.

Are you embarrassed to say we dream?

"Ha..." Xu Feng sighed.

Really suffer...

Think about what you said to Teacher Lu Ran, and think about their experience...

It's terrible!

Who the **** is it! Actually dream of a scene like a horror movie! Others dream of reaching the pinnacle of life and fulfilling their dreams, what a beautiful scenery and what a wonderful thing!

What about them? Accompanied Zhou Jiang in fear, but in the end all the pretending and cool things were taken by him!


Xu Feng asked Zhou Jiang to watch the group by himself, and then all five of them left with anger.

Seeing the five people leaving behind, Zhou Jiang was still a little confused.

What is going on...

Zhou Jiang looked at Kirulian walking towards him, and he recovered. He was about to say something, but before he could speak, Kirulian directly pressed his hand on the poke ball on his waist and responded directly. In the pokeball...

? ? ?

What happened to these one by one? !

Take the wrong medicine?

Zhou Jiang really couldn't figure it out, and then thought of Xu Feng's words, took out his mobile phone and found the group they formed and turned the record to the top.

October 7

[Lu Ran]: [Picture]

[Lu Ran]: Something happened! Zhou Jiang, are you all right there?

[Chen Yongan]: What's wrong? Did Teacher Lu Ran post something?

[Lu Ran]: Look at the long picture above!

[Lu Ran]: @江水@李灵慧@王清妍@许峰@周江@周楠 Are you there? All right? !

[Chen Qizhen]: I hope they are okay, they happen to be in Tangluo Town...really, what a coincidence!

[Tian Zhengjie]: Did something happen?

[Chen Qizhen]: Looking at the long picture sent by Teacher Lu Ran above, I guess Jiang Shui and the others might have been recruited...

five minutes later……

[Chen Yongan]: My Cao! Are the Rockets so crazy? Why does the Alliance leave them alone? Now that such a dangerous thing has been done, they are afraid that they will go to heaven in the future? !

[Chen Qizhen]: Who knows, there must be **** in the league. The Rockets have never caused such a big incident before. It seems that it has been calm recently...

[Chen Qizhen]: Hey... I'm worried about them now... I hope I won't meet the Rockets. If you meet the Rockets, even Zhou Jiang might not be able to please, okay? After all, he was strong, but he did not have the experience of playing against evil organizations such as the Rockets. The Rockets are not like a regular game. Attacking the trainer is normal...

[Chen Qizhen]: And if they meet the Rockets after being recruited... it's really bad.

[Tian Zhengjie]: I didn't expect the Rockets to have such skills. No, I have to talk to my family. If the Rockets get the weather, it won't be easy.

[Tian Zhengjie]: Is Teacher Lu Ran still there?

[Chen Qizhen]: Teacher Lu Ran said she went to her father, Mr. Lu Qi.

[Tian Zhengjie]: Well, that’s fine. Then I’ll find someone to go. Don’t worry, Zhou Jiang and the others should be fine. The Rockets are now running towards the northwest. Zhou Jiang and the others are in the northeast. If there is no accident, it won’t Encountered.

[Chen Qizhen]: I hope so...

October 8.

[Xu Feng]: Teacher Lu Ran, we are here. We have read the long picture above. Can you tell us more about it?

[Jiang Shui]: Huh, oh, so terrible, so terrible!

[Wang Qingyan]: Hey... I finally woke up, really, I am afraid that I will have a shadow on dreaming...

[Chen Yongan]: My Cao! Brother, you guys finally replied. We have all arrived in J City by plane, and are now coming to your side on the train!

[Lu Ran]: It’s okay if you are all right. We are really worried about us. Are you all all right?

[Chen Qizhen]: Safety is good, safety is good, we are all on the way here.

[Tian Zhengjie]: Are you all okay? What about Zhou Jiang, Zhou Nan and Li Linghui?

[Li Linghui]: Uh, teacher Tian, ​​I am here, but Zhou Jiang and Zhou Nan are still asleep...

[Xu Feng]: Zhou Jiang and the others are still sleeping, will something happen?

[Lu Ran]: It should be fine. Don't worry too much. According to my estimation, you can wake up at the earliest today and tomorrow at the latest. If you can't wake up, you should go to the nearest city to find Miss Joey.

[Xu Feng]: Okay, thank you Lu Ran, but can Lu Ran tell us in detail what happened to us? We looked at the long picture above. Does the Rockets really have this kind of technology?

[Lu Ran]: Everything you want is here. Go and see for yourself.

[Xu Feng]: Thank you, Teacher Lu Ran!






"When I wake up, I'm surprised, who is it?" Jiang Shui kicked Zhou Nan lying on the ground and said.

"Where am I...?" Zhou Nan sat up and muttered as he watched the four people around him.

"You are in the underworld! Alright~www.ltnovel.com~ I know you have a lot of questions, get up and talk about it." Xu Feng stepped back and said to him.

The three women surrounding him also stepped back and let him slowly get up.

Zhou Nan, empty-headed, slowly got up and looked around blankly.

"... Isn't he going to lose his brain?"


"Probably not..."

Looking at Zhou Nan with a blank face, the four of them murmured.

"Fuck?! Are we back?!"

Suddenly, Zhou Nan screamed, looked left and right, and then rushed towards Xu Feng.

Seeing the excited Zhou Nan, the four sighed.

Excitement is nothing, they are also excited at first, as long as they don't look blank and look like a fool as before.

Xu Feng took a step back, and Zhou Nan directly pounced on the ground.

"Okay, don't play tricks. Let's eat something first. I haven't eaten for almost two days." As he said, Xu Feng walked to one side and poured out a bowl of porridge from the tightly covered pot.


Hearing Xu Feng's words, Zhou Nan felt hungry.

After receiving the porridge, regardless of the three or seven twenty-one, he drank directly.

The four of Xu Feng sat down around him. Xu Feng glanced at Zhou Nan who was devouring him and said: "You just eat like this, let's tell you the information."

"Ha? Intelligence? What?" Zhou Nan asked after swallowing the porridge.

"Don't ask too much, just listen!" Jiang Shui slapped him directly on the back.

Zhou Nan nodded serenely, and then picked up the porridge.

Xu Feng took a deep breath and said happily, "Have you dreamed of fog, mountains, and buildings?"


Zhou Nan grabbed the porridge and nodded, but he didn't ask much, he knew Xu Feng was about to start talking.

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