I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 444: Reluctantly choose

"...Welcome everyone to join! Below, please enjoy the live fireworks we provide for everyone~" The Rockets on the screen smiled and bowed slightly, then the screen flashed and the scene was switched.

   The main square is now displayed on the screen, but outside the square is sealed. There are policemen standing in front of the seal, while outside there are a bunch of ordinary people watching the excitement.


   Zhou Jiang was a little dazed. Of course, not only was he dazed, but the Lin Hai couple was dazed, and Xu Feng, who was guarding in front of the TV, was also dazed. The tens of thousands of people waiting to watch the show were all dazed!

what happened?

   What did the Rockets say? What's the situation now? This is a live broadcast? And this is... Cairo Square? !

   Cairo Square, Zhou Jiang is very familiar with, that is, it is the place hijacked by the Rockets, and it is also the large square in front of the mall where Zhou Jiang and the others visited before.

   Just what's the situation now?

   Soon, a smiling hostess appeared on the screen.

   It's just that the hostess smiles very reluctantly. After all, she was forced to come here to live broadcast.

   If she doesn't come live, then friends on the TV station and other ordinary people will be pill.

"This is the periphery of Cairo Square. The Rockets planted a large number of naughty bombs inside. They will explode when the time is up. There are also more than a dozen hostages trapped somewhere inside. Now our police and The prosecutors are all searching inside, and I hope everyone will be safe."

   After the hostess finished speaking, the camera turned to the surroundings, and ordinary people stood there waiting and praying silently.

   "The Rockets...are they really so crazy?!"

   Lin Hai said angrily.

   Although he retired, he was a prosecutor before anyway!

   The righteous heart will naturally not decline. Seeing this now, it is naturally an anger.

   However, he also knows that his anger is useless, whether he is angry or happy, it has already happened, and he has no ability to stop it, so he can only watch it.

   He can only be like an ordinary person now, praying silently.

   Seeing that Lin Hai was so angry, Mrs. Lin could only comfort him silently, and then watched the TV with worry.


   Zhou Jiang sighed.

   He now knows why Zhang Kai wants him to go back.

   The TV station was hijacked and forced to broadcast live, but they couldn’t stop it. They were suffocating themselves, and now they have to look for the kidnapped people in the huge shopping mall...

   Naughty bullets will explode as soon as the time is up, and they will explode if they make a big movement.

   Although I don’t know why I didn’t get rid of the naughty bullets, I guess it couldn’t be cracked, otherwise they wouldn’t be looking for someone so tightly.

   Zhou Jiang has no choice but to go back. Otherwise, what else?

   I can only say... what's so special about Cao Dan!

   "Uncle Lin, I don't think this task can be done. I have to rush over. Thank you for your hospitality tonight. I will come back to see you when I have time!"

   After Zhou Jiang finished speaking, he ran outside without waiting for Lin Hai and his wife to say anything.

   As for Kirulian?

   She has been connected to Zhou Jiang's Heart Link, so she also knows what happened.

   When Zhou Jiang ran out, she happened to fly out from the window on the second floor. Looking at Zhou Jiang, Xiao Ke was also lying on the window and looking here.

   "Big brother, are you leaving?"

   "Yes... the big brother is leaving, next time you come to see Xiao Ke, let Kirulian play with you, okay?" Zhou Jiang looked at the little girl and said with a smile.

   "Okay~!" Xiao Ke's originally bereaved face suddenly stretched out, and Zhou Jiang's somewhat depressed mood after watching it also improved a lot.

   Just when he was about to turn around and leave, Lin Hai's shout came from behind the nurse.

"and many more!"


   Zhou Jiang looked back and found that Lin Hai and his wife had come out, and thundering lion followed them.

   "What's wrong?" Zhou Jiang asked when he looked at Lin Hai.

   "I'll give you a ride, or else you will just pass by?"

   "..." Zhou Jiang was speechless, as if... this is the case!

   It’s far from Cairo Square, and it would take at least an hour to walk there! And if it is delivered by car, it will probably be there in less than ten minutes, right?

   "Haha, come on, I'll see you off!"

   Seeing Zhou Jiang was silent, Lin Hai laughed.

   Zhou Jiang nodded, and not long after, Lin Hai drove out a car from behind.

Mrs. Lin was still talking to Lin Hai. Zhou Jiang didn’t listen carefully. Zhou Jiang sat on it. He glanced at Mrs. Lin and said to Lin Hai: “Or take them away? I was here before because I found out. The Rockets’ escape route is connected to those unfinished buildings not far behind your house. If we leave, the Rockets come out..."


   asked Mrs. Lin in shock.

   She is not afraid, but she still has something to do!

   If something really happened, she would have the heart to die.

Seeing Lin Hai hesitate, Zhou Jiang continued: “It’s okay, you don’t need to take it to the scene. I have friends here. You can send them there, and I can just get off and run over there in the middle of the car. There is no need to drive. Go there."

   Lin Hai nodded, and then Madam Lin went up to ask Xiao Ke to go.

  Mrs. Lin and Xiao Ke haven't come down yet~www.ltnovel.com~Chirullian and Ghost Stone are back.

   Zhou Jiang left here, so Ghost Stone naturally cannot be placed here.

   Not long after, Xiao Ke and Mrs. Lin also came out, the lights were turned off in the room, and after the door was locked, Lin Hai drove the car quickly after getting in the car.

   Five minutes later, after arriving at the intersection, Zhou Jiang got off the bus.

   "I already told them, Uncle Lin, just go over, they will wait for you at the door!"

   Zhou Jiang waved at them, then stepped away and ran towards Cairo Square.

   In the car, he had already greeted Lu Ran, explaining the course of the matter, and he didn't need to hide anything from them anymore.

   Lu Ran also agreed that Uncle Lin would take Xiao Ke and the others, and it would be easier after that.

   "They will come to help you as soon as I deliver it!"

  Uncle Lin looked at Zhou Jiang's back and shouted. After he finished shouting, he stepped on the accelerator and the car continued to fly out.


   Zhou Jiang was already out of breath when he ran outside and surrounded by a crowd of people.

   Zhou Jiang didn't know what would happen inside, so he didn't let Cirulian fly with him.

Zhang Kai asked Zhou Jiang to come back, so even if the super power elves are needed, it will not be a simple matter. Now that Kirulian can retain a little physical strength, it doesn’t matter if Zhou Jiang is tired, anyway. Can't help...

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