He didn't let Zhou Jiang's own elves learn by himself, so he would just change what skills he needed instead of learning by himself. Of course, they would definitely have to practice skills after the exchange.

Not learning is just not letting them spend time on meaningless things.

Learning skills by yourself is a waste of time and energy, and the skills learned may not be as good as the system replacement.

There are those common skill systems, even if there are none, the skills in other worlds can be customized by the system, and then modified according to the rules of the wizard world.

With such a convenient system, Zhou Jiang couldn't think of any reason to let his elves learn by himself.

Zhou Jiang has never learned from his own elves, so Zhou Jiang is very curious whether the skills of other worlds adapted from the system can be explained by his own elves and then let other elves learn.

Wang Qingyan’s water leaping fish was trained by Zhou Jiang, and its water gun was very strong, but that was just his own idea, it was his original skill, but what about the system?

Zhou Jiang expressed his curiousity.

But although curious, he didn't hand it over to others casually.

Like the Alliance, it has already contacted Zhou Jiang, hoping that Zhou Jiang can contribute his skills.

Although the alliance promised a lot of benefits, including money and those evolution stones, Zhou Jiang said that these were useless to him...

With the universal system, he said, what else in this world is worth my heart?

Unless you can give me a whole beast, I will not do it even if it is a quasi god...

Quasi-God's words can be collected by himself, so he doesn't need to exchange skills.

Although Zhou Jiang's skills didn't want to be given to strangers in the alliance, it was okay for Zhou Nan and them.

He recognized them from the bottom of his heart.

And it is not certain whether they can learn it, like some abnormal skills, Zhou Jiang is not sure if they can learn it, after all, it is too mysterious.

It's like the paper painting of Big Needle Bee. Let the elves learn this stuff by themselves. I'm afraid that it won't be effective for two or three years.

Maybe only some talented elves can learn, but talent? The ghost knows who has talent...

Take them to the other side of the square, and then Zhou Jiang released the elves.

Big needle bee.

The strange power of Big Sting Bee is something most of their elves can learn.

Even the river water also has a Hercules characteristic Malilo...

"I teach you simple [weird force], right?"


Hearing that Zhou Jiang wanted to teach strange powers, several people were even more excited, especially Tian Zhengjie and Li Linghui. They all knew that Zhou Jiang's Big Needle Bee's strange power skills were different from ordinary strange powers, and their attack power was even higher.

Although Tian Zhengjie doesn't like fighting spirits, he still likes his strange power...

And Li Linghui was even more serious, she had long wanted her Big Needle Bee and Zhou Jiang's Big Needle Bee to learn.

Although her big needle bee is still capable of keeping up, when she arrives at university, she may be eliminated if no accident... Initial Elf, to be honest, she still has feelings and does not want to be eliminated, then It can only improve strength.

Look at Zhou Jiang's Big Needle Bee? There is no pressure to pick and flip three elves of the Heavenly King level in a row!

How awesome is this?

Although she hasn't been baptized by the ruins, if she learns from it, it won't be so bad, right?

After they released all the elves they wanted to learn, Zhou Jiang said, "How do you say the strange power skills of my big needle bee? Let me first tell you about its general effect and the reason for my invention. Effectively help you understand this skill."

Seeing that the elves were all serious, Zhou Jiang nodded. Although he made this his own, he didn't blush at all. He didn't copy books, movies, songs, and game novels. Don't even copy a skill?

"Ordinary strange power skills are to mobilize energy, and then increase their strength. Although the strength increase will continue, but in fact, many times it does not attack the enemy, so I was thinking, can I change the skills to make The strength burst out the moment it touched the target!"


Everyone suddenly opened their mouths "O".

After hearing what Zhou Jiang said, they probably also knew.

In fact, the difficulty of an idea is not itself, but breaking the existing thinking to discover it.

Like now, they almost understood Zhou Jiang's words. Of course, they only understand the reason, but it is difficult to practice. If there is no force technique, energy operation, etc. from Professor Zhou Jiang Big Needle Bee, it may be practiced for a year. Is it an incomplete version if it doesn’t come out or is it trained?

"Now let Big Needle Bee teach you those skills." Zhou Jiang clapped his hands and motioned Big Needle Bee to come out.

Zhou Jiang turned back and gave up the stage to Big Needle Bee.

After that, the big needle bee buzzed over there, and the elves kept nodding their heads over there.

Seeing Tian Zhengjie’s strange force sitting there "behavely"~www.ltnovel.com~ and nodding...

Zhou Jiang said that these are really spicy eyes...

Maybe if you have no money, you can grab a strange power to start philosophy and teach it as a teacher?

Okay... It's still a brick...


At present, Zhou Jiang seems to have taken this strange force...

The hard vortex water blades of Menus, their elves have no final form, and it is basically impossible to learn. If you want to learn it is a waste of time, and the big needle bee means that the gun can teach them, but the big needle bee is still teaching Weird power...

Chirulian, a skill master with a bunch of skills, was also searching inside.

"By the way, do you still learn Ghoststone's shadow ball? If it is fast, it is a good tactic to cooperate with hypnotism."

"...We don't seem to have any elves of the super power system or the ghost system... forget it, learning your weird power is enough to increase our strength by a lot."

"...You're too easy to be satisfied... Is it enough for an elf to go up?" Zhou Jiang looked at Zhou Nan speechlessly.

I thought he was enough for the Buddha, but I didn't expect the other party to be more Buddha in this matter.

If they don’t have modifiers, it’s very worthwhile to improve their skills, so it’s enough for them to learn a skill?

After a while, Zhou Jiang reacted.

Maybe they all think this is a skill he has worked out so hard, so embarrassed to use prostitution?

It seems there is a possibility...

...It seems that there is no other way. Zhou Jiang can't say that these skills weren't invented by him, right?

But forget it, just one, one is enough for experimentation to satisfy his curiosity and make them stronger.

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