"What should I do now?" Zhou Jiang asked him, this is the rhythm of pills!

"...Waiting for five minutes, after five minutes, no matter what, let the Elf troops dispatch all the naughty bullets inside!" Zhang Kai frowned and said intently.

"That's a big risk, right?" Zhou Jiang just wanted to say something, but there was a female voice next to him. Zhou Jiang turned his head and saw that it was two young ladies from Junsha coming.

Although the two Miss Junsha look the same, one is young and the other is old, and they are still very distinguishable.

The young Miss Junsha was the one who later brought their elves to support, and she stood behind the other Junsha.

The elder Junsha walked to Zhang Kai: "This is a big risk, right? I think I can wait."

"I also know that the risks are high, but we don't have time. Wait? I don't want to do this if I have time!" Zhang Kai said with a firm tone.

"Or do you have any ideas? If so, I can give up my ideas." Zhang Kai looked at Junsha.

"..." Jun Sha has nothing to say, where did she come from?

If you can't find it, you can't find it, and the elves can't find it, let alone them.

"Five minutes, when all the elves are sent out, they should be able to get all the naughty bombs out, and the naughty bombs are not strong enough, even if they blew up, they will not be in danger of life. Just be careful not to collapse the building." Zhang Kai Looking at the front and said.

He is really eager to see through now...

The best outcome is that the elves succeed in finding the hostages that are trapped. That is no risk. No matter how good he says, the risk is not small.

One self-detonation is okay, if a bunch of them detonate continuously...

Not to mention those hostages, even the elves inside are uncomfortable. If one is not good, they may directly GG.

Zhou Jiang felt that someone was looking at him. He tilted his body slightly and found that Miss Junsha next to Junsha was waving at him...

Zhou Jiang squeezed her eyebrows at her, but she also squeezed her eyebrows at him...

Zhou Jiang is silent, what does this mean? I can't understand it!

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, just ignore her...

Zhou Jiang stood up straight again, letting Zhang Kai block him.

It didn't take long for Zhou Jiang to feel that someone was standing behind him. Zhou Jiang turned around and found that it was Miss Junsha.

Looking at her smiling face, Zhou Jiang didn't know why there was a...unexplainable feeling?

"I heard that you want a Caty Dog?" Miss Jun Sha leaned over and said softly in Zhou Jiang's ear.

Zhou Jiang is really afraid to move now...

If Youruowu's fragrance drifted into his nose, the squishy breath hit his ears...

Zhou Jiang only felt stiff, but what did Miss Junsha say?

Who knows~

After Ms. Junsha finished speaking, she got up and took two steps back, and continued to look at Zhou Jiang with a smile.


After Miss Junsha left, Zhou Jiang reacted.

Did she say something?



Miss Junsha's face changed from a smile to a smile, then to doubt, and finally to calm...

Looking at Miss Junsha's calm face and gaze, Zhou Jiang felt a little bad...

"That one……"

"Let's go, Xiaoyi, we have to prepare too." After Jun Sha and Zhang Kai finished speaking, he shouted to Miss Junsha.

"Yes!" Miss Jun Sha responded, and then glared at Zhou Jiang and followed Jun Sha. Zhou Jiang looked confused.

"What's wrong with her?" Zhang Kai asked Zhou Jiang, looking at the backs of the two.

"...I don't know." Zhou Jiang spread his hands helplessly.


After that, Zhou Jiang and Zhang Kai stood there, looking at the entrance together.

Zhou Nan and the others also returned here early, looking at the building worriedly, almost running out of time...

"The time is up..." Zhang Kai looked at the front of the space and took a deep breath, then turned and shouted at the prosecutors: "Release all the elves, let me go in and throw out the naughty bullets!"

"...Yes!" After a moment of silence, the prosecutors responded in unison.

Shouting, they threw a elven ball.

A total of more than three hundred elves, enough!

You can throw naughty bullets with the quasi-king and above elves of the origin. If they are going to explode, wrap the naughty bullets with the origin and let them explode. They are not dangerous if they have the origin, as long as the movement is not too big. Just do it.

Other elves threw naughty bullets out of the periphery.

When Zhou Jiang and the others left, the elves who were training there naturally followed.

Zhou Jiang released Big Needle Bee and Guisi: "Big Needle Bee, you also go to help. If Gui Stone sees the situation, first try to see if the shadow restraint technique can prevent the naughty bullet from exploding, but be careful when trying. Be prepared for full hypnotism at any time."



The two elves nodded in response, and then rushed inside with the other elves.

"Well...Tyrannosaurus ironclad, you go too!" Zhou Jiang thought for a while, and thought that Tyrannosaurus ironclad seemed appropriate to help in the past~www.ltnovel.com~ There is no danger now, right?

"Thunder Lion, please again!"

"Ou~" Lei Mingshi nodded, his eyes showed warfare, his limbs slammed and left the place.

"Wind speed dog, flame horse, you guys also go help!"

"Bibi Bird, be careful!"


Not only the prosecutors, but Lin Hai, Lu Ran and even Zhou Nan also released elves to help.

A large group of elves rushed into it, but even so, the voice was very soft.

Even the tall elves like Zhou Jiang's iron armored tyrannosaurus walked inward lightly.

Although it was light-handed, the speed was definitely not slow, and they all entered within three minutes.

After the elves entered, few people dared to go in and see, after all, they would throw out naughty bullets later...


Three minutes later, when the elves were almost in place, a naughty bomb was thrown inside, but there was an explosion inside. It was the bomb under the naughty bomb exploding.

Nothing happened after the naughty bullet was thrown out, it just rolled twice on the ground.

"Not exploding?" Zhou Jiang questioned.

Whoosh whoosh——

Naughty bullets flew out from all directions.

Naturally, it is impossible to throw them from the front door. After all, there are naughty bullets everywhere, so the elves have to prepare in all directions.


What followed was a series of explosions, and the naughty bombs that were thrown outside also began to explode. After one of them exploded, the other naughty bombs were also forced to explode...

Zhou Jiang covered his ears, watching the continuous explosions in the distance, some of his scalp was tingling.

This continuous explosion, if it really blows up people, it will really kill people...

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