Zhou Jiang and the others, there are three birds and two birds.

Zhou Jiang, Xu Feng, and Zhou Nan are Bibiniao, while Lu Ran and Chen Qizhen are Bibiiao.

The family bird really deserves to be a family bird, and there are so many people who use it.

They flew in all directions, with a limit of twenty minutes, and when the time came, they would come back no matter if they were found or not.

Bibi Bird and the others flew out to find, Zhou Jiang and the others rested in place and chatted with the middle-aged man by the way.

The middle-aged man is called Zhang Tian, ​​and he lives in a family near I City.

There is an orchard in the forest here.

In this forest, there are no powerful elves or harmful elves. After all, some have been expelled and wiped out. Now the rest are weak and not hostile to human elves.

Twenty minutes later, the Bibi birds flew back. According to the report, a Bi Diao found traces of suspected fat Ding. It found a place where the elves were asleep!

Several people are going to find Fat Ding, and the man will also go to the orchard to check. When parting, the man told Zhou Jiang and others the address of his house and asked them to go to his house to play after they went to City I. Several people laughed He agreed, and then separated.

I want to go to city I, but whether to go to his home or not depends on the situation.

Several people followed Bi Diao and ran away, but fortunately, the distance was not too far.

Along the way, I did see some hypnotized elves falling under the trees. They were basically common elves like Bobo and Green Caterpillar.

Finally, they reached the place where Bi Diao had been before.

"Bibi Bird, look for it again, and come back to gather in ten minutes!"

Five Jiamen birds were released again and asked them to look for the traces of Fat Ding. In less than five minutes, they heard the call of Bibi Bird on one side.

It was Zhou Nan's Bibi Bird who was investigating over there.

"Let's go over and take a look. Bibi Niao should have discovered something!" Zhou Nan shouted to several people.

Everyone nodded, and then ran in that direction. It didn't take long before they met Bibi Niao, and after asking Kirulian to translate it, it turned out that it had beaten Fat Ding!

Several people followed Bibi Bird’s fingerprints and ran forward, and finally found a round pink ball lying there under the shade of a tree!

"Fat Ding!"

Seeing the Fenqiu Jiangshui shouted excitedly.

This is fat Ding, fat Ding!


Perhaps he heard the sound of the river, Fat Ding was awakened, turned over and got up and looked at several people curiously.

"Fat Ding, I want to subdue you, come to a duel!"


Fat Ding tilted his head, and then suddenly smiled.


"I wipe it!" Zhou Jiang's legs tightened when he heard this sound: "Chirulian, wrap us up with thought!"

He doesn't want to fall asleep in such a place.

Although there are no dangerous elves in the forest near the city, but what if...

Sleeping unsuspectingly in the forest, even if it was a safe forest, he couldn't accept it.

And even if it’s really safe, what about dirt and bugs?

Even if it is mud, Zhou Jiang doesn't want to touch those insects!

There are more than elves in this world.

Although there are no ordinary cows, ordinary pigs and other animals, ordinary ants, spiders, etc. all exist!

At the moment when Zhou Jiang spoke, Kirulian wrapped several people, including Jiangshui, with his mind. Although it was wrapped, it would not hinder their actions.

Jiang Shui looked at the injured purple film curiously and took out the Elf Ball from his waist.

"Ibrahimovic, please!"


After Ibrahimovic came out, he walked straight three steps and two steps, bumping his head against the fat Ding who was singing loudly.

In an instant, the side was knocked out like a ball, and rolled far on the ground.

Fat Ding was knocked into the air, and not surprisingly, his singing was interrupted.


Although Fat Ding was knocked into the air, he stood up like a okay elf, and he was still in a state of anger...

Fat Ding who is in a state of anger has reduced evasion, decreased sanity, increased speed, increased strength...

The fat Ding who was interrupted by his hobbies was now extremely angry and rushed directly in front of Ibrahimovic, and then his slender hands turned into lightning.


After four consecutive slap attacks, Ibrahimovic was stunned.

However, Fat Ding’s level is not high, so the damage is also low. Ibrahimovic, who has recovered, rushes over again, facing Fat Ding’s stomach...

The fat Ding who rolled out like a ball was inflated again, and he rushed over to slap in a series...

top! ——Papa Papa——Top! Pop pop

The two elves, Ibrahimovic and Fat Ding, just like that. After seeing Fat Ding not singing, Kirulian lost his mind. Zhou Jiang and the others sat down in the shade of the trees nearby. Looking at the river that commanded Ibrahimovic's attack quite imposingly...

"Ha~ How long will it take..." Zhou Nan yawned against the tree trunk.

"I don't know, but looking at this posture, I guess it will take at least five minutes..." Chen Yongan was also lazily leaning on the trunk and watching the battle over there~www.ltnovel.com~ Although the river is full of momentum, However, this battle is really much worse than they expected...

What about kids fighting? this is!

Zhou Jiang sighed and squinted while lying on the grass.

Take a nap...

"Okay! I've taken the Fat Ding!"


Listening to the cheerful voice in front of him, Zhou Jiang reluctantly put down his hand covering his eyes.

Wei Wei sat up and looked around, and found that the fat Ding was gone, and only one Ibrahimovic ran towards the river with a wizard ball in his mouth.

Wow~ it's really...

Do you want to be so unlucky, just want to take a little rest...

Well...but forget it, I can rest early in City I.

Zhou Jiang got up, looked at the cheering river, and shook his head helplessly.

Really are……

The Fat Ding incident has come to an end, and Zhou Jiang and the others will continue on the road.

They are very close to City I now, and it is estimated that they will be there after ten o'clock.

Because they have deviated from the original main route, the few people can only follow the map to walk in a straight line, even if they encounter a river, they have to cross the river. In the end, they cross the forest and cross the river... They finally arrived in I city!

"Walk around, go to the wizard center to rest, I'm going to be too tired!"

I don’t know why, Zhou Jiang gets tired when he thinks of being able to take a rest in the city. He used to walk for a day without problems, but now he’s tired...

Several people pulled a passerby on the street to ask for directions, and then several people ran towards the wizard center.

Now it's time for dinner, they are going to eat quickly!


"Miss Joey, please give us one..."

"I'm Cao! Zhou Jiang is on behind you!"

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