I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 486: The title is dead...

After a loud explosion, the big needle bee appeared in front of the babysitter. The small but dangerous spear swung towards the babysitter's head.

The babysitter didn't panic, and slightly opened its mouth at the spear that the big needle bee swung away, and an emerald green energy ball was conceived from it and quickly launched.


The energy ball was spinning in the air, heading towards the spear of the Big Needle Bee.


The long spear collided with the energy ball, and the energy ball was directly exploded by the needle bee.

Although it exploded, the Big Needle Bee did not suffer much damage. It was already covered with a thin layer of origin.

The big needle bee was not injured, and the babysitter was not bad.

At the moment the spear hits the energy ball, it has already retreated a long distance.

Of course, this is not enough for it to escape from the attack range of the Needle Bee, if it is so easy, don't get confused by the Needle Bee.

With a flap of its wings, the big needle bee caught up with the babysitter in front, and then the right spear continued towards its head.

The babysitter didn't panic, and saw that it exerted a little force, and its two spike-like legs were directly inserted into the ground, and then its whole body leaned back.

At this time, the big needle bee's spear also swung over, and it happened that the babysitter just fell on its back, and the spear swept across its scalp.

Although there is an energy ball as a blocker, this is only a casual blow of the babysitter, and the purpose is only to block the big needle bee.

The result was the same. Although Big Needle Bee's spear was swung over instead of poked, it was as easy as cutting butter with a hot knife.

The spear was swung over, and the needle bee staggered a bit after swiping it in an instant.

Fortunately, this was not a full blow of the Big Needle Bee, otherwise it would make Big Needle Bee uncomfortable with this one.

On the side of the babysitter, it fell on its back, but did not stop. After successfully evading the attack of the big needle bee, it lifted its two feet inserted into the field, and then leaned back. Power turned over, and lifted both legs towards the sky...


I saw the two long and sharp legs of the babysitter kicked towards the big needle bee fiercely. If the kick became strong, then the big needle bee might really suffer a lot of damage...

If you change to an ordinary elf, it will be difficult to dodge this one. After all, the time is too short, even if you adjust your position, you can't dodge it. After all, this trick is too fast and too ruthless!

But is the big needle bee an ordinary wizard?

That must not be.

Paper painting!

The Big Needle Bee knew the danger when it noticed the sharp, slightly stinging skin attack under its body. It didn't dare to bet whether the original source could be prevented, nor did it want to bet.

It is Zhou Jiang's absolute main force to challenge the master of the gymnasium. It is only the first round of battle, and it has no capital to wave.

If you can't wave a little, then it can only be painted with insurance paper.

Instantly release the power, let the energy flow according to a special route, and then make the body soft and elegant like paper and fallen leaves.


The babysitter’s legs slammed toward the Big Needle Bee, but the attack that was supposed to be able to hit was missed by the Big Needle Bee’s strange movement!


Fan Tianlei's eyes were wide, a little dumbfounded.

The big needle bee dangerously escaped the attack of the babysitter and quickly widened the distance from the babysitter, and the babysitter also stood up straight after pressing with both hands on the ground and then turned over and looked at the big needle bee. .

The battle between the two elves is very fast. Naturally, Fan Tianlei did not see how the needle bee escaped. However, judging from the fact that the needle bee did not move significantly before and the appearance of the babysitter, this time The attack must be empty.

Otherwise, after the blow, no matter what the big needle bee, the babysitter should rush to continue attacking now.

"Nanny, spinning!"


The babysitter gave a soft cry, and then sprayed a slender thread from the two slender antennae on the head wrapped in leaves.

The silk thread did not fly towards the big needle bee, it flew towards the branch not far away.

The big needle bee did not move, just watching the babysitter's actions quietly.

Until you don't understand the other party's purpose, you can't be reckless, even if you stare at the other party in place, this is what Zhou Jiang said to it.

Of course, the preconditions are naturally there, that is, the other party is not summoning, strengthening or the like.

Of course, transformation is also counted in it, but the opponent's transformation cannot be interrupted in the league regular game...

This is like the transformation of a magical girl, this is invincible time...

The babysitter shoots silk threads at the trees, without knowing its purpose.

"Big Needle Bee, Lan!"

Although I don't know what the purpose is, it's good to test it out, and if you try it out, you will naturally choose a long-range attack.

The big needle bee raised the gun and fell, and a transparent haze headed towards the babysitter.

The babysitter just glanced at the big needle bee, and then the silk thread on the top of the brittle head remained unchanged, still shooting towards the surrounding trees, but its mouth was slightly opened, and a lot of silk thread was spit out by it~www.ltnovel.com ~ Go straight towards the transparent haze.


The sound of slashing on the quilt and other fabrics sounded, the silk thread and the arsenal were tit-for-tat, but the result was quite regrettable. The top of the thick silk thread was directly broken by a transparent attack, and then flew straight toward the babysitter. Then, all the silk thread spit out by the babysitter along the way was penetrated by Lan, and the silk thread was divided into four parts and fell towards the surroundings.

Although Lan easily penetrated the silk threads, it also greatly slowed its speed. The babysitter couldn't help it, and moved lightly, and then left the original position.

After leaving the attack range, the babysitter naturally doesn't need to keep spinning to resist the haze, so it simply broke the silk thread.

The silk thread without the follow-up power blessing is like a hair, and when it loses its energy, it slowly floats in the air until it hits the ground.


Lan landed on the ground where the babysitter was originally, and exploded a small pit. Although the surface of the pit was small, the small circle in the center was estimated to be one or two meters deep.

"Huh? No action, don't you fight back..." Zhou Jiang was a little annoyed as he was still playing with the silk thread babysitter.

"Big Needle Bee, Hida Needle!"

Hearing Zhou Jiang's instructions, Big Needle Bee was taken aback, and then he executed it honestly.

Arashi is the long-range single skill of the Needle Bee, while the Missile Needle is the long-range group skill.

However, Lan is also a physical attack anyway, but the Missile Needle is really a special attack. The special attack of the Needle Bee has not been modified, it is really more than 30 levels... this level of attack is even given to the opponent Itching is not actually...

Since it was useless for a long time, Big Needle Bee almost forgot that he still had this skill, and now Zhou Jiang suddenly let it use it and was stunned.

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