I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 492: Hard Vortex Water Blade

"Rain-winged moth, keep the insects singing back!"

Fan Tianlei knew that the hard vortex water blade was Zhou Jiang's own skill.

When he had something to go to Shui Linglong before, he found that she was training Menus.

And what is the training thing?

Naturally, it was Zhou Jiang's skill-the hard vortex water blade.

Anyone who has collected Zhou Jiang’s data knows that Minas’s attack is extremely powerful, so there is no need to say more about the group attack. Although the single attack effect of the "Javelin" has never been shown before, they are Don't think it will be weak.

Compressing the water flow to such an extent, even if it is just thrown out, it won't be good for the hit wizard.

If the body is weaker, it is estimated that the body will be torn apart by the crazy water at the moment of hit?

In this scene, other than the fact that the rain wing moth is a little afraid of water, he dare not let the rain wing moth catch it.

The rain wing moth is also a magical elf.

Obviously when it was still a sugar yo-yo ball, it still had water attributes, and it was able to run fast on the water. As a result, it evolved into insect and flying attributes.

And although it can be a trick with water attributes, it will seriously interfere with its flight when its wings are in water. If it is too much, it will not fly directly...

Even other worms that can fly are not so pitted.

Such as Ba Da Hu and Big Needle Bee.

Even if they rained and their wings were wet, it would just be a little difficult to fly, and they would not stop flying, and the rain wing moth would not fly at all if the wings were wetted to a certain degree...

But it's okay.

This weakness of the rain wing moth is only the early weakness.

When it gets to the back, it can wrap its wings with its origin and prevent rain from soaking it. Even so, its origin and physical strength will be consumed faster...

On the field.

After Meinas fired a powerful "Javelin", he used his source to resist the sound with some pain.

It is unskilled in its original use, and there is no restraint relationship, so this move is a bit high.

The hard vortex water blade was completed and launched after it endured uncomfortably.

Menas was struggling to resist, while the rain-winged moth on the opposite side kept retreating backwards according to Fan Tianlei's instructions.

In fact, it doesn't need Fan Tianlei to say that it understands that it wants to retire.

Although it didn't know what the hard vortex water blade was, it felt a dangerous aura from the "javelin" that flew toward it.

If you don't pay attention...you will die!

Insect elves, whether they are large needle bees or rain-winged moths, are very sensitive to danger.

This is their natural racial skill.

In the forest, the weak eat the strong.

They don't seem to be under the hands of ordinary trainers, they have a stable environment and can live with other elves friendly.

They are born to be inferior to other elves, so they evolve very fast, so they are extremely sensitive to dangerous perception, so their life span is very short!

If they don’t evolve faster, then they won’t be able to protect themselves and their race.

If they are not sensitive to danger, they may be killed by other elves before they grow up!

These "talents" are all exchanged for their longevity!


The life of ordinary worm-type elves is such a reincarnation process.

Perhaps, three years is a long life for them...

This is the sorrow of bugs...

Only some worm-type elves trained with some strength can make their lifespan a little longer, but even if compared to humans with a short lifespan, they are a bit shorter, let alone compared with other elves...

Pulling away again...

The camera cuts back to the court.

The rain wing moth continued to sing while hiding, until the hard vortex water blade fell...


The distance between the two parties themselves is a little far away.

Although the speed of the hard vortex water blade is fast, the rain wing moth is not slow, so if you want to hit the opponent based on the "javelin" state alone, unless there is a gap between the levels of the two sides or the opponent is a slow type of elves.

Otherwise, the hard vortex water blade still depends on the waterspout that bursts out later to attack the opponent.

Although this kind of damage is not as violent as the "Javelin" direct attack later, it is not bad.

After the extreme compression, the tearing force of the waterspout is not something that everyone can resist.

The moment the "Javelin" hit the ground, it exploded. In less than a second, a waterspout with a diameter of five meters and a height of more than ten meters appeared on the field!

Although this waterspout has the same size as before, the suction power is even more terrifying!

On the field, the first to be drawn in were the leaves and branches of the big trees...

Even the big tree that was knocked down by the big needle bee was directly rolled up, and then it was twisted to pieces in the waterspout...

The rain wing moth felt that it was about to be sucked in more than ten meters away from the waterspout. It was so frightened that it stopped even when the insects sang and flapped its wings to try to escape the range of the waterspout.

"Menus, don't let it go!"

Insect elves are insect elves~www.ltnovel.com~ Although they have reached the king, they are still weak compared to other elves.

They misestimated the attack power of the hard vortex water blade, so now the rain wing moth is being pulled by the powerful suction of the waterspout, and now it basically cannot move even when moving.

It is not good at strength by itself, and it is now very good to be able to resist this suction.

"Rain-winged moth, air cut!" Looking at the flustered rain-winged moth, Fan Tianlei had to speak out. If we let it go on like this, Menus' attack would come.

By then it will really have no chance at all.


After hearing Fan Tianlei's shout, the rain wing moth calmed down, separated its mind, and reluctantly emphasized that the kinetic energy turned into a sharp blade and swung toward the waterspout from its wings.

At this time, Menus' attack was also brewing...

But now it still has a chance, as long as it escapes the suction of the waterspout.

Unfortunately, its air chop is just a small thing for the waterspout...

The air slash that was barely used was not a threat to this huge waterspout.

The second shot of Meenas has condensed after the brewing hard vortex water blade, and the angular "javelin" flies towards the rainwing moth that is constantly waving and struggling in the air!


As soon as the red light shot out from Fan Tianlei's hand, after hitting the rain wing moth, the rain wing moth turned into red light and was retracted into the poke ball.

The hard vortex water blade that lost the target hits the open space in the distance, and suddenly another powerful waterspout appeared on the field, even better than this one, which was brewed and strengthened by Menas, so the size and suction of the waterspout were also abnormal. Powerful.

Due to the loss of the target, the hard vortex water blade flew a little far away. It exploded not far in front of Fan Tianlei...

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