"Finally... finally here~!"

Everyone stretched, and then put on their backpacks and slowly followed the passengers who were about to get off in front of them and waited in the aisle.

Seeing the darkness outside the window, Zhou Jiang took a deep breath.

"City S, we are here, please take your luggage with you who are going to get off the bus..."

"City S, we are here, please take your luggage with you who are going to get off the bus..."

After the two broadcasts, Zhou Jiang could clearly feel the train slowed down.

After six or seven minutes, the train stopped steadily on the platform.

As the hatch opened, a damp and cold air with the smell of the sea floated in.

After following the people in front of them, they walked outside along the crowd.

When he came to the station, watching the light rain floating outside, Zhou Jiang sighed and looked at Xu Feng, "Is it sure that the hotel is booked?"

Since we will be late here today, they have booked a room online before, and this work is naturally handed over to the careful Xu Feng.

Xu Feng nodded and said, "Well, don't worry, there are four rooms in the Medieval Hotel."

Zhou Jiang nodded: "Then let's take a taxi right now. The car is exhausted and I can't sleep well."


Ten minutes later, several people hit three cars and drove towards the Medieval Hotel. (I made a mistake before and wrote about two cars, but in fact they can’t sit down)

In the car, Zhou Jiang checked the map of S city, and also found the medieval hotel where they were staying tonight.

The Medieval Hotel is far away from the popular beach. From there, it takes at least an hour by car...

Yes, otherwise, how could they book it? The hotels near the beach must be expensive and full of people. After all, China has never lacked rich people...

It took more than half an hour and finally arrived there. Although it was drizzle and a few people were holding umbrellas, Zhou Jiang was still getting wet. The rest was okay. The shoes were wet and the socks were uncomfortable. It's very.

"Excuse me, do you have any help?"

A few people went inside, and after approaching, the lady on duty at the front desk asked them with a smile.

Xu Feng took out his mobile phone and handed it over: "We have booked a room here, please check it."


The young lady at the front desk smiled and took the mobile phone with both hands, and then she gave a crazy output to the computer in front of her.

Three minutes later.

"Here are your room card and mobile phone, please take them." The lady gently pushed the room card and mobile phone over the counter.

"Thank you." Xu Feng took the things, and then walked in with Zhou Jiang and the others according to the reminder of the young lady.

After looking at the real room of the room card, they then took the elevator up.

The elevator quickly brought them upstairs, and the rooms they ordered were two and two connected together.

The triple room and the triple room are connected together.

The three of Zhou Jiang naturally belonged to the same room, and Wang Qingyan and the three women belonged to the same room. The remaining two rooms belonged to two female teachers, one male teacher and Chen Yongan.

Although they are all on the same floor, the triple room and the double room are far apart.

After everyone went to their rooms to put things in, they all gathered in Zhou Jiang's room.


Everyone was sitting everywhere on the bed, on the chairs, and on the floor, with a little serious expression.

"So slow, not yet..."

"Boom boom boom~"

Before Zhou Nan finished speaking, there was a knock on the door. Chen Yongan, who was sitting closest to the door, was overjoyed and quickly got up from the floor and opened the door.

Several other people including Zhou Jiang also looked out the door eagerly, is it finally here!


The door opened.

Seeing the door opened, the middle-aged woman outside the door was overjoyed with a smile on her face and yelled: "Hello, do you need to watch dancing..."

"..." Looking at the nine men and women behind Chen Yongan who opened the door, the woman was startled, then her face changed slightly, and she whispered "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" and then quickly left.

Chen Yongan is a little confused, who is this person? Watching dancing? Why did you just leave?

Not only was he stunned, but Zhou Jiang and the others in it were also stunned.

I thought the meal I ordered was here, but what the **** was it!

Among the few people, only Zhou Jiang and Chen Qizhen's expressions were slightly wrong.

It is not the first time that Chen Qizhen has brought students out. She has been a teacher for many years, so she knows a lot, like the current situation. Although she has never experienced it, she has heard of it from others.

According to legend, if you stay in a hotel, you may encounter the legendary little piece of paper...

As for what's on the little piece of paper...

Who knows~

Chen Qizhen had heard of this, and Zhou Jiang would naturally not have heard of it.

In the previous life, this kind of thing can be said to be called ears, right?

Not to mention small pieces of paper, there seems to be a lot of people at the train station...

Of course, this is the gossip that Zhou Jiang heard of or read from which QQ group.

After all, he is too lazy to die, how could he go out?

You know ~www.ltnovel.com~ He doesn't even bother to go to a comic show in the same city!

Well, not going to Manzhan is just that he has some social fears, it has nothing to do with laziness...

Chen Yongan closed the door, and then sat back.

Zhou Nan glanced at the crowd and said quietly, "Would you like to hurry up? It feels so slow..."

Zhou Jiangbai glanced at him: "...Isn't it that you said that you have enough sandwiches and change the taste. If you eat Yusanjia bento, something like this?"

"Ahem..." Zhou Nan looked at everyone's eyes and coughed to ease the embarrassment: "I'm not afraid that everyone will be tired of eating..."

"Ha ha."

"Ha ha."

"Ha ha."

"Boom boom boom~"

"Knock, I'll open it!"

Hearing the knock on the door, Zhou Nan jumped out of the chair like a drowning man who had caught the straw.

Seeing Zhou Nan's movements, Chen Yongan sat down, who was about to stand up.

"Hello, this is what you ordered."

"Good, good, thank you, thank you!"

The door Zhou Nan opened was a bit small, so they couldn't see the situation outside, but after hearing what they said, Chen Yongan and the others stood up "excitedly".

I can finally eat!

It’s almost 7 o’clock in the evening, and they’ve long been hungry. If it wasn’t because the food they ordered was about to come, and they ordered a little too much, they didn’t want to waste food. Puff your stomach.

A few people hurriedly helped to move things in, but Zhou Jiang pulled a small table over, and then he helped bring in the dishes.

Slot, it smells so good!

This was Zhou Jiang's first reaction when he smelled the food Zhou Nan and the others brought.

After all, if you are hungry, your nose will shine...

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