"how about it?"

When Zhou Jiang and the others passed by, Wang Qingyan and his group were already waiting there. Seeing Zhou Jiang and the others came, Jiang Shui came up and asked.

"Except for one arena that can be attacked with melee skills, the other arena are the same as this one and can only be used for hand-to-hand combat." Zhou Nan spread his hands, then looked at her and asked: "What about you?"

"Like you, it seems that the arenas here are all like this..." Jiang Shui said helplessly.

In this case, among them, except Zhou Jiang and the three teachers, don't think about the others...

They guess they can only go to those venues to find people to gamble...

Not long after, Chen Yongan and the others came back, and after some inquiries, the situation was the same as Zhou Jiang and others.

Finally, after a discussion, Zhou Jiang, Lu Ran and Tian Zhengjie were going to participate in the arena, while Zhou Nan and the others would go to find someone to gamble or be in the arena, whatever they want.

It is estimated that Zhou Jiang and the others will have no problem in the arena, mainly because of their gambling...

For gambling, Chen Qizhen is not a big problem, after all, the strength is there, and other Zhou Nan and others may overturn.

But it doesn't matter.

After all, it doesn't depend on them to make money.

Zhou Jiang and the three of them won money in the ring match, which is enough for them to spend a long time.

Hmm...they get 50% of the money they get when they go out to do tasks, play games, etc., and confiscated the rest.

If it weren’t for Zhou Nan’s refusal, they would actually have all confiscated...

After all, they are the ones who are not short of money...

Among these four powerful people, perhaps Chen Qizhen still values ​​money.

After all, she is not like Lu Ran and their family is a big family.

Zhou Jiang doesn’t have to compare. If it weren’t for Lu Ran and the others, he would still sell one or two energy cubes...

In this case, they don’t need to do tasks along the way...

According to Lu Ran and the others, doing tasks along the way can broaden the trainer's horizons, and also allow the elves to have more knowledge and knowledge and grow more.


After the people separated, Zhou Jiang found a ring and passed.

There are still fights in the arena, and he needs to wait for them to decide the winner before he can challenge.

On the ring, one is a mosquito frog and the other is Hei Lujia.

Since they couldn't use the long-range attack skills, the mosquito frog was restrained by the blood mother.

Every time Hei Lujia reveals the fangs of the lightning-wrapped mosquito frog's eyes, there will be a flash of anger and fear.


The mosquito frog is of the water system, and was hammered by the head of a fire-based black Lujia, and he still can't fight back with water-based skills. Who will not be frustrated?

Although I was frustrated and wanted to fight back, the water system faced the Thunder System’s Thunder Fang...

Okay, can you say it's pretty good without being beaten and crying?

No surprise, the mosquito frog was destroyed and then GG.

Yes, after all, just two passers-by, do you still expect the mosquito frog to break out in the last wave and then make a shocking reversal?

You know, reversing this kind of thing happens to people who are "prepared."

What is "preparation"?

For example, Zhou Jiang's big needle bee.

If Zhou Jiang had no system and no previous knowledge of elves, just an ordinary person who could not be an ordinary person, even if the family had some money, but Zhou Jiang's ordinary big needle bee could become so strong?

Even if it doesn't look at its current strength, can it be stronger in the later stage?

If it weren't for the system's BUG, ​​Zhou Jiang would have nothing to do with it.

How strong do you want a green-quality big needle bee?

Blacksmith need its own hardware.

If this mosquito frog has some powerful skills, such as burst punch, it can be said that it may come back, and it turns out to be a serial slap...

Others rely on its own movement or fist attacks...

Unless you suppress the Black Luga by level, or else you want to turn over the Black Luga with Thunder Fang?

If this can be overturned, Zhou Jiang said that he would dare to eat **** live...

"The little king's Black Luga won. Now our little king has won seven consecutive victories. Is there any trainer who wants to challenge first?!"


Zhou Jiang had been waiting here for a long time, and when the referee shouted out, he raised his hand and shouted, and then the crowd in front of Zhou Jiang separated and gave way to Zhou Jiang.

"So young, he has elves..."

"Is this someone's child?"

"The little kid still wants to fight?"

"This junior high school hasn't graduated yet, right?"


After the crowd separated, Zhou Jiang was immediately attracted attention, and then everyone started talking.

Zhou Jiang was a little speechless, but he said he was used to it.

He said that he has no interest in the faces of people who are not counted as such.

Slap them in the face without much sense of accomplishment. In Zhou Jiang's eyes, they are not even a dragon, they are just passers-by...

Perhaps the one standing on the ring can be regarded as a dragon's sleeve.


Listening to the hesitant tone of the referee~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Jiang didn't talk nonsense, and while walking, he released the elf.

Of course, the released Big Needle Bee is naturally ridiculed by the passers-by. After all, they are also trainers, and naturally they know the Big Needle Bee this garbage spirit.

The elves like the big needle bee are a bit rubbish.

Popular goods, but if you practice well, it is also very strong.

This is also the reason for the slogan "There is no garbage elves, only garbage trainers".

Of course, just listen to this kind of "chicken soup", don't take it seriously...

People are divided into different classes, let alone elves.

Individuals can't represent everything, and the worms are rubbish!

However, what is wrong with Zhou Jiang?

Anyway, his big needle bee can hang everything...

Zhou Jiang stepped onto the ring, handed the room card to the referee, and asked the referee to enter the information.

After recovering his room card, Zhou Jiang looked at the opposite youth with some curiosity.

He did not mock Zhou Jiang like the passers-by below, even when Zhou Jiang released the big needle bee, Zhou Jianggao couldn't help but glance at him.

Well, he improved Zhou Jiang's senses a lot.

Zhou Jiang expressed his favor.

Suddenly, the young man named "Xiao Wang" spoke: "You use this big needle bee to compete?"

Zhou Jiang was startled, thinking that he also looked down on his big needle bee, slightly disappointed, but still answered his question: "Yes, why, look down on it?"

"Okay, the information entry is complete, and you can prepare to fight."

At this time, the referee suddenly said, and then returned the room card to Zhou Jiang.

After Zhou Jiang received the room card, the young man shook his head regretfully: "No, I know you, your big needle bee is very strong, I am not your opponent, since it is you, then I choose to abstain..."

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