I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 511: Look at the face of the world

Three minutes passed and the game was over.

Hmm...These three minutes also include the time the referee wasted over there talking and the time spent by the big needle bee and other opponents...

In such a conversion, the end is just an instant.

See also spike!

Below the ring, except for the people who were watching here at the beginning, the other newcomers who had just arrived were all embarrassed and in an uproar.

In the end, the old people couldn't see it, and they looked at them with contempt and explained to them.

Zhou Jiang shook his head helplessly, then took out an energy cube or two from his backpack.

"Feeding elves is allowed, right?"

Zhou Jiang looked at the referee, if he didn't allow it, it would be cheating.

The referee nodded: "It's okay to feed the food. Not only food, but even the wound medicine can be used by the elves, but if someone comes up to challenge you, you must stop."

Zhou Jiang nodded, it didn't matter.

Let the big needle bee fly over, and then put the energy cube in your palm to let it eat slowly.

"I will challenge!"

Perhaps it was because Zhou Jiang was feeding, some of the new trainers below were directly ready to move.

Although the "old men" have warned them, there are always people who think they are great, and they watched Big Sting Bee a game. Although it looks great, they don’t have much recognition of how great it is. know.

After all, the opponent is solved with one blow, what if the opponent is too weak?

And now it's still feeding, it must be unable to hold it!

This is a golden opportunity!

Not at this time, when will you stay? !

As a result, more than a dozen people raised their hands, each shouting to challenge.

For so many people to challenge, the referee is naturally happy.

This is here to give him money!

He also believed in Zhou Jiang's strength, and didn't choose carefully. He just picked the closest person and asked him to challenge.

But speaking of it, although it is said that Zhou Jiang is strong and he does not need to choose carefully, but in fact, based on appearance, even he can't see who is good and who is useless.

After all, the elves have not been released, how can this know the strength of the person who is going to challenge?

"Okay, come this player!"

"Aha! Good luck, I was drawn!"

The man who was spotted looked at the crowd separated from the left and right, and was startled, and then looked at the referee before reacting.

"Ha ha."

As for the man's "big words and lofty ambitions", no one ridiculed him and looked at him silently.

Others who were also the top players did not continue the BB when they saw that they had already chosen, so it is not too late to wait until the game is over!

Both sides were in place, and after the other side took out the poke ball, the referee called to start.

Even though he could change the elves, Zhou Jiang didn't have much to change. Just go on like this, let alone win thirty consecutive wins, three hundred wins is not worth it!

Finally, the game is Big Needle Bee VS Hot Monkey!

This hot monkey seems to be well-trained, and his strength has reached the elementary level of the elite. It is considered that the trainer level has just started.

"My hot monkey is..."

"Long wordy... Big Needle Bee, solve it!"

Listening to the other party, who was about to start talking again, Zhou Jiang interrupted the other party directly and asked Big Needle Bee to solve it quickly.

He had also experienced a game before, and that opponent had a lot of words, and he couldn't finish talking. Before the game started, the words came out in a whisper, making Zhou Jiang very uncomfortable.

It's not to fight, it's not to fight. In the end, the needle bee couldn't stand it. After giving his elf a shot, he stopped talking and was eliminated...

After that trouble, Zhou Jiang felt that he didn't want to continue to listen to others in the past few days.

If you don't send elves to fight or send elves to chat for a long time without fighting, they will be killed!

When Big Needle Bee heard Zhou Jiang's words, it also felt anger obviously, so it was also angry.

With two thin wings, it reached the hot monkey.

The elves like the hot monkey are the kind that is not afraid of the sky and the earth. If you don't fear it, it will never give up.

So even though he was surprised that the Big Needle Bee arrived so quickly, he didn't give up. The right arm wearing a heavy hoop was raised high, and then the big fist of the casserole pot hit the Big Needle Bee.


"Huh, how about it, I... Fuck!"

Although the challenger was a little surprised at the speed of the needle bee, it was also a little excited to watch the fiery monkey's fist getting closer and closer to the needle bee, fast?

Isn't it about to be beaten by the hot monkey?

He is still very confident of Hot Monkey, but he is not convinced by his master...

If it weren't for a strong enemy today, this hot monkey might turn around and punch the trainer.

That's right, Hot Monkey is so hot and reckless!


Seeing it smashed past, the big needle bee couldn't escape the attack. After a burst of noise, it was his hot monkey that flew out? !

What the **** is this!

He just slightly shifted his perspective, how could such a big change happen so quickly!

No one explained to him, the old people didn’t bother to explain~www.ltnovel.com~ The new people were also immersed in the pleasure of the powerful strength of Big Needle Bee...

All in one blow!

The man is down...

Holding his fiery monkey who was beaten to his feet...

When the man went down, he was still stunned. If he hadn't been able to see the bright light in his eyes, everyone else would wonder if he had been beaten up and out of wit...

Well, with this person's lesson, other people who raised their hands very quickly before hesitated.

Of course, the referee won't give them a chance, and they just started to bluff and agitate them.

It is said that as long as you win the current Zhou Jiang, you will have extra rewards after becoming the champion.

A lot of other empty talk.

He wasn't afraid that he wouldn't be able to get it back when he let it go. Anyway, he had become Zhou Jiang's loyal little brother.

Now Zhou Jiang has won 19 consecutive rounds, as long as he wins another round, then he will have the reward for winning 20 consecutive rounds!

The referee is full of motivation when he thinks of the reward for winning 20 games in a row.


Dry mouth after shouting for a long time?

What kind of **** excuse?

Keep shouting to the Lord!

That's money!

Although it is said that the victory and defeat are there, and you can't run away, he is still worried...

It's best to get it early!

After the referee and commentator's beating and advocating, finally someone came up to challenge.

This time, a girl came up...

Zhou Jiang looked at her with a little surprise. After all, he had played 19 games, and he met a girl in the second game. The others were old men.

However, this girl is also average. For Zhou Jiang, who is Yan Kong, it generally means that it has nothing to do with him...

Only beautiful girls can get preferential treatment with him! As for ugly girls and ordinary girls, I can only say sorry...

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