I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 517: Lingbo Weibu? Paper painting?

After Zhou Jiang left here with Xiaolan, it took more than ten minutes before they reached the "destination".

It was an ordinary room, and there was no sign on the wall beside the door.

Originally, Zhou Jiang thought there was something like a gift package distribution center. After entering, Zhou Jiang realized that there was nothing inside. Empty, just a table and a computer on the table and other small objects.

"please wait for a moment."

Asking Zhou Jiang to wait beside him, Xiao Lan sat at the desk and started working on the computer. After a few minutes, Xiao Lan finished things, got up and signaled to Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang doesn't care what she did, it has nothing to do with him anyway, he just needs to get the reward at the end, as for what needs to be experienced in the middle...

As long as it is not too troublesome and not dangerous, it has nothing to do with him.

Finally, Xiaolan took Zhou Jiang to the real destination.

The room was almost exactly what Zhou Jiang had imagined. Several staff members were sitting there chatting, and when Xiaolan and Zhou Jiang came in, they stopped quickly.

Xiaolan and Zhou Jiang walked over, and then Xiaolan said to one of them: "The information has been sent to your computer, right?"

"Yes, it's confirmed, no problem, and things are ready." The man nodded.

Xiao Lan nodded: "That's good, then give the prize to Mr. Zhou." Then, Xiao Lan pointed to Zhou Jiang.

The man nodded, then took out a large handbag from under the counter, stood up and held it in both hands.

Zhou Jiang took the things and nodded to her.

Xiao Lan asked Zhou Jiang after he had taken the things, "Well, Mr. Zhou, would you like to stroll around here? If you want to go back, I will take you back now."

"Go back, my friend over there is still waiting for me, please trouble you."

Zhou Jiang answered without thinking about it. After all, he didn’t have much to do here, and the secretary probably wouldn’t really want to take him around here, that is, to be polite. She was afraid that Zhou Jiang was not anxious. Leaving...

Finally, after secretary Xiaolan sent Zhou Jiang back there, she went back to "return to life", and Zhou Jiang was too lazy to care about her, and was going to find Zhou Nan and the others.

Zhou Jiang had looked at his mobile phone before. Zhou Nan and the others didn't reply. They probably didn't see it. They are still playing the game seriously.

Zhou Jiang was the first to go to the ring competition by himself, so he didn't know where everyone except Teacher Tian Zhengjie was.

Teacher Tian Zhengjie was playing at the first ring they saw. What the others said...

Zhou Jiang looked around and just happened to see the ring where he was going to fight.

I saw that the ring that was originally full of people had "people go to the empty", the previous "prosperity" was no longer there, and more than a dozen people were left watching sparsely.


In other places, dozens of people are watching it the last time. Even if Zhou Jiang leaves the ring, he doesn't have to be so far behind, right?

What a shame to Zhou Jiang, the former ringmaster!

Well, it doesn't matter to Zhou Jiang, Zhou Jiang still has no plans to go and see it, so let's go see Zhou Nan and the others first.

Zhou Nan and the others are actually very easy to find, especially Lu Ran and the others.

The place surrounded by the most people must be where Lu Ran is.

Zhou Jiang went up and down, glanced at the entire underground venue slightly, and then locked his destination.



It was only when Zhou Jiang passed by that it was not Lu Ran who was playing on stage!

But it's also an acquaintance, so it's not bad.

"Xu Feng, this kid, has a first-rate ability to pick up customers! I didn't even notice it?"

Zhou Jiang muttered, a little curious.

Not to mention the strength of Xu Feng compared with them, even among these trainers here is also weak, so Zhou Jiang would be curious about how Xu Feng did it, and he was able to attract so many audiences, even Lu Ran and Tian Zhengjie and their audience also ran over.

Logically speaking, shouldn't it be the stronger the strength, the more the audience?

With curiosity, Zhou Jiang waited here.

On the ring, they haven't started fighting, maybe they are talking? But because the station was far away, Zhou Jiang couldn't hear what they were talking about.

After three minutes passed, the two finally got to work.

Xu Feng's spirit is a hair ball, and the other's spirit is a small boxing stone.

Zhou Jiang didn't know whether Xu Feng was going up to challenge or defending, but he was more inclined to the latter.

But I don't know what he and his opponent think, they actually send these elves.

If Xu Feng guards the ring, Kami Turtle gets tired and changes the ball. It's easy to understand, but what about Xiaoquan Stone...

This is a chaos between fighting skills!

Is it really okay for you to be beaten up by an elf with double restraint? !

If you change it to another elf, I guess you will be able to turn it over...

And Xu Feng?


The melee ability of this gadget is not strong~www.ltnovel.com~ but it is fortunate that it is also a weak fist stone, otherwise it is really hopeless.

After all, you can't use other skills, it hurts the hairball in the first form.

It is estimated that the impact can be used, and the attributes of the small fist stone...

The game fell into a "stalemate", the two hitting each other together, the hard-to-separate fur ball and the small boxing stone separated.

The sudden change caused Zhou Jiang to come back to his senses. Hearing the shouts from the crowd onlookers, Zhou Jiang was a little surprised.

Because of him, they shouted Xu Feng's name!

Make no mistake!

With so many people, is it possible that Chengdu is a fan of Xu Feng?

Or did Xu Feng use the power of krypton gold?


This is...Lingbo Weibu? Or paper painting?

Looking at the stage, Zhou Jiang was shocked.

I saw the small fist stone constantly attacking on the ring, and the fur ball seemed to predict the future, and it seemed to be painted on paper. Whenever the small fist stone rolled over and hits, it could pass by. It can also be transformed into a ball, give it a look behind...

It looks like Zhou Jiang's big needle bee.

No matter how the enemy attacks, it can be perfectly avoided in the limit.

Looking at Mao Qiu, Zhou Jiang was so scared that he quickly turned on the system to see its status and skills.

Oh, shouldn't Xu Feng also have a system...

Zhou Jiang was a little frightened.

However, Zhou Jiang took a look with the system and found that Mao Qiu's skills are still so few, and the state has not changed, so the level has been increased by one...

Is it possible that this hair ball relies on the "compound eye" feature to observe the opponent's movement, and then "calculate" the opponent's attack route, and then begin to evade and counterattack?

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