Zhou Jiang and the others are going into the forest.

This time, Zhou Jiang and the others brought three elves, Zhou Jiang's Big Sting Bee and Menus, and Xu Feng's Kamie Turtle.

As for Chen Yongan's words, he didn't bring anything...

When the three of them came to this island, naturally they did not come to travel, but to do tasks!

Last night, Xu Feng found a post on the Internet.

The original poster is in urgent need of a herbal medicine called Asilia. However, the growth conditions of this herbal medicine are a bit harsh. It is grown in tropical areas and requires salt water irrigation. Doesn't this mean the seaside!

At that time, Xu Feng was still a little puzzled, so I searched on Baidu and found that the Asilia herbs were not simply grown on the seashore. At least they were found in islands, and indeed in the coastal cities.

Even if there is, it is stunted, it is difficult to grow, and the efficacy of the medicine is much worse than those found on the island.

The effect of the Aseria herb is to relieve the powerful paralysis effect.

Ordinary paralysis-relieving potions can relieve the paralysis effect, but it is only because the paralysis effect is not very strong. If it is hit by a strong electric current or a powerful wizard's paralysis powder, it is not a joke.

If the paralysis effect is not lifted, it may affect the life of the elf!

So the importance of the Aseria herb comes out, it can quickly relieve those paralysis effects, even if it is a powerful paralysis.

Of course, the potency of the medicine is strong and scarce, which means that its price is high, which is why Zhou Jiang and others are here to do this task.

Only need to get 20 Asilia, they can get a reward of 10,000 yuan! And after more than 20 plants, you can increase the price on the basis of the original price and then buy the extra herbs!

Counting this down, the twenty Asilia plants are equivalent to five hundred yuan a plant!

In the market, this thing is more than 200 yuan a plant, so if you count it, it is twice the price!

Although Xu Feng wanted to be clever to buy from other people and then resell it, the person who posted the post was not a fool. How could he give the money for nothing, so Xu Feng naturally did not find anyone on the Internet who would have this thing.

But it doesn't matter if you don't find it, they can look for it!

They are now by the sea, and there are many islands around these 13 districts, the most famous of which is the island named Luo under their feet.

The reason why this island is famous is purely because every year Tokiwadai invites students to come to experience...

Over time, people have known about this island.

And in this island, there are everything, fruit trees, elves and the like, it is estimated that even Asilia is not a problem.

And before Xu Feng turned to this commissioned post, they had already negotiated that they would come to the beach today, that is to say, they could sneak onto the island at this time!

This is a big deal. If you find enough Asilia, it will be another big income. And even if you can’t sell it, it’s good to keep it for yourself and sell it to the market shop. These are also good in the Wizard Center.

And recently they just happened to have a place where they needed money, so they made some plans once they added up.

In his own words, Zhou Nan and Zhou Jiang Xu Feng should have come, and Chen Yongan helped them to hold Lu Ran and the others. As a result, Zhou Nan was kicked by them to the Jiangshui team, instead of Chen Yongan. Chen Yongan replaced Zhou Nan's position.

Chen Yongan looked at the two and then asked, "By the way, shall we go directly into the forest to find?"

Zhou Jiang shook his head: "Of course not. We also know the general growth environment of Asilia. Just find the water source and then follow the lakes and rivers of this island to find it."

With that said, Zhou Jiang let the big needle bee fly directly in.

The task of reconnaissance was naturally handed over to the Big Needle Bee. There was Menus, a pseudo-Uranus-level elves, and their safety was still guaranteed. Moreover, it was still on the beach, so even if they were lost, they could escape directly into the water.

Big Needle Bee went in to investigate, and the three of them waited right here.

After waiting for a while, the three people who couldn't sit still decided to take a stroll on this shore.


Looking at the coconut trees in the distance, the three of them couldn't help but smile at each other.

The three of them got under the coconut tree with Menus and Kami. Zhou Jiang asked Menus to get some coconuts down with a water gun. Menus nodded, and a water gun passed by, and three coconuts fell at the same time!

Three birds with one stone?

With Minus's hand, Xu Feng and the others were stunned for a while, even Kamie Turtle was stunned, and it took a long while to turn a somewhat silly head to look at Minas intricately.

Three leaves fell down and smashed on the ground. Fortunately, it was sandy ground, and because of its hard texture, it did not break.

Chen Yongan stepped forward to pick up the coconut and hugged it in his arms and knocked on it, feeling a little distressed, "We don't seem to have any tools to open this coconut?"

Zhou Jiang took the coconut, shook it, and said with a smile: "It's okay."

With that said, Zhou Jiang handed the leaf to Menus, who also had a good heart, his small mouth opened slightly, and an extremely small stream of water shot out of his mouth.

Although the water flow is very thin, the rate of fire is very fast!

Hearing a "swish" sound, a cover on the coconut being dragged by Zhou Jiang was cut away by the water, and the fresh coconut juice also slipped onto the palm of his hand, and then fell low on the sand.

This water gun of Meinas is equivalent to a high-pressure water jet. Fortunately, Meinas adjusted its lower position when opening the coconut for Zhou Jiang. In front of it is the sea where no one is standing, otherwise...

Xu Feng and the others have seen the power of Minas, but they didn’t expect that the water gun could be used in this way, so they were only a little surprised and then returned to normal. On the contrary, Kami Turtle looked at Mina with bright eyes. S.

I want it too, I want to watch it all too!

With Zhou Jiang’s precedent, Xu Feng and Chen Yongan also asked Menus to open coconuts, and then the three of them sat down and drank from the coconut tree.

Zhou Jiangjiang Meinas and Kami Turtle both watched them drinking coconut milk curiously, and then let them beat a few by themselves.

Anyway, there are many coconut trees on this small island, so it's okay to hit more.

However, just when Menus and Kamie turtles knocked down three coconuts, a change suddenly appeared on the sand beside Zhou Jiang.

Chen Yongan was the first to discover this change. After seeing him exclaimed, Zhou Jiang and the others turned their attention. Even Menas had heard the changes here, so they all stopped the act of laying coconuts and turned. And guarding them in front of Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang looked towards where Chen Yongan was looking, and found that the flat beach was moving strangely at this time!

Of course, this movement is not that movement, or it looks like quicksand, a place half a meter in diameter is actually sunken in this way, and it seems that it is still spinning inside?

The change in this scene made the three and two elves a little nervous.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Jiang also regretted it. He knew he had brought Kirulian or Ghost Stone with him...

It is very convenient for one mind to observe directly, and the other to see through. As a result...

He had thought about a little exploration before, and it should be enough if there was a big needle bee, but in the end, it didn't even start, and something happened.

Sure enough, you can't relax your vigilance, you should bring your combat power with you at any time.

But... Zhou Jiang glanced at the Menus standing in front of him, and felt a little relieved.

Although there is no big needle bee and Kirulian by his side, Menus is not weak, and there shouldn't be any powerful elves in this place, right?

After all, this island was used by the Tokiwadai School for students to practice, and it would be bad if the elves were too strong to crush them or cause casualties.

Thinking of this, Zhou Jiang's fast beating heart calmed down a bit.

Such a little movement, although a little weird, should be able to deal with Menus's words.

Suddenly, Zhou Jiang was taken aback, what should I do if the "quick sand" appeared under his feet? !

In an instant, Zhou Jiang ran away. Of course, he also called Xu Feng and the others when he ran away.

Regardless of this possibility, Zhou Jiang didn't want to try the risk.

Zhou Jiang didn't explain much to them, and Xu Feng and Chen Yongan didn't ask much. Seeing Zhou Jiang let them run, they ran with them, and the two elves in front of them didn't look back. Continue to look at the quicksand pit in front~www.ltnovel.com~ Menas stared at this front, as the turtle "Umi~" the turtle "Umi~" for a few times, the turtle hesitated to glance at Meinas, then nodded. , Turned around and ran towards Zhou Jiang and the others.

At this time, Zhou Jiang and the three had already left the beach and ran onto the grass.

After stopping, Chen Yongan looked at Zhou Jiang, "What happened? Why are we running?"

Although he believed Zhou Jiang and ran without hesitation, human beings cannot avoid curiosity about things, and Chen Yongan is no exception.

And not just Chen Yongan, even Xu Feng looked over curiously.

Since Kami Turtle and Zhou Jiang started running within two seconds, it had already reached the three of them at this time.

But the three of them, neither Chen Yongan, Xu Feng nor Zhou Jiang looked at it.

Zhou Jiang glanced at the two of them, then pointed to the "quick sand" that was still spinning over there and said, "What if this thing appears under our feet?"



Well, after Zhou Jiang said these words, the two of them instantly understood.

Indeed, if this "quick sand" really appeared under their feet, it would be bad to **** them in.

Although it is not clear whether this is a natural formation or the ability of elves, they are right away from the beach.

If it is formed naturally, then they will be fine after they leave. If it is the skill of the elves, there can still be this quicksand on the grass, then Menas can find each other based on energy fluctuations.

I didn't worry about it before, so Menus didn't notice, but now Menus is serious. If it is really an elf attack, Menus can find the opponent instantly!

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