"I said Zhou Jiang, you..."

Chen Yongan can't stand it anymore. Isn't this too internal?

Zhou Jiang was facing them now, looking behind him, and after hearing Chen Yongan's words, he explained: "I don't know why, there is always a bad feeling. Just ignore me."



Xu Feng and Chen Yongan looked at each other, a little bewildered.

Bad premonition? What the hell...

"So before you asked us, didn't you feel that it was the same when someone looked behind you?"

Xu Feng suddenly spoke and asked Zhou Jiang.

"Yes, although you said no, but I still have some feelings like nothing, it's always good to be careful."

After hearing Zhou Jiang's words, Xu Feng nodded, and then released the Kamie turtle.

He felt that although Zhou Jiang had made some fuss, it was indeed better to be more cautious.

Although he doesn't think his Kami Turtle is used for release...

Chen Yongan looked at Xu Feng who had been "convinced", the corners of his mouth twitched, and he didn't say anything.

Suddenly, when a breeze blew, Chen Yongan shuddered. I don't know why, but he also had a bad feeling and started to panic...

And when he noticed this, he also felt a pair of eyes looking at him behind him...

In an instant, Chen Yongan felt a cool breath and his heels rushed straight into his forehead.

He didn't think too much, just three steps and two steps, came to Zhou Jiang's side, used his back to stick to Zhou Jiang's back, forming a back-to-back posture.

Chen Yongan's inexplicable behavior surprised Xu Feng and Zhou Jiang, but before they could even ask, Chen Yongan spoke.

I saw that his face was slightly pale, and his head was constantly scanning towards Xu Feng: "I... I also felt that someone was looking at me just now!"


Chen Yongan's words surprised Xu Feng.

Do you feel it too? !

He sensed something was wrong, and took the Kamie Turtle to form a three-legged formation with Zhou Jiang back to back. The Kamie Turtle stood in front of Xu Feng, while Menus was between Zhou Jiang and Chen Yongan. position.

"How is it, Xu Feng, do you feel it too?"

After glancing at Xu Feng slightly, Zhou Jiang asked.




In an instant, Zhou Jiang's words "What do you feel like" was hit back...

At this time, the big needle bee also finished collecting the herbs.

Big Needle Bee turned his head to look at the group of people and the vigilant elves who were constantly looking around, his nerves were slightly strained.

Have enemies?

Thinking about this, Big Needle Bee closed her eyes and once again let out a domineering look.

The big needle bee has a strong sense of sight, and can easily cover an area of ​​the size of the battlefield.

And how big is the formal battle field?

The regular battle arena is 30 meters long and 18 meters wide, and the big needle bee can easily cover it all!

And if the big needle bee continues to exert its strength, it is estimated that the capture range can be greater!

However, the Big Needle Bee has already pushed the domineering look to the extreme. In its mind, every elves and ordinary ants were "captured" by it.

Then it screened one by one, and ordinary animals were sent out first. For the elves-green caterpillars? No, a unicorn? Not the green caterpillar, the green caterpillar...

Following the investigation one by one, Big Needle Bee found that there weren't any great spirits around here at all!

The most powerful is a goldfish king in the water...

However, the goldfish king's level is also extremely low, even Xu Feng's Kamie turtle can hammer it...

So why are the masters so scared?

The Big Needle Bee was a little confused, and then once again launched the domineering look, this time, it went to scan the ground, and then scanned the sky after there was no ground, the result was still no? !

Now the big needle bee is confused, what's the situation? Is it because you are too weak?

After probing four or five times, Big Needle Bee gave up.

And seeing that there is no movement at all now, it feels that it is impossible to be the owner and their brains...

It’s real, nothing happened...

Other elves can also be discovered, and there is no problem... Is it possible that the other party can block its sights?

But it's not right.

It's domineering look and feel is similar to the detection of superpowers, but although it is not known why its domineering look cannot penetrate the special materials that block the exploration of superpowers, it can detect the energy of evil attributes.

In other words, seeing and hearing **** has the advantages of super power attributes, and it does not have its shortcomings, so it should be impossible for elves to avoid seeing and hearing **** domineering.

And it has not found any enemies now, so either it is too far away, or there is no enemy at all...

Of course, there may be elves with new attributes, or elves with attributes that Zhou Jiang does not have, but this possibility is very small.

Let’s not talk about the new attributes. The Needle Bee has played against so many times and seen so many elves. What attributes have not been seen?

But there has never been a time when seeing and hearing domineering can't catch the other party.

In other words, the latter is not valid, and the new attribute in front...

Big Needle Bee let go of his doubts.

Regardless of whether there are enemies, it will protect Zhou Jiang from here.

Now that the herbs are almost collected, it is better to go straight back instead of searching for enemies here.

Zhou Jiang and the others had always maintained their vigilance, but when Big Needle Bee flew back, everyone relaxed slightly.

You can't relax without being relaxed. Big Sting Bee is really too reliable.

Absolutely powerful!

If even the Needle Bee can't protect them, then they don't need to be wary of anything.

What's the point of that?

"Good job, Big Needle Bee!"

Looking at the bag full of herbs carried by Big Needle Bee, Zhou Jiang couldn't help but praise it.

Chen Yongan was a little nervous and said: "Now the herbs are also picked, shall we leave here?"

Xu Feng nodded: "Well, leave, I don't want to stay in this ghost place anymore."

Zhou Jiang didn't refute, so the three of them leaned together and walked slowly towards the same path. This time there was a big needle bee, but they didn't back to back.

Meinas and Came tortoise were walking in front, followed by a big needle bee driving a domineering look, very safe!

After seeing the sea, everyone sighed, but Zhou Jiang did not relax his vigilance, so that Big Needle Bee also cheered up. They waited until they returned to the beach and no elves jumped out. According to the novel and movie, it is very likely that there will be some moths at this time!

It is better to be vigilant.

All the guards have come over, and it's not too late for a while.

You know, whether it is the protagonist or the villain, if the dragon set relaxes at the last minute, it will not be good for the rest of the game. Zhou Jiang does not want to see that scene.

Hearing Zhou Jiang's reminder, Xu Feng and Chen Yongan also raised their spirits.

Quickly took off their clothes, jackets and trousers, Zhou Jiang put them in the ring with the herbs, and then they walked into the sea.

At this time, Zhou Jiang had not recovered the Big Needle Bee.

It's better to be safe... After all, be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. It would be funny if the ship capsized at this time.

After walking through the beach and rocky beach, until the seawater soaked their waists and the rope was tied up, Zhou Jiang recovered the big needle bee.

At the moment when the Big Needle Bee was retracted, Zhou Jiang was so scared that he plunged into the sea water, and then let Menus quickly slip...

Xu Feng did the same, got into the water instantly and ran away.

This time, Chen Yongan was tied to Menus together with Zhou Jiang, so the Kami Turtle could swim faster. Of course, although it was faster, it still couldn't run Menus.

After swimming in full force for six or seven minutes, they appeared on the surface of the water, and now they have returned to the beach!

That's right, the island is very close to the 13th district. Standing here, you can see the islands in the distance. Menus and the Kamie turtle swim with all their strength, and they will soon be able to go back and forth.

Of course, to get here within six or seven minutes, it still depends on Menus.

In the early days, Xu Feng relied on the Kamie tortoise to swim with all its strength. After it had no strength, Menas began to exert its strength.

Two ropes were tied to Zhou Jiang, one connected to Menas and the other connected to the Kamie turtle.

After Kami's tortoise is gone, Menus will take three people and add a tortoise.

Fortunately, Menus is relatively strong, otherwise it really can't move.

After going ashore, Zhou Jiang and the three of them seemed to be exhausted, too tired...

The main reason is to swim too fast.

Although when Menus started to exert its strength, there was a Kami Turtle as a shield in front of the three of them, but the speed was so fast that they still couldn't stand it. One trip was fine, and the second trip started when they were frightened... …

Just being tired can be said to be a blessing to the strong body of this world...

If they had the physique of the previous life, it is estimated that they were all buried directly at the bottom of the sea, maybe even the corpse would not be found...

The three people knelt there and gasped, and the elves who were exercising over there saw them too, but they didn't come. They just took a look and continued to exercise, only the meditating Kirulian frowned slightly.

‘What happened? ’

'Ok? "Zhou Jiang was taken aback, and then he reacted, "Oh, it turned out to be Kirulian... It's all right, it's just scared. ’


‘Scared? Who scared you, tell me! ’

'……amount. ’

Zhou Jingjing looked up and found that Kirulian was drifting towards this side, but the look in Xu Feng's eyes beside them was a little dangerous, and Zhou Jiang was frightened to explain quickly.

‘It’s okay~www.ltnovel.com~ nobody scares me, don’t be nervous, don’t be nervous..."

Seeing Kirulian stopped and looked at him suspiciously, Zhou Jiang was slightly relieved. If Kirulian went directly to them, I would be embarrassed...

But having said that, when did Kirulian care about me so much...

‘Really, I’m sorry... I wanted to thank them. With that, Kirulian looked regretful, and then slowly drifted back.


Looking at Kirulian's back and thinking of Kirulian's words, Zhou Jiang was a little dazed. Are you really my elf? Bring back my cute Larouras, bastard! !

"Eh, why are you back so soon?"

Just as Zhou Jiang was thinking about it, Tian Zhengjie, who was lying on the beach chair over there, sat up, looked over here and shouted.

Be an elf trainer in a parallel world

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