I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 539: Fan girl and attack?

Listening to Qian Jiajia's words, Luo Minxu who was next to her was slightly surprised: "It's true! Is it the one who defeated the disciple of the Water Elemental King and was the first trainer to report that there is Menas?"

"Really! I like him so much, should we go get an autograph later?"

"Hmm, go back and ask for a signature~!"

"God, it seems we came back in time this time~"



The words of the five young girls who came over followed the wind and reached the ears of Zhou Jiang and others.

Listening to their discussion, Zhou Jiang's ears are red, so...

Zhou Jiang felt a little embarrassed, but Xu Feng and the others were different, covering their mouths and smiling at Zhou Jiang.

"Zhou Jiang, you fan, don't you go to say hello?"

Zhou Nan teased Zhou Jiang while flipping the skewers.

Chen Yongan also came over to join in the fun: "I think it is feasible. The little fans will need your signature. Zhou Jiang is really famous."

Zhou Jiang didn't reply, but just gave them a look that "you will look good in the future".

Seeing Zhou Jiang's eyes, both Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan couldn't help but shudder, and then stood erect and saluted Zhou Jiang...

The teasing about Zhou Jiang soon ended, and everyone began to grill the barbecue again.

The five girls over there did not hear Zhou Jiang's conversation here, because they were chatting and they were chatting energetically!

The side that was originally quiet suddenly became noisy, but even though it was said to be noisy, Xu Feng and the others didn’t care. After all, they were grilling meat skewers while listening to their gossip about Zhou Jiang. That's so interesting!

And the most interesting thing is that the person they are discussing is listening to him all the time, watching his expression~

Gee tut, Moses Roy~ Moses Roy!

It didn't take long before Lu Ran and the others finished their dishes. Now they are really waiting for Zhou Jiang's barbecue and their cooking.

On the barbecue side, it's almost there. After five or six minutes, work can be stopped.

"Bibi Bird, you go call them back, you can have dinner."

Zhou Jiang looked at the remaining things, thought for a moment and said to Bibi Niao who was resting next to him, Bibi Niao nodded, then fluttered his wings and flew into the sky.

Fortunately, Bibi is a bit far away from the dining place, otherwise the dust and sand will definitely go into the bowl.

"Better than~!"

Soon, there were several loud calls of Bibi Bird from the sky.

Zhou Jiang and the others could hear the movement on Bibi Niao's side, and the five girls over there would naturally be able to spot it.

But they just looked up and didn't pay attention anymore.

For Zhou Jiang, the discussion about the champions of the Shuguang Cup has also stopped.

They were already grilling those meat skewers at this time, but the skewering behavior did not stop.

They are now two people grilling skewers and three people skewering meat. This way of distribution.

The roasted meat was not put on the plate, but was directly divided among the people.

Suddenly, Chen Jie, who was holding a bamboo stick to her mouth, froze and stared at the front blankly. Because she was in the barbecue group, and the skewers in her hand were almost baked, so...

It wasn't until a burning smell reached Zhang Ning's nose that she could not see why Chen Jie not only looked to the side blankly, but the barbecue in her hand was burnt!

Zhang Ning didn't think about anything subconsciously, just grabbed the skewers from Chen Jie's hand.


Seeing the whole black barbecue in front of him, Zhang Ning was heartbroken.

This is all money!

But she didn't say anything, she was also a little curious now, what exactly was it that allowed foodie Chen Jie to watch it and even forgot the barbecue!

However, when she looked in the direction Chen Jie was looking at...

"Sniff~hmm? What kind of smell is this."

"It looks like something is burnt..."


The three people on skewers quickly raised their heads and looked towards the barbecue duo. Sure enough, black smoke was rising on the grill in front of them!

"Wow! Sister Ning, wake up, the meat is burned by you!"

"Huh? Ah! My meat!"

Chen Jie only reacted after hearing the voice of her companion, smelling the roasted smell pouring into her nose, Chen Jie exploded directly.

However, when she looked down, she found that the skewers in front of her had disappeared!

Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she noticed that several skewers of meat in front of Zhang Ning were smoking black smoke, and the few skewers of her disappeared were there!

At this moment, Zhang Ning also recovered, looking distressedly at the black smoked barbecue in front of her eyes, but although distressed, she could only pick it up and throw it aside.

"Sister Ning, you..."

Qian Jiajia just wanted to ask a question, but before she finished speaking, she saw a scene on the other side that made it difficult to look away.

"This is... Menus?!"

"Why... why would Menus appear here!"

"So pretty~"

Menus and the elves slowly walked from the outside towards the inside. Of course, they saw the girl group of five, but they didn't care.

Not an acquaintance anyway.

It's just that Menas always felt that they looked at them with weird eyes, but they didn't think much about it. After all, there were more people looking at it like this before, and it was almost used to it.

Ignored them, and then walked inside with the friends.

It's time to eat!

After playing all morning, it has been hungry. Now there is no time to care about these messy things.

Qian Jiajia's eyes flashed: "Is this Manas wild?!"

Luo Minxu: "Okay, I want to subdue it!"

"..." Bai Ya didn't speak, she looked at the elves around Menus, and then at Qian Jiajia and Luo Minxu who were shining brightly, a little puzzled.

Doesn't it look like a wild elves?


But as soon as Bai Ya spoke, Qian Jiajia took the lead in throwing the poke ball.

Zhou Jiang and the others are naturally looking at the situation of the five young girls.

From the beginning, Chen Jie's meat was scorched, and they found out. After all, they were in the upper air vent. Once it was scorched, the smell was blown over.

But even though they knew it, they didn't say anything. They were grilling their own meat while watching them.



Seeing Qian Jiajia throwing the pokeball, Zhou Jiang was shocked.

What is this going to do?

Not only Zhou Jiang was shocked, Xu Feng and the others also put down their hands and looked over there with a little curiosity.

The poke ball exploded in the air, and then a white light appeared, and then a long nose leaf fell off.

"Proboscis? Provocative? Or why?"

Zhou Jiang looked at the proboscis and whispered. He didn't expect that she was going to subdue Menus. After all, there are so many elves with different attributes around Menus, right?

Qian Jiajia's operation was a little bit irritating. After Zhang Ning and the others reacted, the proboscis leaf was already out. Zhang Ning just wanted to remind her that this belongs to the owner. As a result, he didn’t have time to speak. Jiajia gave the order.

"Proboscis, seed machine gun!"


Proboscis immediately executed it after receiving the order.

The chest was slightly raised, and then he spit out!

Green orb seeds glowing with skill light headed towards Menus.

The seed's rate of fire is so fast that it is comparable to a machine gun.

the other side.

When the pokeball was thrown over and the proboscis leaves hadn't come out, Menus had already discovered it, but they didn't care and continued to walk their way.

However, when the proboscis came out, they were all shocked. After all, they couldn't think that the other party would attack directly!

Looking at the menacing seed machine gun, Menus's small mouth was slightly subconscious, and a green "ping pong ball" appeared in its mouth, and then turned into a green light and moved towards the seed machine gun of the proboscis.

The green awn turned into a long dragon, breaking through it the moment it came into contact with the seed machine gun, and then flew towards the proboscis leaves unabated.


Qian Jiajia looked shocked. The seed machine gun of the proboscis attack was destroyed like this? And it's so easy?

However, although she is not very good at fighting, her fighting literacy is still good, and she reacted in an instant. The proboscis is dangerous!

That dragon wave breaks through the seed machine gun of the proboscis, it is effortless, if it hits the proboscis~www.ltnovel.com~, it will definitely be seriously injured!

Qian Jiajia was surprised, and the other four were not doing much better.

They know the strength of Qian Jiajia’s proboscis. Although it hasn’t evolved to its final form, it’s because there is no leaf stone. Even if it hasn’t evolved, it is still very powerful. As a result, the seed machine gun is very powerful. Was it broken so easily?

Knowing that this Menus was Zhang Ning, who had a master, Chen Jie and Bai Ya swallowed back when they were reminded, and stared at Menus and Proboscis.

"Proboscis, get away!"

After regaining her senses, Qian Jiajia hurriedly let the proboscis dodging, she knew that the proboscis could not stop it!

Needless to say, the proboscis has its own judgment.

Unless they are silly elves, otherwise they will have their own judgment. Do you really think that humans are smarter than elves?

Although there are not many elves smarter than humans, there are many elves that are similar to humans.

Simply avoid the opponent's attack, this human child knows, let alone the elves.

Although the proboscis is now equivalent to the intelligence level of a human child, it is still possible to avoid it.

Before Qian Jiajia shouted out, the proboscis moved!

The wave of the dragon is very fast, and because the two sides are not far apart, if the proboscis wants to avoid this attack, they can only use the fastest way!

I saw it squat down, and then a lazy donkey rolled...


At the moment when the proboscis leaves just started to roll, the dragon wave hit the place where it stood before.

In an instant, the sand was blown out of a big pit, flying sand was splashing, and the splashing sand hit the back of the proboscis. With the impact of the explosion, the proboscis was directly knocked out and flew. He rolled a few laps on the sand before stopping...

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