At the barbecue stall, there are three people working, two men and one woman.

Two men are constantly grilling meat skewers on the shelf, while the woman is sitting there wearing kebabs.

On the long stall made of long wooden boards like door panels, there were plastic boxes one after another, inside which were put on skewers.

There are more than a dozen men and women waiting in front of the stall, probably waiting for the boss to barbecue.

Zhou Jiang walked over and took out one of the clean plastic boxes stacked next to him, and then picked up what he liked.

Looking around, it's all meat skewers!

Of course, there are vegetables, but they occupy a small corner, just cauliflower and leeks.

Zhou Jiang was too lazy to think, anyway, he was hungry now, and he could eat more.

Pork ribs, tenderloin, chicken intestines, chicken hearts, rice cakes, leeks, skewers, sausages...

Zhou Jiang has picked a lot of all kinds, especially rice cakes and chicken sausage, which are Zhou Jiang's favorites!

After the selection was made, the box was handed over to the boss, and then Zhou Jiang did not wait here. After saying hello to the boss, Zhou Jiang left here.

Look at this posture, this is going to be roasted for a while, he is still hungry...

Barbecue is not available now, so go for food.

Anyway, there are many stalls to eat here, there will always be something you like? .


Before long, Zhou Jiang returned with a cup of milk tea.

Well, Zhou Jiang retracted the foreword.

Although there are many stalls, he doesn't like much!

Most of them are grilled seafood, and some are directly seafood sashimi, juice and the like...

Do you think you bought this milk tea here?


There is no homemade junk milk tea here, he took it out of the space ring...

No way, you have to pad your stomach.

The rest of the things in his space ring are large, and if you want to eat, you can eat almost, but for the purpose of tonight, they came to the campfire party to play, and he did come to eat.

If you are full of your own food, it's nothing...

Zhou Jiang was a little surprised, when he returned to the front of the booth, his things were already set!

You know, he left only a little over two minutes, so fast?

He looked at the people who were waiting...

Okay, he couldn't tell if he changed the batch, after all, he didn't watch it by himself before...

After paying for the hot skewers, Zhou Jiang found a place to block the wind and solved what was in his hand.


Suddenly, when Zhou Jiang was halfway through eating, a slight cry came from behind him.

Zhou Jiang turned his head slightly in surprise and saw a well-colored Ibrahimovic with a brand on the front of his neck looking at himself timidly...


Maybe it's the skewers in your hand?

Before Zhou Jiang could say anything, the Elf Ball on Zhou Jiang's waist "bang~", and an Ibrahimovic who was one size bigger than before came out of it.

At first, when the poke ball turned on and the pokemon came out, the little guy on the opposite side was so scared that he almost turned around to run. After seeing Ibrahimovic, it settled in place.


Zhou Jiang's Ibrahimovic looked at Ibrahimovic on the opposite side and yelled softly, but Ibrahimovic on the opposite side hesitated for a while before replying.

After that, the two Ibrahimovic called "Buyi~" and "Buyi~" to each other.

Zhou Jiang was watching over there, obliterating the skewers in his hand while watching.

Anyway, he doesn’t understand, so let them communicate over there...

Before long, the two Ibrahimovic seemed to have reached a consensus. Little Ibrahimovic slowly moved towards, Ibrahimovic came here.

While walking, I looked at Zhou Jiang, as if Zhou Jiang was going to do it...

Zhou Jiang rolled his eyes, ignored it, and continued to eat his own, a bite of skewers and a sip of warm milk tea, that refreshing feeling, tusk~

Soon, the two Ibrahimovic sticks together, rubbing each other's cheeks with their heads.



Zhou Jiang bit the barbecue's mouth and looked at the two Ibrahimovic. Before he could say anything, another "Guru~" came over...


Looking at Little Ibrahimovic, Zhou Jiang nodded slightly.

Looking at me before being so vigilant, are you hungry...

Zhou Jiang didn't think much about it. He held the milk tea and the bag with the skewers in his left hand, then took out the backpack and took out a small box from it.

Inside the box are some energy cubes, for emergency use or as gifts.

It happened to be for this little guy at this time.

After taking the lid and taking out the energy cube, Zhou Jiang handed it to Ibrahimovic for feeding.

After all, he was not sure whether Ibrahimovic would eat if he went.

He didn't bother to serve it.

He couldn't subdue it. If it weren't for his own Ibrahimovic's clan, and Ibrahimovic seemed to quite like each other, he would not bother to care about it.

It seems that this is the Ibrahimovic who is raised by the owner. It is hungry for one night at most. It will definitely be found before tomorrow. Then he will take care of it.

Although very pitiful, there are more poor elves. In the forest, there are hungry and dead elves everywhere, and there are many more miserable elves.

It is lucky to be nourished by humans.

And looking at its coat color, it doesn't look like it has been abused.

Isn't it just being hungry, what's the big deal...

But now...

No way, who makes his Ibrahimovic like it...

After all, it was captured by the Rockets for experimentation, and it is estimated that many of the same clan died, so every time I saw Ibrahimovic, I would jump out and watch it.

After shaking his head, Zhou Jiang put on his backpack and continued to eat.

It doesn't matter to Zhou Jiang to feed it, but if he wants him to help find its owner, he won't do it.


And he is not short of money, no props or anything. For it, it may be the reward of the rich owner, Zhou Jiang does not care, and has no interest at all.

Ibrahimovic took the energy cube and threw it on the gravel on the ground. Little Ibrahimovic slightly lowered his head and sniffed the energy cube, looked at Zhou Jiang, then looked at Ibrahimovic, and finally, with Zhou Jiang Ibrahim’s nod and encouragement, slowly Opened his mouth.


When the bite went down, the little Ibrahimovic exploded.

His head jerked up, his eyes lit up, then he lowered his head three or two times and ate it.

After eating, the little Ibrahimovic who licked his mouth still looked at Zhou Jiang with expectation in his eyes.

"Heh~ the little guy is quite greedy."

Even so, Zhou Jiang also unloaded his backpack. This time, he directly took out three yuan.

Little Ibrahimovic is only more than 20 levels, four energy cubes, enough for it to support.

Maybe not four yuan, two or three yuan may be enough...

This time, Zhou Jiang did not let Ibrahimovic do it for him. Leaving him in front of him, Little Ibrahimovic hesitated, but he walked slowly a few steps to reach Zhou Jiang.

Seeing it eating the energy cube in small bites, Zhou Jiang whispered: "I will touch you, don't be nervous."

After speaking, Zhou Jiang slowly stretched his hand to its head.

Hearing Zhou Jiang’s words, the little Ibrahimovic who was eating the energy cube became stiff, and even his chewing mouth stopped for a while. It won’t be very fast. It will return to its original state and continue to eat with its head down. The wiggling ears explained its uneasy heart.

Seeing that Little Ibrahimovic did not resist, Zhou Jiang's hand stretched over was even more unscrupulous.

Just don't resist or attack him.

Soon, he touched the little guy's head.

When Zhou Jiang's hand touched its head, it stiffened all over again, and it almost fell over without keeping its balance...

But soon, it adapted and continued to eat. Perhaps this is why Zhou Jiang’s Ibrahimovic came to Le it to encourage him?

It was eating, Zhou Jiang also "ravaged" it heartily, touching its head, very refreshing.

Well, after rubbing a few times, Zhou Jiang let go.

Knead too much, and it ended up just like that.

Let's finish eating early and continue to visit this "bazaar".

After this time, I guess I won’t have time to come here. It’s not easy to come here. It’s better to finish shopping without regrets.

Although it may not be fun for him, it doesn't hurt to look at it, right?

Getting up, putting on his backpack, Zhou Jiang continued to work out what he was holding.

Little Ibrahimovic, as Zhou Jiang guessed, was full after eating three energy The last one was eaten by Zhou Jiang's Ibrahimovic.

Little Ibrahimovic raised his head and looked at Zhou Jiang after eating, shouting "Buyi~" and "Buyi~".

From the look of it, Zhou Jiang knew that it was grateful to himself even if he could not understand what it was saying.

Zhou Jiang didn't reply, and the two Ibrahimovic did not just watch. The fed Ibrahimovic and Zhou Jiang's Ibrahimovic began to play.

Continuously chasing and fighting on this piece of gravel ground.

Zhou Jiang just ate the skewers while watching them chase in front, "wrestling".

Although it was a day of playing today, Zhou Jiang's Ibrahimovic still had fun with each other.

About five minutes later, Zhou Jiang completely solved the remaining skewers in his hand, only half a cup of bubble tea in his hand.

"Okay, Ibrahimovic, let's go and continue shopping."

Throwing the garbage into the trash can not far away, Zhou Jiang shouted at Ibrahimovic who was playing there.



As soon as Zhou Jiang's voice fell, the two Ibrahimovic was stunned for a moment, and then their mood fell.

Zhou Jiang sighed inwardly, but said nothing.

He didn't want to find the owner for it anyway. It was so troublesome that he might not find it.

Looking at the posture that it was hungry before, it is estimated that it has been lost for a while. That is to say, it may not be lost here. After it was lost, it walked over here...

If that's the case, then he still finds a fart!

Ibrahimovic walked towards Zhou Jiang step by step, with his head down and his tail hanging down. At first glance, he looked very disappointed...

Little Ibrahimovic was squatting over there, watching Ibrahimovic walking towards Zhou Jiang in a daze, without screaming or shouting, just watching...

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