I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 552: Roast leg of lamb

Ignoring Chen Yongan's complaints, Zhou Jiang looked at Little Ibrahimovic.

Chen Yongan, Tian Zhengjie and Ibrahimovic who were lying on Zhou Jiang's shoulder also looked over.

In the eyes of everyone's probing, Little Ibrahimovic nodded slowly!


Seeing Little Ibrahimovic nodding, not only Zhou Jiang was shocked, but even Chen Yongan and others were shocked. Chen Yongan almost couldn't hold the skewers in his hands. Fortunately, he is not eating now, otherwise...

Although Tian Zhengjie was following the two of them, he was walking on the side, so he could see Ibrahimovic in Zhou Jiang's hands.

And he clearly saw it before, that Ibrahimovic, it nodded!

Nodding? !

What does this mean, is it really abandoned? !

Tian Zhengjie pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose. Although there was no sound, his inner desire for knowledge ignited directly.

"Really abandoned?!"

Zhou Jiang looked at Ibrahimovic in his arms in shock, feeling a little incredulous.

You know, even though he asked Ibrahimovic this way, it was just a "routine" casual question. I didn't expect to actually ask the "shocking" answer!

"Buyi~?" Ibrahimovic was taken aback while listening to Zhou Jiang's words, and then hurriedly shook his head, "Buyi Buyi!" shouted.


Seeing Ibrahimovic's reaction, Zhou Jiang was a little confused. What does this mean, isn't it being abandoned?

Zhou Jiang thought for a while, and asked tentatively, "Are you abandoned?"

"Buy! Buy!"

Hearing Zhou Jiang’s question, Little Ibrahimovic became a little angry. How cute is Lun’s family? How could he be abandoned? !

Seeing the terribly moving little Ibrahimovic in his arms, Zhou Jiang frowned slightly: "You are lost, aren't you abandoned?"


Ibrahimovic stopped moving and nodded.


Everyone was speechless, it was not that you nodded before being abandoned...

Ok? ……and many more……

Tian Zhengjie was taken aback for a moment, I remember... what Zhou Jiang asked before was...

‘Little guy, you got lost, didn’t you get lost by your master? ’


In other words, it nodded to mean that it was lost, not abandoned...


After figuring out the reason, Tian Zhengjie raised his forehead, but he didn't expect to make this oolong without listening carefully.

But if he didn't listen carefully, what happened to Zhou Jiang... I asked myself, but he didn't even know...

Looking at the two still bewildered, Tian Zhengjie told them his conjecture. Then the three looked at Little Ibrahimovic, and Little Ibrahimovic nodded, affirming what Tian Zhengjie said.


Zhou Jiang's mouth twitched: "Well... it's my fault."

Zhou Jiang sighed.

After figuring it out, several people continued on their way.


"I'm going, Zhou Jiang, here!"


Listening to the familiar shouts and sounds, Zhou Jiang looked back and found Xu Feng and Zhou Nan, like Chen Yongan, waved to this side not far behind him.

The two walked in. Before they could speak, Zhou Jiang looked at them and said, "How do you two get together."

"Huh? You guys are together too?"

Zhou Nan pointed at Chen Yongan and the others.

Chen Yongan replied, "Uh...what? We just met. I was with the teacher before."

"...Well, I met the guy with glasses not long after I left, and then left together."

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to care how you met, I'm going to buy a leg of lamb, I'm still hungry..."

Zhou Jiang interrupted their conversation.

Although I have eaten a lot of skewers before, half a cup of milk tea, but the skewers are not full!

Although it is delicious, I am still hungry...

After speaking, Zhou Jiang put down the two Ibrahimovic and let them play for a while.

Although the roast leg of lamb is freshly roasted, it is worthy of praise, but it takes a long time to wait...

"Lamb leg? Me too!"

Zhou Nan quickly followed up with his eyes open. He hadn't eaten this thing yet, but he had already smelled it. He didn't know what seasoning was added. The roast leg of lamb didn't have any fishy smell, on the contrary, it had a unique smell. Fragrance.

The grill business is unexpectedly prosperous.

Five people were busy grilling, but the customers still lined up.

Zhou Jiang stepped forward, an uncle who was roasting lamb legs with scumbags asked Zhou Jiang to choose the lamb legs hanging next to him. After the selection, he waited and waited until the previous roast was finished before it was Zhou Jiang's turn.

Zhou Jiang asked who he was, and the boss glanced at the leg of lamb next to him and said "seventh."

Zhou Jiang nodded.

Seventh, there are six lamb legs over there.

That's okay, which means that after this round of roasting, it's your turn to roast another round.

At this time, Zhou Nan and the others also came.

Zhou Jiang also had no ink marks, so he picked a hanging leg of lamb and let the uncle take it down.

Zhou Nan did the same, and picked a leg of lamb.

After finishing everything, Zhou Jiang and the others asked the boss about the approximate time it took to cook, but they didn't want to wait here all the time, preparing to go shopping around.

Just wait until the roast is finished and come back to get it. Anyway, it can't run away. As for the boss, he doesn't worry that Zhou Jiang will not come back to get this roast leg of lamb.

Everyone in this world, many places are still very simple.

Of course, no matter how honest everyone is, they still won't come back.

Part of it is that I don't want it anymore. I don't care if I didn't pay for it anyway. The other part is because of an emergency and it is naturally impossible to come back and pay for the roast leg of lamb.

But fortunately, as I said before, the stalls here are basically the owners who do not lack money at home.

The residents living nearby have already made a lot of money by relying on tourism. Basically, there is no shortage of money in daily life, but if someone in the family wants to become a trainer, they still need money.

And setting up stalls and activities here can not only make money, but also attract large waves of tourists. If tourists come, then it will be annoying here, and the residents will make more money.

Those who are short of money want to make money, so they come here to set up stalls. Those who are not short of money also set up stalls here in return for the tourists who come here to make money for them.

Over time, something like a bazaar has formed here, and with activities under the beach every night, here is lively every night.

Zhou Jiang and the others leave for a while, and they will naturally go back in the end.

Not to mention other things, even Zhou Jiang's stomach would not allow him to escape!

The group of five people had nowhere to go, so they turned around casually.

After all, it would take at least half an hour for the leg of lamb to be roasted. At that time, it happened to be taken back to the gathering, and now they were walking around nearby.

Although there are no beautiful scenery, there are people coming and going and it is very lively, which gives a different atmosphere.

People are animals that live in groups, and although they don't need to come forward to communicate, they always enjoy the lively atmosphere.

Of course, quietness is needed sometimes, but obviously the places that need quietness are not in this kind of place.

After turning around a road that few people had walked before, and returned to the front of the roast leg of lamb stall, only more than twenty minutes had passed.

The leg of lamb was not properly roasted, but it was fast too. After waiting for a few minutes, Zhou Jiang took the leg of lamb from Dahan.

Seriously, roasted whole leg, it's a bit big...

If it is done directly, Zhou Jiang needs two hands to hold it in order to eat...


This is a bit sao.

Although the boss asked Zhou Jiang if he needed to cut small pieces in bulk, Zhou Jiang thought for a while, it was his elves to come faster.

Smelling the mixed scent of cumin, chili and roasted meat, his saliva was flowing out and he couldn't wait to eat it!

After Zhou Jiang and Zhou Nan greeted them, they went to a place with few people nearby, took out the bowl of vegetables from their backpacks, and dispatched Cirulian.

Zhou Nan's leg of lamb is almost healed, so he is still waiting there, and Xu Feng and the others are also going to wait for Zhou Nan and come over together.

The title of "Almighty" of Kirulian was not given for nothing.

He glanced at Zhou Jiang, and then wrapped the leg of lamb with thought force, and then pieces of meat were torn off.

The torn piece of meat was placed in the bowl of vegetables, with Kirulian’s power of thought, and a drop of fat on the leg of lamb was not wasted!

Kirulian was very efficient. Before Zhou Nan and the others came, there were only bones left on the leg of lamb.

Well, the bones were all clean, and all the meat was put into that bowl by Kirulian. The bowl with a diameter of more than 20 centimeters and a height of two centimeters was full. There were more than four bowls!

"Thank you!"

Looking at Kirulian who threw the bones into the trash can, Zhou Jiang smiled at her.

After speaking, Zhou Jiang picked up a plate full of lamb and handed it to Chirulian.


Kirulian was not hypocritical, and after taking the bowl, she flew to the side to eat.

Zhou Jiang smiled, then took out a bowl and put it on the ground~www.ltnovel.com~ and motioned to the two cute things at his feet to eat by themselves.

They have been staring at their own meat since before, and now it looks like a lot when it is done, Zhou Jiang will naturally not be stingy.

As for the big needle bees?

They can see the surroundings of Zhou Jiang in the pokeball. If they wanted to eat, they would have jumped out long ago, where could it be so quiet.

So as long as they don’t take the initiative to jump out, then Zhou Jiang doesn’t need to let them eat. After all, they have eaten energy cubes, and he himself ate some barbecue. He is still hungry...

There were a little more than two bowls left. Zhou Jiang found a larger stone, wiped it and sat down and eaten it. He couldn't wait long ago!

There were a lot of barbecues in a large bowl. Zhou Nan and the others came back after Zhou Jiang finished a plate.

Zhou Jiang looked up and found that Zhou Nan didn't hold the leg of lamb in his hand, but was carrying a bag. It didn't take much to know that he asked the stall owner to make the leg into meat.

However, compared with Kirulian, what the stall owner did was really far behind.

The stall owner randomly chopped the leg of lamb into small pieces, but Kirulian tore off the meat piece by piece. This is completely incomparable, and it is not at the same level!


to be frank. . . Is anyone watching now? I feel good about it myself. . . If this continues, I can’t finish writing for two million. It’s too procrastinating, and I can’t write with too many people. If no one reads it, I’ll consider whether to cut this out and write about Hokage’s over there. There are more than 100,000 manuscripts in deposit. . . If anyone is watching, I will write it down even if one person is watching. Does anyone leave a message here? . . I try to shorten the plot later, maybe it will be endless if it is short. . . Give it a try.

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