Zhou Jiang got on the high-speed rail.

His seat was 19e. On the side of the window where the two were seated, there were two difficult people sitting in the position after he went up. Zhou Jiang yelled softly, and the two got up and left.

Zhou Jiang was only slightly surprised and then he didn't respond. This was very common in his previous life.

They buy standing tickets. When there is no one, they will find some empty places to sit and rest. This is very common in previous lives.

He is just a little strange, is there so many people in this world who take high-speed rail...

High-speed rail in this world is not as safe as in previous lives.


That is naturally an elf.

Although the technology is advanced, compared with the previous life, the world's high-speed rail is faster and trains are better, but the danger is also higher.

Although there are cameras arranged around the railroad tracks, and some people will raid them every once in a while to expel the surrounding elves, but elves will still break in.

Although the level is very low, the elves are elves, and even the most trash Lada can cause a whole car to be destroyed.

For example, Lada gnawed high-speed rail tracks...

Well, it's basically impossible for Lada to gnaw the railroad tracks. After all, they don't eat anything, so why should they attract human hatred.

But Aber Snake is hard to say.

It’s really hard to do it if they are bad-hearted to do damage. Drill holes and then spray corrosive liquid on the rails...

As long as the corroded section is not too long, it is basically difficult to be found. After the car drives over, it will be over at that time. At that time, it will definitely be a car crash, and it will be lucky to have a few people alive.

And because it was opened up from the forest, sometimes high-level elves would burst out. Those high-level elves would continue to use their skills, that would be incredible.

And even if you don’t attack the train, but the track is so long, there will always be an attack on the track...

And how about the elves attacking each other?

Elves are not so friendly.

As soon as the skill goes down, the tree is interrupted and then falls on the rails, these are all normal...


Zhou Jiang vaguely remembered that he saw in the software used by the prosecutor that there seemed to be a task to "conquer" the elves around the railroad tracks.

At first, he clicked in because of curiosity, as if he was going to "conquer" some powerful elves in the forest, such as King Nido.

Of course, the tribe with King Nido is the best. If not, it is okay to bring a group of Nido Linos over, and then provide them with a moonstone to make a King Nido.

Conquer those ethnic groups, and then "conquer" them and let them stay in the forest around the railroad tracks, because all the elves who can communicate are conquered, so they can be guarded over there and give the "bad" elves with the desire to destroy Expelled.

As for their survival problem, it is not difficult to solve.

The alliance can directly transplant large tracts of fruit trees.

These things are worthless anyway, and the alliance can cultivate a large piece of it.

With a strong elves garrisoned, then slowly send gentle people who are good at elves to contact and communicate with them. Over time, those elves are all human-friendly elves!

At that time, they will be the best guards of the railroad tracks!

The alliance only needs to provide the tree fruits and some necessary evolution stones. In this way, the safety of the high-speed rail is greatly improved, and there is no need to spend much. After the first is paid, the back is basically a state of sitting and enjoying the success, isn't it beautiful? ?


The high-speed rail was launched soon.

No one sat down beside Zhou Jiang. It should be that no one bought a ticket at this station. Look at the next few stations.

Shaking his head, Zhou Jiang took out the earphones and put them on, leaning on the side and playing the song.

In this world, there are a lot of singers, movie star models, etc., and they are still similar to the animations I watched before, and many of them are incumbents.

The most famous female singer-Vivian.

Her popularity is even higher than Girona.

Although Sirona is more beautiful than her, but Naihe is a working king and a singer.

That popularity is not covered.

People who like the power of elves worship her even more because of songs. Generally, people who don't have a lot of cold with elves will get to know her because of the songs, and finally like her.

Heh heh, okay, maybe the face value here has a lot to do with it, but he is also good enough that he cannot be ignored.

After all, not many people like vases, especially in this world.

Listening to the song, Zhou Jiang slowly fell asleep, until Zhou Jiang woke up in a daze when the high-speed rail broadcast sounded.

"It's a stop..."

Hearing the name of the station constantly shouting on the radio, Zhou Jiang yawned and took off his headphones.

Although I don’t know which station this is, it’s not his destination. It’s still early to get off the bus. He woke up and looked at the time. It was only an hour later, it’s still very early... …

I just finished breakfast when I came out. Although I felt okay in the taxi before, it was not as uncomfortable as I thought, but my stomach was still a little uncomfortable.

After thinking for a while, he released Kirulian and asked her to keep her luggage here, and he took the paper to find the toilet...

When Zhou Jiang released Kirulian, it attracted a lot of people's attention. After all, anyone with a super power system like Kirulian, who is beautiful and powerful, would take another look.

Although it is said that elves cannot be released on the train, it is actually not allowed to release larger elves to remind them, and they cannot interfere with others.

So he released Kirulian and no one else would say anything.

After a brief explanation with Kirulian, Zhou Jiang took the paper and mobile phone to "run away".

When I returned from detoxification, the train had already started. When Zhou Jiang came back, he found that there was already a woman sitting in the place where no one was sitting next to his seat.

The woman is a foreigner, in her twenties or thirties. She doesn't look good. It's not Zhou Jiang's food anyway, and she is completely incomparable with Xirona.

Among the foreigners he has seen now, whether on the Internet or in reality, Sirona is the most beautiful, and he thinks that it is just like that.

Mainly because he can't appreciate the beauty of foreigners...

Sirona's words are mainly mixed blood of China and e countries, so it is his dish.

Zhou Jiang walked over, and Kirulian, who was sitting motionless looking at Zhou Jiang's luggage, turned her head and looked over.

The foreigner was "talking up" with Kirulian. Seeing Kirulian looked over, he turned his head and looked over. After seeing Zhou Jiang, he said in a stumbling Huaxia language: "The mud is good, Tazhani's Alarm bell?"

After listening to her, Zhou Jiang raised his eyebrows.

He thought that the Chinese language of foreigners who came to China was the same as Sirona...

Although Hirona said she was a mixed race, she stayed abroad since she was a child. It is said that she has never returned to Huaxia, and her Huaxia language is still so good. He thought that everyone who came to China for foreigners was similar.

After all, elves are advanced in technology, and teaching foreign languages ​​is not as dependent on teachers as before. According to Lu Ran, Tian Zhengjie and the others, it is that the rich find specially trained super power elves and then cooperate with technology, drugs, etc. To instill.

Since the super power elves can read the memory, it will inevitably be stuffed into the memory.

However, it is easier to insert than to read.

But if the fortress is embedded in the memory, that is not something you can do casually.

This requires specialized training.

First of all, the elf's aptitude must not be low, and it must be a purebred elf with super attributes, and then the level of the person who trains that elf must be super high.

These three are indispensable!

Not only that, the potential of such trained elves will be greatly depleted. Basically, the elves that can become "seeds" are at the lowest level of quasi-kings. After these elves are trained and completed, their potential will be consumed. It's almost impossible to become stronger anymore. Besides the skills you learned before, you won't be able to learn much, even the skills are not easy to use.

Of course, this will not be too bad.

Although he sacrificed a quasi-king or even a genie at the level of the king, he can still earn it back!

Once you learn to stuff your memory, you can officially "open for business". As long as the time is long, won't the money you cultivate will be earned back?

With this money, train other elves, is it not fragrant?

This kind of teaching is stuffed into memory.

Although it is fast, there are drawbacks.

After all, there is no perfect thing in the world.

This drawback is that one is that the teaching time is long, and the other is that only one language can be instilled, and not more.

Instilling memory is not a one-time job, and it usually takes months of teaching to be completely completed.

Some people are intoxicated by the inputted memory. If you don’t believe it, you can’t instill this evil. They have a lot of brains. The result is dizzy, the memory is almost confused, and almost becomes a fool. I can’t remember all the memories I instilled before. Can't get in either.

And if the teaching wizard makes a small mistake, it will hurt the person who receives the memory.

But he wouldn't die, and becoming an idiot would only cause pain and pain for a while.

In China~www.ltnovel.com~, this is basically a semi-prohibited thing. Someone who trains this kind of elves can't sell learning opportunities, but in several foreign countries, there are specialized companies of this kind, and they are still They are officially opened by the alliance.

So Zhou Jiang subconsciously felt that they all knew Huaxia. After all, Huaxia was really the most difficult language in the world.

Elves can't instill all Chinese language into it, the system is too huge.

If they study specifically, they will waste more energy in learning Huaxia compared to other languages, and the most important languages ​​in the world are still those few.

Choose a language to learn, compared with other languages, those foreigners will choose Huaxia even if they think with their toes.

Even though China is a bit lonely now, it is still one of the five strongest countries in the world, isn't it?

And not to mention other things, considering China's national strength plus the land, who doesn't want to come to China, who doesn't want to find some treasures in such a large area without exploring?

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