I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 567: Another wave of memories

Zhou Jiang hadn’t replied, so the uncle put the backpack full of snacks on the shelf above, and then took the instant noodles on the small board and left the seat. After he got up and left, Zhou Jiang reacted and hurriedly Reached out to stop him.


"Hello, do you need anything?"


Just when Zhou Jiang said, reaching out to stop the uncle, the flight attendant just pushed the trolley over, as if Zhou Jiang called to stop her.

"Um..." After a little embarrassment, Zhou Jiang apologized: "Sorry, I don't need anything, I just called that uncle..."

The flight attendant was not annoyed, smiled and nodded to Zhou Jiang, and then continued to shout the familiar chant, pushing the trolley towards the back.

Zhou Jiang sighed after seeing the flight attendant left.

Looking down at the instant noodle sausages, chicken drumsticks and braised eggs in his hand, Zhou Jiang was a little bit dumbfounded when he was puzzled.

Judging from the expression and tone of the uncle before, could it be that eating instant noodles was a very low behavior or a behavior that had no money in his pocket?

Otherwise, why he asked him if he had instant noodles, he instantly changed his expression, and gave him these things in a pitiful look at you.


Maybe you want to be a little worse, eating instant noodles is a rich behavior?

So he gave him a little more stuff and sold more...

Keke, no way, no way, can't think, can't think.

That uncle is obviously a good person, but he can't keep thinking about it.

Zhou Jiang shook his head, got up, picked up the instant noodles and let out Katy Dog and Ibrahimovic.

Kirulian was released and then retracted. The more times, she would definitely not want to, and the little Katy Dog and Ibrahimovic were not big, so they could just stay outside afterwards.

It just happens to let them get used to it.

Before, I was able to run freely when I stayed outside, but now I can’t run freely when I stayed outside, and then I can return to staying in the Pokeball before.

And the journey is not boring, just two little guys can relieve his boredom.

After releasing the two little guys, Zhou Jiang let them stay here.

Although Zhou Jiang put all the pokeballs except the big needle bee into the bag, even if someone steals, the elves will jump out by themselves, but if there are elves, then others will not come to trouble.

Although the result is that the last thing will not fall, but if someone really steals it, it will be troublesome after catching it. It is better to show the elf directly and tell the other party that you are a trainer, so that others will not come up and provoke it.

The flight attendant was still pushing the trolley slowly in front and shouting over there, Zhou Jiang followed her.

You can eat instant noodles on the high-speed rail, but you have to go to a special carriage to eat. The ticket there is relatively cheap, but you can smoke and drink to eat instant noodles...

After getting out of this carriage, Zhou Jiang found the uncle, who was putting hot water on the instant noodles, and there were three people lined up behind him. The clothes and images were similar to those of the uncle, and he was holding instant noodles.

What is the image of Uncle?

very dark.

This is tanning. Needless to say, it must be used for construction or farming. Judging from the old mountaineering bag and the cement stains on his clothes that cannot be washed off, he should be doing it. Move bricks in these industries.

Zhou Jiang didn't look down on them, after all, he didn't go anywhere in his previous life.

And what does the work of others have to do with him?


Zhou Jiang yelled to the uncle, and the uncle who stooped and turned the water slightly raised his head and looked over. His honest face suddenly smiled, "Come on? Eat together later."

"Old Gan, do you know?"

A tall and thin middle-aged man standing behind the uncle asked, and the man with a big nose behind the man also looked at Zhou Jiang, and then at the uncle.

"Well, I just met, the baby sitting together."


Hearing what the uncle said, the two were speechless.

At this time, Zhou Jiang also came over and nodded hello to the two of them, and they both smiled and greeted Zhou Jiang.

Through the introduction of the uncle, Lao Gan, Zhou Jiang knew their names.

Before, the tall and thin man was called Lao Qian, and the other was Lao Zhang.

Like Lao Gan, they both went out to work. They bought this place because their tickets ran out, but they all had separate seat numbers.

After they had soaked, they waited for Zhou Jiang to soak the instant noodles and walked towards the car next to the instant noodles together.

Zhou Jiang's carriages are considered "high-end" and they cannot smoke and eat instant noodles. By then, the carriages are indeed the closest to the "low-end" carriages.

The water heater that provides instant noodles is next to the carriage, and Zhou Jiang and his carriage are not public, so the one next to it is naturally.

After the hot water was poured, Zhou Jiang followed Lao Gan and the others into it.

When he came here before, he saw the car on the opposite side.

There is an automatic door that is recycled to both sides. The decoration inside is similar to the inside of their car, except for one-sided seats, but the seat is very large, and there is a small table in the middle of the seat.

When Zhou Jiang and the others passed by, they were full of people, there was no place for them to sit down, only a few people standing sparsely on the toilet smoking.

Because of the few smokers and the relatively closed space, the smoke is heavy.

Zhou Jiang followed Lao Gan and the others, looking at the environment, frowning slightly.

While he was still thinking about how to eat cigarettes in this place, the top of the carriage suddenly opened!

Without warning.

When the cold wind blew in, Zhou Jiang reacted. He looked up and saw square holes on the roof of the car. As the cold wind blew in, the accumulated smoke drifted away.

The cold wind blew his face, Zhou Jiang blew his nose and followed the three of them, Lao Gan in front.

They didn't go anywhere, so they went a little bit forward, found a corner of the wall, communicated with the uncle who was smoking over there, asked for that position, and then squatted down there.

Zhou Jiang hesitated a little, but he still followed.

Seriously, he is a little imaginary.

Because it seems that everyone in this carriage is watching...

This is a bit unbearable!

Lao Gan and the three of them. Lao Gan sat on the innermost corner of the wall, while Lao Qian and Lao Zhang were on both sides of him. Zhou Jiang walked to the side of Lao Qian in two steps and then squatted down and looked at the three of them. Then he said: "Speaking of Lao Gan, did you all eat instant noodles like this before?"

He asked Lao Gan to call this name. He said that since we all knew each other's names and even called the uncle, then I felt a little bit of fun, so I called Lao Gan directly!

Zhou Jiang had no objection to this, so he responded.

Hearing Zhou Jiang's words, Lao Gan and the others raised their heads and looked at Zhou Jiang. Lao Gan nodded slightly with emotion and replied: "Yes, I am used to it. Are you on the train? Just eat and eat and you will pass, and you will make money later. , When the son grows up, he can enjoy the blessing~"

Lao Qian and Lao Zhang chuckled, nodded, didn't say anything, probably the same idea.

Zhou Jiang nodded, without asking anything more.

The carriage was very quiet. Zhou Jiang sat there with them, silently watching the instant noodles on the floor without making a sound.

Seriously, Zhou Jiang almost forgot the feeling of sitting in a small corner on this train and eating instant noodles...

In his previous life, his parents were far apart.

Grandma's house is in yn, and grandma's house is in zj.

It was when he was in elementary school. At that time, there was no such thing as a high-speed train, or that there was no money to ride at home.

When I returned to Yunnan from Zhejiang, I took that kind of old-fashioned train that was full of people. It took three days and two nights to set out. The tickets bought were naturally sleeping berths.

It’s okay when they have tickets, but most of the time they have bad luck. With only one ticket, they can only sleep one person, and the other two have to squat or sit in a small corner to fall asleep.

At night, he couldn't carry it and fell asleep quickly. When he got up in the morning, he found that one of his parents was sleeping with himself in bed, and the other was sitting in a cubicle or a small corner of a train carriage.

Of course, Dad was basically sitting there after that.

One time when he ate the luxurious braised beef noodles, he asked his parents to lie down and rest, while he squatted in a small corner of the car like his dad waited for the instant noodles to be soaked and started to eat~www.ltnovel.com ~ At that time, I seemed to be the same as I am now, just sitting there, staring straight at the instant noodles in front of me.

The only difference is that I couldn’t help it before, and I stared at it because I wanted it to get better, and then have a nice meal, but now I am "driven by interest". Staring at the instant noodles also recalls the past. .

Although many of the details at that time have been forgotten, I still feel warm in retrospect.

"Okay, start eating!"

I don't know how long it took, Lao Gan yelled, and then the three of them quickly picked up the three-way instant noodles that were close together.

"Aha, first!"

After getting his hand, Lao Zhang looked at the two triumphantly, looking very happy, while Lao Qian and Lao Gan curled their lips and said nothing, especially Lao Gan, and glanced at Zhou Jiang.

Perhaps it was because I felt that I was losing face in front of the little brother Zhou Jiang I just met, so Lao Gan thought about it and decided to scold him back a few words, such as "dog day", "why can't I pull the bar with my hands so fast" and so on.

Zhou Jiang looked at the cursing old Gan, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he also picked up the instant noodles on the ground.

His instant noodles are different from Lao Gan and theirs.

He didn't put a fork in the rim of the cup and then sealed it, he pressed down to seal the extra part of the opening.

He is somewhat fast, but his shortcomings are also obvious, that is, he can't make too much movement, otherwise the cover is not strict.

Fortunately, this is a high-speed train instead of an old-fashioned train, otherwise you have to learn how to plug it in with a fork.

When Lao Gan and the others opened the lid, the scent of instant noodles floated over, and they hooked up Zhou Jiang's gluttons.

Holding this tomato-flavored instant noodles that might be dark dishes, Zhou Jiang's heart was warmed up like these slightly frozen hands.

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