Zhou Jiang soon came to the battle preparation position.

Before he waited for a long time, the owner of the museum soon came out, followed by an old man in casual clothes with two flags in his hands. That should be the referee.

The owner of the museum is Huazhou, a man in gray clothes, with medium-length hair, and a gloomy, unmotivated otaku...


"...I'm Zhou Jiang." Hearing the self-introduction on the other side, Zhou Jiang was even more sure.

Unexpectedly, it really looks like a gloomy house hiding in the room all day...

This image of him felt like the stone in Miss Huiye when he first saw it...

Of course, Zhou Jiang felt that it was not because of other things, but in his impression that the A Zhai in the anime seemed to be no one...Of course, it might be the reason why he hadn't made up or forgot.

"Now I announce the rules of the game... Are both trainers ready? Then the game... starts!"

As the old referee waved down the flag in his hand, Zhou Jiang and Huazhou threw the Elf Ball at the same time.

The rules of the game are that there are no rules. Both sides can play casually, even the medicine can be used...

Zhou Jiang's first elf has changed this time. Kirulian has just evolved, and Zhou Jiang wants to try and see how she is now.

[Flashing Xanadu]

Sex: Female

Attribute: Super

Character: Steady

Level: 39

Features: telepathy, synchronization rate

Quality: Gold

HP: 68/31/171

Physical attack: 65/31/101

Defense: 65/31/91

Special attack: 125/31/319

Special defense:...


Skills: thought power...

This is the current attribute panel of Xanadu, invincible!

Originally, her special attack value was only "252" when she didn't evolve, but now she jumped to "319" directly, breaking through three hundred!

You know, even the big needle bee's physical attack is only "293"!

This girl is directly higher than Big Needle Bee's.

Of course, this is only the surface value displayed by the system, and these values ​​are not included in the exercise results of the wizard itself.

For example, the weight-bearing training of Big Needle Bee, these increased physical fitness and strength are not shown above, but is it possible that those trainings were in vain?

Of course not, those are still valid, but the garbage system does not show up.

Zhou Jiang’s elves are not bad, because the time they have obtained is short, and they haven’t exercised for a long time. Except for the two elves, Big Needle Bee and Bibi Bird, which have undergone the devil-like weight-bearing training, their physical capacity has been greatly improved. The other elves haven't changed much, so even if you can't see it, it's nothing, at best it's a little bit stronger.

The elves of other people are different, especially the high-level ones. Their elves are not as "quick" as Zhou Jiang’s. They all build the foundation step by step and then come up. The strength and physical strength obtained by training is absolutely not weak!

It might even be doubled.

Of course, Zhou Jiang, who has doubled his leather, has never encountered it before.

At this level, they are basically super bosses, he hasn't met this "cute new"...

The first elves of Huazhou is the Turtle Turtle. It is one of the three imperial families in the area of ​​Country E. It is a type of passive defense and counterattack. It has thick skin and strong offensive power. It is a fixed fort.

For this kind of spirit, it is not restrained or restrained for Shanaido.

Shanaiduo's favorite elves to fight are those who are fast and have no defense. Once the cheating space goes down, the speed of the opposite side is destroyed and the opposite elves are used as sandbags.

Of course, there are no absolutes. Although the deception space is a natural disaster for the elves who watch speed to eat, the skills cannot be perfect. Like this, the "power" is huge, but it takes a long time to accumulate energy when used.

And although Shanaido can make a protective wall, but the speed is basically based on the physical attack, and the physical attack will not be very low. And Shanaido will use the fraud space, and the strength gap is definitely not big. The defensive ability placed is a light wall that mainly defends against special attacks...

So this trick is basically difficult to use, but it is basically even if the battle is over.

Zhou Jiang glanced subconsciously when he saw the terrapin turtle, and then the information was presented.

The quality of the Turtle Turtle is purple. It can only be said to be average among the museum owners. It is a mass product. If it is graded, it is 74. It is intermediate to the king. It is not weak. If it has characteristics, it is the most ordinary flourish, and the final skill. , Are also the most common skills.

Nothing particularly powerful, but basically it has learned all the skills it can learn. Of course, except for the skills that can be learned by a lot of skills, after all, who can resist so many skills.

Although I don't know if there are any combination skills, but it doesn't matter, the general information has been mastered, and this is already the first step to victory.

Intelligence is very important!

"Tutai turtle, Feiye quick knife!"


The Tutai Turtle roared, and from the dense bushes on its back flew out overwhelming leaves and ferrets. Looking at it, the entire sky was full of this thing, and the scope of the attack was huge!

Can I only say that it is a fort? It is really strong.

Seeing the overwhelming moves, Shanaido was expressionless, and then lightly raised her right hand, a pink energy ball quickly rose from her hand, and within a second, the energy ball was thrown out by Shanaido.

With an unrelenting aura, the energy ball collided with the flying blade sharp knife, and then the energy ball exploded directly, and the pink energy bloomed to the side regularly, blocking a large leaf in an instant.

Of course, this scene appeared in the smoke produced by the collision between the power of the moon and the flying blade sharp knife. Except for Shanaido who knew it, no one else had noticed it. After all, not everyone could see through the smoke.

The large flying blades flying towards Xanadu were blocked, and she ignored the others who hit the edge, and those leaves also flew in the original direction.



The leaves sank directly into the soil, making a crisp sound of knocking on the table...

The smoke dissipated quickly. After all, the leaves were flying fast around the smoke, and the strong wind brought by the leaves directly scattered the smoke and dust.

Seeing a large leaf that disappeared inexplicably, Hua Zhou's expression finally changed.

But it was only a flash, at least Zhou Jiang was invisible, so he quietly looked at Shanaido and watched her perform.

Shanaiduo quickly sent a shadow ball and flew over, and the opposite Turtle also spontaneously flew an energy ball, but the attack on both sides was still stronger than Shanaido, and the shadow ball directly broke through the energy ball and continued to move towards the Turtle. Fly away.

Of course, Xanadu is not much stronger than the opponent. After all, Xanadu's special attacks are difficult to exercise. The hidden "ability value" that the system can't see is really far behind Big Needle Bee.

The shadow ball hit the head of the turtle, and the black mist was splashed in all directions, but soon the black mist was dispersed by the turtle who kept shaking his head.

As for the Turtle Turtle, the shadow ball after breaking through its energy ball will not cause much damage to it. Compared with its strong physical strength, this small injury is not even a broken skin. , It is equivalent to having an ordinary round-headed wooden stick to poke, not a hard poke...

"Turtle turtle, use rock fall!"


Blocks of boulders emerged from the sky above Shaneduo, and then smashed towards Shaneduo under the influence of gravity.


Shanaiduo was also unambiguous, and moved away from the place in an instant, causing those huge rocks to smash on the site wantonly, setting off a large smog.

There are two situations in the skill of rock fall, and there are two ways to use it.

The first is similar to a rock blade. You can directly use the existing stones to inject energy and throw them to attack. However, although this consumes less, the hit rate is very low, and it can basically only be used to block the opponent's course of action.

The other is to gather rocks directly above the opponent's head and then attack.

Of course, this method is extremely difficult, unless long-term practice and a certain talent, otherwise ordinary elves will basically not learn it.

In this mode, the damage caused by the rock fall will be very high, and the hit rate is also very high. After all, it appears in the sky above your head. It is not a very fast elf, and basically can not hide it.

Of course, in contrast, it is such a consumption, which has extremely strict requirements on physical strength, and is a skill that consumes extremely physical strength.

Of course, in fact, besides being able to condense rocks on top of the opponent's head in the air, other things are also okay, such as fireballs and water balls.

Of course, with these things, the attack power is not enough.

Large rocks falling quickly under the action of gravity can directly kill people, and fireballs, because they are condensed remotely and difficult to control the direction, they can only be allowed to fall freely ~www.ltnovel.com~ which causes them to fall very slowly.

And most importantly, it is easy for the opponent's elves to find this trick by condensing fireballs and waterballs in the air.

Among all the energy, the energy of the earth attribute is stable and thick and hard to be noticed. Basically, when the boulder has been formed, it is too late. And fireballs, these highly active energy, are estimated I was discovered when I first gathered and ran away...

Of course, it’s okay to be a little closer to the other party when condensing...

The premise is that you can get it out before the opponent runs away.

The closer the condensed thing is to the opponent, the less likely the opponent will detect it. This is also the reason why rock avalanches are basically higher. Otherwise, a big rock will be condensed directly on your forehead. How do you run?

Seeing that the skill is invalid and not hit, the soil turtle hastily cut off the energy supply in order to stop the loss. After all, the energy and physical strength required to condense the rock is too large, even if it does not make a few more shots, if it comes too much, It also has to wither.

Coming and not going to be indecent, Shane Duo moved instantly and disappeared in the same place and appeared in mid-air again. In an instant, the power of the moon flew towards the somewhat stiff Turtle Turtle!

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