I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 575: Terrible wildfire

After two more attempts, Huazhou gave up, and the Tutai Turtle would not come back. After staring at Zhou Jiang, Huazhou dropped his hands. Now it is over.

   was over very quickly. Under the powerful suction power of the Earth-Blasting Star, the Turtle Turtle was immediately sucked up and then surrounded by a lot of rocks.

   It seemed very slow when I introduced it before, but it is actually very fast!

   Within twenty seconds, the soil turtle was sealed in the soil ball, and after being sealed, the soil blocks on the ground also continued to fly towards the soil ball and continued to squeeze to make the soil ball stronger.

  ‘Sanaido, you didn’t use all your strength, right? Don’t kill it...’

  Seriously, Zhou Jiang is still a little scared. If it is killed, it will really be a big trouble.

   The starburst stars are good, but there are only two shortcomings.

   It takes a long time to prepare and is too powerful.

  If you are in a world of merciless killing, it is a good thing that the power is great, but in this competitive world, if you kill others, then you may not be able to gain a foothold in this society unless you sign a "life and death" before the fight...

  ‘Don’t worry, I have mental power on its surface, and I will help if it can’t hold up after being squeezed. ’

   After hearing Shanaiduo's answer, Zhou Jiang nodded in satisfaction.

   deserves to be Xanadu, thinking is thoughtful.


The huge stone ball that wrapped the earthen turtle fell heavily on the ground. In an instant, the stone ball fell, and the place where a large piece of rock had been lost was once again dented by it, and there were iron plates on the side that hit the ground. come out……

   "Huh~Is this a mechanism."

   Looking at the protruding steel plates that were smashed, the corners of Zhou Jiang's mouth slightly cocked. Suddenly, his smile solidified.

   He thought of a terrible thing...

  Couldn't...Could this entire venue have mechanisms? !

  For example, the entire field is covered with steel plates that can be freely controlled and moved, and then when fighting...

   I shouldn’t be so dogged...

   If it was really like that, it would be too abnormal.

   If he is desperate to move the whole field directly, then unless the flying elves, otherwise, who can hit the opposite side!

   For example, if Zhou Jiang uses Menus, then when Menus is about to attack, he suddenly moves the section below Menus...

  If that were the case, wouldn’t Menus’s attack be crooked thousands of miles away?

   When the opponent is attacking, if Minas wants to evade, activate the mechanism again and bring back the Minas who moved to other sections...

   This is too disgusting!

   Zhou Jiang instantly understood the power of this venue. Although the venue has to be repaired every time the agency is used, it basically means it is difficult to lose if it is used!

   Zhou Jiang can only be fortunate that his main trump card, whether it is the Big Needle Bee or Shanaido, can fly, and is completely unaffected by the opponent's mechanism.

   Otherwise, he really doesn't even think about this gym.

   "The tortoise has lost the ability to fight, please..."

   "Can you release the tortoise?"

   After the referee announced the result, Huazhou asked Zhou Jiang.


   Zhou Jiang nodded and looked at Xanaduo, and Xanaduo nodded slightly, and then a purple light flashed between his eyes, and then the oversized ball was divided into two halves!

   As for the tortoise?

   It had already fainted when it was released. Not only that, but the injuries on its body...

   Not to mention other places, even the only big tree on the carapace behind it was broken!

   As for other squeezing, scratches, etc., there are more. Fortunately, it is a tortoise-like spirit. Its body is shrunk in the tortoise shell, and Xanadu has released water, so it is not "dead".

   Otherwise, just go on. It is estimated that the tortoise shell will be broken up directly, and the body will be squashed by the rocks. The dead can no longer die.

   Huazhou glanced at the tortoise and found that the injury was not very serious, and he was relieved immediately.

   Although he didn't give up before and stopped the other side on purpose, but to be honest, he was still a little confused and hesitant at this time.

After all, he hadn't "made up his mind" at this time. As a result, he now met Zhou Jiang to challenge the gym. At this time, he can be said to be in a complicated mood. This is also one of the reasons why his face is ugly, but his face is expressionless and he doesn't speak much. .

   took back the turtle, Huazhou rubbed the poke ball slightly, until the referee asked him to throw the elf, he placed the poke ball of the turtle and took down a poke ball.

   Zhou Jiang was also put down by Shanaido at this time.

   The surface of the platform where Zhou Jiang was standing was not too damaged.

   Since it is made of steel, it hasn't suffered much damage, except that the front handrails and the ground are all distorted, and in other places, such as the ground, a lot of dirt has been sucked away, making it seem pitted.

Although there is a protective cover here, it can only be attacked from the outside, and the invisible suction force of the earth-explosive sky star is not in its protection, and the stone flying out from the inside, the protective cover is also Won't start...

   Fortunately, Shanaido was thoughtful, otherwise Zhou Jiang would be killed too.

   Zhou Jiang landed back on the platform, and the opposite Huazhou threw the Elf Ball, which was an Overlord Flower!

   Zhou Jiang looked at it. The skill of this Overlord Flower is very good. There are sunny days and sunny flames, there are some other state powders, that is, the three powders of poisonous sleep, and some blood sucking and blood recovery skills.

   It can be said that there is everything that should be there, not to be underestimated!

   But although it has more skills, its level is not very good. It is only level 72. It may be because of the focus on skill training.

   "Overlord flower, sunny day!"

   "Sanaduo, ghost fire!"


   Hearing Zhou Jiang's order, the corner of Huazhou's mouth twitched slightly.

Again? !

However, this time he has no choice. The Overlord Flower has already begun to gather energy and prepare to use the sunny day. This trick itself is a difficult and complex skill. The Overlord Flower must be focused, so it is difficult to stop once it starts, even if it stops. If you lose yourself, you will be injured, and then become frozen.

The speed of Shanaido’s ghost fire is very fast, coupled with the power of thought, it will not fail at all. In that case, the Overlord Flower will not be able to escape unless it is killed, even if he turns on the mechanism and drags the Overlord Flower away. But the speed of that mechanism is not as fast as a wildfire!

   I have no choice but to wait for it to run out of sunny days and then take it back...


   He remembered again, Xanadu was able to control objects with his mind to block the light from the poke ball...


   Huazhou smacked his tongue unhappily, now he wants to kill Shanaido!


   The huge ball of light flew out from the hole in the middle of the petals on the head of the Overlord Flower, and then quickly flew up.

  At this time, the three dancing ghost fires had already reached the Bawang Flower. The Bawang Flower was hit directly without any response time. The flame hit the Bawang Flower and then directly integrated into it.


   A scorching sensation came from inside, and Ba Wanghua screamed in pain.

   The grass element itself is very afraid of the fire element. As a result, the ghost fire directly entered its body this time. This pain deep in the bone marrow almost caused the Bawanghua to kneel on the ground.

   But although it endured it, it was trembling all over, with a terrifying expression.

   And this is only the performance of the ghost fire when it enters its body, the burn state has not yet come out.

   "Overlord Flower!"

   Seeing the appearance of the Overlord Flower, Huazhou was a little panicked now, he did not expect that Overlord Flower's resistance to ghost fire would be so low. The expression that has not changed has also become slightly distorted.


   screamed again, this time, the Overlord Flower was completely unable to hold it, the original source was used long ago, but it has been unable to suppress Shanaido's enhanced version of the ghost fire with the original source.

The three places that were drilled by the ghost fire began to become wrinkled, and flames appeared at the same time. Of course, the flames disappeared once they came out. This was temporarily suppressed by the energy in its body, but this was only suppressed. Only, once it slackened, flames would come out again and burn its body.

   Looking at the look of Overlord Flower, Zhou Jiang couldn't bear it.


   Seriously, it almost rolled around.

   It's just that Zhou Jiang is sympathetic and a little worried.

   The performance of this Overlord Flower is obviously that its own ability to resist fire is not high, maybe it's very rare to fight fire elves...

  The fire resistance is low. Suddenly suffering from such an attack is bound to be unbearable.

   It would be okay if the external burns were caused, but this time it was directly caused internally...

  Blood, flesh, internal organs, these are all roasted in the flame, it has no fire resistance, it is not uncomfortable.

   It is estimated that the following battle will be difficult to fight, right... It has almost no ability to resist. This time, if it hadn't been for Xanadu to see it like this, it would have passed.

   After seeing Bawanghua’s experience ~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Jiang's heart began to wake up.

   It seems that it is time for the elves to give special training to "negative state resistance".

   The training time for his elves is short, and the strength can be said to be "quick". If the value is the same, it is incomparable to those elves that have risen normally.

Zhou Jiang’s elves have hardly suffered or encountered any negative states, and even the beaten elves are rarely encountered except for the new elves he got behind him, let alone paralysis, poisoning, sleep, The negative state of burns, frostbite and so on.

   With his current spirit like this, unless he has the ability to dispel negative states, otherwise once he is recruited, it can be said that he has played gg.

   Of course, Zhou Jiang can change their skills to protect themselves, such as purification, but their own resistance should also be improved, otherwise if they are in the middle state, the skills will be over.

   And it’s not a bad thing to improve resistance. It’s always a good thing to improve your physical fitness.

  For example, to resist the cold, it will not be greatly reduced in places such as cold venues.

   In short, special training is imperative!

   Zhou Jiang has decided to do special training in city g or the training center in v city after finishing the gymnasium.

In the league competitions, there are many opponents at the heavenly king level. After all, talented trainers who travel for a long time are not given for nothing. They have great players in this year, let alone the previous one, the previous one and Longer ago.

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