I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 595: Prepare for training

It’s hard for others to say anything about Zhou Jiang’s “overlord” order, but those elite mid- to high-level trainers will not be so easy to obey them, and Zhou Jiang asked them to challenge them, so among them, One after another, people came up to challenge Zhou Jiang's Big Needle Bee.


The level gap is really too big.

The highest of them here is only an elite mid-level, not even high-level ones, but what about the big needle bee? According to Zhou Jiang's estimation, it can compete with the high-ranking kings of heaven. How many ranks are there between?

There is a gap of four ranks in the middle, and they are taking the lead.

Even if the big needle bees released water severely, all of their elves were killed in seconds.

After three or four were killed in seconds, they were honest and looked at Zhou Jiang with worshipful eyes.

Among the many professions related to elves, elven trainers pay the most attention to the strength of elves, and they worship the powerful trainers.

They didn’t know Zhou Jiang’s strength before. Although there were some information on the Internet, there was not much. The only one that Zhou Jiang exposed his strength was the live broadcast in City K before, but at that time, almost everyone was from City K. There is still a distance between City G and City K. There were not many people to see at that time, and after the end, all these things were blocked by the Alliance, and now I know even less.

Many people just know that such an event happened in K city at that time. As for the video? I don't even know.

They guessed that Zhou Jiang can be appointed as the acting library owner, so the strength is not low. Although he is a student, he should have a set of training methods or have elves. However, Zhou Jiang is a student, no matter how strong he is, Better than them? So some people in it are a little unhappy.

Among them, although the highest strength is only the elite middle-level, among those apprentices who go out on missions, the quasi-kings are not absent!

And there is more than one quasi-king, three!

How does this convince them?

I didn’t jump out to find the fault before, or it’s because the high-powered people here are out now. They are a little unconfident and some dare not challenge the majesty of the owner. After all, he is the acting owner chosen by the owner. Wait for Zhou Jiang to set up a set to let them jump out of the challenge.

But now after seeing Zhou Jiang's strength, they are all honest.

Spike... or kill the elite mid-level elves by spike, this is not easy to do.

This is at least the king of heaven, and even close to the king of heaven infinitely. This is not something they can afford. At least here they are all at ease. The king of heaven is more than enough to teach them!

Seeing that they were seriously training the elves, Zhou Jiang nodded in satisfaction.

These people have been tamed now, and what needs to be considered later is their training.

Although there is strength, it is another matter whether it can be taught well.

If they don't teach well, they won't "reverse early," but they will still be unable to do anything about Zhou Jiang's orders.

This is not what he wants.

He now recognizes that this is a test and trial given to him by Lu Feihang, and he wants to be as perfect as possible!

Zhou Jiang started to inspect.

To train them, it is natural to understand their elves first, at least to classify their elves, right?

For example, the flight department trains together, the close combat together, the long attack together, and the defense together.

Only in this way can we train effectively, otherwise we will come together in a hodgepodge, which will only get involved and cause the training purpose to not be prominent.

Only according to the habits and characteristics of the elves, and then targeted training, can the strength of the elves be significantly improved.

It is not advisable to average in the early stage. We must first build on the strengths and then make up for the shortcomings.

If he wants to be the acting master first, he must come up with something real.

However, one thing is very embarrassing, that is, the strength of his elves did not rely on him to rise...

So he has no experience in this aspect at all!

Many elves are similar elves and can rise up. In addition to the hard work of the elves and the quick understanding of their own, there must be some reason for the training methods of the trainer.

Of course, the method is not set in stone. The most important thing is to combine the status quo of the elves to give them orders for training. This is also the main reason why they want to come here as apprentices.

There are masters at the master level of the gymnasium. Although the number of pointers is not much, the win is lasting!

When they train, they can correct mistakes in time, and they can learn from him when they encounter bottlenecks, and they can avoid many detours.

The so-called guidance is almost like this, find out the deficiencies of the other party, and then make corrections.


Zhou Jiang can't do it...

The strength of his elves rises and the relationship with him is almost nothing. The only bond is the system...

Without the system, his best situation is estimated to be on the same level as Zhou Nan now.

Now Zhou Nan's strength is not low. After all, he has eaten a lot of energy cubes from Zhou Jiang, and Lu Ran and the others are instructed. Lu Ran and the others are quasi-kings no matter how they say, it is easy to point them, so he can get there This point.

But, no matter what, Zhou Nan's strength is only high-end among the same kind of students. An apprentice here, unless he comes for a short time or gets a wizard for a short time, otherwise, who is not better than Zhou Nan?

In other words, Zhou Jiang's current level can be said to be inferior to their apprentices, which is difficult to manage.

This is teaching, not fighting!

But despite this, Zhou Jiang is not without help.

Can't train elves?

It doesn't matter, it's only three days anyway, he can start from another angle.

For example-skills!

The only thing he can know now is his skills.

A good skill can increase the strength of the wizard a lot, and the way of fighting can be more diverse.

The battle can not only depend on the strength, the use and choice of skills are very important, let alone the proficiency.

He may not be able to do anything else, but as long as he teaches them to practice skills, it is very easy for him.

Melee type elves, nothing said, let the big needle bee teach them their strange power!

He is not afraid of what will happen to other people's school districts.

As long as it wasn't rare skills such as predicting the future, deceiving space, and sunny days, he didn't care at all.

The melee combat type can learn strange powers uniformly, and Zhou Jiang also roughly has some plans for other types.

The flight department can learn to spray flames with Bibi Bird, which happens to be learning with Bibiiao.

He doesn’t need to worry about whether they learn or not. Anyway, it takes only three days. They will not learn normally. Bibi Niao tells them how to use energy. Even if they practice later, it’s almost impossible to learn, and if they learn it, it’s fine. No effect.

For the elves who attack from a distance, Zhou Jiang exchanges skills for his elves and then sends them out to teach them.

Anyway, the skill proficiency of the system is not low, and it is more than enough to teach them.

As for the defensive elves? What else are you talking about? Just be beaten... Tanks slowly become fleshy under constant beatings and negative states. Beating is the fastest way to improve!

How can you become stronger without being beaten?

What if some trainers cannot bear it and refuse to do this?

That doesn't matter...Don't just don't chant, Zhou Jiang wouldn't force it anyway.

In three days, unless Zhou Jiang is a god, it is impossible for them to significantly improve their strength.

They are apprentices studying in the gym, and they have orthodox training methods. There are also the master professor. If Zhou Jiang can improve their strength significantly within three days, then he will be very powerful.

Therefore, Zhou Jiang's real purpose is not to improve their strength, but to make them recognize him!

Zhou Jiang felt that this was the trial that Lu Feihang gave him.

Show their true ability and teach them good and useful skills. He doesn't believe this, and some people are still dissatisfied!

If there are still people who are dissatisfied, then you need to use physical means to convince them.

Washington told us the right way to apologize, and Zhou Jiang is a quick-thinking kid, simply inferring things, he thinks they will definitely agree with him!


Zhou Jiang simply turned around and got some knowledge of their elves.

Fortunately, there are no special elves in their elves, such as Ba Dahu, King Carp and the like.

With the previous killing of chickens and monkeys, they are now convinced of Zhou Jiang. Of course, although they are convinced, many people still have some thoughts.

It's just that their current "backer" is not here, so they won't show it too much.

After waiting for about half an hour, Zhou Jiang asked them to pause first.

It's time to "divide into classes"!

Looking at the apprentices staring at him, Zhou Jiang calmly said, "Look at this circle on the ground."

With that said, Zhou Jiang pointed to the small circle on the ground he had thrown there before.

The small circle is a weight-bearing bracelet, about 10KG. This is the equipment in this large training room, which was directly used after being expropriated by Zhou Jiang.

After they looked in the direction he was pointing, Zhou Jiang slowly said: "From my side, from left to right, they represent the melee combat type, flying type, long-range shooting type, and counterattack after defense."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Jiang pointed his finger at the small circle and clicked: "Give you five minutes to stand according to your own wizard's positioning. I will make a training plan for you. Of course, it doesn't matter if you stand in disorder. You like it, get started!"

After speaking, Zhou Jiang stepped back.

After being quiet for two or three seconds, the apprentices moved.

Of course, although they moved reflexively, they immediately remembered what Zhou Jiang had said, and they had to stand over according to their elf's positioning.

So, what is the positioning of their elves...

"I'm going, Acheng, where do you say I'm going..."

"Huh? Go to the defense, didn't you say that your armored tyrannosaurus is best at defense."

"But... I think it can also go to the melee fighting side..."

"...Then you go chant."

"But I can't make a decision. I think it's okay to defend there. That's why I asked you. You can give me some suggestions."

"Hmm... Go and defend there."

"Okay! Then I'll go to the melee fighting side!"

When he said that, he walked towards the melee fighting circle, leaving Ah Cheng staring blankly behind.


Ah Cheng looked at his back and couldn't help but cursed, and then walked towards the team he decided.

In less than three minutes, more than 100 people have been allocated.

Looking at the separated teams, Zhou Jiang nodded and shouted: "It's already been decided, right?"


Suddenly, Zhou Jiang saw a hand raised from the flight department team.

"You said." Zhou Jiang made a "please" gesture.

A young girl with short hair and ears walked out of the team, watching the girl, Zhou Jiang's eyes narrowed slightly.

He knows her. This is the person Mr. Fei met yesterday when he took him to get to know the venue. At that time, she and another girl were selling rots, and the protagonist was him...

At this time, the girl seemed to have never experienced what happened yesterday, and there was no guilty conscience in the eyes of Zhou Jiang.

Because she stood up, the eyes of the more than 100 people present turned to her, but she didn't realize it, and asked Zhou Jiang openly: "Hello, Mr. Museum Master, I want to ask. It's decided now, can it be changed later?"

Upon hearing the girl’s question, a group of students turned their attention to Zhou Jiang. After all, the question she asked ~www.ltnovel.com~ is what most people want to know.

Although many people are convinced that they will stay here and not leave, what if something happens? What if the training starts, but the training method is not suitable for your elf?

Zhou Jiang looked at the girl and nodded secretly.

This mental quality is very powerful...Envy...

To be honest, he is still a little weak in front of them now, and his legs are a little soft...If it weren't for the big needle bee flying beside, he might be even more unbearable...

"Of course, everything is up to you, only you can change teams at any time, but I don't recommend it, because that may cause you to get nothing!"

"Thank you." The girl thanked her and entered the team.

After she went back, Zhou Jiang smiled and said, "Any questions? You can ask them."


There was silence for a while, and no one spoke.

Zhou Jiang nodded, and then released Bibi Bird.

There are not many elves in Zhoujiang, but they have to be sent out to teach. Big Needle Bee is going to teach strange power, Bibi is going to teach how to spray flames, and the other elves must also teach a team that suits them.

After Bibi Bird was released, Zhou Jiang asked it to perform for them, so that they could have a bottom.

As for why we don’t use the big needle bee or other elves, it is naturally that its strange power is not good. Once it is shown, it naturally needs a reference, right? Use this ground as a reference? I'm afraid it will be scrapped in twos or twos...

After all, if the Big Needle Bee wants to give them the bottom line, it will naturally be strong, but once it is strong, how can the ground be kept?

Therefore, the simple and effective Bibi Bird is the most suitable.

Bibi bird jetting flames is simple and not complicated, but it is very shocking. What is more suitable than this?

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