"Big Needle Bee, the front is just, weird!"

There are already three elves hanging on the opposite side. Except for the flame monkey, which is above the mid-level of the heavenly king, the three-in-one magnetic monster is barely considered as the mid-level of the heavenly king, and the other monsters and Shawarang are all of the first-level heavenly king.

Zhou Jiang felt that his strength was like this.

Now Big Sting Bee's stamina is still about half, and it will definitely not lose if it fights against the monster. If it is a little bit awkward, its stamina will not even consume too much, and it is estimated that it will be able to fight the next elf.

But Zhou Jiang thought of letting the Big Needle Bee fight by itself before, and it rushed to the scene of fighting the three-in-one magnetic monster.

When he used to go to the gymnasium, Zhou Jiang always wanted the big needle bee awkward. After all, his Shanaido hadn't gotten up at that time, so he could only rely on the big needle bee to solve most of the elves on the opposite side.

But after he let it fight on its own before, Big Needle Bee immediately raised his gun frontally. He mistakenly thought Big Needle Bee was suppressing the desire to fight in previous battles, and felt that it wanted to fight to the flesh...

Although he didn't understand this, he also knew that the preferences of every person or every thinking creature are different.

And he also respects the elves who fight for himself and bring victory to himself.

There used to be no choice, but now, Zhou Jiang wants to make Big Needle Bee "play" happily!

Even if the big needle bee goes up and fights hard, the worst case is that its physical strength is exhausted, and the strange power on the opposite side will definitely lose the ability to fight, and he?

There is also Shanaido who is more difficult and weird, although the strength is similar to that of Big Needle Bee!

Even if there are mid-level elves on the opposite side, Shanaido is still worthy of the finale.

For various reasons, Zhou Jiang made Big Needle Bee face hard.

All the back roads are smooth and fearless!


Big Needle Bee nodded, without the excitement that Zhou Jiang expected, it rushed towards Wei Li in advance!

Big Needle Bee has a personality similar to Zhou Jiang.

Normally, it doesn’t matter, but it’s easy to get up, but you can still be sensible when you get up.

For example, now, it doesn't feel much about the front hard steel.

Just like before, maybe the feeling will come, and the blood is boiling, after the feeling comes, it will not be influenced by the impulse. From the past, it was basically insignificant and respected Zhou Jiang’s order to fight. Can see.

At those times, Zhou Jiang didn't make a sound reminder, and although Big Needle Bee wanted to face the opponent, he could always keep his sense and adopt wretched tactics.

Zhou Jiang wanted it to be upright, but it didn't show much.

It doesn't matter whether it is frontal or trivial tactics, as long as it can bring Zhou Jiang victory.

The Big Needle Bee quickly rushed to Wei Li's body.

The spear wrapped in white light hit Wei Li's head fiercely.

"Strange power, burst punch!" Huang Bingqi shouted.


Wei Li's eyes are slightly condensed, and four thick and powerful arms are slightly bulging. Although its expression is serious, but with its thick white lips like a duck's mouth, it can't be serious. Instead, it has a funny and wretched look. feel……


Wei Li yelled and clenched his four hands. The two lower arms glowed with khaki light, slamming toward the Big Needle Bee with the power to destroy everything.


The burst fist of Guai Li's left hand violently collided with Big Needle Bee's spear, and the clouds moved again in an instant, and smoke and dust billowed from the venue.

Even as the number of grounds shattered before has increased, so too has the dust and dirt that fly up.

The scene that was finally clear was again obscured by smoke and blurred.

Zhou Jiang and the others couldn't see clearly. Although the big needle bees were all yellow in front of them, Wei Li and the big needle bees were not idle either.

The distance is close, even if there is a lot of smoke and dust, the opposite figure can be seen clearly.

Guai Li's two fists delivered burst punches, one fist withstood the attack of the needle bee, and the other fist naturally attacked the body of the needle bee!

The Big Needle Bee used to transport energy with its right hand. Now, if the left hand wants to use the same force as the right hand, it is too late to slash, but although it is too late to slash, it does not mean it can’t pick it up!

The Big Needle Bee's right hand and the strange force's left hand are in a stalemate, and it can no longer exert a large amount of power. Even if it can split, it is estimated that it is not easy to block, so it is better to directly pick it up.

Even if it blocked the attack of the strange force, it still had two hands, but it was different for the upper one.

At this time, the Big Needle Bee picks up the right hand that swings away the strange power. At that time, it only needs a slight movement to get out of here, and then it can redistribute the strength and the strange force.

And if you are lucky, there may be empty doors and flaws in the strange force, and then it can sneak a wave!


There was another explosion, and Big Needle Bee's upper grab opened a strangely powerful fist, and then pulled away.

It was originally thinking about sneak attack, but instead of revealing its flaws, the strange force used the remaining two arms to turn towards it...

The two hands that Guai Litong came over were exuding the light of skills. Although they didn't know the strengths or weaknesses, Big Needle Bee didn't want to go head-to-head.

It just hasn't determined the power of the strange force, so it used such a little force to test it.

The use of this strength is the experience it has summarized. The elves of the power type will be flat or even slightly dominant. Even if they are not defeated, they will not be much weaker. The power type is not the power type, and it will not suppress too much and cause the opponent to be immeasurable. The injury, it can be said that it is also "old rivers and lakes"!

The Big Needle Bee retreated and rushed out of the smoke, and adjusted its strength after flying slightly higher.

From the previous contact, it probably understood the power of the strange force.

Weird power is worthy of strange power, and its power is already very close.

In other words, Big Needle Bee shouldn't kill the strange force even with its full strength!

The strong elves will not have weak physical defenses, especially physical defenses.

After all, the strength is strong, and it needs to be borne by the body.

Of course, Big Needle Bee is different, it is modified by system plug-in.

It can be seen as a layer of invisible armor on its body, and various amplification states.

So even if its power is so abnormal, its defense is still very low.


The wind blew gently, took away the smoke and dust, revealing the strange power inside.

Guai Li was bending his knees at this time, looking solemnly at Big Needle Bee.

Since it basically only has melee moves, it doesn't have any good feelings for the elves that can fly into the sky.


Big Needle Bee took the initiative to charge again.

This time, it will not suppress the power and attack with all its strength!

After no longer self-suppression, the strength and speed of the Big Needle Bee are not comparable to the previous state.

In an instant, Big Needle Bee and Wei Li approached again.

Raise the gun, fall, all in one go!

Facing the attack of the Big Needle Bee, the strange power was not afraid. After a grin, he crossed his hands on the top of his head to prepare for defense. The other two hands glowed with skills, ready to wait for the Big Needle Bee to attack it immediately.


Big Needle Bee's spear hit the place where Wei Li's two wrists crossed, and the huge force directly crushed the place where Wei Li was standing, smashing a big hole.

Guai Li didn't know that the Big Needle Bee had suppressed the power when it hit it.

When the big needle bee completely liberated the suppressing force, the power of the strange force was immediately not enough.

I didn’t prepare, thinking that the power was still the same as before. The strange power took a big loss. I was caught off guard. His two hands did not hold back. The big needle bee’s spear directly pressed its two hands to the defense, towards Smashed over the shoulder.

Weili’s physical conditioned reflex is not vegetarian. Although the brain has not yet reacted, the body’s nerves have already reacted. The body squats slightly, and the two hands that are about to blast out suddenly stretched upwards, which barely took it. Lived the attack of the big needle bee.

However, that huge force continued to press the strange force down.

Previously, due to the strange power, he squatted down a little bit in order to be able to catch the attack, but now the Big Needle Bee's power is greater than it, constantly pressing it and kneeling towards the ground.

If it stood upright, it wouldn't be like this. More power would be transmitted to the ground, making the broken ground more broken. But now, because the knee is not straight, it can only kneel to the ground constantly under pressure, and it can't even exert its full strength, let alone counterattack.

Guai Li's situation is very bad at this time.

In this half-kneeling state, its knees are seriously damaged, and in this way, its strength cannot be exerted. Even if its four arms are used to resist, it still does not help, and it is still crushed by the big needle bee. Retired.

It wants to resist now, but can't resist it, and once it kneels on the ground by the big needle bee, then it should be unable to get up.

Kneeling its power is difficult to use, once that time, it will definitely be killed by the big needle bee with the momentum of thunder!

As for quickly giving up resistance and retreating?

Then it must be able to do it!

It would be fine if it had run first, but now, it is not easy to run if it wants to run.

In this state, once it wants to give up continuing confrontation and escape here, then it must roll on the ground to leave here, after all, it has been pressed very low, and it will kneel down.

Once it rolls on the ground, it is estimated to die even worse!

Because the big needle bee is faster than it, it can definitely chase and attack before it gets up.

It will not be ready by then, it will really hang here...

It can only stand up to it now, and then compete with it for perseverance, to see who can't hold on!

Once the big needle bee can't hold on, it becomes an opportunity for strange power, and strange power?

If you make other plans, it will be inevitable anyway, it is better to take a fight.

Give it a try, a bike becomes a motorcycle!

"Weird force, come on, hold on, you can!" Huang Bingqi also knows the predicament that weird force is in, so he kept encouraging it.

Apart from giving encouragement, he really seems to have no other way. After all, he can't really play.

However, the strange power is not enough...

It had a little bit of power and wanted to force it suddenly, but it didn't happen that the Big Needle Bee also used force instantly, and the strange power of the left spear hit the right spear!

With a bang, Wei Li was directly smashed on the ground, and the pit under its body was once again enlarged and shattered.

At this time, the strange power that has been completely in the disadvantaged, has no way to resist. In the next step, the big needle bee will directly hit it, and when the big needle bee attacks, it will be cold.

Huang Bingqi saw the form clearly and tried to take it back, but with the previous lesson, Big Needle Bee had already guarded his hand.

It flew over and smashed the spear on Wei Li after exerting force, but it directly blocked the red light from the poke ball.

Although the strange force fell to the ground, he still took a blow from the Big Needle Bee, but after the second hit, the strange force could not be held.

The spear slammed its hand and then hit it on the body.

After a strong force of a strange force skill, he fainted and died there.

The strange power is dead, and the Big Needle Bee is also uncomfortable. Fighting without scruples, it consumes a lot of physical strength, almost bottoming out, and it began to gasp violently.

The Big Needle Bee has done well enough, and it doesn't need to work hard. After all, it hurts the body, leaving hidden wounds and the like.

Zhou Jiang also recovered the Big Needle Bee after Huang Bingqi recovered the strange power.

The big needle bee naturally has no resistance or dissatisfaction.

With Shanaido there, it feels relieved.

If Shanaido couldn't win in this way, then it would be meaningless even if it persisted.

Although Huang Bingqi said there was no hope ~www.ltnovel.com~, he did not give up the game. His fifth elf was a hippo.

The hippo beast is not common in China, even in the desert next to N City.

The racial value of the hippo beast is as high as 525, and it is similar to the elves of this type of iron armored tyrannosaurus.

But the difference between it and the Ironclad Tyrannosaurus is.

The armored tyrannosaurus walked straight to death.

Its special attack and special defense are all 45, and its speed is even lower than that of the hippo, only 40. The other race values ​​are all allocated to attack and defense.

Although the total race value of Tyrannosaurus was not as high as that of hippo, Zhou Jiang felt that the distribution of points was better than it.

Huang Bingqi took back the elf first, so he was released now. Zhou Jiang thought for a while, did not choose to release Xanadu, but released Menus.

The level of the hippo beast is not high, only the first level of the king, although it is still better than Menus, but it is not much more powerful. If Menus is strong, it can even kill the opponent.

However, his goal is not to let Menus win, but to take the opportunity to exercise it and raise its level a bit.

Huang Bingqi still has two elves left. After this hippo beast fights with Menas, it can be regarded as a waste, but Zhou Jiang feels that there is nothing wrong with Shanaido facing the opponent's last elves.

With a powerful elf, he is much bolder.


The characteristic of the hippo beast is sand. At the beginning of the game, there was a sandstorm, and then it rushed towards Menus.

Manas was too late to ask for rain to cover the weather, so he could only move around after hanging a current ring on his body surface to open the situation with a hard vortex water blade.

Sandstorms are really unfavorable to it, but the hippo beast is very comfortable, like a fish in the water...

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