I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 633: Capture and torture?

The Rockets saw the flying rope, so naturally they didn't want to sit still.

The signal flare is gone, and the elves are gone. The only few big steel snakes and other elves that are not trapped are also dragged. What are the cards?

Don't run at this time, when will you stay!

No need to be reminded, the Rockets all ran away in a honeycomb to the back, but how could Xanadu allow them to escape? The few mental powers were directly transformed into invisible big hands, holding their feet one by one. Humans are much weaker than elves, and they can be held by a small amount of thought power. After trapping their feet, they can't escape. They don't need to control the whole body. It's easy!

"Damn it!"

The previous commanding team leader was pulled by Shanaido's ankle while running. At this time, he fell to the ground like other rocket players. Because it was grass, it didn't hurt much, but his heart hurts. The team leader punched the ground angrily.

It's over...

The elves are all charged, and there is no support. Now they are **** and can't run away...

It's all over...

The fact is also true. After tying the Rockets with a climbing rope, Shanaido focused his attention on the elves she controlled in the sky, and the elves who had thought that the opportunity had come and were struggling wilted again. The concentrated Xanadu is not what they can compete.

It was almost three seconds for an elf to disappear at this speed. Soon, the elf in the sky was wiped out and then fell to the ground. As for the two big steel snakes and Boscodora?

They hang faster!

Zhou Nan and his elves were divided into two groups. After two rounds of attacks, they fell down. They didn't even have a decent counterattack. They were completely a fleshy target... and this target was not fleshy at all.

Should it be an experience baby?

Easy to kill, and enough experience...

"What about these Rockets?" After the remaining elves of the Rockets were killed, Zhou Nan looked at the tied Rockets that had moved to the pile and asked Zhou Jiang.

Lu Ran and others familiar with them also looked at Zhou Jiang and asked him to make up his mind. After all, they already knew the identity of Zhou Jiang's other prosecutor. Naturally, it was better to leave this kind of thing to him.

However, Zhao Junao and Xue Lu were a little puzzled.

Shouldn't this ask several teachers?

They also knew the identities of Lu Ran and others, so they were a little surprised. Adults and teachers don't make decisions about this kind of thing?

"I'll call to ask. You can call this official phone to ask what's going on and why the Rockets have come in!" Zhou Jiang frowned and said something to them before moving to the side. Go up and take the phone in the pocket of your pants as you walk.

"Hey, are you all in charge of A Jiang? The teacher doesn't care about this kind of thing, and it's up to you to solve it?" After the three teachers of Lu Ran came to the side and called, Zhao Junao quietly Asked Zhou Nan.

At this time, everyone went through a big battle. Although it was a unilateral crush on the opposite Rockets, it was also a big battle. The elves were also tired. So after taking back the elves, they all sat together, Lu Ran They and Zhou Jiang's four most powerful ones are not here. They all have a sense of security when sitting together.

At this time, hearing Zhao Junao's question, the other three Xu Hui and Xue Lu pricked their ears.

"Hehehe!" Zhou Nan looked smug, "Do you know the prosecutor?"

"Hmm..." Zhao Junao was still a little confused, what does this have to do with the prosecutor?

As soon as Zhou Nan was about to continue talking, he was kicked by Xu Feng, "Go and see if the Rockets guys are tightly tied up, it won't be good if the rope gets loose."

"Ah, too, then I'll go and see." Zhou Nan patted his **** for a while and got up and walked towards the tied Rockets. Zhao Junao and others stopped talking.

They certainly know that it is a pretext to check whether the Rockets are tightly tied up. The purpose is not to reveal Zhou Jiang’s situation. Although they are curious, since this is their secret and they don’t want to say it, they won’t be brazen and continue to ask questions. Entangled in everything.

It's just based on the prosecutor Zhou Nan said before... Is it?

Afterwards, even though their curiosity was suppressed, they remained undiminished, and they would look towards Zhou Jiang from time to time.

Jiang Shui and the four others who knew about Zhou Jiang's situation were also a little puzzled about Xu Feng's behavior.

They knew what Zhou Nan was going to say before. It was nothing more than Zhou Jiang being a prosecutor, but did this matter need to be kept secret?

The three Jiang Shui glanced at each other, all puzzled, while Chen Yongan frowned and looked at Xu Feng, thinking about his intention.


On Zhou Jiang's side, he naturally called the prosecutor's station here.

Every city has at least one small prosecutor's location, and if you call, they only need to become a prosecutor and will tell them the phone number. If you can't remember, you can find it on the prosecutor's intranet.

The small station is set up to receive phone calls from prosecutors. Of course, it can also provide prosecutors with a certain amount of rest. Just like the cafe in K city before, it can be regarded as a small ’S resident.

There are many such stations in K City, dedicated to rest and contact, and there are no confidential documents there, so there is no need to worry about any risks after exposure.

Zhou Jiang made a phone call, mainly to ask about the recent situation in City G, if the Rockets had any major moves in City G, and then asked them to come here to pull people. The Rockets must be tied here to the police and The prosecutor’s, it’s not a way to lose this place. Although they have defeated them, their weapons and pokeballs have also been confiscated, but they still feel unaccustomed to staying with them.

As for letting them leave?

This doesn’t work either, what if they ran away, it’s okay if they ran away, if they starved to death...

Although it's the Rockets, if they really starve to death, it would be really bad. It's not that he can't bear it. He doesn't care. He wants the Rockets to die...

It's not how much he hates the Rockets, but simply hates danger, at least the Rockets are dangerous to him.

He said that the Rockets starved to death because he estimated that Zhou Nan and the others could not accept it. Judging from their situation, it is estimated that it is difficult to accept "killing."

And he didn't dare to guarantee that there was no mother **** in this society.

After all, it seems that the Rockets still have some human rights, unlike the situation in which all terrorists in the previous life were condemned.

If the Rockets are caught, they can still be redeemed with money, can you believe it? There is not even a death sentence, it is absolutely absolutely.

However, although there is no death penalty, Zhou Jiang believes that many small cadres of the Rockets will not end well.

The bottom-level young guys can be redeemed with money. Those with positions are a little difficult. Zhou Jiang has some internal information that many Rockets have mysteriously disappeared after being imprisoned. I have been sentenced, and I haven't heard of those who were robbed. In short, they have mysteriously disappeared. No one knows where they went, whether they are dead or alive.

After all, no one discussed them after the disappearance, as if the world had evaporated.

Zhou Jiang called, and it was a man who answered the call. Although Zhou Jiang didn’t have to listen to the young lady’s voice, it was still a little unhappy to hear the male voice at this time, but things mattered, and even if It's not necessarily what happens if it is a female voice, and it benefits from it.

After checking the secret code with him and reporting the number again, Zhou Jiang confirmed the situation and started to inquire about the situation in G city.

There was nothing to say on the other side, and he told Zhou Jiang directly.

As Zhou Jiang guessed, a lot of Rockets players have been swarmed into City G recently. They have captured a lot of them, but there are still many lurking in it.

According to the torture, the Rockets entered G City to pick up the trainer’s cruise ship after the attack, which hit the league’s reputation...

However, this information may also be false. After all, they were all caught, and there was no boss, so they are very busy now. Not only are prosecutors from other places transferred, but even the powerful apprentices in the gymnasium. They were also pulled over and searched together.

As for the Gufu Paradise where Zhou Jiang and the others are now, they have already received some news that the Rockets will come here to do things, so members of the prosecutor have sneaked in.

As Zhou Jiang said that the Rockets were caught, he said that he would contact the prosecutors who came here to do the task, and they would rush over to receive them immediately.

Hanging up the phone, Zhou Jiang thoughtfully.

Attack the League to take trainers to play the cruise ship of the League Tournament?

If it is true, then the Rockets are really about to take off, so bold, there must be some confidence, is it... a super dream? !

He suddenly felt a little panic, should he just join the Rockets? There are no monsters in the league, right?

If the Rockets really made a super dream, it would be a fart.

In the animation, Super Dream ran away, but who knows if it can’t run here...

But Zhou Jiang just thought about it for a while, and didn't take it seriously.

Really have a super dream, he can't join the Rockets anymore, and he's a bit offended...Unless he shows the system or talks about the system as something else, in short, he exposes some of his trump cards.

But this is not what he wanted.

It is very uncomfortable to be pinched, especially when his future is bright.

The worst-case scenario is that the Rockets really have super dreams and have mastered them, but the league is still tall, and he doesn't need to be drawn to the first line of battle. Then he will just run away...

Hiding in the deep forest for a few years, and then coming out for decades, I am afraid that Arceus will be killed by him.

But this is the worst case.

The probability of this kind of thing happening is also very low. Chaomeng is not so easy to make, and it is not so easy to be subdued. Moreover, the purpose of the Rockets is really to kill the cruise ship that pulls the trainer?

Can't be so blatant? And this kind of big thing, you all know about it?

There are so many slots, so he doesn't know how to complain. Anyway, Zhou Jiang is inclined to use smoke bombs.

Perhaps the activities in City G are just a pretense to mobilize prosecutors in other areas, and then they can make big moves, or they really want to make big moves in City G, but the target is not the cruise ship, the cruise ship is just It's just a cover to attract the attention of the alliance.

But no matter what, in short, the next few days in City G will not be calm.

The matter is estimated to be huge, and they have been dragged into the water now, and it is impossible for them to be affected in the next few days. He can only hope that nothing major will happen.

Putting the phone back in his pocket, Zhou Jiang walked back, Lu Ran and the three of them were already sitting on Zhou Nan's side.

"How is it?" Lu Ran and the others asked after Zhou Jiang passed.

"Well, the phone call, someone will come over later, how about you?" Zhou Jiang sat down and looked at Lu Ran.

"We have a problem here, the phone can't get through, and the line is always busy." Lu Ran shrugged, a little helpless.

"..." Zhou Jiang frowned slightly, and the phone couldn't get through. Now the Rockets have begun to attack?

I said before that there is a big move here, but I don’t know what the so-called big move is~www.ltnovel.com~ and...

Zhou Jiang looked at the Rockets who were tied up.

Before they took out the signal flare, it was obviously to call people, that is to say, there are quite a few rocket players in this forest.

What are the Rockets doing here... Could there be any treasures in it? Or what rare elves?

Zhou Jiang suddenly found that they were looking at him. He looked up and found that they were all staring at him, slightly embarrassed. Zhou Jiang told them something he knew before.

Of course, they didn't say many things, after all, they didn't need to know many things, especially when there were four outsiders here.

It’s just that there are a lot of Rockets in this amusement park. The Rockets may have already occupied the outside or are playing against other people. As for their purpose, Zhou Jiang also said that he guessed there might be something precious in the forest. Came out.

"Baby? Rare elves?" Everyone looked at each other, "I don't seem to have heard of any rare elves in it, and what's the baby...what is the baby worthy of the Rockets' excitement?".

"Hehe." Zhou Nan suddenly laughed, seeing everyone watching over, he pointed at the Rockets next to him, "Shall we ask them?"

Xu Feng and Chen Yongan looked at each other, and then asked, "Torture? How do you torture."

Xu Hui and the others were also aroused, and looked at Zhou Nan with some excitement. After all, this is a torture, like the kind of torture in a TV movie that catches a spy and locks it in a small black room?

It seems very interesting! And most importantly, they tortured those Rockets, not breaking the law!

Zhou Jiang tilted his head to look at the Rockets, and suddenly came out of his mind the Ten Great Tortures of the Qing Dynasty...

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