I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 636: Leave (three thousand)

The people didn't wait long before the prosecutor came.

There were only four prosecutors who came in, and they were all strong, three green and one blue prosecutors.

Prosecutors are divided into white, green, blue, purple, and gold.

The strength from low to high is the elite elementary, intermediate, high, quasi-king, and the final king. Prosecutors also have team uniforms. On the chest, there are elven **** embroidered with different colors, white, green, blue, purple and gold, representing their respective identities.

Zhou Jiang also has a team uniform. Well, it’s blue, neither purple nor gold. He said he just joined in and he didn’t have enough merit to go too fast, but he doesn’t care. He joined in mainly because he wanted to play the Rockets base together. Those bonus points are simply too beautiful.

He didn’t wear the team uniform, mainly because it was too ostentatious. Once you put it on, everyone knows that you are a prosecutor. It’s more eye-catching than streaking on the street... well, it’s more eye-catching than not. Streaking on and so on, but not bad anymore. Zhou Jiang didn't reveal his identity, and they didn't ask either. It is estimated that the prosecutor who notified them didn't say either.

They just took over the seized Pokemon Balls and thanked Zhou Jiang and the others, and then asked Zhou Jiang some simple information about them, saying that they would be rewarded after the event was over, and then they asked. When Zhou Jiang and the others, if they want to go with them, no one answered, so they took the Rockets and left.

"Aren't we going with them?" Xu Feng asked Zhou Jiang after they left.

"Huh? Look at what I am doing, don't you want to leave? I can do it." Zhou Jiang was a little baffled, he looked at Lu Ran and the others.

"Let's see what we are doing." Lu Ran waved his hand. "Aren't these things for you to decide?" Zhou Nan and the others looked at Zhou Jiang, "Aren't you all making the decision? We thought you didn't want us to Go by yourself..."

"Hmm." The others nodded.

"..." Zhou Jiang was speechless, he was still a little unaccustomed to getting ahead, especially when he encountered such a dangerous event.

"Then what should I do now? Keep up?" Chen Yongan asked.

Zhou Jiang looked at Lu Ran and the others, but they still let Zhou Jiang and the others make a decision. Zhou Jiang thought for a while and said, "Uh... forget it, in fact, it's not that good to follow them, let's go out by ourselves. ."

Although it is a kind of "common sense" to follow the prosecutor in danger, they are not weak and do not need to follow them.

The only advantage of following them is that someone protects them, but they don't need it at all, and instead they may encounter some troubles following them.

They bring the Rockets. Who knows if there are any signaling devices on those Rockets. Although they haven't been found out, it doesn't mean there are none. Maybe they are hidden deep?

And even though they had been "tortured" before, it was nothing more than a simple questioning. Zhou Jiang didn't believe that they were all telling the truth, so he left them the burden of trouble.

Even if the Rockets are really called support, it has nothing to do with them.

The task now is to get everyone out of here, as I said before, if he is the only one, then he will want to go around, but there are many others here.

Xue Lu didn't talk about the four familiar passers-by.

Where's the river? She is an acquaintance, but her elves don't have much combat power. What if they don't have time to help if they encounter danger?

And what about Xu Feng and others?

Except for the three teachers and him, the combat effectiveness of everyone else can be ignored...

If you meet the Rockets with a small number of people, they can attack in groups. That's okay. What if there are more people?

What if the strength is stronger, and the fighting power of the heavenly king appears?

He is now the "captain" and everyone listens to him, so he doesn't want everyone to face any danger.

As for the four prosecutors?

To be honest, their strength is also pretty good, as long as they don't encounter the Rockets' large forces or the fighting power of the king, then they will not be in any danger, even if they are lost, they can escape.

Moreover, even if they were all dead, Zhou Jiang would just sigh, and would not think about whether I killed them or something.

In short, Zhou Nan's safety is greater than the safety of prosecutors they don't know!

Lu Ran and the others had no idea, let Zhou Jiang carry the banner, Zhou Jiang spoke, and Zhou Nan and the others would not refute, so they cleaned up and left here, looking for a direction that was roughly an exit, and heading towards Go in that direction.

There are many exit positions. The door where a bunch of contestants enter is fan-shaped, and as long as they are in the right direction, they won't go too far.

The team was still the same team. Xue Lu and Zhao Junao were in a trio. The four of them did not follow the prosecutors, but followed Zhou Jiang.

Xue Lu would not leave due to personal reasons, but Zhao Junao and the others simply felt that Zhou Jiang and the others were familiar with them, and their strength was not low, so it was better to follow them.

So the 14-person team set off "magically".

At this time, although the forest is still that forest, it feels different for everyone.

Before, there were all contestants, so you don’t have to worry about your own safety, but now?

There are a lot of Rockets inside!

The Rockets...In the league’s propaganda, it is natural to burn, kill, loot and do all things. Although everyone is considered as an adult, we all know that what the league says is not necessarily right. The Rockets are not really so angry. .

But they are still afraid.

One is that this is a kind of shadow when you are a child. Which kid is not obedient, and sells you to the Rockets. The other is that although the Rockets are not so cruel and vicious, they are not good people. .

And it's normal to attack the trainer.

What they are afraid of is that when they are walking, a Rocket Elf suddenly pops up and attacks them...

Although they have released Bibi Bird and other flying elves to investigate, they are still afraid...

Especially the girls, Jiang Shui and the three of them, they get nervous whenever there is any trouble. They are not afraid of anything, but a little nervous and nervous.

In particular, there are a lot of wild elves here, and the wind blows by, making the bushes nearby rustle, making them even more nervous.

Fortunately, they are all acquaintances, so Zhou Jiang and the others are particularly tolerant, and they are not impatient. If Zhao Junao and the others are like this, Zhou Jiang will not say it, but he is still a little impatient in his heart.

Along the way, everyone did not speak, and tried to keep quiet. They would only say a few words when they flew back to change shifts.

Although it didn't take much time for them to come in, it took a lot of time to go out, at least twice as much as before.

One is that they slowed down, and the other is that they would meet some prosecutors from time to time and be questioned...

Although it's just a simple matter of showing some identification, but along the way, it is not only as simple as one or two, but six times!

It can be said that there is a wave every ten minutes. Although it is just a simple questioning, it is still a bit annoying and a waste of time.

After they came out, it was already dark. If it was later, the street lights would probably be on.

The outside was not the same as Zhou Jiang had imagined. It was full of fighting and shouting. On the contrary, it was quiet and scary except for the rustling of the wind and the rustling of the woods behind him.

The sun hanging diagonally in the sky casts an orange afterglow, but unfortunately there are few elderly people who watch the sunset, and with the scorched black or small pits here, there is a desolate feeling.

In the square in front, there were traces of battle everywhere. Since the square was just laid with ordinary floor tiles, it could not withstand the attacks of the elves. Looking at it now, on the whole, almost the land has dropped by one meter!

Except for one or two places where I was lucky enough to escape the attack, I can see the appearance of a bit of floor tiles. The other huge squares are not intact. They are all potholes and scorched mud and rocks flying out after being attacked by skills. .

If you want to repair this square, you don’t know how many cars are alone...

To be honest, Zhou Jiang is still a little puzzled about this.

These big pits...Where did the dirt go?

Turned to gray in the skill? melted? Or what?

But this is not a big deal~www.ltnovel.com~Zhou Jiang didn't think much about it, and in a blink of an eye he left them behind.

"It's so miserable... what exactly happened outside... How many people are fighting, it's like this." Everyone looked at the square, sighing, it really seemed like the ground was washed by a bomb...

"If we go out, will we encounter them fighting?" Zhou Nan asked worriedly.

"No." Zhou Jiang shook his head. "It should be over. There is no sound of fighting. We could hear some slight noises in the forest before, but now we can't hear them anymore. It must be over."

"And the Rockets are not stupid. If you really want to do it in the city, it will be a quick fight. They can't want to fight a protracted battle. Fighting a protracted battle will be detrimental to them. There are many people in the alliance. Can recruit a group of trainers, even if the level is not high, but you should not underestimate the attack."

Zhou Jiang sighed, "Let's go, let's go, you should be fine after you go out, but I don't know what the Rockets are doing in such a big move."

Everyone did not answer, but they followed in Zhou Jiang's footsteps.

Walking all the way to the outside, I can see the traces of the battle on the road from time to time, but the traces are not very heavy. It is estimated that it is a chase battle. The two sides chased the square before and the battle broke out completely.

There are a lot of **** on the ground, there are papers, but more are some small toys and some snacks, such as popcorn, ice cream and so on. These should be left behind when the tourists rushed away after the fighting broke out. However, there were no large patches of blood on the road, and no broken arms or hands. There should be no major incidents.

"Tsk tsk, these small stalls are still there, no one is there, I really want to go up and get some food." Zhou Nan said while looking at an ice cream dining car.

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