"It looks like no one else knows, isn't there a lot of movement?"

"Huh?" Zhou Jiang raised his head and glanced at Zhou Nan standing on the edge of the window sill, pulling the curtains to look at the night view outside, "What?"

"The Rockets, the Rockets, obviously attacked the amusement park. As a result, nothing happened outside." Zhou Nan pulled back the curtains and sat down on the side chair.

"Remember when we came out. Except next to the amusement park, there were still a bunch of people in other places. Whatever happened, it seemed like nothing happened." Zhou Nan grabbed his hair and felt a little uncomfortable. solution.

"What's so strange about this." Xu Feng, who held his cell phone like Zhou Jiang, spoke.

Zhou Jiang was lying on the bed looking at his cell phone, while Xu Feng was sitting on a chair in front of the table. He put down his cell phone and looked at Zhou Nan, "You see that the battle is over so soon, it must be the prosecutors early in the morning. Knowing the general plan of the Rockets, he lurked in the amusement park."

"It's really fake." Zhou Nan couldn't believe it.

"Well, what Xu Feng said is true. I have seen the general process from the prosecutor's intranet." Zhou Jiang said.

If the task is completed, there will be posts about the completed task on the intranet. This is not an official post, or the prosecutors who did the task.

The official didn’t stop posting this, anyway, as long as it’s not completely finished, it’s fine.

After Zhou Jiang came back, he logged into the intranet with an attitude of looking for it, but it turned out that someone actually posted it.

Zhou Jiang looked at it roughly. The person who posted the post was not of a high level, so I don’t know the whole story. I only know that they entered the amusement park from the very beginning, pretending to be tourists and staff, waiting for the Rockets to take the bait .

As for the information from the prosecutor, it was not said.

Naturally, there was more than one post, but Zhou Jiang had read it all, and no one mentioned the source of the intelligence.

"Intranet, envy..." Zhou Nan sat back, lying on the back of the chair, looking at Zhou Jiang with his hands on his chin.

"What's so envious of this, if you join the prosecutor, you too." Zhou Jiang waved his hand at him and continued to look at the phone.

"Hey... Prosecutor, I also thought about being a prosecutor before, and I feel so handsome..."

Before Zhou Nan finished speaking, Xu Feng interrupted him, "Handsome? The prosecutor is not as handsome as you think. You think the Rockets are just a job, and many prosecutors sacrifice every year."

"Well, Xu Feng is right. It's just that what you are exposed to are some ordinary events. Many battles with the Rockets are very dangerous. Zhang Kui knows it. It was the one who gave us the initial spirit before. Brother, the big guy with me in K City, he used to be a prosecutor... well, now too, don’t interrupt, listen to me! He used to be, when he was on a mission, his leg was broken by the Rockets Now, it seems that a few elves have also died. If the prosecutor's support was not in time, he would have explained there. At that time, he seemed to be a trainer from the elite level to the quasi-kingdom level."

After speaking, Zhou Jiang raised his eyebrows at Zhou Nan, "Now you know the danger, quasi-king, I guess it will only reach this level two or three years after graduating from university, that is, six years later."

"Seven years... so long? No way..." Zhou Nan's voice rose up, a little unbelievable, "you have the strength of the heavenly king now? Even if I'm bad, it won't be so late. Right..."

"..." Zhou Jiang put down his phone and looked at Zhou Nan speechlessly. Is your focus here? And you don’t have any strength at all...

I? I have a plug-in in my hand, so I am now an elite elementary genie. If I reach the level of the king, it will take one or two years, maybe more.

This is still the situation that I have a super plug-in in hand, you want to compare with me without anything?


"Satisfaction, you, two or three years after graduating from university, you can be the quasi-tianwang. It is the top in the past. It is estimated that Zhou Jiang still considers the energy cubes for the elves you gave you when you were in college. You didn't mean you want to go. amount……"

"Hey!!!" Zhou Nan anxiously waved his hands to Xu Feng, and Xu Feng also knew that he had said too much, and stopped instantly.

Zhou Jiang just fell on the bed and looked at it again with his mobile phone. He didn't pay much attention to what Xu Feng said, but Zhou Jiang became curious when Zhou Nan did this.

With his elbows on the bed, Zhou Jiang slightly got up and looked at the two of them, "What's wrong?"

"Uh...nothing, ah ha ha~" Zhou Nan smiled and touched the back of his neck.

Xu Feng stopped talking, but Zhou Jiang still noticed something was wrong.

Zhou Jiang hadn't listened carefully before, but they, especially Zhou Nan, were too deliberate, and Zhou Jiang suddenly found something wrong. After squinting his eyes, Zhou Jiang smiled slightly, "No one told you that you can't lie?"

Zhou Jiang sat up from the bed, looked at Zhou Nan, his eyes stared, "Well~ the criminals are not coming!"

"Really nothing..."

"Hehe, hurry up, don't hide it from me, who told you to expose it, hurry up! What secret, you still kept it from me, I think you haven't tried to go to the house for a few days, believe it or not I called Yongan to give you Aruba!"

Zhou Nan grieved and whispered, "Even if you call him, he won't help you..."

He deserves to be unlucky, although he is whispered, he is still heard by Zhou Jiang. In an instant, Zhou Jiang understood.

"Wow, I didn't expect that you all knew it, but I didn't know it, did you keep it from me? It seems that if you don't give you a bit of trouble, don't you know your father or your father!"

Zhou Jiang pretended to be angry, and jumped off the bed with his hand supported. Zhou Nan wanted to stand up and run, but Zhou Jiang was very fast. Before he stood up, he pushed him back on the chair.

"Hurry up and be honest, or I will be tortured!" Zhou Jiang was behind him, holding his shoulders with both hands, pressing his whole body on him.

"Come on the fat man, don't hide it, Zhou Jiang will know sooner or later anyway, now since he found out, let's talk about it." Xu Feng stood up and sat on the bed looking at Zhou Jiang and Zhou Nan, and sighed. Said.

"Ah, ah, you said the glasses, if it weren't for you to be exposed..." Zhou Nan curled his lips and pushed his head back, "Let go, tell you, okay?"

"Huh! This is almost the same, hurry up!" Zhou Jiang let go of his two hands and sat next to Xu Feng.

"Quick talk~" Zhou Jiang urged, seeing that he was still rubbing the shoulders he had pressed before.

"Oh, what anxious, you shit, I don't do anything lightly, it makes my shoulder hurt." Zhou Nan complained.

"Cut, it's time for you to exercise. With a sigh of fat, look at me, I also exercise together every day when the elves are exercising. If this continues, I have eight pack abs!" Zhou Jiang touched his stomach. .

Well, eight-pack abs does not exist. Nine-nine-pack is now one. The most important thing is that the exercise time is too short. Although the exercise does not stop every day, the time is short. It is difficult to see the results in a short time.

However, exercise is still useful, at least if you are lucky, you can still feel some raised lumps. As long as you continue to exercise, you won’t have a few lumps for the abdominal muscles.

"Cut, you still have eight pack abs~" Zhou Nan obviously didn't believe it. Although it was true, Zhou Jiang was still upset. Hey, I exercised all day and was despised by a fat guy who didn't exercise?

"What is an eight pack abs, do you know that dad has nine?"

"Nine yuan?!" Xu Feng was also shocked, staring at Zhou Jiang.

"Heh, keep blowing, hurry up and see who belongs to the Cantello in the sky, it actually flew into the sky." Zhou Nan disdain.

"Huh!" Seeing that they didn't know Jiujiuhuiyi, Zhou Jiang was not polite, and gave them a long experience, lifting up a few clothes at once, revealing a smooth abdomen.

Hmm... not a single abdominal muscle, one smooth...

Zhou Nan and Xu Feng, one disdainful, the other unbelieving, but they still looked over, and then they found "Nine Nine into One".

"Oh, I knew you were bragging!"

"You know a hammer, it's called Jiujiu Guiyi, do you understand Jiujiu Guiyi!" Zhou Jiang pointed his **** contemptuously.


Seeing that the two of them were speechless, Zhou Jiang's vanity was slightly satisfied, "No, you haven't said it yet. Hurry up, do you want to change the subject and let me forget about it? Hurry up!"

"You shit, your skin is getting thicker and thicker." Zhou Nan looked at Zhou Jiang speechlessly, "It's obviously you who started out..."

"Quick talk, don't talk nonsense." Zhou Jiang patted his legs and urged, he didn't care who raised his head first...

"Hey..." Zhou Nan sighed, slumped on the chair again, looking down at the floor, "I may not be with you in university..."

"Huh?" Zhou Jiang was stunned for a moment, but soon recovered, "Are you not together? Where do you want to go?"

"Huh?" Zhou Nan raised his head, somewhat puzzled, "Aren't you angry?"

"Angry?" Zhou Jiang smiled~www.ltnovel.com~Why should I be angry? At most, I would break your leg and drag it to the school with me. "

Zhou Nan's neck shrank in fright, but soon discovered that Zhou Jiang was joking, too. After all, Zhou Jiang was not sick, and to be honest, Zhou Nan was just a happy friend to him, not Friends from childhood to childhood together.

Although they are all friends, the relationship is a lot worse. After all, growing up together, the relationship that has been playing together is still very special.

To be honest, Zhou Jiang’s impression of Zhou Nan only started a few months ago. His previous memories were like intermittent movies, with no sense of substitution at all.

His feelings for Zhou Nan are definitely not as deep as Zhou Nan's feelings for him.

He is the kind of passive person who treats him well by others, and he will naturally treat others well. It is because Zhou Nan treats him very well and really treats him as a friend from childhood, so he will Be willing to be "held" by them.

That's right, it's a bit ugly, Zhou Jiang was indeed held back by them and bound.

Not to mention the previous, present, and previous words, he left the team in order to become stronger, and then left frequently. They did not cause any hindrance to Zhou Jiang, but what about the future?

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