When Zhou Jiang came back to his senses, he didn't know how long it had passed.

   After regaining consciousness, Zhou Jiang saw Zhou Nan who was staring at him. Before he could speak, Zhou Nan asked first, "What's wrong? Which beauty did you think of this time?"

   "..." Zhou Jiang was speechless, "Why do you always ask which beauty it is, don't you think of anything other than a woman?"

   "That..." Zhou Nan tilted her head and pretended to think for a while, "Then...Noko?"

   "With my brain full of these, it's also forgiving that the river can see you as a fat house." Xu Feng unceremoniously said while looking at the phone.

   "Hey, don't you understand this? Dad is called true temperament! What do you know, two men who dare to think or say."

   "Cut~" Zhou Jiang gave him a middle finger.

   didn't get too entangled in this matter, Zhou Jiang looked at Xu Feng, "What doctor did you say before, that meteorite was studied in China?"

   "Dr. Cistia, not that doctor!"

   "Hey, it's the same, just tell me, what is he researching?"

   Xu Feng sighed helplessly, "Research on meteorites."

   Talking, Xu Feng gave Zhou Jiang a white look, "You can see these things on the Internet, right?"

   said, Xu Feng handed over the phone in his hand.

   Zhou Jiang took a look, okay... There is indeed a lot of small news...

   But he will not admit that he is lazy. He returned the phone and argued, "I don’t believe those unscrupulous editors, do you have inside information? Tell us about it~"

  Speaking, Zhou Jiang winked at Zhou Nan.

   I don’t know if Zhou Nan is really interested, or to cooperate with Zhou Jiang. In short, he also got up and sat down at the end of the bed, sat with Zhou Jiang, and looked at Xu Feng, "Talk, talk."

"Ha~" Xu Feng talked. Zhou Jiang's small movements were not deliberately concealed, they were done under his nose, but he was not angry or anything. He did not refuse Zhou Jiang and the others' curiosity, and paused. After a while, he said everything he knew.

   is not an important secret after all, and if it's secret, he won't know it, so it doesn't matter if it is said.

   Five minutes later, Xu Feng finished speaking. There was no important information, it was all scattered and scattered things, and it was not the topic of that meteorite that Zhou Jiang was interested in.

   Zhou Jiang tilted his head and looked at him, "Nothing? It seems ordinary..."

   "Of course it's normal..." Xu Feng shrugged, "I haven't been there yet, these are some information on the Internet, I collected."

   "Well..." Zhou Jiang was helpless.

   Zhou Nan also shrugged and sat back on the chair before.

   "That's right, I forgot to ask, you are all leaving, won't Yongan where they want to leave too?" Zhou Jiang was a little empty.

   A team of ten...Well, not counting Lu Ran and the other three teachers, it's still a team of seven people. Shouldn't they all go away, or just disperse?

  Don’t leave him alone...Although it doesn’t matter that he is alone, it’s too sad...

   "No, they didn't say it, it's probably going to college normally." Xu Feng didn't say it, it was Zhou Nan's answer.

   "That's okay, I thought you all had to leave one by one..." Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief.

After that, the three of them had nothing to say. Zhou Jiang continued to lie on the bed and play mobile phones, watch posts and other places, Xu Feng continued to read his news, Zhou Nan still liked to play the game "Elves League", and Chen Yongan The previous classmates played together, but Zhou Jiang didn't know him and didn't have any impression.

   Zhou Nan called him and Xu Feng to come together to open black, but they were not interested in playing. At first, it was a little fun to play, but the more you play, the more boring.

Although this game should be regarded as a glimmer of light in the dark for Zhou Jiang, after all, this game mode mechanism is far beyond other games in this world, and it is considered a rare "food for the mind", but he is right It is not very interesting either, sometimes I would rather be bored than play.

   Speaking of "Elf Alliance", Zhou Jiang thought of the game renamed from "Elf go" to "Elf", the previous group of "teams" and offline games, and the game company.

  The name of the game company has forgotten, he is full of penguins...but the name of the game company is not important, it is their chairman!

   I don’t know where to look at the news or who heard it. Anyway, it’s been a long time. It seems that the chairman of the company was arrested by the Rockets and has now returned and was rescued.

He doesn’t know the specific process. After all, he has forgotten where he knew it. Maybe he heard the news from passersby, maybe it was the news on the street TV, or he watched it on his mobile phone. In short, the boss was rescued. It's coming out, and even the offline competitions that the pigeons had previously reopened.

   Zhou Jiang didn't care if the boss was rescued. They didn't even go to the reopened activity.

   Zhou Jiang mainly thought of what he suddenly thought of before, "What the **** are the Rockets going to do?"

   game company, amusement park.

   The two industries that are impossible to reach, in just one month... well, he didn't remember how long it took, but it will be a short time.

   Within a short period of time, being watched by the Rockets at the same time, how do you think they should have something similar and special?

   I thought that the Rockets need money before. Zhou Jiang now thinks about it. After deliberation, it seems that there is a high possibility of looting because of money.

The game company’s prospects are very good. Whether it’s "Elf" or "Elf League", the prospects of these two games are very good. Now the "Elf League" has risen and the players have exploded. I heard that they have begun to consider overseas players. Although "Elves" has caused some loss of players due to the emergence of "Elves Alliance", it is still a top-notch mobile game, at least much more powerful than those of Lianliankan...

   The prospects of the game company can be seen by individuals, and the Rockets are no exception. If they are really short of money, it is naturally possible to look at him.

The boss of the game company is only one person. I heard that the boss used to open a large company, but was squeezed out by other shareholders. Now this company is newly opened by him, the road to rise, this time he does not want to repeat the same mistakes. So there is no financing and 100% holding.

   If Zhou Jiang were the Rockets, he would definitely not let go of such a good piece of fat. The game has only just started. Everyone hasn't noticed yet. China's biggest evil force will directly shoot and it will definitely be able to catch it.

   I just don’t know what benefits the Rockets get. Is it equity? Was it money, or directly absorbed the boss into the Rockets, or they didn’t ask for money, but a mysterious item that Zhou Jiang didn’t know?

   But whatever it is, the Rockets should have got what they want, otherwise he won't be put back so easily.

   As for the prosecutor rescued it?

   Zhou Jiang can't believe it.

   When the Rockets made the move, the prosecutor didn't receive any news, and the Rockets also pretended to attack the Dragon Gymnasium at the time, attracting a large number of people's attention.

   When they got the news that the boss was taken captive, they didn’t know where they were taken. The Rockets came prepared, how could the prosecutor find?

   This is not like a previous life. There are a lot of cameras. Although there are also cameras, they are not too many, at least not all over the street. The Rockets want to run and it is easy.

In addition, there are magical creatures like elves in this world. Anyone with a powerful electrical system can destroy cameras and the like in the vicinity. If it is more powerful, it can give the camera a short time. "Blind", and later recovered, and there was no problem afterwards.

   The Rockets are ready to run, and the league is really hard to find.

After all, although there are worms in the league, there are basically no worms below, especially in the prosecutors. The prosecutors chase the Rockets, it must be powerful, and the Rockets are basically only taken away from the small base. It can be seen that their concealment work is still very good.

In general, when spies are launched and internal response, it is always a big move. The boss of a game company is not big enough for the alliance. The alliance is not big. If the Rockets are fully prepared, it is basically impossible to be Caught.

After all, if Zhou Jiang were the Rockets, he would definitely sacrifice some little guys and spread out to do things everywhere, and then the kidnapping team would take the opportunity to slip away~www.ltnovel.com~ The league will find it back then. It's really hard to find.

  Without satellites, the world without cameras can do whatever it wants!

   I'm going far, analyzed the game company, and then it's the amusement park.

   In the amusement park, Zhou Jiang’s impression is that the thief makes money!

  Incoming money is like flowing water. There can be so many people in winter. What if summer is the tourist season? Coupled with the events held from time to time, soliciting trainers, etc., Zhou Jiang would not believe it if they had no money.

   It's just this commotion, and I don't know if the chairman was also kidnapped.

   But this time should be different, right? After all, this amusement park is so big, it shouldn't be controlled by one person, right? I don't know what the Rockets will do and directly tie up shareholders?

   Thinking about it now, it feels like there is something wrong, but he can't tell.

   After much deliberation, the Rockets are not so superficial and want to make money, but for another reason?

   Here Zhou Jiang is lying on the bed and thinking constantly, but he can't think of anything useful. There is too little information to be able to distinguish.

the other side.

  G In the presidential suite of a luxury hotel in the city center, two girls wrapped in bath towels sat on the chairs and chatted without a word. The topic they were talking about was nothing but the Rockets incident this afternoon.

   If Zhou Jiang were here, he would be able to recognize two of them, one of them was Xue Lu, who was teaming up with them, and the other girl who was smiling foolishly...

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