I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 642: Match against the tower

Although it is city g, the structure of the battle tower is the same as city v, and there is no difference in the operating mode inside.

   Zhou Jiang, they have all played in Battle Tower, and they have an account, so there is no need to re-open the account. The battle tower in every city can be used, otherwise it would be too bad.

   The girls and the three teachers of Tian Zhengjie, a total of six people did not plan to play, they went to the auditorium to watch their game.

   Zhou Jiang and Xu Feng played with the four of them. There were no four-player teams, only singles, doubles and three, so they could only choose to play in teams.

   Zhou Jiang is so strong, the three of them naturally want to be with him. After all, there are rewards for winning. No matter how many, who doesn't want it?

   The three of them all want to team up with Zhou Jiang. There is no other way but to make a decision in a man's way.

   The three of them stood together in a triangular shape, each with a solemn expression.

   Xu Feng pushed his glasses, and the glasses flashed brightly, making him more compelling, "Are you ready?"

   "Guru~" Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan swallowed a little nervously, but they nodded firmly.

   "Black and white!"


"watch out!"

   The three yelled and each stretched out their right hand, or their palms or backs of hands were facing up.

   "Aha~! I won!" Chen Yongan looked at the three hands, his only hand with the back facing up, and smiled triumphantly.



   Xu Feng and Zhou Nan withdrew their hands unhappily, Zhou Nan looked at Chen Yongan jealously, as if saying that he was really lucky.

"Haha~ You can pray not to line up to us, otherwise your road to the battle tower will end here!" Chen Yongan walked to Zhou Jiang's side, stretched out his hand to embrace Zhou Jiang's shoulder, and moved towards Zhou triumphantly. Nan they said.

   "Cut it, it sounds like you have already won, but Zhou Jiang said that you don't need Big Needle Bee and Shanaiduo. It's not always the one who will die!" Zhou Nan insisted.

   Xu Feng had no expression on his face. He was a little indifferent. It was best to form a team with Zhou Jiang. It was impossible and fine. It was just a little disappointment.

   "Hehe~" Chen Yongan smiled coldly.

  The mockery used by Zhou Jiang, "haha", is now more and more popular with them, and they don't even know who spread it out, and now it is gradually becoming popular online.

   "Okay, okay, you guys." It was Jiang Shui who came out to adjust, she also had a headache, a few people always like to play treasures together, especially in the public...

   Feeling the surprised eyes of others, the river covered his face, it’s really shameful...

   Zhou Nan and the others quickly stopped. After being reminded by the river, they also found the sight of others.

   After signing up, the players of Zhou Jiang and Jiang Shui were separated from them.

  They are going to the audience, while Zhou Jiang and the others are going inside and waiting, waiting for their turn to compete.

   There are still some familiar small rooms, Zhou Jiang and Chen Yongan sat in them, Zhou Nan and Xu Feng went to other rooms.

   In the small room, Zhou Jiang and Chen Yongan were chatting with each other while watching TV together. They didn't deliberately want to talk about anything, they thought of talking about something, purposeless, just to pass the time.

   I didn’t know that after too long, the broadcast in the room where they were located sounded and it was their turn to compete.

   "I don't know if Zhou Nan and the others started the game first." Chen Yongan got up and stretched out and said.

"I don't know, but I shouldn't have it." Zhou Jiang just answered casually. The broadcast in each room is exclusive. For example, if they are going to the game, there is a broadcast, but if Zhou Nan and the others haven't gone to the game yet , If they still stay in the room, they won't know.

   "Don't care, I'm gone, I can finally compete." The other towers are pretty good, but it's a bit difficult to wait. It's okay when there are fewer people. If there are more people, you will have to queue up...

   But today was okay, and they didn't let them wait long.

   did not see the opponent, probably not in the vicinity, they stepped onto the elevator and walked up slowly.

   The elevator goes straight to the competition venue. After exiting, there is a small aisle where you can walk to both sides of the venue. They only need to walk straight for a short distance.

   Chen Yongan was a little excited, let alone him, Zhou Jiang was the same, as he moved, listening to the voice of the host inside and the shouts of the audience, Zhou Jiang felt that his blood was about to boil.

   Although I was a little uncomfortable at first, I was almost used to it because I had experienced many such scenes, and I adjusted it right away.

   slightly raised his hand to block the dazzling light, Zhou Jiang and Chen Yongan walked out of the slightly darker passage, and the host just finished the introduction, and the audience stage made more intense shouts.

   Zhou Jiang walked forward without squinting his eyes, but he still glanced at the auditorium.

   When he was in V City, the match gave him a good feeling. The audience should be quiet when they should be quiet, shout when they should shout, and they don’t know what’s going on here.

To be honest, in fact, only by shouting all the time can there be a game atmosphere. Like various large-scale competitions, you can't be quiet at all. All people are shouting. Although it is a bit noisy, there is an atmosphere and passion. Not suitable for Zhoujiang.

   Zhou Jiang and Chen Yongan are standing on the inside, and Chen Yongan is standing on the outside of the audience stage.

   As soon as they walked to the designated position, their opponents also came out, but Zhou Jiang did not look, he was trying to find Wang Qingyan and the others in the audience.

   "Let me go, Zhou Jiang, look, it's a beautiful girl~" After seeing the person from the opposite side, Chen Yongan said to Zhou Jiang with some excitement, but he forgot, the headset he was wearing is now turned on...

   This thing is to let the audience hear the voice of their commanding elves. It is only worn when there is a "program effect", and his voice is naturally transmitted through the small microphone...

   It was too late when he remembered. Whether it was the opponent, the host, or the audience in the audience, they all heard what he said.

The audience was silent for a second. Then the audience laughed. Zhou Jiang's eyes twitched and he withdrew his gaze from the audience. He looked at Chen Yongan, who was slightly blushing and embarrassed. He opened his mouth but didn't say anything, but shook helplessly. Shook his head.

   The two beautiful contestants who were opposite them had stalled after hearing Chen Yongan's "sniffing" before, but they immediately continued to move towards the venue, but they looked at Zhou Jiang and Chen Yongan's eyes somewhat badly.

   Zhou Jiang was implicated innocent... Obviously he didn't know anything...

   The host is still very good. After a bit of joking, he immediately passed the topic. When it came to other things, it attracted the audience's attention and made Chen Yongan relieved.

   To be honest, although his cheeks are thick enough, he still feels a little embarrassed after the whole appearance.

   The main reason is that he thought this was a whisper to Zhou Jiang, but it was heard by everyone. If he remembered that he still had a headset, and then deliberately said this, he would not be embarrassed.

   The nature is a bit different, give me a chestnut.

If you want to fart, there are two choices. One is to silently and the other is to make a sound. Although both are bad farts, choosing two represents your attitude. One is not to be known by others, and the other is to do it. Ready.

If you choose to play silently, but fail, and everyone knows it, it must be very embarrassing. After all, the "little secret" has been discovered, and if you choose to play with sound, you must be prepared. (Provided that you can choose between silent and sound before putting it), even if someone complains about you, you can still fight back.

   This is the difference.

The two sides are already in place, the role of the host can disappear. His biggest role is to take advantage of the end of the game, change venues, explain to the audience during the neutral period when changing players, etc. Anyway, it is to survive this period of time. Of course, he also needs a simple commentary or teasing during the game.

   In short, the ability to explain is a test, and those who are capable of this line are very powerful talents.

   "Zhou Jiang."

   "Chen Yongan."

   "Hu Yao."

   "Hu Yue."

   The four reported their names, and after a brief introduction, they were able to throw the pokeball and start the game.

   There was a cheering sound from the audience, Zhou Jiang heard Wang Qingyan and the others, but couldn't find it... Maybe it was because he was a little shortsighted?

   Zhou Jiang did not plan to send Big Needle Bee, Xanadu, and Menus.

The weakest Menas can also play against the King of Heaven. Even if it is highly probable, it is still okay to abuse the King of Heaven. This kind of game, if they are used, it is really a crush without suspense. Up.

  For this kind of game, it's better to use other elves. There is no way to play in the gymnasium. You can only rely on them. For other games, let other elves play more.

Although he likes to collect ~www.ltnovel.com~ but he does not collect randomly, at least he will not throw the elves into the house and then not practice, like Xiaozhi, each area changes a batch of elves, except for the heroine Pikachu, In the past, the elves could only eat cold benches, and only some powerful players behind the league could make occasional appearances.

The elves he currently conquered are all usable. Even though the iron armor tyrannosaurus was meant to be used as a meat shield at the beginning, but gradually began to practice it. When fighting against Zhou Nan, he basically used iron armor. Tyrannosaurus, fire dinosaurs, unless it is Hetian Zhengjie and the others, or they have a request.

  Although he can't be completely fair, he will at least give them a chance to play. It's just a difference between more and less.

In this game, Zhou Jiang intends to let Qingteng Snake come. This guy has enough level, but he still hasn’t evolved. When he played the Rockets yesterday, he thought he could evolve, but he still didn’t. He is on this stage today. If you win the game, you should be able to evolve, right?

   After all, both humans and elves have vanity. Winning the game in front of so many people might evolve if you get excited?

  The Claw Crab, who looks like Xiaozhi, overturned his opponents in the league competition and then evolved into a Claw Crab. Maybe they are also OK?

   There is still a big difference between the Qingteng Snake and the Monarch Snake. It has not been allowed to exercise speed because of the different movement modes after evolution. If it evolves earlier, it can exercise earlier and become stronger.

After    evolves, its strength will inevitably increase a lot. When the time comes with a small modification to the system, there will be one more wizard he can fight.

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