I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 646: Gancheng Glory Amusement Park

He packed his things and put them in his backpack. Zhou Jiang put his backpack on his back and looked at Zhou Nan who was sitting on a chair and playing with a mobile phone on the bed. Before he could ask, Chen Yongan first found him and asked: " Huh? Zhou Jiang, are you going out?"

   Hearing what Chen Yongan said, Zhou Nan and the others raised their heads and looked over.

   "Yeah." Zhou Jiang nodded, glanced at them, and asked: "I'm going to the amusement park for a while, are you coming?"

   "Huh?" Zhou Nan asked in a daze, "Didn't the amusement park have been there before? And it was attacked by the Rockets before, right now?"

   Zhou Jiang shook his head, "No, no, I'm not going to Nagufu Amusement Park."

   "Then where are you going?"

   "Gancheng Glorious Amusement Park."


   Hearing Zhou Jiang's answer, Zhou Nan looked at each other.

   "If I remember correctly, the amusement park is going to close down? Is there anything else to play?" Tian Zhengjie asked.

"Um...what? I didn't go to play, I was curious to see the shabby look inside." Zhou Jiang replied with a touch of his chin, and then looked at them, "How about it, is anyone going? ?"

   "Forget it, I won't go." Zhou Nan shook his head, "I was exhausted when I came back last night. I am too lazy to move today."

   "Oh, you're lazy!" Zhou Jiang disdain, "Sooner or later I have to raise a fat body, and then be abandoned by the river."

   "Cut, you are jealous!"

   "Hehe~" Zhou Jiang disdain, "Isn't there a girlfriend? What's so envious, I want to find a girlfriend, and the peerless beauties who want to find me can go to V city from here."

"Tsk tusk~" This is not only Zhou Nan, even Chen Yongan and the others can't see it anymore. Zhou Nan disdainfully said, "Blow, blow hard, the Cataro who was flying on yesterday hasn't come down yet. "

   "Huh, how do a group of mortals understand the greatness of this king!" Zhou Jiang waved his hand, "I'm too lazy to go with you, anyone going, I'll go if no one is going."

   "Go go, don't disturb us playing games." Zhou Nan waved his hand in the same way, looking disdainful.

   "..." Zhou Jiang shook his head and walked out.

   He had known that they would not go, just asked as usual.

Yesterday when they came out of the training room, it was already 4 o’clock in the afternoon, almost 5 o’clock, and they found a Haidilao after a meal. After a meal, a few girls had nothing to do when they went back. Then they had to walk back. They can also keep in shape by digesting food.

   Then there is no more.

   They just walked back, from half past five to the evening, and walked for more than three hours...

After walking for so long, the main reason is that at first they walked aimlessly, not directly towards the hotel. They swayed and talked, and when they saw something interesting, they stopped and watched. Discussion or something.

   Although I walked for more than three hours at a time, and did not walk as much when traveling in the wild, my mentality was different.

   The mentality of walking when traveling in the wild is different from the mentality of walking in the city.

   Just like Zhou Nan and the others, they can sleep without taking off their clothes in the wild, but they don’t school in the city.

When they got back to the hotel, Zhou Nan started crying for his father and mother, what was the broken leg? Zhou Jiang thought they would fall asleep after taking a shower. Who knew they played games until the early hours of the morning? Twelve o'clock...

   Finally, Zhou Jiang drove Chen Yongan and Tian Zhengjie back, and they turned off the lights to sleep.

The girls were not in their room. Zhou Jiang asked them on his mobile phone. When they heard that they were going to see the dilapidated Gancheng Guanghui Amusement Park, they didn't want to go. There was no way. In the end, Zhou Jiang went out alone. Up.

However, he had already guessed that only he would go there in the end, so there is nothing to lose. Moreover, it is good to be alone in the past, and he can avoid them asking questions. After all, if he was asked why he would go there. , He didn't know how to answer, he just casually perfunctory before.

   went out, got on the bus, and sat in the middle back row by the window. Zhou Jiang put on the headphones to turn on the music, and looked out the window with his face in his hand.

   To be honest, he was a little excited.

  Couldn't it really be the Gancheng Glorious Amusement Park he knew?

   "The Savior of Gancheng Glory Paradise", tusk tusk.

   If it really is, it will be fun, maybe something else will pop up in the future, and then come to an anime hodgepodge?

   The bus stopped and went, and the passers-by went up and down, but they had nothing to do with Zhou Jiang. After he sat in the middle and back position, he still sat inside. Even if an old man came up, it was not his turn to give up his seat.

   I didn't know how long he had been sitting there, but he didn't get out of the bus until the bus broadcast yelled.

   Gancheng Guanghui Amusement Park is about to close down. Naturally, there is no bus stop. After getting off the bus, it takes three to four minutes to get there. No wonder this amusement park is not working.

   People’s Gufu Paradise is so hot, the bus stop is still in, and you’re at the door when you get off the bus, and you’re in a poor amusement park. Who wants to play...

   Well, not surprisingly, the doorway is very dilapidated. Although there is no exaggeration as shown in the animation, you can still see its oldness at a glance.

The amusement park is very depressed. Obviously there was a big population explosion in G city recently. As a result, there were no people around here. Zhou Jiang approached the security room. A gray-haired old man in casual clothes was sleeping on the table while he was sitting. There is also a security suit hanging on the back of his chair.

   Zhou Jiang looked at the phone, it was past nine o'clock, still sleeping?

   And still sleeping here...

   "Hmm!" Zhou Jiang uttered a reminder, but the old man was still sleeping soundly. Zhou Jiang had no choice but to knock on the glass window with his hand, "Wake up, there are guests!"

   Zhou Jiang is a little bit emotional, how down-to-earth this is... The conductor and security are an elderly old man and it's already past nine o'clock. Isn't it prime time? I ended up sleeping on the table...

   Zhou Jiang believes that if there are guests coming from time to time, he will definitely not be like this. So, is there no guests to play at all?

   This is too miserable!

   "Who~" With a tired nasal sound, the old man blinked and raised his head.

   "Master, there are guests here, so I got up to sell tickets!" Zhou Jiang didn't know why, and suddenly wanted to laugh.

   As far as the guard is concerned, 80% of the guests don’t have to buy tickets to talk.

   "Guest? Selling tickets?" The uncle smiled wryly and shook his head, "Man, this amusement park is closed, no business!"

   "Huh? Turned off?!" Zhou Jiang was surprised.

   It was still open when I checked the information.

   "Yes." The old man nodded and sighed, his eyes were a little sad, "This amusement park has no guests, and it's finally closing~"

   "..." Zhou Jiang was a little at a loss and was about to shut down, so he ran for nothing?

The old man looked at Zhou Jiang and smiled slightly. The wrinkles on his face were compacted together, like old oranges. "It's rare that there are people who want to come to Lao Antique to play, you go in, no charge, not yet Some of the facilities inside are still moving after the power outage, you can go and see."

   "Uh... okay." Zhou Jiang thought for a while, and thought he should go in and take a look, after all, he came here.

   I chatted with the uncle, and learned that it was bought recently, so it was closed, and it was going to be rebuilt later.

  Walking on the cold square, Zhou Jiang was a little at a loss.

   Although I want to come in and have a look, it's a bit desolate here...

   It’s winter now, and there’s no one alone. The cold wind is blowing. Even if Zhou Jiang wears thick clothes, it feels cool.

   Fortunately, it’s almost noon in the morning. If you come over at dusk in the afternoon, you can probably shoot a horror movie.

   Three or four directions are available for him to choose, which makes him a little bit difficult. After thinking about it, he didn't think of anything. In the end, he didn't bother to think about it. His right hand was holding chopsticks. Well, he went to the right decisively.

The area of ​​   amusement park is naturally large, even if it is down and down, but the facilities are old.

   I have walked past a motor wheel, a roller coaster, a carousel, a pirate ship...

The facilities of the amusement park are nothing more than these, nothing special. After all, you can build these, so can I, and everyone can make it the same~www.ltnovel.com~ If Zhou Jiang is here, the height difference of the amusement park, It is nothing more than the difference in funds.

   If you have money, you can make the same facilities, and the difference is the difference in the environment, services, food, and the appearance of the facilities.

   All the facilities that Zhou Jiang walked through are no longer available. After all, the maintenance of large equipment is very costly. This amusement park has changed hands, and the tickets are not sold, so naturally it will not continue to open.

   But Zhou Jiang felt that even if it kept driving and tourists came, no one would dare to play...After all, the equipment is old...

   can't flatter him, like those on roller coasters, he is afraid to fall off when he sits high, the same goes for those on pirate ships, it's really magical to fly out when they fly high.

   The pirate ship was set up by the lake, but this large artificial lake is not bad.

From here, he can see a pavilion on the lake in the distance, and some railroad tracks soaked in water, which are "rapid currents" train tracks. I don't know what materials they are made of, and they are not afraid of rust in the water. Up.

Zhou Jiang walked slowly along the river. There are willow trees beside the river, but now they are all dead branches, no young leaves can be seen, and it is very cold, and there is no mood to look at the lakeside scenery. The wind blows and brings them It's moisture, and it's more humid and cold.


   Suddenly a voice rang in Zhou Jiang's ear, and he patted him on the shoulder.

   Zhou Jiang, who was immersed in his own world, was startled by the sudden sound, and his heart missed a beat.

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