I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 656: Settling and boarding

Back to the hotel is already an hour and a half later. Forty-five minutes by car, forty-five minutes by waiting time, absolutely!

   In fact, it is so slow, mainly because they are crowded.

   If there are few people, such as one, two, three or four people, they can squeeze them in, but if there are many people, they can easily squeeze in with a few people, and a few people will stay there.

   And they didn't want to go in batches, but they had no choice but to wait at the station slowly. When they got to the back, the bench was occupied by ten of them...

  Occupied the bench, and they were a little embarrassed. They belonged to five boys and five girls, so they didn’t talk to each other, pretending that they didn’t know each other...

   Well, pretending to be an ostrich, at least feels better.

   "When shall we call?" Zhou Nan asked after returning to the room and dropping his backpack.

   "Wait, the boat has been there for two days, then the mayor will come to pick them up, now they must have something to do, so let's not disturb them, just keep waiting."

   "Let's do it." Zhou Nan nodded, and said nothing, just what you said.

   Then, Zhou Jiang and the others stayed in the room again and played games until the evening.

   When I went to dinner together in the evening, Lu Ran asked Zhou Jiang, "It's been so long, don't you ask?"

   "Wait a little longer, there is still time. On the first night of the day, they may have a welcome ceremony or a reception, so please ask later."

   "..." Lu Ran was silent, and Tian Zhengjie and others looked at each other, a little helpless.

   "Are you being too careful? Are we not familiar with King Shuitian, is this too raw?" Tian Zhengjie asked.

   "Uh..." Zhou Jiang was silent for a moment, then nodded, "Then we will ask when we go back after dinner."

   After Zhou Jiang said so, the others nodded.

   Zhou Jiang sighed slightly in his heart, as expected, this aspect has not been corrected...

   He is actually very afraid of asking others to do things, especially like what they are doing now, breaking some rules, going through the back door and so on.

   It’s nice to say it, he’s thinking all-round, it’s ugly, he just looks too far forward, timid, always afraid of this...

   After eating, return to the hotel.

   Everyone gathered in Zhou Jiang's room.

   At this time, Zhou Jiang took his cell phone and sat on the bed, while Zhou Nan and the others formed a half circle around him.

"I hit?"

   "Well, hit it."

   "..." Zhou Jiang swallowed, paused, gritted his teeth, and pressed the "call" button on the phone screen.

   After pressing the speakerphone again, Zhou Jiang gently put the phone on the small stool they moved over.

   "Beep~beep~beep~" Zhou Jiang's heart picked up with the sound of the phone, and he was a little confused.

   Will she talk at the banquet? Will she be in a meeting? …

   In short, Zhou Jiang's mind kept showing that she was doing something, and then they happened to call and disturb her embarrassing situation.

   But compared to the past, he has made some progress. If he changes to the past, he will definitely regret it, regretting why he didn't compromise, why he wants to "go through the back door", it is also possible to go in batches.

   But now, he would think about how to deal with and face it. Isn't this an improvement?

   The phone beeped for a long time, and when Zhou Jiang reached out to press it off, the phone was picked up!

   "Hello, Zhou Jiang?" A lazy voice came from the phone.

   "Hello, King of Water..."

   "Wait! What do you call me?"

   "..." Zhou Jiang slightly embarrassed watching Zhou Nan and the others, who kept making silent mouth shapes to himself, and bit his head and shouted, "Sister Shui!"

   "Well, that's right~ Let's talk about it, what's the matter? You wouldn't call me if nothing happened, would you?"

   Zhou Jiang smiled bitterly, this is really bitter...

Glancing at Zhou Nan and the others, who were constantly "pointing and gesticulating" at them, he swallowed his saliva. Zhou Jiang said, "That...that's it. I'm not going to participate in the league competition. The regulations don't say that you can only bring one friend. Boat or something..."

   "Well, so you want me to open the back door for you?"

   "Ahem, what..." Zhou Jiang was a little panicked, and he didn't know how to say it. Sure enough, even though he said he didn't care about the king of heaven, he still couldn't calm down when facing them.

   "Alright, let me say..." Lu Ran sighed, picked up the phone and turned off the hands-free and went into the bathroom.

   "Ha~" The phone was taken away, and Zhou Jiang's burden disappeared, and he was relieved.

   But he soon discovered Zhou Nan and the others were staring at him.

   "You...what are you looking at? Tell me if you have the ability!" Zhou Jiang's face flushed slightly. He also knew he had messed up before, but where did you get better?

Sure enough, when Zhou Jiang said so, Zhou Nan's eyes drifted away. Zhou Nan coughed dryly, and then said to Xu Feng and them, "Ahem, what? Actually, I think Zhou Jiang's performance is still Not bad! Everyone said yes?"

   "Hehe, hehe, yes, yes, it's actually very good, Zhou Jiang." Chen Yongan echoed.

   "..." Zhou Jiang's mouth twitched slightly. Is this treating me as a fool?

   Before he could speak, Lu Ran, who went to the bathroom to call, pushed open the glass door and came back.

   Everyone looked over, there was no happy or disappointed expression on her face, everything was normal, so Zhou Jiang couldn't tell whether it was done or not.

   "How is it? Teacher Lu Ran?" Jiang Shui couldn't stand it, and asked.

   "She agreed!" This is when Lu Ran showed a smile.

   "Okay!" Jiang Shui and the three girls cheered, and Zhou Jiang was also relieved. Although the process was tortuous, it happened somehow.

   Zhou Jiang sighed and asked, "When will we meet?"

   "Where to meet, she has agreed that all of us will go up!" Lu Ran sat down domineeringly, and then handed over the phone. Zhou Jiang was taken aback for a while before taking the phone.

   Zhou Jiang was caught, and he went to "education"...

The main ones are Lu Ran and Tian Zhengjie. They don’t know what’s going on recently. Their demands on Zhou Jiang have increased. They used to choose small things when they were traveling, and they would still know how to deal with big things. Stand up, but recently... Basically nothing is big or small, and it's all handed over to Zhou Jiang.

   In short, you want Zhou Jiang to "take responsibility"?

   Although he didn't know their intentions, Zhou Jiang still felt a certain sense of crisis, so he did not refuse.

   Although the process is a bit annoying, growth is bound to be accompanied by pain. How do you say that?

  Only in a desperate situation can life bloom with the most beautiful colors.

   Although it still can't reach this level of exaggeration, the more setbacks you encounter, the stronger you will become as long as you carry it over.

   Lu Ran and Tian Zhengjie took Zhou Jiang aside to educate them, telling him what was wrong with this matter.

   Although he knew that many places were problematic, they still made him feel a little ashamed.

   He wanted to change before, but he still cringed. Sure enough, certain things could not be accomplished overnight.

   Now he is not as timid as he used to be on the big stage, but it's just that he can ignore the audience. He only needs to focus on the game on the field. If he speaks on the stage... it still doesn't work.

   If you ask for help, that's it, it's still worse.

   Actually speaking, none of these difficulties can be easily overcome. After all, his shyness and his unwillingness to trouble others can be said to be carved in his bones.

   Unless it is a drug, such as carrying things like stereos to sing or dance in the street, in short, it is going out to "humiliate"...

   If you lose your face too much, your face will become thicker and you will not be shy easily.

   In fact, Lu Ran and Tian Zhengjie really gave him such an idea to go out and "humiliate", but he refused. If he did this, he would not go alive...

   was so embarrassed that he wanted to commit suicide.



   He Shui Qingrou has indeed agreed that all Zhou Nan and the others can go up, but they can only live in the staff room, and they have to take on some chores.

   In other words, they are "hired"!

   Zhou Nan and the others said that it’s okay, as long as they can go up, do chores. Anyway, it doesn’t take a few days. It is estimated that they will be there in two or three days.

   The next day, they left the room.

The boat can be boarded a long time ago. It’s just that I haven’t had a good relationship with the water before, so I have been towing, okay, it’s not always dragging. Started.

   Zhou Jiang is not worried that the boat is full. After all, the boat is so big, how many people can participate in the league competition? Five hundred people are up to the sky, right? And even if he can't fit ~www.ltnovel.com~, he can go to live in the staff dormitory with Zhou Nan and the others, but he will be a cleaner for a few days.

   Registration is in the wizard center.

   Zhou Jiang took Zhou Nan and the two of them to the registration side where the contestants entered the ship, while Lu Ran and the others directly told Ms. Joey that they were employees recruited by Shui Qingrou.

   After taking the ferry ticket, Zhou Jiang and the others took the car to the pier. In a small room on the side of the pier, they got the key with the ferry ticket and then began to board the ship.

   Stepping on the white-painted steel escalator, they boarded the cruise ship, which is really big. Zhou Jiang estimated that the total length is several hundred meters, and it is indeed the largest cruise ship in China.

   "Let’s go to the dormitory first, put things away before going to the bed?"

   "Well, after we put things away, let's come here to gather."

   "Well, yes, let's go here Fatty." After separating from Xu Feng and the others, Zhou Jiang and Zhou Nan will also go to the dormitory.

   Although this cruise ship is very big, they are not worried about getting lost.

   There is an anatomical drawing of the cruise ship on the side where they took the room key. Although they were all castrated, it was enough for them to find the dormitory and other places.

   Looking at the map saved in the phone, Zhou Jiang and the others quickly found the dormitory area, and then looked at the house numbers one by one.

   opened the door with the key. Inside was a simple double room, very luxurious, similar to the hotel they had stayed in before, and much better than the "cabin" he had imagined.

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