"Here~!" Zhou Nan waved and shouted.

Zhou Jiang also raised his right hand and waved. He didn't dare to shout casually in public. He felt too ashamed. At most, he just did some actions.

Fortunately, Zhou Jiang was not alone to pick up the people.

Zhou Jiang waved his hand and put it down, while Zhou Nan and Jiang Shui continued to wave their hands. In front of Zhou Jiang, Zhou Nan, their parents and Zhang Ning, they were also walking towards this side with their hands waving.

Zhou Jiang and his party greeted him.

"Long time no see, how are you going outside? Have you been hungry? Have you been frozen in the previous few days? The clothes should be well-dressed? Don't travel too hard, you have to..." Zhou Jiang just passed by. Zhou Jiang's mother hugged her all of a sudden, and began to chatter.

As for Zhou Nan? He was also pulled over by his mother for a while, and then said with a worried expression that he had lost weight and was suffering outside.

In fact, he weighed himself last night. Not only did he not lose weight, he also gained a pound...

Zhou Jiang and Zhou Nan could only be silent with a wry smile and said nothing.

The fathers of Zhou Jiang and Zhou Nan were calm, talked with Lu Ran and their three teachers, and thanked them for taking care of their son. Xu Feng Jiangshui and others were not familiar with Zhou Jiang and their parents, so they went to Zhang Ning and the others to chat with them. Of course, it was just Jiangshui and a few girls who were chatting, Xu Feng and the others stood on the edge.

"Okay mom! Since it's here, let's go back, don't stand here."

Zhou Jiang interrupted Lin Jiyun, which was what his mother was talking about.

There is a kind of suffering, because my mother thinks you are suffering.

Like Zhou Nan and him, the two of them live very well outside, and they are good at strength. Coupled with the subsidies from the alliance, they don’t need to be busy doing tasks to make money. Basically doing small tasks is enough for them to spend a lot of time. In addition, Zhou Jiang and the others are strong, and they won the top few in competitions, and the prize money is even more impressive.

Outside, they can say that they have food and drink and are happy and happy, but in the eyes of mothers, they usually don’t have good food...

Listening to my mother’s nagging, although I was a little touched in my heart, it wouldn’t work forever. They are still in the square temporarily serving as the station. If they want to say something, they have to go back and say something? If Zhou Jiang didn't interrupt her, she wouldn't know when she would have to wait until she stopped.

"Okay, okay, this is really not a place to retell the old, let's go. Under the big sun." Zhou Jiang's father came over and patted Zhou Jiang's mother who was "wrongly" trying to say something. shoulder.

"Well, let's get out of here first. It's not too late to wait until you return to the dormitory." Zhou Nan and his father also came over to persuade Zhou Nan and his mother.

The two heads of the family have come out to speak, and Zhou Jiang and their two mothers can only hide the words in their stomachs.

"Go away, go back and go back."

Zhou Jiang and his parents didn't have much luggage, Zhou Jiang and Zhou Nan picked up the small suitcases on the ground and took the lead and walked out.

"It's really scary. Why didn't I know that my mother was so long-winded before? It was not like this when the school leave was over before." Zhou Nan, who was walking in front, said quietly to Zhou Jiang.

"Who said no." Zhou Jiang was also helpless.

In the past, I felt that my mother was a little bit off, but now he really feels from his mother the attribute that "mother" should have-nagging!

But he doesn't hate it anymore.

But although not annoying, he still can't stand it.

What he doesn't hate is the attitude and emotion behind the nagging. As for the nagging, I don't like it personally.

"Slow down, slow down, slow down!" Zhou Jiang's mother's voice came from behind. Zhou Jiang looked back and found that they had already opened up a long distance from them unknowingly...

Obviously they are still pushing boxes, why are they so slow!

No way, the two can only stand and wait for them.

"Hurry up, it's going to be hot~!" Zhou Nan sat on the trolley box, leaning against a little shade of the side and waving at them.

The gang behind them speeded up a bit, but not too fast. Zhou Jiang sighed and stepped back under the shadow of the next corner. Although it can’t be completely covered, it can cover a little bit. It’s hot, even though he can resist. , But being able to resist does not mean that you are willing to stay under the sun like this.

Can stay in the shadows Why stay in the sun? Silly?

"Smelly boy! What should I do if the box is broken after sitting so heavy!" Finally they caught up, but when they came up, Zhou Nan's mother gave him a thud.

"Hmm~" Zhou Nan grumbled, touching his head, "You said I lost weight..."

"No matter how thin you are, you are fat, don't you want to force it?" Zhou Nan's mother complained.

"..." Zhou Nan was speechless.

At this time, only Zhou Nan and his father could save him, and he did not disappoint Zhou Nan, "It's alright, don't say it, it's hot, go back soon."

Zhou Nan looked at her father gratefully, thinking that his father is indeed the savior...

Zhou Nan's father saw his eyes, but he just glanced at him, did not speak, thinking that if everyone is under the sun, I don’t bother to care about you. If you are so fat, you don’t have to count. What should I do if my fishing rod is broken! Sure enough, I have to be strict with this kid, reduce this layer of fat, let him go for a run tomorrow, look at Zhou Jiang, he is not fat at all, he is slim and strong, and even the league competition begins. After hitting it, it's better to be Lao Bin's son...

Zhou Nan didn't know his father's thoughts, otherwise he would definitely vomit three liters of blood and die on the spot.

"Hmph, give me the box this time, and I will do it myself." Zhou Nan's mother snatched the trolley box in his hand.

Zhou Jiang's mother also smiled and took the box from Zhou Jiang, "It's alright, give me the box, I'll get it."

The dormitory they will live in is not far from this square. If you walk, you can get downstairs in the community in less than ten minutes.

A few people walked and chatted, so everyone arrived at the residential area.

The structure there is the same as the dormitory where Zhou Jiang and the others lived. Apart from the different location, it is estimated that the others are almost the same.

The two residential areas are not very far apart, and you can walk anywhere, so there is no need to worry about separation. And the game will start tomorrow. In the next few days, they are basically outside, except at night, so it's not a big deal.

The dormitories are all double rooms. There are seven of them, and Zhou Jia is one extra. On Zhou Jiang and others, Lu Ran and Tian Zhengjie are also a person and a room, so Zhou Jia was pulled over...

Although she is not a contestant, just like Lu Ran and the others, she just needs to find a relationship. Anyway, she is Shui Qingrou's apprentice, so it's fine to find her.

The rooms are the same as when they first arrived, they have been cleaned in advance, so they don't need to be busy, just accompany them to find the temporary property registration, and then go up together to find the room.

The room is not big, it is very crowded to accommodate ten people, and now there are seventeen people in total...

So everyone didn't stay long, went up and sat for a while, and then talked to them for a while. Well, it was mainly Zhou Jiang and Zhou Nan chatting with them, after all, they were their parents' elders.

As for Zhang Ning and others, they are chatting with a group of girls like Jiang Shui. After all, they can be friends, mainly because they chat with Jiang Shui and others. If there were no Jiang Shui and them, they might just look at each other at best, and nothing more. Opportunities for further communication.

When they went back, Zhou Jiang and their parents went back with them.

They are going to look at their dormitory in Zhoujiang, saying they are familiar roads...

Zhou Jiang and the others didn't care, so let's just see it, it's no big deal.

Take them to the side where they live, and pass by a commercial street in the middle, but they didn’t go in, so let’s wait for dinner later, and then take them around and find something to eat. food.

To be honest, they haven't eaten all here in the past few days. After leaving, they don't know when they will come again.

It didn’t take long after the road at the entrance to the street that they could see the apartment building where they lived. They lived in a good place, relatively close to the commercial street. After all, they were "relational households~www.ltnovel.com~" If you want to go out to play at night, you are close to the door and you can walk a lot less.

As they walked, Zhou Nan introduced them to the surrounding environment, what was there and what was there, as for Zhou Jiang? Forget it. Although he went out shopping on the first day, he didn’t remember much in his head. Just remember the elf center, training room, battlefield, commercial street and other places he wanted to remember. When you ask him wherever you are, he is determined to look dumbfounded.

Soon, they went to the duty room of the "Property", where many people were already there. They were either league contest participants or their relatives and friends. They came here to register their residences.

Zhou Jiang and the others found a free staff member after they entered, and then began to register Zhou Jia.

There was no trouble other than that. The staff went to register without asking anything. Although Zhou Jia's registered residence was not in this place when he came here, Zhou Jia's face was still very valuable.

She is not as low-key as Zhou Jiang.

Although she hasn't appeared in everyone's field of vision for a while, as a disciple of the heavenly king, her future achievements are immeasurable. Even if she can't be the serving heavenly king, she can still have the strength of the heavenly king, so her name is very famous.

Ordinary people will not remember her specifically, but those who work in the alliance department will!

Like the grass king Chen Xi mentioned earlier, he has not appeared in front of everyone for a long time. Ordinary people may forget his appearance, but the staff of the alliance will never forget! Zhou Jia is similar.

It’s not about trying to please, but in the face of powerful and potential trainers, the league will provide benefits for convenience, and after remembering Zhou Jia, if she needs to find someone from the league in emergency, she won’t have to be disturbed. To the heavenly water is gentle.

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