Generally speaking, Zhou Jiang thinks of Japan when talking about fireworks parties. Of course, it's just Japan in anime. He hasn't been to the real world yet.

Well, there is still Chinese New Year.

But that was only his previous life, and it was still a long time ago, when he was a child, and now all places are under strict inspection and rectification, even in the New Year, there is no night of fireworks.

Although the air is a little fresher, the smell of the year is gone, and Zhou Jiang believes that compared with the waste gas and wastewater produced by automobile factories, these pollution can only be regarded as younger brothers. However, compared with the fireworks and fireworks, the automobile factories can be divided into the lighter and the heavier. The automobile factories cannot stop work, but the fireworks can be stopped, so the fireworks are gone...

Although he was often quarrelled and couldn't sleep when he was a child, he still missed the fireworks before.

The fireworks show started at 8:30. Zhou Jiang and the others finished their meal at more than 7 o'clock. After walking around the street for a while, they went to find a place at 8:20. Everyone is still very interested in watching fireworks, but the location is a bit difficult to find. After all, there are a lot of people, such as parks, which are already crowded with people, so there is a turn for them.

Unfortunately, in the end, they can only look up at the crowded streets and watch the rising fireworks bloom in the boundless starry sky, and then slowly disappear.

At this time, the whole street was quiet, except for the booming fireworks explosion, there was no other sound, everyone closed their mouths, raised their heads and held their breath.

Of course, this is just a romantic statement, maybe it's also possible that everyone's voice was covered by fireworks? After all, the sound of the fireworks explosion was really loud and deafening!

When the fireworks emerged from behind the layers of buildings, the flow of people seemed to have been stopped by time. When the fireworks passed, the flow of people began to "surging", and the noise continued to circulate around Zhoujiang's ears. When Zhou Jiang returned to the dormitory, it was already half past nine.

The fireworks lasted more than half an hour, plus the time to come back, and it’s now.

Although nine o'clock was not too late, it was definitely not too early. As Zhou Jiang might have a game tomorrow, they drove Zhou Jiang back.

In fact, they were worried for nothing, because it didn't start in the morning.

In the morning, there are only things like the admission ceremony. Anyway, just show up, just like in the animation.

Of course, the torch is indispensable, it's just that the thing has no chance with ordinary players. For example, in the animation, anyone can be the torch runner of the torch.

However, it is estimated that Xiaozhi's special reason is also in the animation. Otherwise, with such an important flame and such an important position of the torch runner, how could it be possible to let a stranger meet halfway to run?

However, Zhou Jiang was driven back anyway, but this also fulfilled his wish.

It's almost time to stroll around. I ate at the food stalls, played balloons, etc., and the fireworks display was over. After that, there were no activities. He was almost tired, and it was just right to come back.

Zhou Jiang went back to the room alone, took a shower and lay down.

Walking in a crowded place for a night is also very tiring. Although the body can bear it, but the spirit can't hold it, that is, the heart is tired!

Maybe it was because of tiredness, or I wanted to start the game tomorrow. Zhou Jiang was lying on the bed and fell asleep without turning off the light. In the middle, Zhou Nan woke him up once when he came back. Sleep till dawn!

There was no **** overslept, and even if he overslept, Xu Feng and the others would wake him up.

Now he, the person participating in the competition, is not excited, but Xu Feng and the others are very excited.

As soon as Zhou Jiang got dressed and was going to the bathroom to wash, there was a knock on the door outside.

When he opened the door, he saw Xu Feng and Chen Yongan neatly dressed at the door.

"Why are you here so early?" Zhou Jiang was a little curious looking at the two, right now it's only six o'clock in the morning? Although it has been a while since the sun has climbed up at 6 o'clock in summer, it is still a bit early at 6 o'clock.

Even the admission ceremonies only started after eight o'clock.

"Uh..." The two people at the door looked at each other awkwardly. They didn't expect Zhou Jiang to get up so early, and they opened the door when they just knocked on the door...

"Forget it, come in, keep your voice down, Zhou Nan is still sleeping."

Just as Zhou Jiang finished speaking, Zhou Nan's voice came from the back room, "No, I got up too."

Because the frosted glass in the bathroom blocks, you can't see the bed inside, and you can't see Zhou Nan's situation. However, there was no sound of him wearing clothes before, and he was still a little sleepy when he heard his voice. Was awakened by them.

Although they are already speaking softly, they are in a state of light sleep, and even slight movements may be awakened, let alone knocking on the door and the sound of talking.

But even if they wake up, they don't care too much. After all, it's early in the morning, and it's not when, and a few people are familiar with it, so they won't care too much about this matter.

Zhou Jiang walked into the bathroom to wash, Xu Feng and Chen Yongan closed the door and walked in.

Before long, Jiang Shui, Tian Zhengjie, everyone came to their room.

At this time, everyone was dressed neater and full of energy.

Although it will take a long time to enter the stadium, everyone can't wait now and wants to see the arena of this league competition right away.

Among the people, only Chen Qizhen and Xu Feng have actually been to the league tournament.

Chen Qizhen played in an league tournament once, but she did not continue to be "ashamed" after her unsatisfactory results. Xu Feng asked his family for tickets, so he went there once.

For other people, Zhou Jiang and the others need not say. Although the league is on holiday throughout the country, they have never been to the scene and watched the live broadcast at home. After all, tickets are not so easy to grab. I don’t know how many people across the country want to go. May grab a ticket.

Unless it matters, just like Xu Feng...

But although Zhou Jiang and Zhou Nan’s family is okay, now they know that they started a small company together, but this is just like that. In the eyes of ordinary people, wow, the company, the big boss, but really, There are not a few million or hundreds of thousands of such small companies in China, which still does not count as those leather bag companies.

And Jiang Shui and the others are similar. Jiang Shui’s family has a factory, and they have business contacts with Zhou Jiang’s father and their company, so they are almost strong, so that’s it. As for Li Linghui and Wang Qingyan, although they have not mentioned their family, It is probably just an ordinary well-off family.

As for Tian Zhengjie and Lu Ran, they are simply lazy...

When I was young, I was too lazy to go, and after an accident was "forced to marry", then the two of them just yearned for the outside world, and then they flew...

Although everyone is very excited and a little can't wait, we still have to do things like eating, eating, eating...

Since Zhou Jiang and Zhou Nan's parents and Zhang Ning are here, if they want to have breakfast, they must be called out first.

Fortunately, they also got up earlier, and they all got up at this time. Zhou Jiang and the others called. They had just been together and were about to go out, so they arranged to meet at the corner of the commercial street they had visited before.

At this time, everyone who lived in the same building as Zhou Jiang was China's trainer and all came to join the league.

Zhou Jiang and the others got up, and they were lying down without reason.

A building has eight floors. Although there is an elevator, there are too many people who use it. I have never heard of the elevator. Even if Zhou Jiang and the others have opened the elevator, they are on the third floor. It was crowded with people and couldn't get in at all, and the two elevators were completely out of place for them!

I have no choice but to take the stairs. Fortunately, it is only on the third floor, and it is downstairs, so I am not very tired.

When they got to the second floor, they also met some trainers who came out on the second floor. They nodded and greeted each other, and then they went their own way.

Sure enough, there are many people outside, most of them three or four people around one person constantly saying something. It seems to know that it is the relatives and friends of the contestants who are encouraging or saying other things.

Although Zhou Jiang and the others are eleven, the number of them is a little too much, but they have not been surrounded by others, because on the way to the agreed Zhou Jiang saw a lot more people than them. More teams...

Even some exaggerated, youthful and beautiful cheerleaders shouted, jumping and shouting next to the person, not knowing what they thought, Zhou Jiang felt embarrassed when he saw it.

They arrived at the agreed place. Zhang Ning and the others have not yet come. Although this is in the middle of the two communities, Zhou Jiang and his dormitory are close to the door, so it is inevitable that it will be soon.

But they didn't wait long, after all, they almost came out together.

After everyone got together, they went to eat breakfast.

There are many breakfast shops, most of them are steamed buns. After all, this area is mostly Chinese.

They walked a lot and finally found a shop with a relatively small family. Although there were nearly ten people in the queue, it was better than the previous shops with twenty or thirty people.

Can I only say that it is indeed a league game, really lively.

If a contestant takes an average of five relatives and friends per person, there are more than 1,500 people here. What's more, there are many people like Zhou Jiang who have more than ten friends and family members. Many tourists...

And everyone is out for dinner almost at the same time, no wonder there are so many people in the shop in front.

Zhou Jiang saw that after a large group of them had lined up in the past, the small group of two, three, or four people stared and almost scolded their mother, and finally saw the robot sweeping the floor next to him, so he could only leave angrily. Although very pitiful, Zhou Jiang really wanted to laugh.

A group of 17 people in total. Tsk tsk, it is really a huge team. Those small teams who left angrily can only have so many people together, right? Really poor children, Zhou Jiang can only wish them to find a breakfast shop with few people soon...

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