Well, it's farther away...

After Ms. Joey and the others investigated Zhou Jiang, they wanted Bai Ya to ask him out to talk. After all, Zhou Jiang was just a high school student. To put it harder, they hope that Zhou Jiang is the second-best idiot. Blowing on him, saying that he is a pioneer, savior or something, then he is likely to agree with them to make the potion.

In fact, they have already analyzed the formula, but without Zhou Jiang’s approval, they will not make it directly. If Zhou Jiang disagrees, they will only record the formula and keep it. As for them, they will continue their work. For the research and development of the new formula, no longer ask about this matter, just as if the formula did not exist.



Zhou Jiang followed the navigation and successfully found the cafe.

It's also a coincidence that he came from the back of the coffee shop, and Bai Ya and Miss Joey were sitting in the innermost part of the coffee shop, near the window, which is behind the coffee shop, and Zhou Jiang just came over and found them... …

The two of them sat aside, but it was Miss Joey who was sitting near the glass. Maybe she hadn’t seen Zhou Jiang’s photo. So although she caught a glimpse of Zhou Jiang standing outside, she didn’t care, thinking it was just a passerby. Bai Ya kept her head down, sipping her milkshake and meditating, but did not notice Zhou Jiang outside.

Zhou Jiang saw the two by accident, and his mind quickly turned.

Miss Joey?

Why introduce Miss Joey to him?

Zhou Jiang quickly went through the process of getting acquainted with Bai Ya, adding his own "secrets", and found that the most suspicious things he had were medicine and energy cubes.

Although they have never taken out the machine in front of them, every time the elves eat energy cubes with residual temperature, she will definitely be suspicious. She may guess that the energy cubes are made by him, and think this energy cube is better than the ones on the market. Good, so want to ask him?

As for the medicine, it is also possible?

He often took out potions in front of them to treat injured and exhausted elves. Maybe she thought his potions were awesome, so she wanted to get to know them?


He didn't know the control of the world's chaebols over the elves' supplies. After all, even Lu Ran and the others hadn't seen them use any special potions, they were all good wound medicines.

At this time, he had a little clue, and he roughly guessed what they meant, whether it was potions or energy cubes, in short, they should have come for these two things.

Zhou Jiang smiled slightly, is this a delivery?

He was still thinking about finding Lu Ran or Tian Zhengjie to make a relationship, and calling the people from Joey's family to discuss how to release the automatic energy cube maker, but he didn't expect to call out, Bai Ya brought someone directly!

Zhou Jiang didn't stand on the road for long. He walked to the front and pushed in directly.


"It's an appointment, thank you." Rejecting the waiter sister, Zhou Jiang went straight to the last row.

Although Bai Ya and Miss Joey sat facing him, Bai Ya, who knew Zhou Jiang, lowered her head to talk to Miss Joey. So until he walked to their table, Miss Joey was surprised. Before sitting down in the eyes.

"Um... are you here?" Before Miss Joey spoke, Bai Ya, with her head down, found Zhou Jiang.

Bai Ya was a little embarrassed at this time. She was just talking to her aunt, Miss Joey, who was sitting next to her, about what she had done, thinking that Zhou Jiang would blame her, but Zhou Jiang was here!

What if he hears it?

In fact, she was too worried. Although Zhou Jiang had seen what they were saying before, she was too indifferent. When he came to sit down, they actually didn't say much.

"Hello, this is Joey Joe. You are Zhou Jiang, right? Nice to meet you."

Seeing Joey who stretched out his hand, Zhou Jiang was a little flattered.

Joey can be regarded as Zhou Jiang’s "idol". Although he doesn't chase stars, he has a good impression of Miss Joey. He doesn't feel anything when they smile at him at work. She does this when wearing private clothes. Treating him makes him a little nervous.

But soon he adjusted his mentality, shook hands with her, and greeted her politely, Zhou Jiang looked at Bai Ya, "Senior Bai Ya, can you tell me why I came here now? ?"

Although he guessed that it was something related to potions or energy cubes, he still had to learn from the opponent to solve the puzzle, otherwise the guess would always be a guess.

Even if the guess is 99% accurate, the result may be wrong.

Facing Zhou Jiang’s question, Bai Ya was a little embarrassed, but she still told Zhou Jiang what happened. After all, she was not really introverted. She just felt that she did this kind of thing without authorization. I am very sorry for Zhou Jiang, although the bottle is her. Picked from the ground...

Hearing what Bai Ya said, Zhou Jiang was a little surprised. It has been a long time. He has forgotten whether he left the empty bottle, but she said that, it should have happened. He did not expect that he lost it carelessly. She actually picked up her empty bottle, and after picking it up, she could analyze the raw materials of the medicine based on the little liquid medicine in the bottle...

It was horrible. He used to put the empty potion bottles and then dispose of them to prevent this situation. He didn't expect to encounter it, but fortunately, the results were not bad.

Zhou Jiang looked at Miss Joey, "So what you mean by Miss Joey is that you want me to allow you to make this potion on a large scale? But have you already discovered what the ingredients of the potion are?"

Miss Joey shook her head, "Although we know what the material formula is, it will take time to really research it out, and we hope to get your approval from the owner of the medicine. If you don't want to, we will give up the medicine. R&D and other work."

Zhou Jiang was slightly surprised.

This is the recovery medicine in the system, which can be said to be three levels higher than the good wound medicine on the market!

You can imagine how scary this is, and they wouldn't continue to study without his consent?

Although I don't know if she said something pretty, but it really moved Zhou Jiang.

He hates fools, but he also likes fools!

Zhou Jiang asked again, "I don't have any comments on the medicine, you can use it, but..."


Miss Joey's sudden loud voice not only scared Zhou Jiang and interrupted him, but also attracted the attention of others in the cafe.

Miss Joey, who felt she had lost her temper, quickly apologized to those who were disturbed. After the people who watched turned around and continued to do their own things, she forced herself to calm down before Miss Joey sat down and apologized to Zhou Jiang, "Sorry. ,I am so excited."

Zhou Jiang smiled and didn't say anything. He looked at Miss Joey who was still blushing after excitement on his face. He continued to say what was interrupted before, "The medicine can be developed and used by you. I have no objection, but I Can you know what you will do when you develop it? Directly announce it? And if you sell it, what is the price?"

Although Zhou Jiang didn't care much about these things, he was curious.

Although he didn't know that the elven supplies were deliberately controlled by the big chaebol groups, he still knew how much the potion he released would have an impact on the market.

If the medicine is directly announced, then the price of the raw material of the medicine will increase wildly. If it is sold, the price will be cheaper, and other medicines will have no room for survival. The companies that manufacture the medicine will be squeezed to death, if they are expensive. , The effect is so much higher, how expensive is it?

Nowadays, the advanced wound medicines on the market are already very expensive, and ordinary people can basically afford it. Buying a bottle is for emergency use. The efficacy of the healing medicine from this system is two levels higher than that of the advanced wound medicine. How much does it cost?

Who can afford it?

Even if it is made at that time, who should it be used for?

Abandon civilians to rich upstarts to use?

Zhou Jiang was very curious about how Miss Joey and the others would choose.

Facts have proved that Zhou Jiang’s questions are still very good. At least these questions cannot be answered by the current Miss Joey. She frowned and then shook her head, "Sorry, I can’t answer this. This is The elders of the clan decided that you are the owner of the potion. If you have any comments on this, I can help you inform the elders."

Zhou Jiang shook his head, "I don't have any comments. I leave it to you to decide. I'm just a little curious."

For these, he really doesn't care much, even if no one can afford it, it doesn't matter to him, he is not so worried about the country and the people.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that the energy cube production was too easy to expose, more and more people would know in the future, and he would not want to publish it!

For Zhou Jiang's answer, Miss Joey suddenly didn't know what to say.

After that, Zhou Jiang and her talked a lot about the medicine. There were big things and small things, such as naming things.

These were all questions from Miss Joey, and Zhou Jiang answered them, but most of them answered "randomly". After all, he really felt casual and didn't care about these things.

Even the pharmaceutical R&D personnel signed him to say no, let them announce the information later, and don't add him when holding a press conference.

He doesn't care about these fame and fortune, he prefers to fight these fame.

But he doesn't pay much attention to ordinary people, but he pays a lot of attention to chaebol families.

He doesn't want to sign the publicly announced, but he still has to sign the information obtained by internal personnel.

In other words, those chaebol families can know that Zhou Jiang is the owner of this medicine through some information channels.

If you are weak, doing so is undoubtedly a dead end. Even with the asylum of Joey's family, he is not a member of Joey's family after all, so it is easy to provoke those big money-making households and get revenge. .

But is he weak now?

Not weak!

There must be relationships, and strength and strength.

Who would provoke Zhou Jiang like this? After all, the Joey family had all the pot to bear, he was just a person who "invented" the potion. If he does not have these background strengths, he may still be retaliated against, but with these backgrounds, his title as the inventor of this new medicine will only become his bonus!

This will not be the reason for their revenge, and even because of this, others dare not retaliate.

People with no strength, after hurting people during the "show", are easy to get revenge, even if you are "show" to the "emperor"; those with strength, showing muscle injury to people will only let The other party is more fearful and dare not retaliate!

As for the Miss Joey who are carrying the pot?

Haha, people in the Joey family don't care about this gain or loss. People who want to retaliate because of the advent of the medicine do not have the ability to retaliate against the Joey family.

It can be said that this is invincible!

The conversation didn't last long. After all, Zhou Jiang didn't ask for anything and let them handle it. Perhaps the only thing that made him happy was money.

When it comes to money, Zhou Jiang is not too dark. Ms. Joey is an honest person. She said that they don't need money, but how could Zhou Jiang be so dark that she really put all the money in her pocket.

The money itself is enough for him. Getting more is just icing on the cake. It doesn't mean much to him. At most, he doesn't need to sell energy cubes when he opens a coffee shop in the future. What else is there to use?

Anyway, there is no shortage. It is better to get the favor of the Joey family and other people who have the ability to know this.

After all, no one would like a person who is too greedy.

And this potion is just an appetizer, he hasn't taken out the real big head yet.

That energy cube maker, he didn't dare to tell Joey now, he just told her to tell their clan elders that he still had a "big baby" to show them...

Regarding the potion, Zhou Jiang thinks that it will cause an uproar when it comes out, but the impact will not be too great. After all, it is only for the treatment of elves. At most, the potion can be bought. Trainers who go to the field to train can stay in the field longer. Up.

But what about the automatic energy cube maker?

This is no joke~www.ltnovel.com~ It is something that can really improve the elves. If this thing comes out, people all over the world will profit, but who will profit the most? Undoubtedly those civilian trainers!

And won't it be damaged while making a profit? Naturally not.

Many companies and families hire civilian trainers to do things for themselves. After all, they still want to do things for them. Otherwise, where can they do things for them?

And what do they rely on to recruit those subordinates? Not relying on money and wizard resources!

What will happen if this automatic energy cube maker comes out? You no longer need to spend a lot of money to buy expensive energy cubes in order to become stronger!

Eat, this is where the bulk of the cost of training the elves, and this is not as dispensable as the elves, it is essential!

After solving this problem, the trainers’ wallets will be liberated a lot in an instant, and the trainers will be liberated, which means that they don’t need to work hard to make money to buy energy cubes. How do the big chaebols of the company use cheap labor?

At that time, if they still want to have subordinates, thugs, etc., they must pay higher wages and provide better props. Then they are not "losing to death"?

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