I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 679: The wind is tight, bullshit!

Zhou Jiang didn't know that what he was worried about had happened.

He likes to pretend to be forced, but he hates trouble, so his ideal situation is that his status as a prospective college student burst out when the league match is about to be finished. In this case, he will be forced to pretend to be forced again, with as little trouble as possible. Up.

But he didn't know that three of the four guests knew him, and he was obviously super strong but chose the "Voldemort" mode of super dog and participated in the league competition. The three were surprised, so they didn't know Zhou Jiang's Lin Nuo. It was discovered that the three of them were wrong.

Upon asking, before Zhao Feng and Miss Joey said, Dr. Zhao Jianbai confessed Zhou Jiangquan. Well, Zhou Jiang has become famous right away, and the shots are even more direct. I didn’t even look at the other side of the game. I just watched Zhou Jiang and Chen Ming clamoring over there...

For the "program effect", the sound and other things will be recorded together with the video. Although there are a lot of noises in the sound due to the battle, but Zhou Jiang grabbed Chen Ming and said the unusually aggressive words that many audiences heard... …

Of course, it’s impossible for the camera to show Zhou Jiang to them all the time. You still have to cut it to see how other players perform, cut to other places to see other players or fight or hurry, and then switch back to see Zhou Jianghe Chen Ming continued to be Voldemort, and then looked at Lu Fei and their battles, and so on. Zhou Jiang was a little crazy.

He kept praying for them to separate quickly, and then they could jump out to grab, but they didn't know what was going on, they were facing off inexplicably...

Zhou Jiang had no idea what was going on. To tell the truth, not just him, even the four people who got into a confrontation inexplicably...

Li Han "stared" at Liu Xiu and Zhao Liang when they were standing, so he dared not leave.

My family knows about his own affairs. Although he is quite strong, he was not trained by himself after all. Therefore, facing trainers who can fight in the league competition, he is naturally weak and always feels that they are very powerful. And when he saw them, especially when Liu Xiu was standing there again, he just looked at them and thought he might want to fight... After all, Lu Fei only had three elves or all wounded elves, he was afraid he might not be able to beat them. .

He still knew that he couldn't just turn around and run in the face of lions and other beasts, so he just stood like this, trying to pretend to be vicious to make them retreat.

Li Han didn't go, and the path of being a "little brother" was unnaturally unable to turn around and leave.

And Li Han and Lu Fei did not leave, and Li Han acted as if he was about to attack, plus he felt that he had jumped out and let go of cruel words, and just walked away in such a desperate way, wouldn't it be very faceless?

So Liu Xiu didn't leave, and looked at Liu Xiu and the others with a stance of waiting.

But Zhao Liang saw that none of them had left, and they looked like gunpowder, so he stayed inexplicably.

The four people did not communicate due to various reasons, so this wonderful scene occurred.

They were standing there "old gods", but Zhou Jiang was about to explode, and he kept talking in his heart, oh, don't leave!

Just the last step to stop, the feeling of anxiety was unusual.

For example, you are downloading some instructional videos that applaud for love. If you download them slowly, it's okay. Wait slowly. When you get used to it, we have patience.

But it was originally very fast, but suddenly, when it reached 99%, it suddenly stopped moving! Even a few b or b...

The level of suffering and itching makes me want to kill!

Zhou Jiang is like this now.

As long as they were separated and walked separately, they slowly hung behind them, and when they were a little farther away, they could jump out and go directly to fight with them. There was a big needle bee, and he was worthwhile.

But they just stood like this, fighting and not fighting, and walking and not walking. He really wanted to jump out and ask them, what are you doing while standing? Fancy each other? !



The sudden explosion shocked everyone, especially Zhou Jiang and Chen Ming, because the explosion sounded behind them!

Hearing that huge sound, Zhou Jiang almost didn't scare his soul...

At this time, the two of them didn't care about hiding, and subconsciously hid toward the side.

Zhou Jiang, in particular, flew up like a show, a lazy donkey rolled and then rolled behind the other big trees on the side.

"Fuck Nima! There are still people hiding! What am I..." Seeing Zhou Jiang and Chen Ming showing their heads, Li Han was shocked. Seeing where they were hiding, they actually hid before him. On the edge!

And they can hide until now!


Zhou Jiang was really going to be blown up.

I lay in wait for a long time, but I was overcast!


He wants to scold his mother!

He looked up and saw that the Big Needle Bee and the Three-in-One Magnet were intact and uninjured. This made him relieved. Although the Big Needle Bee has a lot of blood, the defense is not high. The previous sneak attack was directed at them. If the big needle bee was attacked unsuspectingly on the tree, it would be really hurt.

Fortunately, it responds quickly.

Sure enough, he was not a qualified assassin. When he was in ambush, he was touched by someone behind him. I don’t know yet. Although there are also reasons why the Big Needle Bee can’t keep driving forever, but it is true that this time is "planted" and he should do some defense. , Observe the measures behind you.

However, Zhou Jiang would not be grateful for the sneak attack to tell him the truth. Hearing the rustling sound from behind the bushes that were originally behind them, Zhou Jiang looked serious. He wanted to see who was so bold and dared to be too old. Ground breaking.

He is a super-spec, and has always been a low-key man and a low-key devil. He didn't drive Wushuang all the way to crush the contestants. Instead, he played low-key and ambush. As a result, someone dared to sneak attack while he was in ambush?

Or when he was lying in ambush for a long time and was about to obtain the fruits of success?

Is this looking for death?

Zhou Jiang was still angry that Li Han and the others had never separated, but now that he was attacked by such a sneak attack, his hatred was instantly transferred, and all was pulled over, and the anger that had been suffocated before found a vent in an instant.

He swears that he must fight until his father doesn't know him!


Seeing the big guys coming out from behind the bushes, Zhou Jiang's eyes suddenly became round, "Nima!"


Others couldn't help but burst into swearing. Originally thought that the person came was just one person, but...

At least six or seven people emerged from behind the bushes!

And this is not over yet, there are still people coming out from behind!

"Hey hey, brothers, I don’t think you need a few brothers to do it, right? We are 13 people, and the number is several times that of you. If you save a little effort, you can still get a score card. What?" The big bald man with tendon flesh that came out first grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth that looked like energy black toothpaste.

The atmosphere became dull instantly.

Main venue.

At this time, Zhou Jiang's experience was playing on the big screen.

When Zhou Jiang and the others were still squatting before, the picture kept cutting, and then they cut to this group of big men.

Seeing so many of them forming a team, Lin Nuo also asked the other three guests, "Isn't it a violation of these people to team up?"

Actually Lin Nuo doesn't know? No, he knows, it's just "program effects", just for the audience to ask.

Zhao Feng shook his head and said that these are within the scope permitted by the rules. As long as the rules are not clearly marked and cannot be done, they can be done, and it is not a violation.

In fact, the team is not the only group of them. Many people have teamed up, but there are not as many as them. Thirteen people are actually quite a lot.

It's also a coincidence that the bald Wu Ke and the others are in the same area as Zhou Jiang and they are not far apart, so the camera is almost all given to them.

Zhou Jiang, the youngest contestant in the league, and the largest group combination. Both are still in the same area. Isn’t it possible to have a lot of shots, especially when they get to the back, when the bald guys are walking in Zhou Jiang’s direction? The audience's interest was directly aroused.

Is it interesting that Voldemort, who was about to ambush someone, was attacked by someone else? very funny! They all want to know what they will look like after Zhou Jiang is attacked and what they will do?

Lin Nuo asked Zhao Feng, "Zhao Tianwang, what do you think Contestant #152 will do?"

No. 152 is Zhou Jiang’s number. With so many people, the guests will naturally not remember their names one by one, so everyone has a number. Although they know Zhou Jiang’s name, if they call everyone else they are all numbers~www.mtlnovel .com~ So it's best to be no exception when it is called Zhou Jiang, otherwise it will be troublesome if someone is idle to talk about the rhythm.

Although the possibility is very small, he doesn't want it no matter how young.

Hearing Lin Nuo's question, Zhao Feng, who was looking at the big screen, turned back and looked at him, "To be honest, I don't know, but if I were him, and at his age, I would choose the front!"

"Uh... hehe." Lin Nuo smiled dryly, but did not answer.



the other side.

Zhou Jiang looked at the big guys and thought for a while. He felt that he shouldn't be so impulsive. After all, he should endure the wind and the waves for a while and step back. And now it is not appropriate to expose his strength too much. In this case, his identity is easy to be exposed. He also wants to score in a low-key manner, and then meet some seeded players and then blast his opponents to become famous.

If the knockout is exposed, it would be too "losing".

He still doesn't know at this time, his identity has been exposed by Zhao Jianbai. It is estimated that by night, the name of his youngest league contest participant will be known to the world...

"The wind is tight, shit!" Zhou Jiang shouted, and after throwing Bibi Niao's poke ball, he ignored his teammates and ran away.

He never thought it was a shame to run away.

To ambush and run away is a romance to him!

As for teammates... aren't they just for selling?

Zhou Jiang rushed towards Li Han, and the three-in-one magnetic monster followed him closely and flew over his head. The Big Needle Bee was also hanging behind him for cover. After Bibi Bird came out, he flew straight towards Li Han.

"Ghost!" Zhou Jiang yelled, and the ghost who was hiding in the ground floated up with a jittery smile, and the shadow underneath stretched out and quickly extended to the shadows of Li Han and the others. !

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