After dealing with the reporters, it has been more than half an hour with Zhou Nan, and it was almost an hour later.


Sitting heavily on the chair, Zhou Jiang sighed.

Really tired...

Zhou Jiang still has a lot of auras on him, and if he is caught by a reporter, he must be dead. Even the interviews that hadn't been accepted after the Dawn Cup won the championship have been made up...

Being able to finish things so quickly, Zhou Jiang really couldn't help it, and explained to them that he could only slip away after an appointment in the next day, otherwise he would have to stay there for more than an hour.

"How about? Is the reporter's interview fun?" Chen Yongan smiled as he looked at Zhou Jiang's appearance of being drained.

"It's fun." Zhou Jiang leaned on the backrest, gave him a blank look, and said weakly.

He is really afraid of reporters. When facing reporters, he must be careful and careful when speaking. If he doesn't pay attention, he will get routine.

In his previous life, he often saw in novels that the protagonist was routinely interviewed by reporters, and then caused a wave of hatred for no reason.

Zhou Jiang is afraid that others will find fault with him, not that he can't do the opposite, but trouble...

What could have been avoided, why have to pull a wave of hatred?

For example, what if he gets trapped and provokes some top-ranked trainers, and then the opponent's brain gets hot and wants to fight him?

Although up to now, he has not encountered any arrogant rich second-generation characters, but is he sure that he will meet one in the future?

Although novels are fictitious, they are often based on reality.

It seems arrogant, the rich second generation of the second and third child, really does not exist in reality?

Impossible, there are so many people in the world, it is not normal to have a few fools.

Some people may say that those senior rich second-generation officials are well-educated, and this will not happen. Basically, this kind of situation is the nouveau riche.

But what if? And the nouveau riche is really bad? There is a saying that I would rather provoke the Hades and never recruit little ghosts. The difficulty of the little devil is really higher than that of Hades.

In many novels I read in previous lives, after the protagonist provokes the little ghost, the little ghost has a grudge and keeps putting down his body to lick the dog to climb his thighs, and then trouble the protagonist.

Although there is an author behind the novel who deliberately made him succeed, in the real world, who can guarantee that there will not be such a kid?

In short, avoid it if you can.

But speaking of it, in fact, the most important thing is that he usually doesn't touch people and doesn't think.

Contacting people actually requires brainstorming, how to talk, and guess what the other person is thinking.

People who are in frequent contact with people will not have any problems with reporters, that is, "homeboys" like him are afraid of reporters.

Everyone looked at Zhou Jiang, smiled, said nothing, and turned to look at the game below.

Zhou Jiang leaned on the backrest and rested for a while, then raised his head again and looked at the battle scene displayed on the big screen below.

Not to mention, the shots are really wonderful. The one on the big screen is different from the one seen in the lounge before. The images on the big screen were taken by the on-site staff here, while in the lounge are live broadcasts taken by the TV station. It can be said that each has its own characteristics.

The match on the court is no longer the number three. The match of the number three was over when Zhou Jiang was interviewed by reporters.

Zhou Jiang asked about the result of Chen Yongan's third match, and he said that the blue team's number three lost...

The blue side is Zhou Jiang's side. I didn't expect to lose. Zhou Jiang was a little uncomfortable. After all, the number three felt very good for him, and he lost the game...

But he was just a little uncomfortable. After all, no matter how good he feels, No. 3 is just a familiar stranger to him, and he is a selfish, self-centered person, as long as he If you don't lose, you will be fine. It is very difficult for him to be truly sad when others lose.

The game of No. 4 ended smoothly soon. This round was also won by the red side. In the morning, both the red side and the blue side won two games.

The blue number four Zhou Jiang has never seen him, and the number three who even met and got along well didn't feel bad about losing Zhou Jiang, let alone the number four who had never seen him.

After the fourth game, it was eleven o'clock.

The intermission started at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, so long, it was enough for them to stroll around here after eating.

Everyone eats at a special restaurant. Contestants can take their relatives and friends to eat at a restaurant provided by the alliance. As a result, Zhou Jiang and the others are not surprisingly well-known...

Not only because they were crowded, but more importantly, when they were on the road, they met the two heavenly kings, Zhao Feng and Shui Qingrou, so they went to dinner with them...

There are two heavenly kings together, a group with a strong ability to attract eyes.

Fortunately, no one came over to sign or something. It’s just that a lot of people were watching them. This is okay. After all, Zhou Jiang is already used to it. Every time he goes out, there are a lot of people. It is always inevitable to be watched by passers-by.

It’s just good to watch, that is, some people will pick up their phones to take pictures secretly, which makes Zhou Jiang a little uncomfortable, but Zhou Jiang can’t stop them. After all, he also knows that they are taking pictures of Shui Qingrou and the two heavenly kings. Yes, and they don't care. After all, if they care, they won't eat here with them.

They didn't even care about Shui Qingrou, he had no right to say anything, so he could only endure it.

After eating, leaving the canteen is finally liberated.

After leaving the canteen, Shui Qingrou and the others are going to be busy, while Zhou Jiang and the others are going to stroll around.

It was not open before, so I don’t know what the neighborhood is like. Now that it’s open, I can’t justify it if I don’t visit it.

And most importantly, they are very idle!

There is more than an hour left before the game. It can be said that I am idle.

When Shui Qingren and Zhao Feng left, Zhou Jia and Xiluona also followed and left with them, so Zhou Jiang and the other sixteen were left.

Wandering around, buying, buying, eating, and eating all the way, and finally they returned to the competition venue at 12:30.

I don’t know if the interview in the morning satisfied the reporters or they are waiting for the interview tomorrow. In short, apart from the beginning, there was no reporter blocking the road. This reminded Zhou Jiang a little bit more happy. .

At least the blocked interview in the morning was not in vain, was it?

In the afternoon, there was a match between the players on the "ranking list", the 16th place, Ye Gaoyi's match, but Zhou Jiang and the others did not plan to watch it.

Since it is a celebrity game, there must be a lot of people. They came early to watch Zhou Jiang’s game before, otherwise they can only watch it standing up. It is estimated that they will be late in the past, and even if there are seats, there are The seats for the sixteen of them must be gone.

Then they might as well find a venue to sit down and watch.

Even if they are masters on the "ranking list", do they have Zhou Jiangqiang?



In the evening, Zhou Jiang, who had watched the game all day, went back to the dormitory after dinner together.

At this time Zhou Jiang and the others were staying in their dormitory, playing with their mobile phones.

Zhou Nan and the others are playing "Elves League" as usual, while Zhou Jiang is chatting with Miss Joey.

There is only one friend of Miss Joey in Zhou Jiang's phone, and that is Joey Joe's who was introduced by Bai Ya before.

This time Miss Joey was the first to find it.

When discussing the issue of medicine before, Zhou Jiang told her when he left that she asked her to talk to the elders and others who could talk to her family. He had something more awesome.

Now she has returned to the Joey family, and the elder who can speak is next to her.

Zhou Jiang was too lazy to have a video call with them, so he directly typed and communicated with her.

There is not much difference between video and video anyway.

Zhou Jiang was not verbose, so he directly posted the introduction and video of the automatic energy cube maker he had in his hand. Of course, he made these all himself.

For the introduction, he sent the main functions, specific operations, and the introduction of the finished product. For the video, he took the time to record it casually. The content is to put the tree fruits and other things in, and then wait three to five minutes. , The machine "spits out" energy cubes.

After the things were posted, there was no reply from the other side for a long time, and Zhou Jiang was too lazy to wait, and directly posted his thoughts.

Zhou Jiang is going to give them things, no matter how they get them, it has nothing to do with him. Originally, he wanted to give them for nothing, so that the Joey family owed them a favor, but after the medicine was given to them, the favor There was also, plus the news that I had seen before, and the mysterious elves appeared in the suburbs of N City, Zhou Jiang felt a sense of crisis.

He desperately needs some elves to arm himself now.

He asked them to give him five Casey or Cirulian, one round shark and one iron dumbbell, one Leo Lu, one electric shock monster, one dragon and one Supersonic bat, an Ibrahimovic and as many ghosts as possible!

To be honest, Zhou Jiang also felt that his request was a bit too much. After all, this is more than a dozen elves, not a small number, and basically all of them are rare elves, except for electric shock monsters that are not too rare and common supersounds. Apart from the bat, the others are very rare elves, especially there are two quasi-gods inside.

However, Zhou Jiang didn't think they disagreed. It could even be said that Zhou Jiang made such an excessive request. Not only would they not be angry, they might be happy!

After all, this energy cube automatic production machine does not even care about the pattern like Zhou Jiang. People who don't know much about it know its awesomeness, let alone the Joey family.

This can really be said to be priceless!

Once the machine is thoroughly studied and mass-produced, then the reputation of the Joey family is definitely against the sky!

And if Zhou Jiang gave them the machine free of charge after giving them the potion before, no matter how you think, something is wrong, right?

Is there such a good thing in the world? Is there really no conspiracy?

And Zhou Jiang’s request can dispel their doubts as much as possible. After all, if this thing is taken out by Zhou Jiang, even the relationship he currently has may get in trouble. The Joey family is different. , They are the top family, the top predators, and no one dares to take them.

If you think about it this way, you can eliminate a lot of doubts, although there are still some loopholes, such as why Zhou Jiang didn't use it by himself, but exchanged some elves instead. With Zhou Jiang's strength and relationship, although these elves are rare, it is impossible to get them. Even if the quasi-god is a bit uncomfortable, he can use the energy cubes he produced!

Energy cubes are very valuable, and a lot of high-quality energy cubes can be exchanged for elves. After all, quasi gods also have a price, but they are scarce and no one sells them.

And a lot of high-quality energy cubes are also hard to find. If Zhou Jiang takes a lot of high-quality energy cubes to find a relationship and exchange for the gods, they can still be exchanged, but the time spent may take a long time. It may not be changed in a few years, but at least it can be changed, right?

In other words, as long as Zhou Jiang does not expose the automatic energy block production machine, he only needs to sell the produced energy blocks to get anything. As a result, he did not do so, but directly took out the energy block automatic production machine. Up!

To give a chestnut to illustrate, that is, Zhou Jiang has a hen that lays golden eggs. As a result, Zhou Jiang did not use the golden eggs laid by the hens to buy things, but directly sold the hens to buy things!

But this is just a small detail. Zhou Jiang can also come back. If Miss Joey asks, he may be discovered by others when he can use this for fear of being exposed. I came here, so I hurried to let go and wait.

There is really no shortage of excuses.

It was past eight o’clock after talking with Miss Joey. Finally, Miss Joey said that they might come to Battle Island tomorrow. If they come, I hope Zhou Jiang can find time to meet with them. They want to experiment with the machine on the spot. The effect of the energy cube.

Zhou Jiang expressed his understanding and asked them to call or message him when they were ready to come.

After the conversation, Zhou Jiang threw the phone away and lay on the bed, lost in thought.

Tomorrow, I will hand over the automatic production machine for energy cubes. To be honest, he is a little worried that something will happen. I don’t know why. He always has a bad premonition. He always feels that something will happen tomorrow...

And the most terrible thing is that after realizing this, Zhou Jiang became more and more worried about it. Throughout the night, he kept thinking about this in his mind, and he didn't even sleep well.

Early the next morning, standing in front of the sink, looking at the thick dark circles on his eyes in the mirror, Zhou Jiang smiled bitterly. This girl, you can play the national treasure in your previous life...

After washing his face and rubbing the astringent eyes vigorously, the dark circles looked a lot better, but if you look closely, you can still see it.

"Fuck! What's the matter with you?" When Zhou Jiang walked out of the bathroom, he slapped Zhou Nan in the face. Zhou Nan was shocked when he saw Zhou Jiang's dark circles under his eyes.

Hearing what he said, Zhou Jiang suddenly felt sleepy and couldn't help but yawn.

Zhou Jiang rubbed his eyes, then waved his hand and said, "It's okay. I just thought about something last night and didn't sleep well. Go and wash. I'll take a nap."

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