I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 693: Can't think of the title...

   Chen Yongan and others also raised their heads and looked over. Seeing Zhou Nan's appearance, the corners of their mouths twitched, and they wanted to go up to him twice.

   This is all right, the plan hasn’t even started, I’m afraid I’m going to die...

"Heh~" Zhou Jiang sneered, and glanced at Xu Feng and others who came over. Seeing that they looked away, Zhou Jiang looked at Zhou Nan again, "I remember I told you that you are not good at lying. Right?"

   "You, you, you...what are you talking about, I don't know anything!"

   "Huh~ I don't know anything." Zhou Jiang nodded casually. Suddenly, Zhou Jiang suddenly reached out to grab his mobile phone, but Zhou Jiang miscalculated.

   I didn’t expect that Zhou Nan, this kid would not be good at acting, but the reaction was very quick. When his hand was stretched out suddenly, Zhou Nan’s hand holding the phone was also quickly taken away, Zhou Jiang threw himself away...

  Moreover, because his power was basically thrown out, and he didn't anticipate this situation, he fell directly uncontrollably and fell on Zhou Nan.

   "Uh..." Zhou Jiang who reacted quickly got up, but before he could say anything, Zhou Nan spoke first, "Personal privacy, no peeking!"

   "Uh..." Zhou Nan looked at the righteous words, Zhou Jiang's mouth twitched slightly, but he still didn't argue with him, and it was indeed immoral to look at privacy without the owner's consent.

   "Okay, okay, I won't look at it." Reluctantly apologized to him, Zhou Jiang sat upright on the chair, looked at Zhou Nan and the others, and just wanted to say something, the phone in his hand felt shaking.

   Zhou Jiang quickly looked down and found the two characters "Joy" displayed by the caller ID on the screen, which was a joy.

   "I have something to deal with, let's go now!" Abandoning these words, Zhou Jiang got up and hurriedly walked outside, leaving Zhou Nan and others with a "so suspicious" look.

   After Zhou Jiang got into the crowd of people in the aisle and disappeared from the eyes of everyone, Zhou Nan looked back at Chen Yongan and the others and asked, "What should I do?"



"Sorry, Miss Joey, I was watching the game at the competition venue just now, so I couldn't answer the phone." After running to the bathroom at the venue, Zhou Jiang entered the cubicle, locked the door and sat on the toilet, and answered the phone. For the first time, Zhou Jiang apologized to the other party.

   You know, it took him at least five minutes to get here from the audience, and even the phone rang three times...

   "It's okay, it's okay, I guessed that you will be watching the game..." Miss Joey's gentle voice came from the phone, letting Zhou Jiang breathe a sigh of relief, and after a brief chat between the two, they entered the topic.

   "We can reach Battle Island in the afternoon, are you okay?"

   "Well, no problem, do you want to make an appointment now?"

   "Let's talk about it then, we will find a safe place after we go there, and we will call when the time comes."

   "Okay, let's get in touch at the time." After the negotiation was completed, Zhou Jiang took a sigh of relief when he heard the news that they would be coming. Suddenly, Zhou Jiang subconsciously said, "All the way down..."

   Hearing the "beep beep~" sound coming from his ear, Zhou Jiang was dumb. After shaking his head and sighing, Zhou Jiang put the phone back into his pocket.

   "I hope nothing happens..."

   Zhou Jiang naturally has no so-called sixth sense, but Murphy's law...

   I have to guard against it. If it’s okay, it’s natural. If something happens, it’s in trouble.

   And there were often times when Murphy's law was fulfilled before. For example, when fgo had stored hundreds of stones and was ready to draw a card, it suddenly felt like I wouldn’t ship it, and then it’s not going to happen...

   Shaking his head, throwing those strange thoughts out of his mind, Zhou Jiang opened the door and walked out.

   didn't know why, he suddenly looked around with a guilty conscience, and he was relieved when he found no one.

   After getting out of the toilet, Zhou Jiang slowly walked towards the auditorium. Halfway through, he suddenly heard unusually loud shouts and cheers from inside.

   rubbed his ears, Zhou Jiang sighed. Needless to say, Guan Ge must have appeared.

   Those who compete in the No. 4 venue, Guan Ge has this reputation and appeal, unless there are other dark horses...

   But counting the time, it's only the time for Guan Ge to play, and it's not the time for the end of the game. If it's dozens of minutes and half an hour later, it's hard to say.

   squeezed through the crowd and walked to the front smoothly, watching the ongoing game on the field, Zhou Jiang nodded with satisfaction, very good, it was Guan Ge playing, not a dark horse.

   After a little satisfaction, Zhou Jiang walked towards being there. Sit down and watch it slowly.

   Fortunately, Zhou Nan and the others are looking for a location close to the side of the passage, and they can see it when they come out, otherwise, as a direction and road idiot, he would not find a location...

After returning to his seat, Zhou Jiang glanced at Zhou Nan and the others and found that they had returned to their "normal" appearance at this time. Watching the following game with interest, Zhou Jiang didn't think much about it, and found a comfortable position. Leaning on the chair, he also watched.

Although I can’t say I like it, it’s good to take a look and pass the time. After all, the "special effects" of these skills are not comparable to those of the movies in the previous life. The special effects produced by computers are ultimately fake. How can these wizard skills It's true and gorgeous.

After Miss Joey was sure to come over, Zhou Jiang was relieved. I was worried about this and that. Now after letting go of the burden in my heart, Zhou Jiang followed Zhou Nan and they were sitting in the audience, watching the game. At noon, until the end of the preliminary round.

  The preliminary round is played for a day and a half. After the game this morning, one and a half days in the afternoon and tomorrow will be considered to be trimmed to restore the spirits, and then the day after tomorrow, you can start the one-hundred-eighth and sixty-fourth competition.

   Zhou Jiang and the others went to eat together in a team. After the meal, they separated and went back to their dormitories. If you want to play, wait until tomorrow. You can rest all day tomorrow.

   And Zhou Jiang will go to see Miss Joey in the afternoon.

   When they returned to the dormitory complex, Zhou Jiang and the others finally met the reporters.

A lot of reporters who had interviewed Zhou Jiang before were all waiting here. They were sitting in the flower bed in front of Zhou Jiang’s dormitory, talking in twos and threes, regardless of the other trainers or tourists returning to the dormitory. Their strange eyes.

   Zhou Jiang saw them, and they naturally saw Zhou Jiang.

   After spotting Zhou Jiang, they all came round.

I have already accepted an interview yesterday. Because these reporters’ questions are not those weird and weird questions, they are just some ordinary questions, at most there are some personal small questions, plus the questions that have been said yesterday are left for today. Said, so Zhou Jiang did not run anymore.

   is always to face, and these reporters feel very good for Zhou Jiang.

When I went out to look for them in the morning, I didn’t meet a reporter. Zhou Jiang strangely told Zhou Nan about it. Then Zhou Nan said that they met the reporter when they went out. Then the reporter asked Zhou Jiang where he was. Zhou Jiang did not sleep well to make up for his sleep, and then the reporters left, saying that they would come to interview in the afternoon...

   Surrounded by a large group of reporters, Zhou Jiang may still be a little uncomfortable, but Zhou Nan and the others are around, which makes him feel at ease.

   The reporters came up to ask Zhou Jiang how he was resting. After Zhou Jiang answered well, he started the endless interview...

The content of their interviews is all small things, such as how Zhou Jiang became such a strong trainer after graduation, what training experience, secrets and so on, and some personal questions during the period, such as whether there is a girlfriend, what do you like? Types of girls, etc...

   As for the questions he was worried about before, his views on other trainers, his views on the league, etc., he didn't ask.

   No matter it was yesterday or today, sitting on the edge of the flowerbed, after spending nearly an hour, not only Zhou Jiang finished the question, but also Zhou Nan and the others interviewed. The questions were all the same. There were no tricky questions.

When it was finally over, the reporters politely greeted them and left one after another, while Zhou Jiang and the others got up with emotion. They didn't even look at the passers-by who were looking at this side and headed into the dormitory. Go.

   "I didn't expect the reporters to speak better than I thought." Inside the elevator, Zhou Jiang said with emotion.

   "Good to talk? That's just for you."

   "Huh?" Zhou Jiang looked at Zhou Nan, "Did you make things difficult before?"

   As if thinking of something funny, but unable to laugh, Zhou Nan pursed his lips, "It's not that I was making things difficult, it was that someone was being cheated."

   "Huh?!" Zhou Jiang was surprised, could it be me?

   "Don't worry, it's not you." Wang Qingyan said with a smile while watching.

   "It's a guy named Ye Gaoyi, who seems to be at the bottom of the "ranking list", right? Don't want to be cheated by the reporters." Chen Yongan said with a smile.

   "..." Zhou Jiang went over the name "Ye Gaoyi" in his mind, and found that he had no impression, so he looked at Chen Yongan curiously, "What a trick?"


   The elevator has arrived.

   "You should go back and watch the news for yourself, I am sure you can read it more comprehensively." After seeing the elevator door opened, Chen Yongan shook his head and said nothing.

   "Okay." Zhou Jiang didn't ask too much. After all, what he said makes sense. Hearing others say there is no reality in his own eyes. Compared with what others said, it is easier for him to remember what he sees himself. As long as others say a lot of things, he will selectively forget...

   If Chen Yongan chooses to say something, he will definitely forget a lot of things in the end, and he will have to go back to see it in the end.

   was aroused by curiosity, Zhou Jiang stepped out of the elevator door and walked towards the room.

   "Look at you, everyone will remember your contribution!"

   "Come on!"

   "Sacrifice my family for everyone!"

   "Just Bard~"


   Zhou Nan listened to the "encouragement" from the crowd and rolled his eyes to them, but thought that it was his own idea, and finally she had no choice but to sigh and accept it.

   Zhou Jiang, who was full of curiosity, naturally didn't know Zhou Nan and their "little theater" after he left. In fact, he didn't even notice Zhou Nan and the others stopped there. When he entered the room and pounced on the bed, he only found that Zhou Nan hadn't come in yet, but he didn't think much, and soon turned his attention to the phone.

   knows the protagonist's name, especially the protagonist is still a "celebrity", the news is still easy to check, after entering the name in the browser, the first few guarantees that pop up are what he wants.

   And the facts are like this, and Zhou Jiang soon discovered the goal.

   After a quick glance, Zhou Jiang nodded clearly.

   No wonder Zhou Nan said that before. Indeed, this person named Ye Gaoyi was really miserable by the reporters.

   No wonder I didn’t meet the reporter when I entered the venue yesterday. I used to stop him. What a poor baby...

   After the Zhoujiang text version of the news, I quit and saw an interview video from passers-by. The video was recorded with a mobile phone, so the picture quality is not very good, and there is serious jitter, but these are not problems.

   The front of the video is not much different from the text version he saw before. The previous interviews were all good and quite satisfactory. Although he jumped a little, he at least controlled himself, did not fly, and spoke carefully.

   The only thing that made Zhou Jiang uncomfortable was that the kid was mocking him when he spoke, thinking that he was doing a show and was a related party. Although it didn't say that it was Zhou Jiang's name~www.ltnovel.com~, it didn't say anything about a certain high school student. Even if the most obvious words describing Zhou Jiang were excluded, Zhou Jiang could see it all at once with such a specificity. Or, could no one fail to see it? After all, Zhou Jiang has been in the limelight these days.

Ye Gaoyi spoke with sufficient caution, and the questions raised by the reporters in the early stage did not have any sharp topics. However, in the latter part of the video, a reporter threw him a vaguely trapped topic. As a result, this kid also I don't know if I don't know, or I'm fainted and didn't hear it or something, but I went on with it!

Although he reacted after speaking a few sentences, it was too late by then. Whether you accidentally leaked or pretended to be on purpose, it didn’t make any difference in the hands of a serious reporter, anyway. What they are good at.

   At the end of the video, Ye Gaoyi kept picking up the scene of reporters leaving embarrassedly. Although the phone was shaking, Zhou Jiang was very happy to watch it.

   Watching the black screen after the video was played, Zhou Jiang couldn't help but laughed out loud.

  Although he doesn't care too much about Ye Gaoyi's ridicule of himself, how can he be unhappy when he sees the unlucky end of someone who opposes him for no reason?

"finish watching?"

   "Yeah." Zhou Jiang nodded, and subconsciously looked towards Zhou Nan, and found that he was sitting in a chair playing with his mobile phone. It is estimated that he was playing the "elves alliance" with Xu Feng and the others.


   "Da Xia, you actually soak your feet?!" Zhou Jiang looked dumbfounded, he understood the winter feet, but Da Xia's feet...


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