Miss Joey looks the same, as if they were carved out of a mold.

   If they were all young, Zhou Jiang would naturally not know who was who, but now, there is an old Joey, two middle-aged and two young Joey.

   There are five Miss Joey, and Zhou Jiang can almost be separated.

   The oldest one seems to be the elder or patriarch of Joey's family. Anyway, it is the matter of this transaction.

   And the two middle-aged Joey, are they supposed to be technicians? Or maybe it's just a follower or a combat capability.

Two young Joeys, one should be Joey Joe who contacted Zhou Jiang, the other may be the staff here, or maybe they came with them too, as for what she does, Zhou Jiang has some Can't guess it.

   But he doesn't need to guess either, he just needs to know who the person is talking about, and he doesn't need to think about others.

   got up to say hello to them, shook hands, and the two parties briefly met and exchanged a few moments before sitting on the sofa.

Neither of the two young Miss Joey left. It seems that both of them came from the Joey family, but Joey Joe was confirmed. After all, he knew Zhou Jiang well, so it was basically her just now. Talking to Zhou Jiang on behalf of the elders.

A brief introduction to each other, it is almost the same as Zhou Jiang guessed, two middle-aged Joey, one is an expert in energy cube production, the other is in charge of combat effectiveness, I don't know how strong it is, but it is estimated that it will not be weak, the king of heaven. The level should be there, and the two young Miss Joey didn't introduce them much.

After    was introduced, Elder Joey didn't enter the subject all at once, but simply touted Zhou Jiang, and she entered the subject only after seeing him unmoved.

   Zhou Jiang saw that she had entered the subject so quickly that she was “interested”, and he was also happy to see it. He finished the chat earlier and ended early. If he kept talking, even if Miss Joey were all good-looking, he was not very happy.

   Zhou Jiang glanced at the extra young Miss Joey who didn't know what she was doing. Without asking more, she took out the automatic energy cube maker directly from her backpack.

   "Tap, tap!"

   Looking at the automatic energy cube maker that Zhou Jiang randomly put on the table, several Miss Joey were extremely nervous as if they were facing an enemy.

   "..." Zhou Jiang's mouth twitched slightly, ashamed, "It's okay, this thing is strong."

"No matter how strong it is! What should I do if it breaks? The young man is awkward..." Elder Joey couldn't help but stared at Zhou Jiang with his eyes widened, making Zhou Jiang so speechless. He praised him for being steady before. It's just a young man who is awkward...

   Ignored Zhou Jiang, the five Joeys, whether it was Old Joey, Big Joey or Little Joey, were all excited, staring at the small silver-white machine on the table with scorching eyes.

   "This is... this is that..."

   Elder Joey held the machine in both hands, as if it was a dilute treasure, and both hands trembled violently as if they had gotten Parkinson's.

Maybe it was because I was afraid that the machine would break, or maybe it was because she was tired. In short, a middle-aged Joey who couldn't tell whether it was a technician or a fighter took the machine out of Elder Joey and took a deep breath. Said: "Elder, try to see the effect."

   Elder Joey did not speak, but looked at Zhou Jiang. The other Joey saw the elders all looked over, so they all looked over.

   Zhou Jiang couldn't help but smiled at her slightly, "Try it, after all, seeing is believing."

   With Zhou Jiang’s approval, Elder Joey nodded, and then looked at the automatic energy cube maker with scorching eyes.

   "Let me do it." Zhou Jiang said suddenly.

   Elder Joey was taken aback for a moment, then nodded gently and smiled: "Also, you are more familiar with it, come on."

   said, she gently pushed the automatic energy cube maker onto the table in front of Zhou Jiang.

   Zhou Jiang nodded, and then took out some tree fruits and other things from the backpack. The tree fruits have been cleaned, so they can be put in directly.

   Of course, I still have to explain to them, after all, they are also doctors? I will definitely attach great importance to hygiene.

   Fortunately, what I took out of the backpack was a "set". Trees and other things were placed in a small plate, which happened to be the amount of material used to make an energy cube.

Zhou Jiang told them that these were cleaned. They also nodded, without doubt or saying anything. This made Zhou Jiang a sigh of relief. If they had to wash Zhou Jiang again or wash their hands, it would be somewhat Embarrassed.

   Although it is said that you have to wash your hands when you cook everything, but this is made by machinery throughout the process, hands are completely inaccessible, and there is no problem of pollution.

   pulled out the small drawer containing the materials, Zhou Jiang poured in the tree fruits and other materials, and after closing, he directly pressed a red switch on the top of the machine, which looked like an electric kettle switch.

After pressing   , the small light on the side of the machine lights up, and then just wait slowly to finish.

   "That's fine...Sure enough, no matter how many times I watched it, I still feel amazing." Elder Joey was a little bit emotional.

   Zhou Jiang glanced at her and found that she didn't look at herself, but stared at the energy cube automatic production machine secretly, then shrugged and said nothing.

   After three minutes passed, in the eyes of everyone's expectation, with a "click~", the switch jumped.

   Although the sound is not loud, but even the sound of the needle falling on the ground can be heard in the silence, at this time in the living room, it is unexpectedly loud.

For Zhou Jiang, who was "doing nothing", it was nothing, but for Elder Joey who was in deep thought and a middle-aged Joey who didn't know whether it was a technician or a combatant, the voice seemed to rang in their ears. They were shocked by the loud noise.

   But they don't care about this anymore. Elder Joey looked up at Zhou Jiang and asked, "Alright?"

  Although I have watched Zhou Jiang's past video more than ten times in the Joey family, compared to the video, what I saw in the real world is even more shocking.

   "Alright!" Zhou Jiang smiled and nodded affirmatively.

After    finished, he stretched out his hand and pulled out another small grid, which was the place of "shipping".

   After pulling out the small grid, there is a beige, steaming cube lying inside!

   Among the five Joeys, two of the middle-aged Joeys were about the same length. One of them trembled looking at the completed energy cube.

   If someone who doesn't know sees it, they think she has epilepsy or Parkinson's.

Zhou Jiang glanced at her and stopped paying attention. It was obvious that she must be the technology responsible. She can be brought by Elder Joey. The technology must be super awesome. She should be a breeder who can make advanced energy cubes. Right? No matter how bad the intermediate is, it can definitely be done.

   And she can at least make an intermediate energy cube, so there is no reason to see the quality of this energy cube.

   Not to mention other things, to their level, you can almost know whether it is good or bad after smelling it.

   Joey, who was in charge of technology, trembled excitedly, not only Zhou Jiang saw it, but the other four Joey naturally saw it.

   Looking at the appearance of Joey in charge of technology, Elder Joey naturally understood.

   The eyes of the automatic energy cube maker standing there quietly became even more fiery.

  They don't worry about Zhou Jiang's cheating, like putting energy cubes in in advance, even if Zhou Jiang's courage is too big, it is impossible to make such a cheating.

   and also very easy to wear...

   If anyone does such a fake, it is really a pitfall.

   Maybe enough excitement, Joey, who was in charge of the technology, recovered and hurriedly talked to Elder Joey.

At this time, she gave Zhou Jiang the feeling that she was like someone with some abnormal mentality... She kept talking, but the topic was very wide. She suddenly said how difficult it is to create energy cubes, and finally she said. Speaking, I suddenly jumped to the function of the energy cube before finishing talking, the benefits to the elves, etc...

Looking at the appearance of the other four Joeys, it seems that she is not the first time. It should be like this. This has opened Zhou Jiang's vision. After all, he did not expect that Joey's family will also have it. That kind of people.

   gave Zhou Jiang an apologetic look, and the elder Joey stopped Joey, who was in charge of technology. After all, if you continue to say this, not only time will be wasted, but the prestige of Joey's family will be defeated.

  Although Zhou Jiang’s "stunned mouth" was only for a moment, how could they not be able to see such an obvious appearance, and it was not just Zhou Jiang who showed such an expression...



   After the disposal, the reception room has returned to calm five minutes later.

   Zhou Jiang doesn't matter. Although he wants to finish it earlier, he has nothing to do when he goes back anyway, and it doesn't matter if he can see the "small theater" performed by Miss Joey.

  After dealing with Joey in charge of technology, Elder Joey looked back at Zhou Jiang and smiled gently: "Zhou Jiang...Can I call you Xiao Jiang?"

   "Uh...please." Zhou Jiang's mouth twitched, and he almost didn't squirt out. Fortunately, he was so powerful that he was abruptly held back.

   Elder Joey nodded his head in satisfaction and exaggerated Zhou Jiang. Although Zhou Jiang had not been blown up, he was inevitably a little happy.

   After all, it’s not unhappy to be praised by others, right? And it is the elder of the Joey family who praised him. Although he also knows that most of the content that the other party praised must be "universal", it is not because he is really so awesome, but happy is happy!

   With her soft smile, Zhou Jiang's affection for her has increased greatly.

   Of course, even if Zhou Jiang's affection for her greatly increases, it does not mean that his IQ has been hit by dimensionality reduction.

  Although the IQ is not high at first, he will not make some stupid mistakes. It is still cautious to chat with Elder Joey.

   I don't know how long I have spoken in the vernacular. During this period, Elder Joey was basically talking, and Zhou Jiang responded with "umh" and "ahhh". When Zhou Jiang was about to fall asleep for boredom, finally, Elder Joey seemed to remember this, and the conversation returned to the energy cube automatic production machine, and he would zoom in as soon as he came back.

"I'm a bit curious, why did you choose to give us this energy cube automatic production machine? If you keep it for yourself, wouldn't it be better? If you sell energy cubes, you can get most of the things you think of. Right? It’s not impossible even for the spirits that you asked for."

   The sudden reversal almost folded Zhou Jiang’s waist, and he almost came out reflexively "Uh", but fortunately he received it quickly...

  While wiping a cold sweat from the bottom of my heart, Zhou Jiang also praised his alertness.

   In fact, even if he came out "um", there would be nothing, but this is indeed a fact of disrespect for her. Even if she didn't know what purpose she deliberately pulled him to talk about the vernacular and the daily routine, but Zhou Jiang couldn't get distracted, right? Especially when someone else is an elder and he is a junior.

And Zhou Jiang has another characteristic, that is, although he usually doesn’t take the initiative to communicate with people, even if others come to communicate with others, he won’t be too serious, but once he wants to communicate with others and have some intersection, then he will Will be very serious to "disguise" myself and hide my shortcomings.

   Maybe this was his awakening when he was a little **** in his previous life, but even so, he didn't mean to change it. After all, there is nothing bad about this ~www.ltnovel.com~ which is not good for him, isn't it?

   Finally gave up on the vernacular. Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time he was energetic. He knew that this time was really going to end.

   It should have ended long ago. Although she was dragged to the present, he did not express any dissatisfaction.

   As for her problem? Zhou Jiang said these are trivial.

   He had already considered that they might ask him some questions, so he had considered them all.

"It must be a lie to say that it is for the benefit of the world. I believe you will believe it. In fact, I am just worried that it will cause endless trouble after the news is leaked out, and it is obviously the best choice to leave it to you. , And I can get a lot of rewards, why not do it?"

   After finishing speaking, Zhou Jiang and Elder Joey's eyes met, without the slightest dodge.

   The two looked at each other for a while, and Elder Joey suddenly laughed, and with such a smile, the atmosphere in the reception room improved.

After   , Elder Joey didn’t ask more questions, but quickly closed it. With such a resolute manner, Zhou Jiang almost thought it was a change of person...

   In the end, the two sides didn't talk any more, they said everything that should be said, and they didn't need to say what was not said.

   When Zhou Jiang finally left, he left behind an automatic energy cube maker, and took a Leo Lu and a supersonic bat.

   Two elves, of which Leo Lu is of orange quality, and the supersonic bat is of silver quality!

   Elder Joey said that other elves could not be obtained for the time being, so Zhou Jiang waited a moment, and within a month, the remaining elves would be delivered to him.


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