"How do you feel?" After a few Joeys sent Zhou Jiang out, Elder Joey asked the young Joey who was still sitting on the sofa.

   "So-so, not annoying." The same voice as the other Joey, but the voice has a cold feeling.

   "Really, you don't hate it, just find a chance to contact him." Elder Joey smiled, but it was a kind smile, but it revealed a sad breath.

   "Hmm." Young Joey was not happy or sad.


   The reception room fell silent.

   For a long time, Elder Joey smiled and said, "It's hard to come out, how about it, do you want to go out and have a look? There is still a big difference between here and the resident."


   "...I'll take you out for a walk." Elder Joey was silent for a while, then smiled.




   "Just get here, thank you." After turning a corner and seeing the side of the hall, Zhou Jiang said to Joey Joe who had sent him away.

   To be honest, if it weren’t for her to give it away, he might have been around here for a while...

   "It's all right, I didn't expect..."

   "..." Looking at Joey, whose shoulders were shaking while holding back Joey, Zhou Jiang was helpless, "Laughing if you want to laugh, holding it back is bad for your health."

   "Puff-wheeze~cough cough...Uh! Uh-huh!" Miss Joey who laughed quickly covered her mouth, and then coughed a few times and then made a few more sounds to force herself to calm down.

   "We have undergone professional training and won't laugh easily!"

"..." Looking at Miss Joey with a serious face, Zhou Jiang thought of the mermaid's stalks in the previous life... If it weren't for him to doubt and fail again and again before, he would doubt whether Joey was crossing or not. The author.

When    left the wizard center, it was already over three and fifty. Zhou Jiang looked at the time displayed on the phone and shook his head slightly.

   He didn't expect it would take so long!

   But I don't blame him, mainly because Elder Joey has been pulling him to speak the vernacular and spent a lot of time. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be over in half an hour.

   After all, they came here this time just to see with their own eyes whether this machine is really the same as Zhou Jiang said.

   After seeing the effect, there is not much trouble.

The automatic energy cube maker was left behind. Zhou Jiang had sent them text introductions and video tutorials for its effects, specific operations, cleaning tutorials, etc., as long as it was confirmed whether the effect was true, in fact, There is nothing wrong.

   As for the elves that Zhou Jiang wants, Zhou Jiang can now get two elves very well, he originally thought he had to wait.

   By looking at the quality of the two elves, you can know that Joey and the others did not deal with him perfunctorily.

  Leo Road itself is rare, the orange quality is already very strong, and although the supersonic bat is common, it is a common color, but it is also difficult to get golden quality, and silver is already difficult.

   They didn't deliver other elves in the first time, so they are probably collecting high-quality ones.

   Zhou Jiang didn't care about this.

   Although it is the same even if he is given the most **** white quality, he will eventually be modified to golden quality, but if he deliberately wants white quality elves, it will be a little deliberate.

   He took out all the machines that can automatically make energy cubes. If Zhou Jiang deliberately wanted white quality in order to get the hand elves earlier, what would Joey and the others think?

   Is it possible that he has any machine or medicine that can change the quality?

   Although it sounds weird, there are even machines that can automatically make energy cubes, so even weird things are not impossible.

   Anyway, he is not too anxious to get it, and he is not afraid that Joey and the others will go wrong.

   One is that their character is trustworthy, and the other is that they have been squandered, so he can't get back what he deserves.

   This is also a small bet, after all, although this energy cube automatic production machine seems to them to be very anti-sky, for Zhou Jiang, that's it.

   Any two or three hundred points can be exchanged for a machine, how much do you expect Zhou Jiang to pay attention to?

   And his strength is not a joke.

   Give him three years, he dare to say that he can go to the **** animal!

   If the Joey family really pit him, then let alone their contribution to the world, even the king of heaven and Lao Zi Zhou Jiang will be right!

   Zhou Jiang’s creed for people is, you treat me well, I treat you well, do you want to cheat me? I killed you!

   As long as it is not a suspicious person or stranger, as long as Zhou Jiang thinks he can be trusted, Zhou Jiang will try his best to trust the other person, but if the other person fails his trust, Zhou Jiang's revenge is not a joke.

   He is more "deceptive" than anyone, but his revenge is stronger than anyone else!



   Four o'clock in summer can be said to be the beginning of the day.

   In summer, it is shady and shady from 6 to 7 in the morning, and some people will come out, but from 8 o'clock, the sun will be big, and everyone will not come out and mess around if nothing is wrong.

   And it was about four o'clock in the afternoon when the sun was slanting west. At this time, the temperature was not high and the sunset was beautiful. Most importantly, after being "turned off" for a day, it was time to come out like a crazy dog!

   But after four o'clock, it was only the sun slanting westward and the beginning of the temperature drop. At night, that was the feast of the carnival!

   Especially in the city, various KTV bars and snack streets are crowded with people. A large number of couples hold hands and stroll along the neon-lit streets.

   "Battle Island" Although many facilities and shops have not fully opened yet, the charm of its own order, coupled with the lanterns and colorful LED lights all over the street, is enough to attract everyone.

  In addition, although there are few shops, they are all what everyone needs.

   sell food, sell elven goods.

   has these two kinds of shops, so the popularity is indispensable.

   Although it is not yet time to get out of the nest on a large scale, people have already begun to grow.

   When Zhou Jiang returned to the community, there were many people sitting and chatting on the flower bed downstairs in the community.

   Seeing the popularity outside, Zhou Jiang shook his head slightly, got on the elevator and went to the floor where the room was.

   The corridors are abnormally quiet. I don’t know why, he always has a bad feeling...

   came to the door of the room gently, looking at the doorknob, Zhou Jiang hesitated holding the hand of the room card.

   "Guru~" Zhou Jiang swallowed, hesitated, and finally put the room card in.


   The door opened.

   Now that you have made a decision, you can't hesitate.

   Zhou Jiang pressed the doorknob and pushed it lightly, and the door opened.


   The door opened, and Zhou Jiang's expression changed.

Seeing the people with unkind eyes inside, feeling the somewhat dull atmosphere, Zhou Jiang couldn't help but lifted his heart, and looked at him slightly nervously, Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan sitting on the table. And their fathers, "What...what's wrong? Everyone, why are they all here."

   Zhou Jiang’s father, that is, Zhou Wenbin glanced at Zhou Jiang and asked, "Where have you been?"

"..." Hearing his somewhat unkind tone, Zhou Jiang was a little bit frustrated. This reminded him of the time when he faced his mother in his previous life. When his mother asked him that, his heart would always mention it. When he got up, Gein was very naughty when he was a child.

   Now when asked by Zhou Wenbin, he is really a little distressed, so he replied honestly: "Go to talk about things."

   "Talk about things?"

Inside    came the voice of Zhou Jiang’s mother, Lin Jiyun, because it was blocked by the bathroom cubicle, so Lin Jiyun walked out a little bit.

  ‘"Uh...um..." Looking at Lin Jiyun, Zhou Jiang's heart trembled again. He estimated that there were still people sitting inside...

   Isn't it all coming? Did I do something... Why did I go out and suddenly become a criticism meeting when I came back?

Zhou Jiang is a little fictitious. He subconsciously feels that he has done something wrong. Although he can't figure out where he has done wrong, the more he is like this, the more fictitious he is, because he can't prepare in advance, and what he hates most is not Sure, something unknown.

   In the room, Lin Jiyun and Zhou Wenbin glanced at each other slightly, and then asked, "Have you been in a relationship recently?"

   "???" Zhou Jiang looked dazed.

fall in love? Why did you get to this again...Wait, maybe they thought I was out in love? But it’s not right. I’ll just go out. It’s not that I’ve never been out before. Why do they think of dating?

   I haven't been abnormal lately...Wait!

   I didn't sleep well last night. They must have seen it in their eyes when they watched the phone and answered the call at the game venue today. Is it because of this that they suspected that I was in love?

   Zhou Jiang cleared his mind in an instant. Don't look at him always saying that he is stupid, but that is what he doesn't want to think about. Once he thinks seriously, how much worse than others?

   Of course, although Zhou Jiang thought of this possibility, he was not sure that things were the same as he thought.

   But what he can be sure of is that they must have come here because they suspected that he was in love. It's just that the cause of the matter may be different, but it's not important. The important thing is to know why they came. That's enough!

   Knowing their purpose, then Zhou Jiang does not need to worry too much.

   He pretended and scratched his head in embarrassment, "Then what, I went to talk to Miss Joey, what's the matter? Why are everyone here."

   "Miss Joey?!"

   There were several exclamations. Although they were mixed together, Zhou Jiang could still hear a few of them. Among them, Jiang Shui and Zhang Ning's voices were quite recognizable, and the rest was probably Wang Qingyan?

   "Did you go to meet Miss Joey?" Zhou Nan, who was half leaning on the table, looked at Zhou Jiang with a weird look, and said, "When are you related to Miss Joey again..."

   "Ahem, business dealings, business dealings~" Zhou Jiang did not tell the truth about the matter. There were "outsiders". Zhang Ning and Bai Ya, if he could not say anything, he still didn't want to say.

   They didn't know that Zhou Jiang had an automatic energy cube maker, so since they didn't know the stage themselves, they didn't need to know, because after Joey and the others studied, they would definitely face the world.

   But Zhou Nan and the others still need to talk about it, and he must give each of them a machine.

Zhou Nan will leave after the alliance conference is over, Xu Feng will also leave, Xu Feng is okay, he is still in V city, and he can still meet, Zhou Nan went directly to a foreign country, and he will never meet. .

   And Zhou Nan still has to work hard towards the trainer, so the assistance of the automatic energy cube maker is naturally indispensable.

   Although he has Jiang Shui, who is determined to become an excellent elf breeder, she hasn't grown up yet, and she can't make a primary energy cube, not to mention that he is close to an intermediate energy cube.

   After seeing their reaction, Zhou Jiang was convinced that they must have thought they were in a relationship, and looking at their posture, it is estimated that he was in online dating? Otherwise, if they were in a normal relationship, they would not be so exciting, only when they felt unreliable.

   In Zhou Jiang’s impression of the "love" approach, only online dating is considered unreliable.

However, Zhou Jiang does not intend to talk more about this. After all, if you continue to talk about it, such as why you go to meet Miss Joey, then you can’t get to other places~www.ltnovel.com~ can only tell the truth, and Or just don't say it hard?

   If it is hard to the end, it will hurt feelings... It's a bit difficult.

   So, they can only change the subject before they start asking. I believe they don’t want to say when they see him. If they change the subject, they won’t force it.

   Thinking of this, Zhou Jiang didn’t stay at the door anymore. As he walked in, he looked at Zhou Nan and said, “Would you like to eat at the snack street at night?”

   "..." The room was quiet, Zhou Nan's mouth twitched, but he still took the topic, "Okay, it's been a long time since I went to eat, go to see if there are any new food stalls today."

   "Well, I haven't been there for a long time, I think about it." Seeing Zhou Nan took the lead to change the subject, Chen Yongan followed.

   "Well, let's go." Xu Feng did the same and inserted his foot.

   Yes, the three boys have helped Zhou Jiang to change the topic, and the others will not reluctantly continue to inquire, so they will shift the topic to what to eat for dinner.

  Since Zhou Jiang’s topic is no longer discussed, everyone naturally doesn't need to hold back, especially for a few girls. After the chatter box was released, the room instantly became noisy.

   Seeing everyone's cooperation in this way, Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Zhou Nan, gave him a grateful look, and Zhou Nan smiled back.

   Looking at Zhou Nan who was smiling, Chen Yongan who was next to him thought of something in an instant, resisting a smile, and clinging to him, whispered to him in Zhou Nan's strange eyes: "Couple machine~"


   Looking at Zhou Nan, whose eyes were widened in an instant, and with a frightened expression, Chen Yongan couldn't help but laughed.


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