I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 699: Where is the poisonous skull frog?

   Ivory Pig stood up, but unfortunately, after being tripped like this, his leg was injured...

   In other words, it is difficult for it to continue to approach Xanadu and then fight melee. This is a disaster for Tusk.

   Zhou Jiang looked at Sun San all the way, watching his expression change from joy to doubt to despair. The speed at which his face changed was truly amazing.

   Watching his Peking Opera-like face change, Zhou Jiang almost had fun. Fortunately, he remembered that there was a camera facing here, so he was held back.

   looked at the ivory pig, Zhou Jiang smiled slightly.

  , you don’t have to think about other things. Ivory pigs with broken legs are still a threat.

   Just go to death!

   I can only blame it for being unlucky, because I hurt my leg just like that.

  Of course, there is also a reason why Shanaador uses skills quickly.

   After all, generally speaking, when the opponent's trainer shouts out skills, both elves on the field will react.

   Like before.

   Zhou Jiang called out to tie a grass knot. Not only did Shanaido hear it and then he would use skills, but even the ivory pig could hear and react. It was not deaf...

   Of course, the premise is that the ivory pig needs to know the skill of tying grass knots.

   But this time is a little different, this is also another technique used by Zhou Jiang to use Shanaiduo's mind link.

As I said before, the mind link can call out the name of a skill in his mouth at a critical moment, but the real command is another, which can achieve a disruptive effect. This is absolutely accurate at a critical moment. .

   And now, Zhou Jiang came up with another show operation.

The commanded skills are different from the skills actually used. This is the key trump card that cannot be used indiscriminately. In normal times, he just doesn't give orders. In this case, if Shanaido uses skills, it will look weird, plus the super power skills themselves. It is mostly intangible, so it is not easy to guard against.

   But now, he has come up with a new trick.

   is what he used just now.

   called out the skill, but Shanaido did use this skill, but Shanaido used it first and Zhou Jiang called it out.

   This is what Zhou Jiang thought of, considering that both the elf and the trainer of the other party could listen to his commands to react, and then he came up with the method.

Whether it is a human or an elf, at this time, hearing the name of the skill called by Zhou Jiang, the brain will definitely think about this skill subconsciously, and there will be a sudden pause, especially the stronger the strength, the more knowledge. Many elves.

The powerful and knowledgeable elves often rely on their own in the battle on the battlefield. Most of the attacks of the elves are issued according to the instructions of the trainer, and the elves only need to listen to the instructions from the opposite side, and then make a response. .

   Of course, as I said before, provided that they recognize that skill.

   This saves some reaction time, and then the possibility of evasion is higher.

If Zhou Jiang shouts skills first, and then Shanaido attacks, then the possibility of the opponent's dodge will be higher, and if he orders Shanaido through the psychic link first, and then he shouts skills to distract the opponent, then the skills are The hit rate will be much higher.

   Especially Shanaido, an attacker who ignores terrain and some distance.

   And it’s not easy to expose it like this. Most people definitely think that Zhou Jiang’s elves are only attacking quickly, and they definitely don’t expect to use it first and then shout out.

   But this use is actually not that good, after all, tacit understanding is required, and the premise is that your elves must be spiritually linked...

   Zhou Jiang deliberately searched, and there is no elf with such awesome abilities as Shanaido. Even if some are telepathic, they can't be used as flexible as Shanaido.

   Of course, these materials are only what he found on the Internet, and they may not be true. After all, the owner of the elf is not impossible to hide, after all, no one except him knows whether what he said is true or false.

   "Sanaduo, ghost fire!"

   The skin of the ivory pork leg on the other side was broken, so Zhou Jiang didn't need to use those little tricks. It didn't matter if he shouted the order directly.

   It can't run anyway.

  The larger the body, the more it moves depends on its strong legs.

  Breaks a leg, then even if its mobility is basically useless, it can't fight in close quarters, and it's not easy to dodge.

   "Ivory pig, blizzard!"

   Sun San's face was ugly, but he still called out the order. After all, although the ivory pig is considered useless, it should be worn if it can wear some blood, and it will consume a little energy if it can't wear it.

   Look at Shanaido, if the ivory pig is gone, then the third elf will not be able to fight.

   was worn three times in one...This is too ugly, this is a league game, if it is really worn, he will definitely be laughed at...

   And being worn three times, it will hit the elves a lot, if the elves are abandoned, then he is really crazy.

   He didn’t think about winning, but at least he couldn’t lose too badly, right?

   But think about it. Although Zhou Jiang is only a high school student, he is now famous, with a lot of fans, and some friendships with the kings. Elves must be rare, of good quality, and certainly not weak.

   It’s no shame that a civilian-born trainer loses to him, right?

   Maybe it was just right to lose to him.

He is also the first time to participate in the league competition. It is already very good to be able to reach the top one hundred and twenty-eight. He actually felt that he would be eliminated in the first round before he came. Now he has passed two rounds. , Also satisfied.

   And now Zhou Jiang, who lost to his name, is better than the passerby who lost to Ran, right?

And think about it, if Zhou Jiang can become a dark horse and score in the top four... No, the first sixteen or thirty-two will do. If Zhou Jiang scores in, then even if Zhou Jiang kills it, it seems like one will wear three. Is it all right?

   After all, it’s not that I am weak, but that the opponent is too strong, and my luck is too bad!

  Think about it, the fire-breathing dragon was killed by its own attack, and now, because of bad luck, the ivory pig has broken his leg...

   Most of the losses are accidents!

  Who can say that he was worn three times because of the food?

   Sun San, who had "figured it out", was no longer so upset and frustrated. Not only that, he even became a "fan" of Zhou Jiang!

   Of course, being a "fan" doesn't mean he will like him, but he just wants him to win more in the future.

   After all, the stronger Zhou Jiang is, the smaller the impact and negative effects of his loss to Zhou Jiang.

   Compared to this, what is it to say cheer for Zhou Jiang in my heart.

   But Zhou Jiang is not the roundworm in his heart, and he doesn't know that he has so many "support fans", but even if he knows it, he probably won't care about it.

   At this time, he was directing Xanadu to use the shadow ball to continuously attack the ivory pig.

   Shadow Ball is a skill that Shanaido is very good at. After all, it was the first attacking skill Zhou Jiang asked her to deliberately practice.

And Shadow Ball is also a very useful skill. It has a good attack power, and the probability of reducing the opponent's special defense. In addition, the skill can also restrain the super attributes of her same system. After the revision, it can be used with her teleportation. Hypnosis is simply a magical skill!

   Of course, there is no need for hypnosis here.

  The ivory pig with a broken leg has turned offensive to defensive. It also knows that it can't get rid of Shanaido, so it feels at ease to counterattack defensively.

   Even if it's a little bit, it can consume a little bit.

   Maybe it's such a consumption, the latter can win?

   And defensive counterattack is not without the possibility of winning.

   Although it's not good at attacking ground, it wins because of its physical strength!

   And as long as one defensive mind, with strong physical strength and good defense, might it be able to bring down Xanadu?

Ivory Pig and Sun San with this mentality are both defensive. It is quite difficult to hypnotize the defensive elves. The black mist made by the shadow ball basically does not work, unless she does not teleport to hypnotize, but In this case, wouldn't it be equivalent to sending yourself over?

   Although the hypnotic ivory pig can save a lot of physical strength, but Shanaido has a lot of skills to restore physical strength, so there is no need to deliberately save these physical strength.

   Use the most stable method of direct and long-range bombing.

   Anyway, it is now a "non-moving" target. Below Shanaido's rate of fire, it has only that little struggle and is completely useless.

   Sanaduo flew far in the sky, and then one after another shadow **** flew towards the ivory pig.

   Seeing this, Sun San could only make Ivory Pig use Blizzard, Bingshuo and other skills to stop him.

   Of course, it can't stop Xanadu's shadow ball barrage. Although it has converged a lot, Xanadu can still shoot three shadow **** per second, so it looks like a machine gun, and the shadow ball keeps flying past.

The ivory pig intercepted part of it, while the other part flew over. Some fell on the ground and smashed on the ground that was somewhat fragmented, causing some debris to splash on it, although for the thick-skinned it Some are not painful or itchy, but the accumulation of less will add up. At this time, a little reduction in physical strength is considered fatal and a disadvantage.

   Other words naturally fell directly on it.

   It can't be avoided, it's not counted that it can block many shadow balls.

  The battle became a barrage shooting game.

   Although this game is not very friendly for Tooth Pig, who cares? Why did he hurt his leg...

   The lame must have the consciousness of being kite-flying.

   The final result is no surprise, the ivory pig fell.

In the end, it didn’t consume much of Shanaiduo’s physical strength, because once Shanaido’s physical strength dropped a lot, she would use self-recovery to regain physical strength. Seeing dumbfounded Sun San and Ivory Pig, after continuing to defend for a while, she suddenly became violent. Ready to make a wave.

  Because of Xanadu's self-recovery, they found that they could not consume it at all...

If its leg is not injured, then even if Shanaido has self-healing, it can still be beaten, but it is lame, and it is basically being beaten. Shanaido's self-recovery is fast, plus it needs to be used before. Make a few light walls to block...

   This is very uncomfortable.

   They have no choice but to fight the last wave, but how does the lame fight?

Xanadu's flying speed is extremely fast, and the Ivory Pig can't catch up at all... and its long-range attacks are basically ineffective against Xanadu. Either it can't fight Xanadu's shadow ball or it will be easily avoided by Xanadu, even the range is extremely high. A big storm could be easily thrown away by Shanaiduo with thought force.

   It can be said that the ivory pig is completely helpless.

   Then it was cold, and after Xanadu saw that it was almost there, he sent it back home with a huge shadow ball.

   Sun San looked at the ivory pig lying on the ground, a little angry, and a little helpless, and finally turned into a deep sigh.

   I just limped...

  The tank with weak firepower that can't run fights with other fighters. How to fight?

   If it is a Bangira or the like, the tank with high firepower is fine, but its firepower is not high.

   However, he was not too entangled, who had already "figured out". Zhou Jiang didn't change the elf, he threw out the third elf.

   Looking at the elven appearance that the white light dissipated, Zhou Jiang couldn't help but shook his head slightly, and looked at Sun San with sympathy.

  His third elf is a poisonous skull frog with a poison type and a fighting type...

   The super power system doubles the poison control system, the double restraint fighting system, and the super power system has double resistance to the fighting system...

  Although the poisonous skeleton frog is mainly based on the poison type, and the super power type has no resistance to the poison type, but the super power of Xanadu can be four times the restraint. What resistance is needed?

   And it can beat Shanaido?

   It's exactly the rhythm that can be beaten to death with your feet...

   Not only Zhou Jiang sympathized with him, but also the commentator.

   But he didn't say it. After all, he was only responsible for the explanation, and he could not say emotionally who is going to lose. He can only say that it is difficult to fight.

   But the meaning is almost the same, everyone knows it.

Sun San looked at the poisonous skull frog and smiled bitterly. There was no way. These were his three strongest elves. He did not expect that both elves were killed by Shanaido in this way, and Shanaido still had a lot of physical strength .

Before the war, although Zhou Jiang would use Xanaduo~www.ltnovel.com~, his idea was to use other elves to fight Xanaduo. Originally, he thought so, but he didn’t know it would be like this. ...

  ‘Sanaido, end the battle early. Zhou Jiang said to Xanadu in the spiritual link.

   The look of this poisonous skull frog is really ugly. Seeing its appearance, Zhou Jiang thought of poisons such as poison dart frogs, which made him feel a little goose bumps.

   In his previous life, he was most afraid of snake poison, and poison dart frog was one of them.

   Hearing Zhou Jiang's message, Shane Duo didn't ask why, but just nodded slightly, but the original gentle eyes sharpened.

   thought secretly, since the master asked to end soon, then...

"……Game start!"

   The referee put away the flags waved, turned around and walked freely towards the edge of the arena. Although protected by a protective cover, he still felt at ease by sticking to the wall of the arena.

   However, he just walked to the edge of the arena, before he had time to turn around, he heard a loud crash, and the cheering in the audience stopped for some reason, but the sound of cold breathing sounded.

   He was just about to turn around and look at it. As a result, there was a series of dense rumbling sounds from the side that made the sound, as if he was washing the ground with missiles.

   The referee turned around curiously, but the sound stopped at this time. He looked in the direction of the impression of the sound, that is, Sun San.

   Then, the referee found something wrong.

   Where is Sun San in the red square looking, and... Where is the poisonous skull frog on the field?

   What about the poisonous skeleton frog that stood here just now?


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