Fighting the ghost still didn't give up, trying to run out of the repairing old man's attack range and then stood up to solve the broken feet.

   Although it has a slapped foot, it suddenly fell into a disadvantage, but as long as it can escape the attack range of the repairing old man, it can break the slapped foot back!

   Although it sounds terrifying, it just got a foot. It really doesn't matter to him as an elf, it's just that it's not the right time to get rid of it.

It’s just the so-called long-term defense, like before, it wants to drag the repair old man’s physical strength to exhaustion, but the elves’s physical strength is so abundant, and I don’t know how long it will take to exhaust it, and in such a long time, it will fight ghost In order to save energy, you can only barely escape the attack dangerously and dangerously. What happens after a long time?

   It is fortunate that it has not been hit by the old man's cement pillar before, but it has escaped the fate of being hit by the cement pillar, but it can't escape the fate of being hit by the foot.

   has been avoiding defense, and sooner or later he will make mistakes, and then go directly to GG.

   At this time, the blow ghost was in danger under the cement pillar repairing the old man. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is dancing on the tip of a knife.

   often walks by the river, there are no shoes not wet.

  Fighting ghost was finally hit by a cement pillar of the old repairman. When the old repairman stopped his continuous attacks, what appeared in front of everyone was the ghost who was lying in the big pit and almost lost the ability to fight.

   He took a solid blow to repair the old man’s [Beat], and basically no longer able to fight ghosts.

   The repairing old man did not take advantage of the victory, and took a few steps back, breathing heavily, then quietly looked at the blow ghost in the pit in front, waiting for his trainer's instructions.

  The trainer fighting ghosts sighed a long, whispered a word to the trainer on the opposite side, and then retracted the wizard.

   The spectators on the edge of the playing field burst into fierce applause and cheers.

   Zhou Jiang and the others applauded. As for the shouting words, that's fine.

After the trainer who repaired the old man also retracted to accept the applause of the audience, and waved to the old repairman who was "smiling" at the crowd, the two trainers walked to the potholes and shook hands in a friendly manner and said to each other Something went wrong, and then separated and left.

   As for what they said, Zhou Jiang guessed that it should be something like "you are very strong", "you are the same" and so on.

   But it doesn’t matter to him, he is just a fun watcher.

   Although the game is over and the two trainers have also left, no one has left. After all, is there any guarantee that someone will come up to fight again?

   As long as there are still games to watch, it doesn’t matter if there are so many standing for a while.

   Zhou Jiang and the others saw that the surrounding crowd had not left, so they did not leave in a hurry, and also stood here. But without the game, they naturally wouldn't just stand up, so everyone discussed the previous battle.

   Fighting elves are the most enjoyable ones in battle.

Because they are basically rushing up to fight hand-to-hand, and the fighting elves are basically "humanoids". Looking at their battles, it is often easy to think of themselves, bring themselves in, and then look at the fists. In the battle, I became excited unconsciously.

   Of course, although they are discussing, most of them are said by Zhou Nan.

  Daddy Zhou Jiang, Zhou Wenbin and the others are not trainers. They are interested in watching the game, but if they say one, two, three, four, it won’t work.

   So they didn't say anything. They stood behind them and looked at Zhou Nan. They said that they should be a listener.

  Lu Ran and the others, they didn't say anything. Although they are also trainers, they are "adults" after all.

Although they are not very old, they are still considered to be the golden age among trainers, but compared to Zhou Jiang and others, they are considered adults, and they are also teachers of Zhou Jiang and others. Although they are more familiar now, they are also very familiar. Young people will get into their topic.

   After all, students and teachers naturally have some "class" stratification in China.

   The teacher will have some reservedness in the face of the students, and the students will have a trace of awe in the face of the teacher.

   Five minutes later, Zhou Jiang and others left the park.

   It’s not because of anything, it’s just that no one has gone up to fight...

   No one will come to fight again, so everyone will not stand stupidly all the time. After waiting for five minutes, they will not wait anymore. The large crowd of onlookers leave, Zhou Jiang and others are naturally no exception.

   Watching this battle is not part of their schedule. It just happened to see a match when they came out, so they came to take a look. Since no one is playing, it's time to leave.

Suddenly, Zhou Jiang, who turned to leave, frowned. He felt a strong gaze gathered in his back, and he suddenly turned his head to look behind him, but there was nothing suspicious about him except the audience who left. At least he didn't find it.

   Is it an illusion?

   Zhou Jiang secretly shook his head, reached out to his waist, and placed the poke ball in the first place.

   Just now when he felt a bit of a stinging sight, the poke ball in the first place shook a few times, and the poke ball in the first place was indeed Shanaido!

   "Zhou Jiang, see what, hurry up!"

"Uh...coming!" Zhou Jiang shook his head and looked behind him again. There was still nothing suspicious, and Shanaido's pokeball stopped after shaking it. , Even if there was something, he probably left. He didn't think about it anymore, turned his head and chased Zhou Nan and the others.

   They came this time, one is to see the "customs and customs" of country M, the other is to watch the game or play the next game, and then see what the elves in foreign countries, Europe and the United States look like.

  First stop is Arizona Mall.

   Arizona Shopping Center is the largest commercial building in District 8 except for the residential area.

   "Arizona Mall", you know by its name, this is a place to sell things, but it is different from other malls. If you want to buy something, you need "points" first.

  In the Arizona Mall, you can find anything you want related to elves, and the price is very cheap.

   is like the most common poke ball. It costs two hundred yuan to buy one outside, but it only costs one hundred and thirty yuan here!

   In addition to the wizard ball, there are other things, including skill jade, wizard carrying props, evolution stone, etc., which are all sold here, and the price is very cheap.

   Of course, although it is cheap, not everyone can buy it.

   If you want to buy something, as mentioned above, you need "points".

   And how do I get points?

   is very simple, fight!

   There is a super large battle field in the Arizona Mall. After paying for the card and paying the registration fee, you can participate in the game inside.

   The game is a points system. One win will get one point, and one lose will deduct two points. Points cannot be transferred between players, but they can be purchased. If the points are zero or less than three points, you can go to the designated place to buy points, but you can only buy three points at most. For example, if you still have two points, then you can only buy one point, one point, you can buy two point.

   Of course, buying points is naturally not cheap. After all, this mall is not for charity, and the money must be earned from elsewhere.

   As for worrying if others will buy it?

   What is there to worry about? The expensive elven props sold outside can save a lot of money if you buy it here. A trainer with a bit of strength, who wouldn’t come to try it?

  Elf training is very expensive. I could only buy two items, but I can buy three here!

   If you have the strength, that is really blood!

  Good elves carry props can sell for tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions!

   Here, you can save nearly half of the money. If you buy one million, you can save about three to four hundred thousand dollars!

   And even if you don’t use it, can’t you sell it to others?

   I bought it for 600,000 and sold it for 900,000, right? Doesn't this make 300,000 for nothing? Who doesn't want to break into such a good thing?

   And the key is that the opponent you are playing against is not an official fixed opponent. In this way, many trainers with average strength, not weak or strong, and some gamblers who want to try their luck will not miss it.

Although there are restrictions on the number of exchanges for each person, such as dividing the things that can be exchanged into several levels, setting the lowest level of poke balls, injury medicine, etc. can be exchanged 50 times, and after 50 poke balls, they cannot be exchanged It’s hurting, and other levels have set the same frequency.

   But this is just to put an end to large-scale reselling to make money. It is enough to use some props by yourself, and it is not a problem to sell the rest for a small profit.

   "Sure enough, there is no treacherous business, this thing is really expensive!" Standing at the front desk to apply for the card, Zhou Jiang did not hesitate the front desk clerk lady sister in front, holding the freshly baked information card with emotion.

  The enchanting blond and blue-eyed young lady didn't pay attention to Zhou Jiang's words, but still looked at everyone with a smile. Since being transferred to the current station here, she doesn't know how many times she has heard the same thing, but this time the complaint has been changed to another language.

   "Give me one too."

   "Huh?" Some familiar cold voices came from the side, Zhou Jiang stopped feeling emotional, turned his head and found that Zhou Jia had walked up to him at some point, and looked at the front desk lady through the counter.

   "Huh? Will Jiajia want to play too?" Lin Jiyun asked behind him.

   "Yeah." Zhou Jia nodded and continued to look at the young lady at the front desk, and handed over her ID card and other things.

   The young lady at the front desk glanced at the people behind Zhou Jia. Seeing that they didn't say anything, she also accepted the materials and processed it for her.

   "Does Jiajia have any money? How about letting brother..."

   Lin Jiyun was interrupted by Zhou Jia before he finished speaking, "No, I have money!"

   Zhou Jiang standing on the side raised his eyebrows, and there was no emotional fluctuation in Zhou Jia's eyes.

   He had long given up on Zhou Jia's "Raiders". Although regretted that he didn't even have a cute sister after crossing, he wouldn't die without a sister.

   What he likes is just the cute two-dimensional sister, like her now?

   There is only one sentence from Zhou Jiang delivered.

   He still feels dead.

   At first, I thought there was a possibility of a "strategy", and in order to get a relationship, she gave the golden quality ugly fish to Shui Qingrou, and then she gave it to Zhou Jia.

  Think about it now, really vomiting blood!

   Both purposes are useless now.

   "Raiders" He doesn't want to "Raiders" anymore, so he loves it. And climb the relationship to find a backer... At the beginning he didn't expect that he would "fly" so fast, so soon he didn’t need a backer at the level of the working king. Now thinking about sending out the golden ugly fish, it is really a loss. It’s bursting, it’s better to give Zhou Nan than to Zhou Jia, even if you don’t give Zhou Nan to your future girlfriend...

   Zhou Jiang did not face them diagonally at this time, so he could catch a glimpse of Zhou Nan and others behind.

   When he turned his head, he saw his mother Lin Jiyun winking at him, and the meaning was obvious, asking him to take the initiative to help Zhou Jia pay for the formalities, but at this time, how could Zhou Jiang, who had already seen it through, take the initiative to help her?

   You ignore me? I don't care about you too much!

  The eyes are not clear, so he just turned his head and stopped looking at her.

   Although he turned his head and didn't look at her again, Zhou Jiang's Yu Guang could still see her. He noticed her and sighed slightly, and then looked at Zhou Nan's mother Chen Manwen inexplicably.

   Looking at the two of them, and don't know why, Zhou Jiang suddenly felt a little strange, and he cared about it. He always felt that there was something he didn't know.

   Zhou Jiang and Zhou Jia have a contradiction. This can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye. As the mother of the two, Lin Jiyun naturally knows it.

   Although he thinks that her purpose is to reconcile with Zhou Jia, but he doesn't know why, it always feels strange?

   is looking at Zhou Nan's mother who is "outsider"?

   But the two families are friends with each other, and the relationship between the two of them is also very good. It should be no problem to discuss this kind of housework with her, right?

   But if this is not the problem, then what is it...

   Still say I think too much?

   After thinking for a long time and didn't think of anything, Zhou Jiang secretly shook his head after finding out that Zhou Jia's procedures had also been completed, and stopped thinking about it.

   Since I haven't figured it out, I don't want to. There is no information. It is not a wise choice to consume brain cells.

   If you care, just pay attention to it later.

There are not many people who want to play this. Zhou Jiang, Zhou Nan and Tian Zhengjie have to sign up, and Zhou Jiang is the last one to go through the After him, Zhou Jia who wants to join suddenly After her procedures were completed, there was no one left.

   Now that everything is done, the few people will not stay longer. Time is limited, so let's go in and play quickly, otherwise there will be no other places to go shopping after such a day.

   I finally have time to come to the eighth district of "Little M Country", how can I go shopping? It would be a shame to stay in one place and play like this.

   Following the guidance of the young lady at the front desk, everyone walked in the direction of the battle zone inside.

   There are two major areas in the Arizona Mall, one is the shopping area, and the other is the battle area.

The shopping area is divided into two communities. One is an ordinary shopping area, where anyone can buy it. There are not only ordinary food and daily necessities, but also wizard items, but the prices are the same as those in the outside store. The same normal price.

   In addition to the "normal area", there is also the VIP area. VIP is the "honor" title that Zhou Jiang and the others have obtained after applying for a card before. The VIP area is the area where you can buy discounts with points.

And in the battle zone that is not as close as the shopping area, there are dozens of formal super-large battlefields for "VIPs" to use. There are all the necessary facilities inside, and there are tickets to enter and watch. The auditorium of the game.

   Even though the Battle Island has not yet been fully opened, the eighth district has not yet been completed, but the daily passenger flow of the Arizona Mall is still terrifying.

   It can be said that the Arizona Mall is like a handle in the buildings in the eighth district.


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