see me?

Zhou Jiang looked at the foreign referee in a daze.

Perhaps seeing Zhou Jiang's doubts, the foreign referee smiled and said, "It is our chairman who wants to see you."


Zhou Jiang frowned. He didn't remember any foreign sensible he knew, and he was also the chairman of the Arizona Mall.

Zhou Jiang was silent for a moment, and the foreign referee didn't urge him. He just waited quietly, waiting for Zhou Jiang's decision.

Jin Daijie, who had already reached the elevator over there, turned her head and looked at Zhou Jiang and the others, not knowing what they were talking about.

But she didn't think too much, no matter what she was doing, it had nothing to do with her defeated.

The elevator came up, and when the door opened, she walked straight away without hesitation. After walking into the elevator, she turned around and looked at the two people who still didn’t know what they were talking about. After thinking for two seconds, she pressed Button to close the door.

"Okay, how to go." Zhou Jiang thought for a while, and thought he should go and take a look.

In any case, the Arizona Mall can be so big, the energy is definitely not small, knowing is no harm, and maybe he was spotted when he came here, otherwise, how could he be so lucky all of a sudden Are you eligible for the match?

Zhou Jiang guessed that the chairman might be interested in his strength, but he just didn't know if he wanted to cooperate with him.

After getting Zhou Jiang's answer, the foreign referee smiled slightly and said, "Please follow me."

With that said, he walked towards the elevator for internal employees which was shot at the innermost point.

Zhou Jiang was a little surprised. He didn't expect the referee to take him directly. He thought he would tell him the route directly but let him go by himself.

But he didn't think much about it. It is better for someone to take it with him than to touch it blindly. After all, he is silly, turning left or right, and he will be dizzy if he can turn.

It’s much more comfortable for someone to take it with them, and there is no need to spend more brain cells remembering how to turn.

As for what will happen to the referee after he leaves on the 7th field... Does it matter to him?

He didn't pull it away, and it's impossible to have just a few referees in the huge Arizona Mall, right? There is always something to replace, right? People have three urgency, if there is no substitute, what should someone do suddenly.

Let the referee in charge of another venue on the same floor help?

This is naturally impossible. After the game starts, the referee's responsibility is to stare at the elves fighting on the field, and not to be distracted. Otherwise, what if the game goes wrong?

For example, an elf fainted for eleven seconds, then woke up and stood up to continue fighting.

This exceeded the limit of ten seconds. It should have been judged that it lost the ability to fight and the game ended. As a result, the referee was absent and the game continued.

There is a difference of one second between ten and eleven seconds, but trainers will not notice if they are not specially trained referees. After all, the error is only one second.

But according to the rule, it is this second that will tell the winner.

If it had an overwhelming advantage, it would be okay. If both sides had already made the final physical blow, then the one who climbed up again, even the spirit without much physical strength could turn defeat into victory.

Even if you turn defeat into victory, after all, if it is not exposed, then no matter what, it has nothing to do with Arizona Mall.

But if the trainer who was overturned refused to accept it afterwards, he felt that the opponent might have lost the ability to fight, and as a result, he would be unwilling to lose due to the absence of the referee.

After all, ten seconds and eleven seconds are a key point. Although I’m not sure if it’s over, anyway, he just needs to appeal and then watch the monitoring. He just needs to protest and he won’t lose anything. If you find that the one who got up really exceeded the specified time, it will be troublesome, and the trainers on both sides will blame them in the end.

If it is solved privately, it will be a blessing in misfortune, if it is stabbed out, it will be completely troublesome.


The foreign referee swiped the card on a card reader outside the elevator, and then the elevator started up, and soon the elevator car came to the fourth floor where they were.

"Let's go."

The foreign referee glanced at Zhou Jiang and walked in first.

Zhou Jiang shrugged indifferently and stepped in.

The elevator doors merged slowly, Zhou Jiang saw that an elevator door on the opposite side was opening, and a trainer walked out of it, but this had nothing to do with Zhou Jiang. The elevator door was already closed.

Zhou Jiang glanced at the round elevator buttons next to him, and the button ① was illuminated with orange light.

Zhou Jiang looked at the foreign referee in surprise, and asked, "First floor?"

Hearing Zhou Jiang's voice, the foreign referee also looked at him in surprise, "Of course it is the first floor. This building is only for combat. Wouldn't you think that the chairman's office is here?"

"Uh...cough cough, that's not the case, I thought there were other passages that could go straight through, but I didn't expect to have to go to the first floor and change to the elevator."

The foreign referee nodded and said: "There are other passages, but it's more troublesome than going directly to the first floor and transferring here."

Zhou Jiang nodded, and when he saw that he didn't say any more, he didn't ask any more, and the point was that the elevator had reached the first floor.

The elevators used by the employees and the elevators used by civilians are all together, so when they reach the first floor, they naturally return to that room.

Before the elevator doors opened, he heard the noise outside.

The elevator doors were opened, and because there was no movement, those who were standing far away watching the game with their backs to them did not notice them.

With a soft "let's go", the foreign referee took the lead and walked outside.

Although he didn't know why the chairman would be interested in a trainer with good strength from China, he even came to the monitoring room to send him an order to bring Zhou Jiang over, but he did not become unnecessarily curious about it. .

He knows the energy of the boss behind this place called "shopping center". If a non-national person can build such a large-scale shopping mall in the eighth district of country M, where can the energy behind it be so small?

He has never dared to be too curious about the things of those big people. A Chinese proverb "curiosity kills a cat" is what he learned from a former colleague...

"Here." Standing outside a red wooden door, the foreign referee looked at Zhou Jiang, "That's it, you go in, I'll go back first."

The foreign referee didn't wait much for a moment. After bringing Zhou Jiang to the destination, he hurriedly left. Looking at his back, Zhou Jiang was a little confused, so panicked?

It wasn't until the back of the foreign referee disappeared from the corner that Zhou Jiang took his gaze away from him, and turned to look at the wooden door in front, the "doorplate" on it-the chairman's room.

Taking a deep breath, Zhou Jiang stretched out his hand and gently knocked on the mahogany door with his **** knuckle.

"Come in!"

A slight sound came from the door, but it was still caught by Zhou Jiang's ears.

Hearing the sound, Zhou Jiang frowned slightly, always feeling a little familiar. Where did he hear it?

But he didn't think too much, after all, it is not good to let others wait.

Pushing the door open, Zhou Jiang saw what it looked like inside.

The decoration of the office is indeed luxurious, but Zhou Jiang's attention is not on the decoration, but the person sitting on the sofa in the middle of the office and the chair behind the desk!

"Long time no see!" Chen Kun, sitting on the sofa, got up and walked towards Zhou Jiang with a smile.

Zhou Jiang's mouth opened slightly. He didn't know what to say. Of course, it was not because of shock. Although there is a little bit of surprise, after all, he can see acquaintances here, but it is not the key. The key is that he has forgotten who he is. Up!

He only remembered meeting him, where he had seen him, but let him know what his name was...

This is embarrassing...

However, Zhou Jiang's reaction was also very fast. If you don't remember, you won't remember the name, just remember the others, so let's talk about it first.

After reacting, he pretended to be an old friend who hadn't contacted him for a long time, and said to him, "It's been a long time since I saw you. I didn't expect to meet you here."

As he said, he shook hands with Chen Kun who came to him.

"Haha, it's fine if you haven't forgotten me. I thought you forgot me." Chen Kun laughed and patted Zhou Jiang on the shoulder, then closed the door and embraced him and walked inside, saying while walking: "Come on, sit inside and sit inside."

Zhou Jiang reluctantly pulled out a smile. Seriously, if he hadn't seen him now, he would have really forgotten him, and he would have almost forgotten his promise to himself...

Following Chen Kun to the sofa and sit down, Zhou Jiang glanced at Luo Mingfei who was sitting behind the desk and drinking tea.

It just so happened that Luo Mingfei was also looking at him, and the two looked at each other, and they said hello when they nodded friendly.

For Chen Kun, he just forgot his name, and for Luo Mingfei he forgot more thoroughly, only remembering that he met him when he met Chen Kun, and his impression of him was not good, and everything else was forgotten.

However, although he had a bad impression of him before, he would not show it. After all, judging from where they sit now, it is obvious that the chairman of the Arizona Mall is Luo Mingfei, not "old friend" Chen Kun.

After the two sat down on the sofa, Chen Kun asked Luo Mingfei to take a set of tea cups to Zhou Jiang, and personally poured him a cup of tea, which made Zhou Jiang somewhat "flattered."

Zhou Jiang remembered that Chen Kun was the big boss, and he was not the kind of nouveau riche. He poured tea for himself, which was really "a big gift."

Persecution phobia, conspiracy theories.

Zhou Jiang has both of these. Although they are only minor, he usually just thinks about them in his head. But now, the "conspiracy theory" may really be established.

He thought that the conditions he had exploded were not enough for Chen Kun to treat himself like this. What is his identity?

Prospective college students who just graduated from high school.

In terms of strength, it is indeed against the sky. He estimates that Chen Kun knows his "real" strength and can defeat the new generation of museum owners. This kind of news should not be a secret to him.

In other words, his strength is at the level of the king of heaven, but there are very few trainers at the level of the king of heaven in China and the whole world, but it will not be so rare.

Few are the serving kings of the alliance!

It's just the difference between two words, one is in-service and the other is non-in-service, the combat effectiveness between the two can be described by the difference between them.

Judging from Zhou Jiang's memory, Chen Kun is very, very wealthy, perhaps similar to the "Chinese Hidden Family" in the urban novels read in his previous life.

It stands to reason that he shouldn't be so passionate about himself, and he personally brought the tea set and poured the tea himself...

Generally speaking, this must be asking him?

Or is this the way people in this world are?

Probably not...

It stands to reason that no matter how biased, it will not be biased to this degree.

Zhou Jiang took a sip of the tea lightly, with many thoughts in his mind.

"How about this tea?" Chen Kun also took a sip, looked at Zhou Jiang and said with a smile.

To be honest, Zhou Jiang always felt uncomfortable looking at his smile, but he still answered his question, nodded and said: "Tea is good."

Naturally, he doesn't know how to taste tea. He thinks that the good ones are the same as the average ones. As long as they are not bad, there is not much difference in other feelings.

And he didn't work hard in this area, so he didn't know how to praise it, such as what kind of fragrance, the fragrance of lips and teeth, etc.

He still doesn't like to do things he is not sure about rashly, especially flattering, wrong shots, and photos on the legs of a horse, embarrassing not only himself, but also others.

Hearing Zhou Jiang's evaluation, Chen Kun smiled slightly, knowing that he didn't have much research on this, so there was no more discussion in this area.

After a pause, Chen Kun gently put down his tea cup and smiled: "Speaking of which, it is really fate. When we first met, it was similar to this, right? In City S, you were also playing games at the beginning. ..."

Chen Kun said Zhou Jiang could only smile and nod, responding to him with "um" and "ah" from time to time, without even having a chance to drink tea.

Although he is a little impatient, he never put these things on his face for "strangers", and no matter how curious he is, he will not take the initiative to ask questions, such as why he was called, He didn't think he was just talking to him to relive the past.

After all, he was drawn to the game just after he signed up and was drawn to the game. This is very likely to be done by them. This is not like something that should be done before the renewal.

The acting skills over the years have made his smile impeccable, as if he was really listening to him word by word.

However, even if it is pretending to look like it is just pretending, it is different from the real nature. Chen Kun and Luo Mingfei can naturally feel it if there is nothing.

"Okay, okay." Finally, Luo Mingfei, who was still sitting behind the desk, couldn't help it, and interrupted Chen Kun's muttering.

After drinking the tea in the cup, Luo Mingfei got up from the chair and strode towards Zhou Jiang. He stood still under Zhou Jiang’s puzzled gaze, and then stretched out his hand to look at him and said: "Hello, Zhou Mr……"

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